Abbas Aroua

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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33 publications

2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1994 |
Dose assessment following an overexposure of a worker at a Swiss nuclear power plant.
Bailat C.J., Laedermann J.P., Baechler S., Desorgher L., Aroua A., Bochud F.O., 2017/07/27. Journal of radiological protection, 37 (4) pp. 812-825. Peer-reviewed.
Le Coultre R., Bize J., Champendal M., Wittwer D., Ryckx N., Aroua A., Trueb P., Verdun F.R., 2016/06. Radiation protection dosimetry, 169 (1-4) pp. 221-224. Peer-reviewed.
Monte Carlo simulation of a whole-body counter using IGOR phantoms.
Bochud F.O., Laedermann J.P., Baechler S., Bailat C.J., Boschung M., Aroua A., Mayer S., 2014. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 162 (3) pp. 280-288. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure of the Swiss population to computed tomography.
Aroua A., Samara E.T., Bochud F.O., Meuli R., Verdun F.R., 2013. BMC Medical Imaging, 13 (22) pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure of the Swiss population by medical x-rays: 2008 review.
Samara E.T., Aroua A., Bochud F.O., Ott B., Theiler T., Treier R., Trueb P.R., Vader J.P., Verdun F.R., 2012/03. Health physics, 102 (3) pp. 263-270. Peer-reviewed.
An audit of diagnostic reference levels in interventional cardiology and radiology: are there differences between academic and non-academic centres?
Samara E.T., Aroua A., De Palma R., Stauffer J.C., Schmidt S., Trueb P.R., Stuessi A., Treier R., Bochud F., Verdun F.R., 2012. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 148 (1) pp. 74-82.
Exploring the use of the Swiss medical tariffication codes (TARMED) in the establishment of the frequency of radiodiagnostic examinations.
Le Coultre R., Aroua A., Samara E., Rochat M., Coendoz S., Verdun F., 2012. Swiss Medical Weekly, 142 (w13677) pp. 1-7.
Patient Radiation Risk in Interventional Cardiology
Samara E.T., Aroua A., Bochud F.O., Delabays A., Laedermann J.P., Verdun F.R., 2012. OMICS Journal of Radiology, 1 (2) pp. 1-9.
Swiss population exposure to radiation by interventional radiology in 2008.
Samara E.T., Aroua A., Bochud F.O., Bize P., Verdun F.R., 2012. Health Physics, 103 (3) pp. 317-321.
Patient dose assessment in radiology: From the dose per X-ray to the dose per examination
Le Coultre R., Samara E.T., Coendoz S., Aroua A., Verdun F., 2011. dans SSR 2011, 98th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
Protection of the Patient and the Staff from Radiation Exposure During Fluoroscopy-Guided Procedures in Cardiology
Verdun F.R., Aroua A., Samara E, Bochud F.O., Stauffer J.-C., 2011. pp. 367-378 dans Kiraç S.F. (eds.) Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis chap. 20, InTech.
The exposure of the Swiss population in diagnostic radiology
Samara E.T., Aroua A., Bochud F.P.I., Vader J.P., Trueb P.R., Verdun F., 2011. dans SSR 2011, 98th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
Criteria for establishing shielding of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) rooms.
Verdun F.R., Aroua A., Baechler S., Schmidt S., Trueb P.R., Bochud F.O., 2010/04. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 139 (1-3) pp. 403-409.
Fluoroscopy-guided procedures in cardiology: is patient exposure being reduced over time?
Samara E.T., Aroua A., Stauffer J.C., Bochud F., Verdun F.R., 2010. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 139 (1-3) pp. 271-274.
Patient doses in CT examinations in Switzerland: implementation of national diagnostic reference levels.
Treier R., Aroua A., Verdun F.R., Samara E., Stuessi A., Trueb P.R., 2010. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 142 (2-4) pp. 244-254.
Management of Radiological Short-term Complications in Interventional Radiology : How Reliable is the Cumulative Dose? : P1073
Samara E.T., Bize P., Binaghi S., Aroua A., Verdun F., 2009. dans RSNA 2009, 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting.
