Friedrich Stiefel

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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315 publications

Sous presse | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | ...
Focus on the blind spots of clinician-patient interactions: A critical narrative review of collusion in medical setting.
Deliyanidis S., Stiefel F.C., Bourquin C., Michaud L. Journal of health psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Challenged by patients: a qualitative study of clinical supervisions of endocrinologists conducted by psychiatric liaison clinicians.
Mazouni N., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Ludwig G., Michaud L., 2024/12/04. BMC health services research, 24 (1) p. 1539. Peer-reviewed.
Complexity in palliative care inpatients: Prevalence and relationship with the provision of care: a retrospective study
Schutzbach K., Corminboeuf Y., Wild B., Schellberg D., Stiefel F., 2024/11. Progress in Palliative Care, 32 (6) pp. 388-394.
Innovative liaison: The PENbank
Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2024/10. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 185 p. 111446.
"You'll need to settle your affairs": How the subject of death is approached by oncologists and advanced cancer patients in follow-up consultations.
Salvadé H., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2024/08. Palliative & supportive care, 22 (4) pp. 655-663. Peer-reviewed.
Communication and support of patients and caregivers in chronic cancer care: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Salmon P., Achtari Jeanneret L., Dauchy S., Ernstmann N., Grassi L., Libert Y., Vitinius F., Santini D. et al., 2024/07. ESMO open, 9 (7) p. 103496. Peer-reviewed.
Positive psychology interventions in palliative care: Cui bono?
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Michaud L., 2024/06. Palliative & supportive care, 22 (3) pp. 588-591. Peer-reviewed.
Transidentités : pertinence de l’implication des psychiatres [Transidentites : the relevance of involving psychiatrists]
Michaud L., Stiefel F., Jox R.J., Pamfile D., Brovelli S., Pécoud P., Plessen K.J., Morisod Harari M., 2024/05/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 20 (872) pp. 894-898. Peer-reviewed.
When patients and physicians get mixed up: An investigation and differential description of collusion by means of a case series of supervisions [Quand patients et cliniciens se confondent : une investigation et description différentielle de la collusion basée sur une série de cas de supervisions]
Deliyanidis Sophia, Ludwig Gundula, Saraga Michael, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2024/05. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 182 (5) pp. 454-460.
Core stories of physicians on a Swiss internal medicine ward during the first COVID-19 wave: a qualitative exploration.
Kraege V., Gavin A., Norambuena J., Stiefel F., Méan M., Bourquin C., 2024/03/29. Swiss medical weekly, 154 p. 3760. Peer-reviewed.
Oncology clinicians' feelings towards patients presented in supervision: A pre-post assessment using the feeling word checklist.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Wild B., Schellberg D., Michaud L., 2024/03. Psycho-oncology, 33 (3) pp. e6318. Peer-reviewed.
Le bruit autour de la mort augmente la solitude des mourants.
Stiefel F., Prada P., 2024/02/14. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (861) p. 331. Peer-reviewed.
Quand médecins et patients-es sont confrontés-es aux dimensions existentielles de la maladie [When physicians and patients face the existential dimensions of illness]
Stiefel F., 2024/02/14. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (861) pp. 352-355. Peer-reviewed.
What is in a chosen name? An exploratory study on the renaming experiences of transgender people
Pamfile Dana, Bourquin Céline, Michaud Laurent, Brovelli Sebastien, Pécoud Pascale, Stiefel Friedrich, 2024/01/16. International Journal of Transgender Health. Peer-reviewed.
An Advocacy for the Academic Underpinning of Psychiatric Liaison
Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2023/12/14. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
Collusion Revisited: Polyadic Collusions and Their Contextual Determinants
Stiefel F., Saraga M, Bourquin C, 2023/08/24. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
The fragility of trust between patients and oncologists: A multiple case study.
Fracheboud T., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2023/08. Palliative & supportive care, 21 (4) pp. 585-593. Peer-reviewed.
Collusion Revisited: A Narrative Review of Dyadic Collusions
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2023/06/02. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
La liaison psychiatrique d’hier à demain [Psychiatric liaison: From yesterday to tomorrow]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2023/02/15. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (814) pp. 324-327. Peer-reviewed.
Vers une liaison psychiatrique multi-niveaux [Towards a multilevel psychiatric liaison]
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2023/02/15. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (814) pp. 328-332. Peer-reviewed.
Dépistage de maladies cardiaques: les généralistes sont des acteurs clés
Stiefel Friedrich, Senn Nicolas, 2023/01/25. Bulletin des Médecins Suisses, 104 (4) p. 19.
Experiences of the medical profession: A qualitative study using narrative facilitators.
Bourquin C., Orsini S., Stiefel F., 2023. Work, 76 (4) pp. 1419-1427. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying complex patients in family medicine for potential benefit from a case manager: a short questionnaire derived from the INTERMED Self-Assessment (IMSA) questionnaire.
Cohidon C., Gallay E., Wild P., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Senn N., 2022/11/04. BMC primary care, 23 (1) p. 276. Peer-reviewed.
Calling situated: a survey among medical students supplemented by a qualitative study and a comparison with a surveyed sample of physicians.
Bonvin S., Stiefel F., Gholam M., Bourquin C., 2022/08/15. BMC medical education, 22 (1) p. 619. Peer-reviewed.
Running against the clock: a qualitative study of internal medicine residents' work experience.
Bourquin C., Monti M., Saraga M., Stiefel F., Kraege V., Gachoud D., Castioni J., Marques-Vidal P.M., Bastardot F., Méan M. et al., 2022/08/15. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30216. Peer-reviewed.
Calling: Never seen before or heard of – A survey among Swiss physicians
Simões Morgado Laura, Stiefel Friedrich, Gholam Mehdi, Bourquin Céline, 2022/06/21. Work, 72 (2) pp. 657-665. Peer-reviewed.
