Pascale Vonaesch

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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45 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
Fecal carriage of ESBL-producing E. coli and genetic characterization in rural children and livestock in the Somali region, Ethiopia: a one health approach.
Muhummed A., Alemu A., Hosch S., Osman Y., Tschopp R., Yersin S., Schindler T., Hattendorf J., Zinsstag J., Cissé G. et al., 2024/12/18. Antimicrobial resistance and infection control, 13 (1) p. 148. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure of gut bacterial isolates to the anthelminthic drugs, ivermectin and moxidectin, leads to antibiotic-like phenotypes of growth inhibition and adaptation.
Dommann J., Keiser J., Garneau J., Gandelin A., Casanova C., Keller P.M., Sayasone S., Vonaesch P., Schneeberger PHH, 2024/11/25. Communications biology, 7 (1) p. 1566. Peer-reviewed.
Small intestinal microbiota: from taxonomic composition to metabolism.
Yersin S., Vonaesch P., 2024/10. Trends in microbiology, 32 (10) pp. 970-983. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic outcomes in obese mice undergoing one-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) with a long or a short biliopancreatic limb.
Lazaridis I.I., Bosch AJT, Keller L., Low AJY, Tamarelle J., Moser S.O., Winter D.V., Gómez C., Peterson C.J., Schneider R. et al., 2024/06/01. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, 326 (6) pp. E819-E831. Peer-reviewed.
Social Transfers for Exclusive Breastfeeding (STEB) Intervention in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Sonephet S., Kounnavong S., Zinsstag L., Vonaesch P., Sayasone S., Siengsounthone L., Odermatt P., Fink G., Wallenborn J.T., 2024/05/03. JMIR research protocols, 13 pp. e54768. Peer-reviewed.
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Rural Communities Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change in Adadle District, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A Mixed-Methods Study.
Muhummed A.M., Alemu A., Maidane Y.O., Tschopp R., Hattendorf J., Vonaesch P., Zinsstag J., Cissé G., 2024/03/22. Antibiotics, 13 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Ectopic colonization by oral bacteria as an emerging theme in health and disease.
Hernández-Cabanyero C., Vonaesch P., 2024/03/01. FEMS microbiology reviews, 48 (2). Peer-reviewed.
From microbiome composition to functional engineering, one step at a time.
Burz S.D., Causevic S., Dal Co A., Dmitrijeva M., Engel P., Garrido-Sanz D., Greub G., Hapfelmeier S., Hardt W-D, Hatzimanikatis V. et al., 2023/12/20. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, 87 (4) pp. e0006323. Peer-reviewed.
Gut microbiomes of agropastoral children from the Adadle region of Ethiopia reflect their unique dietary habits.
Yersin S., Garneau J.R., Schneeberger PHH, Osman K.A., Cercamondi C.I., Muhummed A.M., Tschopp R., Zinsstag J., Vonaesch P., 2023/12/01. Scientific reports, 13 (1) p. 21342. Peer-reviewed.
Whole-genome sequencing for One Health surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in conflict zones: a case study of Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. in the West Bank, Palestine.
Abukhattab S., Hosch S., Abu-Rmeileh NME, Hasan S., Vonaesch P., Crump L., Hattendorf J., Daubenberger C., Zinsstag J., Schindler T., 2023/09/28. Applied and environmental microbiology, 89 (9) pp. e0065823. Peer-reviewed.
Factors Associated with Carriage of Enteropathogenic and Non-Enteropathogenic Viruses: A Reanalysis of Matched Case-Control Data from the AFRIBIOTA Site in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Razanajatovo I.M., Andrianomiadana L., Habib A., Randrianarisoa M.M., Razafimanjato H., Rakotondrainipiana M., Andriantsalama P., Randriamparany R., Andriamandimby S.F., Vonaesch P. et al., 2023/08/02. Pathogens, 12 (8) p. 1009. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and associated risk factors of intestinal parasitic infections among children in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in the Adadle woreda of the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia.