Patient dose management in fluoroscopy : the use of DRL : P123
Samara E., Bize P., Binaghi S., Aroua A., Trueb L., Schnyder P., Bochud F., Verdun F., 2009. pp. 5S-6S dans SGR-SSR 2009, 96th Annual Swiss Congress of Radiology, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Patient irradiation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Nichita C., Aroua A., Verdun F., Maerten P., Velin D., Ortner M., Michetti P.F., Dorta G.O., 2009. pp. 20S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Gastroenterology, Swiss Society for Visceral Surgery, Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Patient irradiation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) : P2080
Nichita C.M., Aroua A., Verdun F., Maerten P., Velin D., Ortner M., Michetti P.F., Dorta G.O.H., 2009. pp. A523 dans GASTRO 2009 UEGW/WCOG - UEGF (United European Gastroenterology Federation) and WGO (World Gastroenterology Organization), Gut.
Patient irradiation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) : S1338
Nichita C., Aroua A., Verdun F., Maerten P., Velin D., Ortner M.A., Michetti P., Dorta G., 2009. pp. AB147 dans Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Digestive Disease Week, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Peer-reviewed.
Investigations radiologiques en cardiologie: quels risques pour le patient? [Cardiac radiological investigations: what risks for the patients?]
Verdun F.R., Aroua A., Bochud F., Stauffer J.C., 2008/05/28. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (159) pp. 1325-1331. Peer-reviewed.
Quality initiatives* radiation risk: what you should know to tell your patient.
Verdun F.R., Bochud F., Gundinchet F., Aroua A., Schnyder P., Meuli R., 2008. Radiographics, 28 (7) pp. 1807-1816. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure of the Swiss population by radiodiagnostics: 2003 review.
Aroua A., Trueb P., Vader J.P., Valley J.F., Verdun F.R., 2007/05. Health physics, 92 (5) pp. 442-448. Peer-reviewed.
Procédures Thérapeutiques/THE-9 Computer tomography use in Switzerland : frequency and secular trends (1992-2004)
Midez B., Aroua A., Verdun F., Valley J., Schnyder P., Vader J., 2007/02. dans RD2007 CHUV - Research Day: Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Neutron measurements around storage casks containing spent fuel and vitrified high-level radioactive waste at ZWILAG
Buchillier T., Aroua A., Bochud F. O., 2007. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 124 (4) pp. 319-326.
Number of X-ray examinations performed on paediatric and geriatric patients compared with adult patients.
Aroua A., Bochud F.O., Valley J.F., Vader J.P., Verdun F.R., 2007. Radiation protection dosimetry, 123 (3) pp. 402-408. Peer-reviewed.
Radiation Risk: What You Should Know to Tell Your Patient
Verdun F., Bochud F., Gudinchet F., Aroua A., Schnyder P., Meuli R., 2007. dans RSNA 2007, Radiological Society of North America, 93rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting.
Computer tomography use in Switzerland: frequency and secular trends (1992-2004)
Midez B., Vader J.P., Aroua A., Verdun F.R., Valley J.F., Schnyder P., 2006. p. 206 dans 14th Annual EUPHA Meeting Politics, Policies and/or the Public's Health, European Journal of Public Health. Peer-reviewed.
Calibration and testing of a TLD dosemeter for area monitoring
Buchillier T., Aroua A., Bochud F., Schuler C., Stritt N., Valley J. F., Wernli C., 2004. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 110 (1-4) pp. 705-710.
X-ray imaging of the chest in Switzerland in 1998: a nationwide survey
Aroua Abbas, Bize Raphaël, Buchillier-Decka Ina, Vader John-Paul, Valley Jean-François, Schnyder Pierre, 2003. European Radiology, 13 (6) pp. 1250-1259. Peer-reviewed.
Dosimetric aspects of a national survey of diagnostic and interventional radiology in Switzerland.
Aroua A., Decka I., Burnand B., Vader J.P., Valley J.F., 2002. Medical Physics, 29 (10) pp. 2247-2259. Peer-reviewed.
Nation-wide survey on radiation doses in diagnostic and interventional radiology in Switzerland in 1998.
Aroua A., Burnand B., Decka I., Vader J.P., Valley J.F., 2002. Health Physics, 83 (1) pp. 46-55. Peer-reviewed.
Volume Rendering Techniques Applied to Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Aroua A., Bochud F.O., Maeder Ph.P., Meuli R.A., Valley J.-F., Verdun F.R., 1994. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 4 (1) pp. 41-45. Peer-reviewed.
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