"Everybody distracts me and prevents me from succeeding”: A psychodynamic-oriented approach of medical students’ dreams of evaluation
Nikles Mathilde, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2022/03/31. International Journal of Dream Research. Peer-reviewed.
Le psychiatre comme « gatekeeper » : une étude qualitative sur le rôle du psychiatre dans les demandes de suicide assisté
Serra A.L., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2022/03/01. Geriatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement, 20 (1) pp. 111-120. Peer-reviewed.
Observational study of suicide in Switzerland: comparison between psychiatric in- and outpatients.
Stauffacher M. W. D., Stiefel F., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., 2022/02/28. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30140. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique I : clinique [Psychiatric liaison I : Clinical activities]
Bourquin C., Gavin A., Stiefel F., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 261-264. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique II : formation [Psychiatric liaison II: training]
Michaud L., Stiefel F., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 265-268. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique III : recherche [Psychiatric liaison III: Research]
Stiefel F., Berney A., Bourquin C., Marion-Veyron R., Tzartzas K., Saraga M., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 269-271. Peer-reviewed.
Who cares?
Stiefel F., Bondolfi G., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) p. 259. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation des besoins bio-psycho-sociaux en médecine de famille: acceptabilité de l’INTERMED Self-Assessment [Bio-Psycho-Social Needs Assessment in Family Medicine: Acceptability of the Intermed Self-Assessment]
Leckwyck Lara Van, Gallay Emilie, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, Cohidon Christine, Senn Nicolas, 2022. Praxis, 111 (3) pp. 135-140. Peer-reviewed.
Experience(s) of the medical profession: A qualitative study using narrative facilitators
Bourquin Céline, Orsini Sandy, Stiefel Friedrich, 2021/10/01..
BMI Course Over 10 Years After Bariatric Surgery and Biopsychosocial Complexity Assessed with the INTERMED: a Retrospective Study.
Corminboeuf Y., Wild B., Zdrojewski C., Schellberg D., Favre L., Suter M., Stiefel F., 2021/09. Obesity surgery, 31 (9) pp. 3996-4004. Peer-reviewed.
What symptoms tell us: A multiple case study of oncology consultations.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2021/08. Palliative & supportive care, 19 (4) pp. 421-436. Peer-reviewed.
A new kid on the block? The spiritual practitioner in the modern hospital.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Ryser P.Y., Rochat E., Saraga M., 2021/06. Palliative & supportive care, 19 (3) pp. 388-389. Peer-reviewed.
Spinning wider.
Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2021/06. BMJ evidence-based medicine, 26 (3) p. 139. Peer-reviewed.
La place du désir dans la dysphorie de genre : une étude qualitative auprès de personnes transgenres sous traitement de réassignation sexuelle
Pécoud Pascale, Stiefel Friedrich, Pamfile Dana, Bourquin Céline, 2021/04. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 179 (4) pp. 323-328. Peer-reviewed.
Le médecin, sa clinique et l’institution : s’adapter ou se situer ? [Physicians, their practice, and the institution : to adapt or to situate oneself ?]
Stiefel F., Michaud L., Saraga M., Bourquin C., 2021/02/10. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (725) pp. 289-292. Peer-reviewed.
Le médecin, sa clinique et l’institution: le cas du patient suicidaire [The physician, the clinical practice, and the institution: the suicidal patient]
Michaud L., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Saraga M., 2021/02/10. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (725) pp. 286-288. Peer-reviewed.
Quand le téléphone ne chauffe pas : les hotlines psy en situation de pandémie [When hotlines remain cold: Psychological support in the time of pandemic]
Michaud L., Bourquin C., Froté Y., Stiefel F., Saillant S., 2021/02. Annales medico-psychologiques, 179 (2) pp. 128-130. Peer-reviewed.
J'ai peur de les oublier : deuil et accompagnement chez les adolescents requérants d'asile
Sanchis Zozaya Javier, 2021. 168, Georg.
The self-assessment INTERMED predicts healthcare and social costs of orthopaedic trauma patients with persistent impairments.
Burrus C., Vuistiner P., Léger B., Stiefel F., Rivier G., Luthi F., 2021/01. Clinical rehabilitation, 35 (1) pp. 135-144. Peer-reviewed.
Rôle du psychiatre-psychothérapeute dans la prise en charge de la dysphorie de genre [Role of the psychiatrist-psychotherapist in the assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria]
Pamfile D., Soldati L., Brovelli S., Pécoud P., Ducommun I., Micali N., Stiefel F., Plessen K.J., Morisod M., Typaldou S., 2020/10/07. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (709) pp. 1877-1880. Peer-reviewed.
La psychiatrie face à la pandémie : se réinventer sans se perdre [Psychiatry in the time of pandemic : forging new ways without getting lost]
Michaud L., Stiefel F., Gasser J., 2020/04/29. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (N° 691-2) pp. 855-858. Peer-reviewed.
Differences and similarities in instant countertransference towards patients with suicidal ideation and personality disorders.
Michaud L., Ligier F., Bourquin C., Corbeil S., Saraga M., Stiefel F., Séguin M., Turecki G., Richard-Devantoy S., 2020/03/15. Journal of affective disorders, 265 pp. 669-678. Peer-reviewed.
The isolation of cancer survivors.
Danesi G., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Zaman K., Saraga M., 2020/03. European journal of cancer care, 29 (2) pp. e13194. Peer-reviewed.
Heterogeneity in diagnostic criteria does not undermine categorical diagnostic classification.<sup>✰</sup>.
Saraga M., Stiefel F., Michaud L., 2020/02/20. Psychiatry research, 286 p. 112882. Peer-reviewed.
Crise médicale, engagement clinique [Medical crisis, clinical engagement]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Saraga M., 2020/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (681) pp. 322-323. Peer-reviewed.
