Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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56 publications

Regulating pressing systemic risks – but not too soon? <i>Comparative Analysis of the Implementation of Data Access Requests to Platform Data under Article 40(4) of the EU Digital Services Act</i>
Halil Defne, Kollnig Konrad, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia.
Systemic Risks of Dominant Online Platforms: A Scoping Review
Palmieri Alice, Kollnig Konrad, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia.
AI Literacy Under the AI Act: Tracing the Evolution of a Weakened Norm
Manuela Paolini e Silva, Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, Odile Ammann, 2025/01/16..
A cybersecurity strategy fit for purpose? Introducing the special issue on EU cybersecurity: Collective resilience through regulation
van Dijck Gijs, Kamara Irene, Martin Aaron, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Wolters Pieter, 2025/01. Computer Law & Security Review p. 106104.
From Analog Risk Assessment Instruments to Digital Ones: Mapping the Concerns
Vlada Druță, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Clement Guitton, Gijs van Dijck, 2024/08/20. dans Proceedings of Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects of the International Conference EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024.
A cross-cultural analysis of transparency: the interplay of law, privacy policies, and user perceptions
Xu Meihe, Jug Žiga, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2024/07/29. International Data Privacy Law.
The challenge of open-texture in law
Clement Guitton, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Simon Mayer, Gijs van Dijck, 2024/04/17. Artificial Intelligence and Law.
Discrimination for the sake of fairness by design and its legal framework
Holly Hoch, Corinna Hertweck, Michele Loi, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, 2024/04. Computer Law & Security Review.
Responsible automatically processable regulation
Clement Guitton, Simon Mayer, Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, Dimitri Van Landuyt, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Irene Kamara, Przemysław Pałka, 2024/03/28. AI & SOCIETY.
A Proxy for Assessing the Automatic Encodability of Regulation
Clement Guitton, Simon Mayer, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Kimberly Garcia, Nicoletta Fornara, 2024/03/12. dans CSLAW '24: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Science and Law.
Regulating for trust: Can law establish trust in artificial intelligence?
Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Guitton Clement, Mayer Simon, Lutz Christoph, 2023/11/30. Regulation & Governance.
Mapping the Issues of Automated Legal Systems: Why Worry About Automatically Processable Regulation?
Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Clement Guitton, Simon Mayer, 2023/09. Artificial Intelligence and Law.
Pervasive Computational Law
Clement Guitton, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Simon Mayer, Kevin Ashley, Matthias Grabmair, Galileo Sartor, Giovanni Sartor, Gijs van Dijck, 2023/07/01. IEEE Pervasive Computing.
Making sense of algorithmic profiling: user perceptions on Facebook
Büchi Moritz, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Velidi Shruthi, 2023/03/12. Information, Communication & Society, 26 (4) pp. 809-825.
Toy story or children story? Putting children and their rights at the forefront of the artificial intelligence revolution
Fosch-Villaronga E., van der Hof S., Lutz C., Tamò-Larrieux A., 2023/02. AI & SOCIETY, 38 (1) pp. 133-152.
Machine Capacity of Judgment: An interdisciplinary approach for making machine intelligence transparent to end-users
Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Andrei Ciortea, Simon Mayer, 2022/11/01. Technology in Society.
The role of consent in an algorithmic society - Its evolution, scope, failings and re-conceptualization
Custers Bart, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, van der Hof Simone, Schermer Bart, M. Sears Alan, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2022/04/22. dans Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law, Edward Elgar Publishing.
A framework to determine how and whether to implement automatically processable regulation
Guitton Clement, Tamo-Larrieux Aurelia, Mayer Simon, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Kamara Irene, Van Landuyt Dimitri, Langheinrich Marc, Pałka Przemysław, Zihlmann Zaira, 2022. Available at SSRN 4226090.
A right to repair privacy-invasive services: Is a new, more holistic European approach emerging?
Zihlmann Zaira, Garcia Kimberly, Mayer Simon, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2022. dans INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRIVACY-FRIENDLY AND TRUSTWORTHY TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIETY Zagreb, Croatia.
A typology of automatically processable regulation
Clement Guitton, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Simon Mayer, 2022/01/01. Law Innovation and Technology.