Lanker K.C., Muhummed A.M., Cissé G., Zinsstag J., Hattendorf J., Yusuf R.B., Hassen S.B., Tschopp R., Vonaesch P., 2023/07. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 17 (7) pp. e0011448. Peer-reviewed.
A MALDI-TOF MS library for rapid identification of human commensal gut bacteria from the class Clostridia.
Asare P.T., Lee C.H., Hürlimann V., Teo Y., Cuénod A., Akduman N., Gekeler C., Afrizal A., Corthesy M., Kohout C. et al., 2023. Frontiers in microbiology, 14 p. 1104707. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum: A MALDI-TOF MS library for rapid identification of human commensal gut bacteria from the class Clostridia.
Asare P.T., Lee C.H., Hürlimann V., Teo Y., Cuénod A., Akduman N., Gekeler C., Afrizal A., Corthesy M., Kohout C. et al., 2023. Frontiers in microbiology, 14 p. 1208177. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics and consequences of nutrition-related microbial dysbiosis in early life: study protocol of the VITERBI GUT project.
Tamarelle J., Creze M.M., Savathdy V., Phonekeo S., Wallenborn J., Siengsounthone L., Fink G., Odermatt P., Kounnavong S., Sayasone S. et al., 2023. Frontiers in nutrition, 10 p. 1111478. Peer-reviewed.
The eukaryome of African children is influenced by geographic location, gut biogeography, and nutritional status.
Vonaesch P., Billy V., Mann A.E., Morien E., Habib A., Collard J.M., Dédé M., Kapel N., Sansonetti P.J., Parfrey L.W. et al., 2023. microLife, 4 pp. uqad033. Peer-reviewed.
Could a Shigella vaccine impact long-term health outcomes?: Summary report of an expert meeting to inform a Shigella vaccine public health value proposition, March 24 and 29, 2021.
Bagamian K.H., Puett C., Anderson J.D., Muhib F., Pecenka C., Behrman J., Breiman R.F., Edoka I., Horton S., Kang G. et al., 2022/12. Vaccine, 12 p. 100218. Peer-reviewed.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with a long versus a short biliopancreatic limb improves weight loss and glycemic control in obese mice
Schneider Romano, Kraljević Marko, Peterli Ralph, Rohm Theresa V., Bosch Angela J.T., Low Andy J.Y., Keller Lena, AlAsfoor Shefaa, Häfliger Simon, Yilmaz Bahtiyar et al., 2022/11. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 18 (11) pp. 1286-1297. Peer-reviewed.
Stunted children display ectopic small intestinal colonization by oral bacteria, which cause lipid malabsorption in experimental models.
Vonaesch P., Araújo J.R., Gody J.C., Mbecko J.R., Sanke H., Andrianonimiadana L., Naharimanananirina T., Ningatoloum S.N., Vondo S.S., Gondje P.B. et al., 2022/10/11. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (41) pp. e2209589119. Peer-reviewed.
Putative Biomarkers of Environmental Enteric Disease Fail to Correlate in a Cross-Sectional Study in Two Study Sites in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Vonaesch P., Winkel M., Kapel N., Nestoret A., Barbot-Trystram L., Pontoizeau C., Barouki R., Rakotondrainipiana M., Kandou K., Andriamanantena Z. et al., 2022/08/12. Nutrients, 14 (16) p. 3312. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with anaemia among preschool- age children in underprivileged neighbourhoods in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Randrianarisoa M.M., Rakotondrainipiana M., Randriamparany R., Andriantsalama P.V., Randrianarijaona A., Habib A., Robinson A., Raharimalala L., Hunald F.A., Etienne A. et al., 2022/07/09. BMC public health, 22 (1) p. 1320. Peer-reviewed.
High prevalence of small intestine bacteria overgrowth and asymptomatic carriage of enteric pathogens in stunted children in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Collard J.M., Andrianonimiadana L., Habib A., Rakotondrainipiana M., Andriantsalama P., Randriamparany R., Rabenandrasana MAN, Weill F.X., Sauvonnet N., Randremanana R.V. et al., 2022/05. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16 (5) pp. e0009849. Peer-reviewed.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Integrated Studies on Salmonella and Campylobacter Prevalence, Serovar, and Phenotyping and Genetic of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Middle East-A One Health Perspective.