Le désir d’être inutile…
Stiefel F., Bondolfi G., 2020/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (681) p. 299. Peer-reviewed.
Undergraduate training in breaking bad news: A continuation study exploring the patient perspective.
Carrard V., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Schmid Mast M., Berney A., 2020/02. Psycho-oncology, 29 (2) pp. 398-405. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatric Comorbidity and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Through the Lens of the Biopsychosocial Model: A Comparative Study.
Duong H.P., Konzelmann M., Vuistiner P., Burrus C., Léger B., Stiefel F., Luthi F., 2020. Journal of pain research, 13 pp. 3235-3245. Peer-reviewed.
Suicides in Psychiatric Patients: Identifying Health Care-Related Factors through Clinical Practice Reviews.
Michaud L., Stiefel F., Moreau D., Dorogi Y., Morier-Genoud A., Bourquin C., 2020. Archives of suicide research, 24 (sup2) pp. S150-S164. Peer-reviewed.
Collusion in palliative care: an exploratory study with the Collusion Classification Grid.
Stiefel F., Nakamura K., Ishitani K., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2019/12. Palliative & supportive care, 17 (6) pp. 637-642. Peer-reviewed.
General practitioners referring patients to specialists in tertiary healthcare: a qualitative study.
Tzartzas K., Oberhauser P.N., Marion-Veyron R., Bourquin C., Senn N., Stiefel F., 2019/12/01. BMC family practice, 20 (1) p. 165. Peer-reviewed.
Anorexie mentale et trouble du comportement alimentaire selon une perspective phénoménologique : version francophone du questionnaire IDentity and EAting disorders (IDEA)
Englebert Jérôme, Minguet Eugénie, Helinski Adam, Dominé Françoise, Gebhard Sandra, Zdrojewski Catherine, Castellini Giovanni, Ricca Valdo, Mancini Milena, Stiefel Friedrich et al., 2019/11. L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 84 (4) pp. 605-616. Peer-reviewed.
Moving toward the next generation of communication training in oncology: The relevance of findings from qualitative research.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2019/11. European journal of cancer care, 28 (6) pp. e13149. Peer-reviewed.
Precision psychiatry: Promises made-Promises to be kept?
Stiefel F., Conus P., Bourquin C., 2019/09. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 53 (9) pp. 841-843. Peer-reviewed.
Symptômes médicalement non expliqués : un défi pour le clinicien.
Bondolfi G., Stiefel F., 2019/02/06. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (637) pp. 327-328. Peer-reviewed.
Une relation sous influence : phénomènes collusifs en Clinique [A relationship under the influence : collusive phenomena in clinics]
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2019/02/06. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (637) pp. 330-332. Peer-reviewed.
How physicians make sense of their experience of being involved in hospital users' complaints and the associated mediation.
Schaad B., Bourquin C., Panese F., Stiefel F., 2019/01/28. BMC health services research, 19 (1) p. 73. Peer-reviewed.
Nuance Matters.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2019/01. Journal of thoracic oncology, 14 (1) pp. e15. Peer-reviewed.
Spotlight on Japanese physicians: An exploration of their professional experiences elicited by means of narrative facilitators.
Stiefel F., Stiefel F., Terui T., Machino T., Ishitani K., Bourquin C., 2019. Work, 63 (2) pp. 269-282. Peer-reviewed.
À propos d'un trouble de l'évidence corporelle dans l'anorexie
Wykretowicz Hubert, Saraga Michael, Stiefel Friedrich, 2019/01. L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 84 (1) pp. 185-197. Peer-reviewed.
Les facteurs de rémission du trouble de l'adaptation : la parole aux patients. Une étude qualitative
Weber Gerrit, Michaud Laurent, Weber Orest, Stiefel Friedrich, Krenz Sonia, 2018/12. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 176 (10) pp. 948-953.
Training in communication of oncology clinicians: a position paper based on the third consensus meeting among European experts in 2018.
Stiefel F., Kiss A., Salmon P., Peters S., Razavi D., Cervantes A., Margulies A., Bourquin C., participants, 2018/10/01. Annals of oncology, 29 (10) pp. 2033-2036. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer : survivance ou maladie chronique
Saraga M., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2018/09. Psycho-Oncologie, 12 (3) pp. 163-166. Peer-reviewed.
Enjeux futurs de la communication et de l’enseignement de la communication en oncologie
Stiefel F., Saraga M., Bourquin C., 2018/08/12. Psycho-Oncologie, 12 (1) pp. 19-23. Peer-reviewed.
Core components of Communication Skills Training in oncology: A synthesis of the literature contrasted with consensual recommendations.
Stiefel F., de Vries M., Bourquin C., 2018/07. European journal of cancer care, 27 (4) pp. e12859. Peer-reviewed.
From facts to arguments: A study of the 2014 Swiss controversy over systematic mammography screening.
Perrenoud C., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2018/06. Patient education and counseling, 101 (6) pp. 1110-1115. Peer-reviewed.
Clinician Reflexivity Training – an alternative for clinical communication training
Stiefel Friedrich, Orsini Sandy, Bourquin Céline, 2018/03/31. Schweizer Krebsbulletin, 38 (1) pp. 31-32.
Physicians' emotion regulation during communication with advanced cancer patients.
De Vries AMM, Gholamrezaee M.M., Verdonck-de Leeuw I.M., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., Passchier J., 2018/03. Psycho-oncology, 27 (3) pp. 929-936. Peer-reviewed.
Entendre la voix du souffrant dans le bruit qui règne en médecine
Stiefel F., Bondolfi G., 2018/02/07. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (593) p. 315. Peer-reviewed.
L’hôpital comme espace et comme territoire [The hospital as space and as territory]
Stiefel F., Marion-Veyron R., Englebert J., 2018/02/07. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (593) pp. 324-326. Peer-reviewed.
