Sarya Fark

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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2 publications

2022 | 2020 |
Multispecies colour polymorphisms associated with contrasting microhabitats in two Mediterranean wrasse radiations
Fark Sarya N., Gerber Steve, Alonzo Suzanne H., Kindsvater Holly K., Meier Joana I., Seehausen Ole, 2022/04. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35 (4) pp. 633-647. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation mechanism of the adult zebrafish respiratory organ to endurance training.
Messerli M., Aaldijk D., Haberthür D., Röss H., García-Poyatos C., Sande-Melón M., Khoma O.Z., Wieland FAM, Fark S., Djonov V., 2020. PloS one, 15 (2) pp. e0228333. Peer-reviewed.
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