Abukhattab S., Taweel H., Awad A., Crump L., Vonaesch P., Zinsstag J., Hattendorf J., Abu-Rmeileh NME, 2022/04/19. Antibiotics, 11 (5) p. 536. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in Systemic Regulatory T Cells, Effector T Cells, and Monocyte Populations Associated With Early-Life Stunting.
Andriamanantena Z., Randrianarisaona F., Rakotondrainipiana M., Andriantsalama P., Randriamparany R., Randremanana R., Randrianirina F., Novault S., Duffy D., Huetz F. et al., 2022. Frontiers in immunology, 13 p. 864084. Peer-reviewed.
Intestinal microbiota research from a global perspective.
Wallenborn J.T., Vonaesch P., 2022. Gastroenterology report, 10 pp. goac010. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-feeding between intestinal pathobionts promotes their overgrowth during undernutrition.
Huus K.E., Hoang T.T., Creus-Cuadros A., Cirstea M., Vogt S.L., Knuff-Janzen K., Sansonetti P.J., Vonaesch P., Finlay B.B., 2021/11/25. Nature communications, 12 (1) p. 6860. Peer-reviewed.
Factors Associated with Stunted Growth in Children Under Five Years in Antananarivo, Madagascar and Bangui, Central African Republic
Vonaesch Pascale, Djorie Serge Ghislain, Kandou Kaleb Jephté Estimé, Rakotondrainipiana Maheninasy, Schaeffer Laura, Andriatsalama Prisca Vega, Randriamparany Ravaka, Gondje Bolmbaye Privat, Nigatoloum Synthia, Vondo Sonia Sandrine et al., 2021/10. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 25 (10) pp. 1626-1637.
Systematic review and meta-analysis of integrated studies on antimicrobial resistance genes in Africa-A One Health perspective.
Escher N.A., Muhummed A.M., Hattendorf J., Vonaesch P., Zinsstag J., 2021/10. Tropical medicine & international health, 26 (10) pp. 1153-1163. Peer-reviewed.
High prevalence of intestinal parasite infestations among stunted and control children aged 2 to 5 years old in two neighborhoods of Antananarivo, Madagascar
Habib Azimdine, Andrianonimiadana Lova, Rakotondrainipiana Maheninasy, Andriantsalama Prisca, Randriamparany Ravaka, Randremanana Rindra Vatosoa, Rakotoarison Rado, Vigan-Womas Inès, Rafalimanantsoa Armand, Vonaesch Pascale et al., 2021/04/20. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (4) pp. e0009333.
Immunoglobulin recognition of fecal bacteria in stunted and non-stunted children: findings from the Afribiota study.
Huus K.E., Rodriguez-Pozo A., Kapel N., Nestoret A., Habib A., Dede M., Manges A., Collard J.M., Sansonetti P.J., Vonaesch P. et al., 2020/07/27. Microbiome, 8 (1) p. 113. Peer-reviewed.
Stunted childhood growth is associated with decompartmentalization of the gastrointestinal tract and overgrowth of oropharyngeal taxa.
Vonaesch P., Morien E., Andrianonimiadana L., Sanke H., Mbecko J.R., Huus K.E., Naharimanananirina T., Gondje B.P., Nigatoloum S.N., Vondo S.S. et al., 2018/09/04. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (36) pp. E8489-E8498. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying the etiology and pathophysiology underlying stunting and environmental enteropathy: study protocol of the AFRIBIOTA project.
Vonaesch P., Randremanana R., Gody J.C., Collard J.M., Giles-Vernick T., Doria M., Vigan-Womas I., Rubbo P.A., Etienne A., Andriatahirintsoa E.J. et al., 2018/07/19. BMC pediatrics, 18 (1) p. 236. Peer-reviewed.
Pathogens, microbiome and the host: emergence of the ecological Koch's postulates.
Vonaesch P., Anderson M., Sansonetti P.J., 2018/05/01. FEMS microbiology reviews, 42 (3) pp. 273-292. Peer-reviewed.