Médecins-narrateurs : quel(s) récit(s) de l’expérience médicale ? [Physicians as narrators : story(ies) of the medical experience]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2018/02/07. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (593) pp. 320-322. Peer-reviewed.
Adverse Effects of "Teachable Moment" Interventions in Lung Cancer: Why Prudence Matters.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2018/02. Journal of thoracic oncology, 13 (2) pp. 151-153. Peer-reviewed.
The Collusion Classification Grid: A Supervision and Research Tool.
Stiefel F., Nakamura K., Terui T., Ishitani K., 2018/02. Journal of pain and symptom management, 55 (2) pp. e1-e3. Peer-reviewed.
Comorbidité somato-psychique dans les hôpitaux suisses de soins aigus : point de vue
Stiefel Friedrich, 2018/01/31. OBSAN Bulletin 1 pp. NA.
Au-delà de l’information partagée : « communicare » (être en relation) []
Stiefel F., Allaz A.F., 2018/01/24. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (591) pp. 181-182. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapy in the oncology setting
De Vries Mirjam, Stiefel Friedrich, 2018. pp. 145-161 dans Goerling Ute, Mehnert Anja (eds.) Psycho-oncology, Springer.
Psychotherapy in the Oncology Setting.
de Vries M., Stiefel F., 2018. Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres dans les recherches sur le cancer, 210 pp. 145-161. Peer-reviewed.
A comment to Shinjo T et al.: collusion in VSED
Stiefel Friedrich, 2017/12/28. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care pp. NA.
Adverse Effects of “Teachable Moment” Interventions in Lung Cancer: Why Prudence Matters
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2017/12/12. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 13 (2) pp. 151-153.
Individual training at the undergraduate level to promote competence in breaking bad news in oncology
Berney A., Carrard V., Schmid Mast M., Bonvin R., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2017/12. Psycho-oncology, 26 (12) pp. 2232-2237. Peer-reviewed.
Multicomponent intervention for patients admitted to an emergency unit for suicide attempt: an exploratory study
Brovellli S., Dorogi Y., Golay P., Bonsack C., Feiner A., Stiefel F., Michaud L., 2017/09/27. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8 (188) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical communication: don't forget the physician!
Stiefel F., Saraga M., Bourquin C., 2017/09. Medical education, 51 (9) p. 974. Peer-reviewed.
What medical students dream of: A standardized and data-driven approach.
Nikles Mathilde, Stiefel Friedrich, Bourquin Céline, 2017/09. Dreaming, 27 (3) pp. 177-192. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the Editor – The INTERMED as a complexity assessment and intervention tool
Stiefel Friedrich, Ferrari Silvia, Slaets Joris, 2017/07/13. BMJ Open pp. NA.
Patient satisfaction and alliance as a function of the physician's self-regulation, the physician's stress, and the content of consultation in cancer care.
De Vries AMM, Gholamrezaee M.M., Verdonck-de Leeuw I.M., Passchier J., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., de Roten Y., 2017/07. Psycho-oncology, 26 (7) pp. 927-934. Peer-reviewed.
Patients : sujets avant d’être partenaires
Schaad Béatrice, Bourquin Céline, Panese Francesco, Stiefel Friedrich, 2017/06/07. Revue médicale suisse, 13 (566) pp. 1213-1216. Peer-reviewed.
Patients : sujets avant d’être partenaires [Patients : becoming a person before being a partner]
Schaad B., Bourquin C., Panese F., Stiefel F., 2017/06/07. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (566) pp. 1213-1216. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of Biopsychosocial Complexity and Health Care Needs: Measurement Properties of the INTERMED Self-Assessment Version.
van Reedt Dortland AKB, Peters L.L., Boenink A.D., Smit J.H., Slaets JPJ, Hoogendoorn A.W., Joos A., Latour CHM, Stiefel F., Burrus C. et al., 2017/05. Psychosomatic medicine, 79 (4) pp. 485-492. Peer-reviewed.
Collusions Between Patients and Clinicians in End-of-Life Care: Why Clarity Matters.
Stiefel F., Nakamura K., Terui T., Ishitani K., 2017/04. Journal of pain and symptom management, 53 (4) pp. 776-782. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to the letter to the editor 'Integrating communication as a core skill in the global curriculum for medical oncology' by Horlait et al.
Dittrich C., Stiefel F., Kiss A., Dizon D.S., 2017/04/01. Annals of oncology, 28 (4) pp. 905-906. Peer-reviewed.
Préparation à la chirurgie bariatrique : lorsque prendre du temps n’est pas en perdre [Towards bariatric surgery : taking your time preserves you from loosing your time]
Corminboeuf Y., Rieben I., Gebhard S., Pralong F.P., Stiefel F., 2017/03/22. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (555) pp. 650-654. Peer-reviewed.
Enseignement prégradué à la communication et à la relation médecin-patient [Undergraduate training in physician-patient communication]
Berney A., Pécoud P., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2017/02/08. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (549) pp. 353-356. Peer-reviewed.
Formation à la communication clinique : malaise dans la médecine [Training in communication : medicine and its discontents]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2017/02/08. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (549) pp. 350-352. Peer-reviewed.
Neurosciences et sciences sociales : un dialogue appelé à évoluer
Bondolfi G., Stiefel F., 2017/02/08. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (549) pp. 347-348. Peer-reviewed.
Losing the "Person" in Personalized Medicine.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2017. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 86 (5) p. 300. Peer-reviewed.
Communication in oncology: now we train - but how well?
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2016/09. Annals of oncology, 27 (9) pp. 1660-1663. Peer-reviewed.
