Gautier Stauffer

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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7 publications

Surf, Sorbets et Statistiques
Stauffer Gautier, Dupouët Olivier, Damour Sébastien.
Enhancing PGA Tour Performance: Leveraging ShotlinkTM Data for Optimization and Prediction
Guillot Matthieu, Stauffer Gautier, 2023..
Multi-echelon Urban Distribution Networks: Models, Challenges and Perspectives
Ben Mohamed Imen, Labarthe Olivier, Bouchery Yann, Klibi Walid, Stauffer Gautier, 2023. p. 17 dans The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics, Routledge.
Should Sports Professionals Consider Their Adversary’s Strategy? A Case Study of Match Play in Golf
Wajge Nishad, Stauffer Gautier, 2023..
Coalition formation and cost sharing for truck platooning
Bouchery Yann, Hezarkhani Behzad, Stauffer Gautier, 2022/11. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 165 pp. 15-34. Peer-reviewed.
How many matchings cover the nodes of a graph?
Ait Ferhat Dehia, Király Zoltán, Sebő András, Stauffer Gautier, 2022/05/31. Mathematical Programming. Peer-reviewed.
Horizontal collaboration in forestry: game theory models and algorithms for trading demands
Baïou Mourad, Oriolo Gianpaolo, Stauffer Gautier, 2022..
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