MUB<sub>40</sub> Binds to Lactoferrin and Stands as a Specific Neutrophil Marker.
Anderson M.C., Chaze T., Coïc Y.M., Injarabian L., Jonsson F., Lombion N., Selimoglu-Buet D., Souphron J., Ridley C., Vonaesch P. et al., 2018/04/19. Cell chemical biology, 25 (4) pp. 483-493.e9. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with stunting in healthy children aged 5 years and less living in Bangui (RCA)
Vonaesch Pascale, Tondeur Laura, Breurec Sébastien, Bata Petula, Nguyen Liem Binh Luong, Frank Thierry, Farra Alain, Rafaï Clotaire, Giles-Vernick Tamara, Gody Jean Chrysostome et al., 2017/08/10. PLOS ONE, 12 (8) pp. e0182363.
Immunofluorescence Analysis of Stress Granule Formation After Bacterial Challenge of Mammalian Cells.
Vonaesch P., Sansonetti P.J., Schnupf P., 2017/07/03. Journal of visualized experiments 125. Peer-reviewed.
Shigella sonnei Encodes a Functional T6SS Used for Interbacterial Competition and Niche Occupancy.
Anderson M.C., Vonaesch P., Saffarian A., Marteyn B.S., Sansonetti P.J., 2017/06/14. Cell host & microbe, 21 (6) pp. 769-776.e3. Peer-reviewed.
Shigella flexneri modulates stress granule composition and inhibits stress granule aggregation.
Vonaesch P., Campbell-Valois F.X., Dufour A., Sansonetti P.J., Schnupf P., 2016/12. Cellular microbiology, 18 (12) p. 1892. Peer-reviewed.
Shigella flexneri modulates stress granule composition and inhibits stress granule aggregation.
Vonaesch P., Campbell-Valois F.X., Dufour A., Sansonetti P.J., Schnupf P., 2016/07. Cellular microbiology, 18 (7) pp. 982-997. Peer-reviewed.
Diet and specific microbial exposure trigger features of environmental enteropathy in a novel murine model.
Brown E.M., Wlodarska M., Willing B.P., Vonaesch P., Han J., Reynolds L.A., Arrieta M.C., Uhrig M., Scholz R., Partida O. et al., 2015/08/04. Nature communications, 6 p. 7806. Peer-reviewed.
MLVA-typing on Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 isolated from meningitis cases in Niger before the introduction of PCV-13 revealed a low genetic diversity.
Alio Sanda A., Granger Farbos A., Hamidou A.A., Vonaesch P., Jusot J.F., Koeck J.L., Collard J.M., 2015/07. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 109 (7) pp. 477-480. Peer-reviewed.
The Salmonella Typhimurium effector protein SopE transiently localizes to the early SCV and contributes to intracellular replication.
Vonaesch P., Sellin M.E., Cardini S., Singh V., Barthel M., Hardt W.D., 2014/12. Cellular microbiology, 16 (12) pp. 1723-1735. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative insights into actin rearrangements and bacterial target site selection from Salmonella Typhimurium infection of micropatterned cells.
Vonaesch P., Cardini S., Sellin M.E., Goud B., Hardt W.D., Schauer K., 2013/11. Cellular microbiology, 15 (11) pp. 1851-1865. Peer-reviewed.
Near surface swimming of Salmonella Typhimurium explains target-site selection and cooperative invasion.
Misselwitz B., Barrett N., Kreibich S., Vonaesch P., Andritschke D., Rout S., Weidner K., Sormaz M., Songhet P., Horvath P. et al., 2012. PLoS pathogens, 8 (7) pp. e1002810. Peer-reviewed.
RNAi screen of Salmonella invasion shows role of COPI in membrane targeting of cholesterol and Cdc42.
Misselwitz B., Dilling S., Vonaesch P., Sacher R., Snijder B., Schlumberger M., Rout S., Stark M., von Mering C., Pelkmans L. et al., 2011/03/15. Molecular systems biology, 7 p. 474. Peer-reviewed.
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