ESMO / ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Medical Oncology Edition 2016
Dittrich Christian, Kosty Michael, Jezdic Svetlana, Pyle Doug, Berardi Rossana, Bergh Jonas, El-Saghir Nagi, Lotz Jean-Pierre, Österlund Pia, Pavlidis Nicholas et al., 2016/09. ESMO Open, 1 (5) pp. e000097. Peer-reviewed.
Sense of Competence and Beliefs About Parental Roles in Mothers and Fathers as Predictors of Coparenting and Child Engagement in Mother-Father-Infant Triadic Interactions : Parental Sense of Competence, Beliefs, and Coparenting
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Frascarolo France, Stiefel Friedrich, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2016/07. Infant and Child Development, 25 (4) pp. 283-301. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation der deutschsprachigen Version des "INTERMED-Self-Assessment"- Fragebogens (IM-SA) zur Erfassung von Patienten mit komplexem Versorgungsbedarf [Evaluation of the German Version of the "INTERMED-Self-Assessment"-Questionnaire (IM-SA) to Assess Case Complexity]
Boehlen F.H., Joos A., Bergmann F., Stiefel F., Eichenlaub J., Ferrari S., Boenink A., van Reedt Dortland A., Stein B., Söllner W. et al., 2016/05. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 66 (5) pp. 180-186. Peer-reviewed.
Le médecin du futur: physician enhancement? [The physician in the future: physician enhancement?]
Stiefel F., 2016/02/10. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (505) p. 291. Peer-reviewed.
Immunosuppressive therapy after solid-organ transplantation: does the INTERMED identify patients at risk of poor adherence?
Michaud L., Ludwig G., Berney S., Rodrigues S., Niquille A., Santschi V., Favre A.S., Lange A.C., Michels A.A., Vrijens B. et al., 2016. Pharmacy practice, 14 (4) p. 822. Peer-reviewed.
La formation des médecins, entre scientificité et Bildungsroman [Medical education: between science and Bildungsroman].
Marion-Veyron R., Bourquin C., Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (505) pp. 300-302. Peer-reviewed.
Le médecin au centre: pour une approche de l'expérience vécue [Toward the lived experience of the physician].
Bourquin C., Saraga M., Marion-Veyron R., Stiefel F., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (505) pp. 293-295. Peer-reviewed.
Trois aspects de l'éthos médical [Three aspects of the medical ethos].
Saraga M., Marion-Veyron R., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (505) pp. 296-298. Peer-reviewed.
Speaking from the Inside: Challenges Faced by Communication Researchers Investigating Disease-Related Issues in a Hospital Setting.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Singy P., 2015/09. The Journal of medical humanities, 36 (3) pp. 251-255. Peer-reviewed.
Dissatisfaction of hospital patients, their relatives, and friends: Analysis of accounts collected in a complaints center.
Schaad B., Bourquin C., Bornet F., Currat T., Saraga M., Panese F., Stiefel F., 2015/06. Patient education and counseling, 98 (6) pp. 771-776. Peer-reviewed.
Pluralité des corps. 1. Les corps de La medicine [Multifaceted body. I. The bodies of medicine].
Saraga M., Bourquin C., Wykretowicz H., Stiefel F., 2015/02. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (461) pp. 385-388. Peer-reviewed.
Pluralité des corps. 2. Le corps vécu [Multifaceted body. 2. The lived body].
Wykretowicz H., Saraga M., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2015/02. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (461) pp. 389-90, 392-3. Peer-reviewed.
Pluralité des corps. 3. Les corps liés [Multifaceted body. 3. The contextualised body].
Bourquin C., Wykretowicz H., Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2015/02. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (461) pp. 394-397. Peer-reviewed.
Building legitimacy by criticising the pharmaceutical industry: a qualitative study among prescribers and local opinion leaders.
Pittet A.L., Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2015. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145 pp. w14240. Peer-reviewed.
Dépression, quelle dépression?
Marion-Veyron R., Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (491) pp. 1949-1953. Peer-reviewed.
Good cancers--bad cancers: good patients--bad patients?
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2015. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 10 (3) pp. 407-408. Peer-reviewed.
Misophonie et psychiatrie contemporaine [Misophonia and contemporary psychiatry].
Stiefel F., Michael S., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (474) p. 1088. Peer-reviewed.
Perspectives thérapeutiques dans la prise en charge de l'acouphène subjectif chronique [Therapeutic perspectives in the treatment of chronic subjective tinnitus].
Colin Tixhaj L., Sabani E., Estoppey P., Stiefel F., Maire R., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (488) pp. 1791-1795. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatrische Aspekte
Saraga Michael, Stiefel Friedrich, 2015. pp. 33-50 dans Neuenschwander Hans, Cina Christoph (eds.) Handbuch Palliativmedizin chap. 4, Verlag Hans Huber.
The lived experience of physicians: a call for research
Stiefel Friedrich, Bourquin Céline, 2015. pp. 69-73 dans Cancer Research in Switzerland, Swiss Cancer Research foundation.
Well, you have hepatic metastases: Use of technical language by medical students in simulated patient interviews.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Mast M.S., Bonvin R., Berney A., 2015. Patient Education and Counseling, 98 (3) pp. 323-330. Peer-reviewed.
Le patient est au centre! [Patient-centered care]
Stiefel F., Canuto A., 2014/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (417) p. 371. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiety and Psychological Stress Before Prenatal Screening in First-Time Mothers Who Conceived Through IVF/ICSI or Spontaneously.
Darwiche J., Lawrence C., Vial Y., Wunder D., Stiefel F., Germond M., Despland J.N., de Roten Y., 2014. Women and Health, 54 (5) pp. 474-485. Peer-reviewed.
Aptitudes communicationnelles et formations à la communication en oncologie : Discussion critique
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2014. Psycho-Oncologie, 8 (4) pp. 195-199. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing psychosocial vulnerability and care needs of pretransplant patients by means of the INTERMED.
