Maria Masid Barcon

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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4 publications

2024 | 2022 |
Host cell CRISPR genomics and modelling reveal shared metabolic vulnerabilities in the intracellular development of Plasmodium falciparum and related hemoparasites.
Maurizio M., Masid M., Woods K., Caldelari R., Doench J.G., Naguleswaran A., Joly D., González-Fernández M., Zemp J., Borteele M. et al., 2024/07/21. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 6145. Peer-reviewed.
PGE2 limits effector expansion of tumour-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells.
Morotti M., Grimm A.J., Hope H.C., Arnaud M., Desbuisson M., Rayroux N., Barras D., Masid M., Murgues B., Chap B.S. et al., 2024/05. Nature, 629 (8011) pp. 426-434. Peer-reviewed.
Rational strain design with minimal phenotype perturbation.
Narayanan B., Weilandt D., Masid M., Miskovic L., Hatzimanikatis V., 2024/01/24. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 723. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic partitioning of branched-chain amino acids-derived nitrogen supports renal cancer progression.
Sciacovelli M., Dugourd A., Jimenez L.V., Yang M., Nikitopoulou E., Costa ASH, Tronci L., Caraffini V., Rodrigues P., Schmidt C. et al., 2022/12/20. Nature communications, 13 (1) p. 7830. Peer-reviewed.
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