Giorgio Zanarone

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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16 publications

Does Supply Concentration Encourage Cooperation? Evidence from Airlines
Argyres Nicholas, Gil Ricard, Zanarone Giorgio Management Science. Peer-reviewed.
Contracting to (dis)incentivize? An integrative transaction-cost approach on how contracts govern specific investments
Lo Desmond, Zanarone Giorgio, Ghosh Mrinal, 2022/08. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (8) pp. 1528-1555. Peer-reviewed.
Transparency in relational contracts
Fahn Matthias, Zanarone Giorgio, 2022/05. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (5) pp. 1046-1071.
Relationships Under Stress: Relational Outsourcing in the U.S. Airline Industry After the 2008 Financial Crisis
Gil Ricard, Kim Myongjin, Zanarone Giorgio, 2022/02. Management Science, 68 (2) pp. 1256-1277. Peer-reviewed.
The role of relationship scope in sustaining relational contracts in interfirm networks
Argyres Nicholas, Bercovitz Janet, Zanarone Giorgio, 2020/02. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (2) pp. 222-245. Peer-reviewed.
Relational Contracting in Developed Economies: Lessons From Slot Exchanges in the <scp>US</scp> Airline Industry
Gil Ricard, Kim Myongjin, Zanarone Giorgio, 2019/09. The Japanese Economic Review, 70 (3) pp. 411-421. Peer-reviewed.
Property Rights in Sequential Exchange
Arruñada Benito, Zanarone Giorgio, Garoupa Nuno, 2019/03/01. The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 35 (1) pp. 127-153. Peer-reviewed.
On the determinants and consequences of informal contracting
Gil Ricard, Zanarone Giorgio, 2018/10. Journal of Economics &amp; Management Strategy, 27 (4) pp. 726-741. Peer-reviewed.
Formal and Informal Contracting: Theory and Evidence
Gil Ricard, Zanarone Giorgio, 2017/10/13. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 13 (1) pp. 141-159. Peer-reviewed.
Endogenous enforcement institutions
Aldashev Gani, Zanarone Giorgio, 2017/09. Journal of Development Economics, 128 pp. 49-64. Peer-reviewed.
The double-edged effect of knowledge acquisition: How contracts safeguard pre-existing resources : How Contracts Safeguard Pre-Existing Resources
Zanarone Giorgio, Lo Desmond Ho-Fu, Madsen Tammy L., 2016/10. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (10) pp. 2104-2120. Peer-reviewed.
New Frontiers in Empirical Research on Informal Contracting
Gil Ricard, Zanarone Giorgio, 2016. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Contract Adaptation under Legal Constraints
Zanarone G., 2013/08/01. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 29 (4) pp. 799-834. Peer-reviewed.
Coase (1937) revisited: Endogenous fiat in firms and markets
Zanarone Giorgio, 2012/07. International Review of Economics, 59 (2) pp. 201-221. Peer-reviewed.
Vertical Restraints and the Law: Evidence from Automobile Franchising
Zanarone Giorgio, 2009/11. The Journal of Law and Economics, 52 (4) pp. 691-700. Peer-reviewed.
Institutional constraints on organizations: the case of Spanish car dealerships
Arruñada Benito, Vázquez Luis, Zanarone Giorgio, 2009/01. Managerial and Decision Economics, 30 (1) pp. 15-26. Peer-reviewed.
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