Ludwig G., Dobe-Tauchert P., Nonnast-Daniel B., Stiefel F., de Jonge P., Lobo E., Richter R., Eckardt K.U., Hohenberger W., Weyand M. et al., 2014. Zeitschrift Für Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 60 (2) pp. 190-203. Peer-reviewed.
Clinician characteristics, communication, and patient outcome in oncology: a systematic review.
De Vries A.M., de Roten Y., Meystre C., Passchier J., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2014. Psycho-oncology, 23 (4) pp. 375-381. Peer-reviewed.
Family Alliance as a Moderator of the Link Between Maternal Postpartum Depression and Child Symptoms Assessed by Both Parents
Tissot H., Scaiola C.L., Frascarolo F., Despland J.-N., Stiefel F., Favez N., 2014. Journal of Family Issues, 35 (11) pp. 1520-1542. Peer-reviewed.
Instances d'aliénation: portrait du patient tiraillé 1. Individu et contexte [Instances of alienation: portrait of the torn patient. I. Individual and context].
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (417) pp. 373-375. Peer-reviewed.
Instances d'aliénation: portrait du patient tiraillé. 2. Dispositif médical et discours dominants [Instances of alienation: portrait of the torn patient. 2. Medical apparatus and dominant discourses].
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (417) pp. 376-379. Peer-reviewed.
Mandatory communication skills training for oncologists: enforcement does not substantially impact satisfaction.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Bernhard J., Bianchi Micheli G., Dietrich L., Hürny C., Wössmer B., Kiss A., 2014. Supportive Care In Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care In Cancer, 22 (10) pp. 2611-2614. Peer-reviewed.
Psycho-oncological interventions and psychotherapy in the oncology setting.
de Vries M., Stiefel F., 2014. Recent Results In Cancer Research. Fortschritte Der Krebsforschung. Progrès Dans Les Recherches Sur Le Cancer, 197 pp. 121-135. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic interventions in cancer care I: psychometric results of a randomized controlled trial.
Ludwig G., Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Bot M., Rousselle I., Stagno D., Luethi F., Leyvraz S., Stiefel F., 2014. Psycho-Oncology, 23 (1) pp. 65-74. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic interventions in cancer care II: a qualitative analysis of the therapists' reports.
Krenz S., Godel C., Stagno D., Stiefel F., Ludwig G., 2014. Psycho-oncology, 23 (1) pp. 75-80. Peer-reviewed.
N'abandonnez pas Philoctète! [Do not abandon Philoctetes]
Canuto A., Stiefel F., 2013/02/13. Revue medicale suisse, 9 (373) p. 347. Peer-reviewed.
"S'il vous plaît docteur, mettez-moi en arrêt"! Certificats médicaux pour raisons psychologiques ["Doctor please, give me a sick leave"!: medical certificates for psychological reasons].
Dedeystère Pobelov C., Stiefel F., Michaud L., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (373) pp. 360-2, 364. Peer-reviewed.
Care complexity, mood, and quality of life in liver pre-transplant patients.
Lobo E., Stiefel F., Söllner W., Santabarbara J., Lobo A., Huyse F., Marcos G., Michaud L., Hohenberger W., Ludwig G., 2013. Clinical Transplantation, 27 (3) pp. 417-425. Peer-reviewed.
De l'invalide à l'adunatos: réflexions sur l'invalidité et le trouble somatoforme douloureux [From disability to the adunatos: some thoughts on disability and somatoform pain disorder].
Delli Noci C., Barras V., Stiefel F., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (373) pp. 365-368. Peer-reviewed.
Live emergency negotiation with highly suicidal people attempting defenestration: a case report, review of the literature and thoughts on issues
Michaud L., Krenz Z., Stiefel F., 2013., XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention p. 279 dans Suicidologi.
Medical students' skills and needs for training in breaking bad news.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Layat C., Vadot S., Bonvin R., Berney A., 2013. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education, 28 (1) pp. 187-191. Peer-reviewed.
Psychological challenges for the oncology clinician who has to break bad news
Stiefel Friedrich, Krenz Sonia, 2013. pp. 51-62 dans Surbone Antonella (eds.) New challenges in communication with cancer patients, Springer.
Support of the dying patient : psychological issues and communication
Stiefel Friedrich, Krenz Sonia, 2013. pp. 289-314 dans Wise Thomas N., Biondi Massimo, Costantini Anna (eds.) Psycho-oncology, American Psychiatric Pub..
Working alliance in communication skills training for oncology clinicians: A controlled trial.
Meystre C., Bourquin C., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., de Roten Y., 2013. Patient Education and Counseling, 90 (2) pp. 233-238. Peer-reviewed.
Quand le "capital santé" est menacé [When well-being is threatened]
Stiefel F., 2012/02/15. Revue medicale suisse, 8 (328) pp. 347-348. Peer-reviewed.
Alexithymia in cancer patients: review of the literature.
De Vries A.M., Forni V., Voellinger R., Stiefel F., 2012. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 81 (2) pp. 79-86. Peer-reviewed.
Don de rein altruiste: enjeux psychologiques [Altruistic kidney deviation: psychological challenges].
Lüchinger M., Ludwig G., Guex P., Stiefel F., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (328) pp. 350-2, 354. Peer-reviewed.
Dunno if you've any plans for the future: medical student indirect questioning in simulated oncology interviews.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Berney A., Singy P., 2012. Bmc Medical Education, 12 p. 8. Peer-reviewed.
Oncology clinicians' defenses and adherence to communication skills training with simulated patients: an exploratory study.
Bernard M., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2012. Journal of Cancer Education, 27 (3) pp. 399-403. Peer-reviewed.
Prescription des psychotropes au cabinet médical [Psychotropic drug prescription in general practice].
