Sina Bohnacker

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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2 publications

2024 | 2020 |
A helminth enzyme subverts macrophage-mediated immunity by epigenetic targeting of prostaglandin synthesis.
Bohnacker S., Henkel FDR, Hartung F., Geerlof A., Riemer S., Prodjinotho U.F., Salah E.B., Santos Dias Mourão A, Bohn S., Teder T. et al., 2024/12/06. Science immunology, 9 (102) pp. eadl1467. Peer-reviewed.
An anti-inflammatory eicosanoid switch mediates the suppression of type-2 inflammation by helminth larval products.
de Los Reyes Jiménez M., Lechner A., Alessandrini F., Bohnacker S., Schindela S., Trompette A., Haimerl P., Thomas D., Henkel F., Mourão A. et al., 2020/04/22. Science translational medicine, 12 (540) pp. eaay0605. Peer-reviewed.
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