Position Paper on Ethical, Legal and Social Challenges Linked to Audio- and Video-Based AAL Solutions
Klimczuk Andrzej, Ake-Kob Alin, Aleksic Slavisa, Alexin Zoltan, Blazeviciene Aurelija, Cartolovni Anto, Colonna Liane, Dantas Carina, Fedosov Anton, Fosch Villaronga Eduard et al., 2022. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Proceedings of the GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society 2022
Čartolovni Anto, Fedosov Anton, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia (eds.), 2022..
Reaching beyond its territory-An analysis of the extraterritorial scope of European data protection law
Henseler Simon, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2022. dans Kosta Eleni, Leenes Ronald (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law, Edward Elgar.
State of the art in privacy preservation in video data
Aleksic Slavisa, Colonna Liane, Dantas Carina, Fedosov Anton, Florez-Revuelta Francisco, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Jevremovic Alexandar, Gahbiche Msakniç Hajer, Ravi Siddharth, Rexha Blerim, 2022. CA19121 GoodBrother COST Action.
Overtrusting robots: Setting a research agenda to mitigate overtrust in automation
Aroyo Alexander M., de Bruyne Jan, Dheu Orian, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Gudkov Aleksei, Hoch Holly, Jones Steve, Lutz Christoph, Sætra Henrik, Solberg Mads et al., 2021/10/14. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 12 (1) pp. 423-436.
Data Ownership and Data Access Rights : Meaningful Tools for Promoting the European Digital Single Market?
Thouvenin Florent, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2021/07/31. pp. 316-339 dans Burri Mira (eds.) Big Data and Global Trade Law, Cambridge University Press.
Artountability : Art and Algorithmic Accountability
Booth Peter, Evers Lucas, Fosch Villaronga Eduard, Rioux Vincent, Sears Alan M, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Wieringa Maranke, Lutz Christoph, McDermott Fiona, Riccio Piera, 2021. dans Hallinan Dara, Leenes Ronald, De Hert Paul (eds.) Data Protection and Privacy : Enforcing Rights in a Changing World, Bloomsbury Publishing.
Decision-making by machines: Is the ‘Law of Everything’enough?
Tamo-Larrieux Aurelia, 2021. Computer Law & Security Review.
Decision-making by machines: Is the ‘Law of Everything’enough?
Tamo-Larrieux Aurelia, 2021. Computer Law & Security Review.
Do privacy concerns about social robots affect use intentions? Evidence from an experimental vignette study
Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2021. Frontiers in Robotics and AI.
Not hardcoding but softcoding data protection
Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Mayer Simon, Zihlmann Zaira, 2021. Technology and Regulation.
State of the art on ethical, legal, and social issues linked to audio-and video-based AAL solutions-Uploaded on December 29, 2021
Ake-Kob Alin, Blazeviciene Aurelija, Colonna Liane, Čartolovni Anto, Colantonio Sara, Dantas Carina, Fedosov Anton, Florez-Revuelta Francisco, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, He Zhicheng, 2021. CA19121 GoodBrother COST Action.
The Right to Customization: Conceptualizing the Right to Repair for Informational Privacy
Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Zihlmann Zaira, Garcia Kimberly, Mayer Simon, 2021. dans Privacy Technologies and Policy: 9th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 17--18, 2021, Proceedings.
Towards privacy-friendly smart products
Garcia Kimberly, Zihlmann Zaira, Mayer Simon, Tamo-Larrieux Aurelia, Hooss Johannes, 2021. dans 2021 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST).
Innovation under pressure: Implications for data privacy during the Covid-19 pandemic
Newlands Gemma, Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Villaronga Eduard Fosch, Harasgama Rehana, Scheitlin Gil, 2020/07. Big Data & Society, 7 (2) p. 205395172097668.
Privacy and security by design: Comparing the EU and Israeli approaches to embedding privacy and security
Haber Eldar, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2020/07. Computer Law & Security Review, 37 p. 105409.
Gathering Expert Opinions for Social Robots' Ethical, Legal, and Societal Concerns: Findings from Four International Workshops
Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2020/05. International Journal of Social Robotics, 12 (2) pp. 441-458.