Dedeystère C., Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (328) pp. 355-8, 360-1. Peer-reviewed.
Screening for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a psychiatric emergency setting
Ivanov Marie-Laure, Weber Orest, Gholam-Rezaee Mehdi, Weber Gerrit, Reeves Daphné, Benharrats Rafik, Yersin Bertrand, Stiefel Friedrich, 2012. European Jounal of Psychiatry, 26 (3) pp. 159-168. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of communication skills training in oncology: a linguistic analysis.
Singy P., Bourquin C., Sulstarova B., Stiefel F., 2012. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education, 27 (3) pp. 404-408. Peer-reviewed.
gender identity disorder : challenges and specificity in the treatement of requests for sexual reassignment
Pécoud Pascale, Pralong François, Bauquis Olivier, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011/02/16. Revue médicale suisse, 7 (282) pp. 395-7.
"I don't know how you are" or indirect questioning in oncology interviews: an ongoing exploratory study
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Berney A., Singy P., 2011. pp. 583-584 dans XIV Annual Meeting of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), Journal Of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Alexithymia in patients recently diagnosed with cancer
Stiefel F., Krenz S., Forni V., Zdrojewski C., Aymon N., Stagno D., Luthi F., Leyvraz S., Rousselle I., Ludwig G., 2011. p. 616 dans 14th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Alexithymie et psychopathologie de patients atteints de cancer = Alexithymia and psychopathology of patients with cancer
Forni V., Stiefel F., Krenz S., Gholam Rezaee M., Leyvraz S., Ludwig G., 2011. Psycho-Oncologie, 5 (3) pp. 208-213. Peer-reviewed.
Anorexie mentale et boutimie: I'expérience vaudoise d'une prise en charge interdisciplinaire [Anorexia and bulimia: the canton of Vaud's experience of an interdisciplinary approach].
Gebhard S., Dorogi Y., Giusti V., Stagno D., Lanz M., Schmidt D., Chaubert C.M., Laget J., Michaud P.A., Stiefel F., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (282) pp. 381-384. Peer-reviewed.
Implementation of guidelines on delirium in a General Hospital: a before-after study of their impact on caregivers' knowledge and clinical skills
Voellinger Rachel, Stiefel Friedrich, Michaud Laurent, Michel Patrik, Dorogi Yves, Burnand Bernard, Berney Alexandre, 2011. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie = Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 162 (1) pp. 31-34. Peer-reviewed.
Konzeptuelle Überlegungen zur psychodynamisch orientierten Konsiliar- und Liaison-Psychiatrie
Ludwig Gundula, Verdu Bénédicte, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011. Psychodynamische Psychotherapie, 10 (2) pp. 69-77. Peer-reviewed.
Bovet Pierre, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011. pp. 213-224 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 15, Georg.
La chirurgie de réassignation sexuelle dans le cadre des troubles de l'identité de genre
Bauquis Olivier, Pralong François, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 11 (4) pp. 58-64.
La psychiatrie de liaison, les urgences psychiatriques et le traitement des troubles alimentaires
Stiefel Friedrich, Antonazzo Alexandra, Benharrats Rafik, Berney Alexandre, Dorogi Yves, Gebhard Sandra, Krez Sonia, Lanz Mélanie, Miéville Jean-Christophe, Rousselle Ingrid et al., 2011. pp. 47-62 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 3, Georg.
Nationales Krebsprogramm für die Schweiz 2011-2015
Meili B., 2011. 180, Oncosuisse.
Psychiatry and the scientific fallacy.
Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2011. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 124 (1) pp. 70-72. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy in newly diagnosed cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial
Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Aymon N., Stagno D., Luthi F., Fucina N., Leyvraz S., Rousselle I., Stiefel F., Ludwig G., 2011. p. 602 dans 14th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Rehabilitation outcomes for orthopaedic trauma individuals as measured by the INTERMED.
Luthi F., Stiefel F., Gobelet C., Rivier G., Deriaz O., 2011. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33 (25-26) pp. 2544-2552. Peer-reviewed.
Syndrome métabolique et antipsychotiques atypiques
Stiefel F., Krenz S., 2011. Palliative-ch 4 pp. 21-25.
Transsexualisme: enjeux et spécificités liés à la prise en charge d'une demande de réassignation sexuelle [Gender identity disorder: challenges and specificity in the treatment of requests for sexual reassignment].
Pécoud P., Pralong F., Bauquis O., Stiefel F., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (282) pp. 395-397. Peer-reviewed.
Adjustment disorders
Krenz Sonia, Stiefel Friedrich, 2010/09. Newsletter Palliativmedizin pp. [5 p.].
On connaît la chanson [We know the song]
Stiefel F., Andreoli A., 2010/02/17. Revue medicale suisse, 6 (236) pp. 323-324. Peer-reviewed.
Communication skills training and clinicians' defenses in oncology: an exploratory, controlled study.
Bernard M., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2010. Psycho-Oncology, 19 (2) pp. 209-215. Peer-reviewed.
Communication skills training in oncology: a position paper based on a consensus meeting among European experts in 2009.
Stiefel F., Barth J., Bensing J., Fallowfield L., Jost L., Razavi D., Kiss A., participants , 2010. Annals of Oncology, 21 (2) pp. 204-207. Peer-reviewed.
De la souffrance du patient à celle des équipes = From the patient's suffering to that of the health care teams
Guex Patrice, Stiefel Friedrich, 2010. Médecine palliative 9 pp. 32-35.
Déplacement, rationalisation et intellectualisation: une évaluation des principaux mécanismes de défense des soignants en oncologie = Displacement, rationalization and intellectualization: evaluation of the main defense mechanisms in oncology clinicians
Bernard M., Stiefel F., de Roten Y., Despland J.-N., 2010. Psycho-Oncologie, 4 (Suppl. 1) pp. 47-50. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of depression on drug intake in hypertensive patients.
