Darias Holgado

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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5 publications

2024 | 2023 |
Zapping the brain to enhance sport performance? An umbrella review of the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on physical performance
Holgado Darías, Sanabria Daniel, Vadillo Miguel A., Román-Caballero Rafael, 2024/09. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 164 p. 105821. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to: Do not underestimate the cognitive benefits of exercise.
Ciria L.F., Román-Caballero R., Vadillo M.A., Holgado D., Luque-Casado A., Perakakis P., Sanabria D., 2024/08. Nature human behaviour, 8 (8) pp. 1464-1466. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the Evidential Value of Mental Fatigue and Exercise Research.
Holgado D., Mesquida C., Román-Caballero R., 2023/12. Sports medicine, 53 (12) pp. 2293-2307. Peer-reviewed.
Individualized Mental Fatigue Does Not Impact Neuromuscular Function and Exercise Performance.
Holgado D., Jolidon L., Borragán G., Sanabria D., Place N., 2023/10/01. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 55 (10) pp. 1823-1834. Peer-reviewed.
An umbrella review of randomized control trials on the effects of physical exercise on cognition.
Ciria L.F., Román-Caballero R., Vadillo M.A., Holgado D., Luque-Casado A., Perakakis P., Sanabria D., 2023/06. Nature human behaviour, 7 (6) pp. 928-941. Peer-reviewed.
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