The chilling effects of algorithmic profiling: Mapping the issues
Büchi Moritz, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Velidi Shruthi, Viljoen Salome, 2020/04. Computer Law & Security Review, 36 p. 105367.
Go Privacy Go: Lessons Learned for Data Protection by Design and Default from Designing a Privacy-Friendly GoPiGo Toy Robot
Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Mayer Simon, Zihlmann Zaira, Hooss Johannes, 2020. dans BILETA 2020 Conference on Regulating Transitions in Technology and Law.
Towards transparency by design for artificial intelligence
Felzmann Heike, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2020. Science and Engineering Ethics.
GDPR bypass by design? Transient processing of data under the GDPR
George Damian, Reutimann Kento, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2019/09/20. International Data Privacy Law.
Excerpt of «Designing for Privacy and its Legal Framework»
Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, 2019/03/12. sui generis.
Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Designing for Privacy and its Legal Framework: Data Protection by Design and Default for the Internet of Things, Springer, 2018, 252 pp, hardcover, 149.99,ISBN978-3-319-98623-4,eBook, 109.00, ISBN 978-3-319-98624-1
Suwannakit Methinee, 2019. International Data Privacy Law.
Robots and transparency: The multiple dimensions of transparency in the context of robot technologies
Felzmann Heike, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, Tamo-Larrieux Aurelia, 2019. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine.
Transparency you can trust: Transparency requirements for artificial intelligence between legal norms and contextual concerns
Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Felzmann Heike, Villaronga Eduard, Lutz Christoph, 2019. Big Data & Society, 6 (1).
Communicating with robots: ANTalyzing the interaction between healthcare robots and humans with regards to privacy
Lutz Christoph, Tamò Aurelia, 2018. pp. 145-165 dans Guzman A. (eds.) Human-machine communication: rethinking communication, technology, and ourselves, Peter Lang.
The Privacy Implications of Social Robots: Solutions from Two Conference Workshops
Fosch-Villaronga E, Lutz C, Tamo A, 2017. dans Workshop on Privacy-Sensitive Robotics 2017.
Privacy and healthcare robots--an ant analysis
Lutz Christoph, Tamò Aurelia, 2016. We Robot.
Trials and Tribulations of a Smart World : A Swiss Take on Privacy in Smart Metering
Harasgama Rehana, Tamò Aurelia, 2016. ex/ante.
Big Brother kommt per E-Mail: Das" Sankt Galler Privacy Interaction Framework" am Beispiel des E-Mail-Trackings erklärt
Aeschlimann Lea Sophie, Harasgama Rehana, Kehr Flavius, Lutz Christoph, Milanova Veselina, Müller Severina, Strathoff Pepe, Tamò Aurelia, 2015. HSG Focus-Dossier.
Privacy through Multiple Lenses: Applying the St. Galler Privacy Interaction Framework (SG-PIF)
Lutz Christoph, Strathoff Pepe, Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, Kehr Flavius, 2015. Galler Privacy Interaction Framework (SG-PIF)(October 21, 6). ex ante.
RoboCode-Ethicists: Privacy-friendly robots, an ethical responsibility of engineers?
Lutz Christoph, Tamò Aurelia, 2015. dans Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference.
Oblivion, erasure and forgetting in the digital age
Tamò Aurelia, George Damian, 2014. J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L..
Smart Metering und Privacy by Design im Big-Data-Zeitalter: Ein Blick in die Schweiz
Tamò Aurelia, Harasgama Rehana, 2014. dans Big Data und Datenschutz -- Gegenseitige Herausforderungen, Edited by Florent Thouvenin, Rolf H. Weber, ZIK – Publikationen aus dem Zentrum für Informations- und Kommunikationsrecht der Universität Zürich.
Mainstream - Streaming als Nutzungsform der Gegenwart und der Zukunft
Brändli Sandra, Tamò Aurelia, 2013. sic!.
Unnoticed Amendment of Article 12 Paragraph 2 ESM Treaty
Tamò Aurelia, 2012. Schulden Haben, Schulden Machen: Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft. Schriftenreihe der Assistierenden der Universität St. Gallen (HSG), Stämpfli: Bern.
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