Waeber B., Stiefel F., 2010. Journal of Hypertension, 28 (9) pp. 1804-1805. Peer-reviewed.
L'interprète communautaire: une pièce centrale dans le puzzle de la consultation interculturelle [The community interpreter: a central piece in the puzzle of the intercultural consultation]
Faucherre F., Weber O., Singy P., Guex P., Stiefel F., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (236) pp. 336-338. Peer-reviewed.
Le partage du savoir dans les arts du soin : mélanges en l'honneur de Marco Vannotti
Singy Pascal, Stiefel Friedrich (eds.), 2010. 109, Médecine et Hygiène.
Outils et stratégies pour communiquer avec le patient
Silverman Jonathan, Kurtz Suzanne, Draper Juliet, 2010. 316, Médecine et Hygiène.
Patients objets, patients sujets: le cas des migrants
Bourquin Céline, Singy Pascal, Weber Orest, Stiefel Friedrich, 2010. Palliative-ch : revue de la société suisse de médecine et des soins palliatifs 3 pp. 25-26.
The predictive value of psychological assessment of candidates for gastric bypass: A medical chart review
Aubert Nathalie, Lyon-Pages Isabelle, Carrard Isabelle, Suter Michel, Stiefel Friedrich, Giusti Vittorio, 2010. European Journal of Psychiatry, 24 (2) pp. 114-123. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation of clinical practice guidelines on major depressive disorders in the general hospital: an update.
Voellinger R., Berney A., Burnand B., Stiefel F., Depression Development Group, 2009. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 66 (4) pp. 353-354. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of the capacity to consent to treatment in patients admitted to acute medical wards.
Fassassi S., Bianchi Y., Stiefel F., Waeber G., 2009. BMC medical ethics, 10 p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Clinicians' defences: an empirical study.
Despland J.N., Bernard M., Favre N., Drapeau M., De Roten Y., Stiefel F., 2009. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 82 (1) pp. 73-81. Peer-reviewed.
La fonction de Moi auxiliaire dans la prise en charge des douloureux chroniques [The role of the auxiliary ego in the care of the chronic pain patient]
Verdu Bénédicte, Gundula Ludwig, Rousselle Ingrid, Torrent Caroline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (190) pp. 356-359. Peer-reviewed.
Prevention of major depression in complex medically ill patients: preliminary results from a randomized, controlled trial.
de Jonge P., Hadj F.B., Boffa D., Zdrojewski C., Dorogi Y., So A., Ruiz J., Stiefel F., 2009. Psychosomatics, 50 (3) pp. 227-33. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi du patient oncologique, garant de la permanence de soi [Follow-up of the cancer patient, maintaining self-identity]
Krenz Sonia, Rousselle Ingrid, Guex Patrice, Stiefel Friedrich, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (190) pp. 360-363. Peer-reviewed.
Antidepressants for the treatment of chronic pain.
Verdu B., Decosterd I., Buclin T., Stiefel F., Berney A., 2008. Drugs, 68 (18) pp. 2611-2632. Peer-reviewed.
Après les faux rentiers AI, les faux patients psychiatriques ?
Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (144) pp. 387-388. Peer-reviewed.
Assisted suicide in an acute care hospital: 18 months' experience
Wasserfallen Jean-Blaise, Chioléro René, Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Swiss Medical Weekly, 138 (15/16) pp. 239-242. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic pain and antidepressants: A systematic review of efficacy
Verdu B., Stiefel F., Berney A., 2008. pp. 678-678 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of a multifaceted psychiatric intervention targeted for the complex medically ill: a randomized controlled trial
Stiefel Friedrich, Zdrojewski C., Bel Hadj Fatima, Boffa D., Dorogi Yves, So A., Ruiz J., Jonge Peter de, 2008. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77 (4) pp. 247-256. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing the intermed in a post-acute care rehabilitation clinic for traumatic injuries: Obstacles and benefits
Luthi F., Stiefel F., 2008. pp. 662-662 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Le stress du soignant ou comment se soigner soi-même [Stress in health care workers]
Stiefel Friedrich, Guex Patrice, 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (144) pp. 424-427. Peer-reviewed.
Lebenssinn trotz unheilbarer Erkrankung? Die Entwicklung des Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMiLE). [Meaning in Life Despite Incurable Illness? The development of the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMiLE).]
Fegg M.J., Kramer M., Stiefel F., Borasio G.D., 2008. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin, 9 (4) pp. 238-245.
Meaning in life assessed with the &quot;Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation&quot; (SMiLE): a comparison between a cancer patient and student sample.
Stiefel F., Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Stagno D., Fernandez M., Bauer J., Fucina N., Lüthi F., Leyvraz S., Borasio G.D. et al., 2008. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16 (10) pp. 1151-1155. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy in newly diagnosed cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial
Ludwig G., Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Aymon N., Stagno D, Luthi F., Rousselle F., Stiefel F., 2008. pp. 661-661 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapeutic interventions in palliative care
Stiefel F., Bernard M., 2008. pp. 161-178 dans Lloyd-Williams M. (eds.) Psychosocial issues in palliative care, Oxford University Press.
Specificities of psychodynamic psychotherapy in the medically ill
Stiefel F., 2008. pp. 675-675 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Support of the supporters
Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16 (2) pp. 123-126. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles somatoformes: enjeux des classifications à travers l'entité du trouble douloureux
Verdu Bénédicte, Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale : psychiatrie pp. 37-402-A-20.
A randomized psychiatric intervention in complex somatic patients identified by means of the INTERMED
Bel Hadj Fatima, Zdrojewski C., Jonge Peter de, Miéville Jean-Christophe, Krenz Sonia, So Alexander, Ruiz Juan, Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. p. 80 dans , Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie. Peer-reviewed.
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