Johannes Bronkhorst

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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345 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | ...
Two Uses of Anekāntavāda
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2024/07/27. Journal of Indian Philosophy. Peer-reviewed.
Alexander's Impact on Indian Religions
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2024/07/22. pp. 191-206 dans La ricezione dell'ultimo Alessandro, De Gruyter.
Religion as Memory
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2024/03/29. Psychology International, 6 (2) pp. 454-461. Peer-reviewed.
Much Ado about Nothing or, How Much Philosophy Is Required to Invent the Number Zero?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2024/02/28. pp. 532-539 dans The Origin and Significance of Zero, BRILL.
Did Pāṇini write?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2024. Bulletin d'études indiennes, 36 pp. 193-200. Peer-reviewed.
Psychological transformation in Buddhism and Yoga
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2024. pp. 243-261 dans Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. A compendium of studies on South Asian culture, philosophy, and religion dedicated to Dominik Wujastyk, Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg.
The Buddhist Noble Truths: Are They True?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2023/01/06. Religions, 14 (1) p. 82. Peer-reviewed.
An early post-Vedic treatise on the etymological explanation of words: Yāska, Etymology (excerpts).
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2023. pp. 107-118 dans Plurilingualism in Traditional Eurasian Scholarship. Thinking in Many Tongues., Brill.
Cyclical time in Brahmanical India: origin and development
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2023. pp. 218-228 dans Science and Society in the Sanskrit World, Brill.
The Mahābhāṣya and its history
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2023. pp. 12-26 dans Ujjwala-Śāstra-Vaibhavam: Professor Ujjwala Jha Commemoration Volume, Shivalik Prakashan.
Who composed the Mahābhārata, why, and when?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2023. dans Vedic Roots, Epic Trunks, Purāṇic Foliage. Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas, DICSEP 7. Peer-reviewed.
Logic and language in Indian religions
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022/11. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 50 (5) pp. 775-784. Peer-reviewed.
Mystical Experience
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022/06/24. Religions, 13 (7) p. 589. Peer-reviewed.
The role of absorption in making God real
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022/05/20. Religion, Brain & Behavior pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
Buddhist meditation, flow, and ritual
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022. pp. 183-203 dans Rethinking Buddhism. Text, context, contestation, Primus Publishers.
Does Pāṇinian grammar have (a) history?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022. pp. 83-93 dans Jñānapraśaṃsā. In Praise of Knowledge: Essays in honour of E. G. Kahrs, Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg.
Synchronic etymologising and its role in the acquisition of language
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022. Bhasha. Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology and Grammatical Traditions. Peer-reviewed.
The Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha: One text or two? One author or two?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022. pp. 129-152 dans Sferra Francesco, Vergiani Vincenzo (eds.) ‘Verità e bellezza’. Essays in Honour of Raffaele Torella, Unior Press.
Whence karma?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2022. Contributions to Indian Sociology. Peer-reviewed.
The Structure of the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2021/06/21. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 49 pp. 523-534. Peer-reviewed.
Patañjali's Āryāvarta = Śuṅga realm?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2021/02/05. Academia Letters.
Sacrifice in the Mahābhārata and beyond, or: Did the author(s) of the Mahābhārata understand Vedic sacrifice better than we do?
Bronkhorst Johannes (eds.), 2021..
Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha and Vākyapadīya
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2021. pp. 297-311 dans Scharf Peter M. (eds.) Śabdānugamaḥ. Indian linguistic studies in honor of George Cardona. Volume I: Vyākaraṇa and Śābdabodha, The Sanskrit Library.
Correcting the Text of the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020/10/07. Journal of Indian Philosophy.
The Religious Predisposition
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020/07/23. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion pp. 1-41.
The Formative Period of Jainism (c. 500 BCE-200 CE).
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020/01/15. dans Brill's Encyclopedia of Jainism.
"Historical context of early asceticism"
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. dans Hindu Practice, Oxford University Press.
Free associations a propos of Axel Michaels' article
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. Contributions to Indian Sociology.
Historical context of early asceticism
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. dans Hindu Practice.
India's past reconsidered
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. dans "At the Shores of the Sky". Asian Studies for Albert Hoffstädt.
Plagues and Brahmins: Did a combination of epidemics and ideology empty India’s cities?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. dans Body and Cosmos. Studies in early Indian medical and astral sciences in honor of Kenneth G. Zysk.
The rise of classical Brahmanism
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. dans Routledge Handbook of South Asian Religions.
“Sacrifice in Brahmanism, Buddhism, and elsewhere: Theory and practice.”
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2020. dans Archaeologies of the Written: Indian, Tibetan, and Buddhist Studies in Honour of Cristina Scherrer-Schaub.
Innovation in Indian philosophy in context: Comments on some recent proposals by Jonardon Ganeri
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2019. Cracow Indological Studies.
Saṃsāra and Karman in the Early Context
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2019. dans Brill's Encyclopedia of Jainism.
What can we learn from Musīla and Nārada?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2019. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies.
What did Indian philosophers agree on? With special reference to the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2019. Antiqvorvm Philosophia .
Abhidharma in early Mahāyāna
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2018. pp. 119-140 dans Harrison Paul (eds.) Setting Out on the Great Way. Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism, Equinox Publ..
No literature without patronage: Weak royal patronage and its effect on the constitution of the Jaina Canon under the Kuṣāṇas
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2018. pp. 67-74 dans Chojnacki Christine, Leclère Basile (eds.) The Gift of Knowledge: Patterns of Patronage in Jainism, Sapna Book House.
Were Buddhist Brahmins Buddhists or Brahmins?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2018. dans Mitrasampradānam: A collection of papers in honour of Yaroslav Vassilkov.
Bhartṛhari in his time and in ours
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2017. The Journal of Oriental Research, 88-90 pp. 51-56.
Brahmanism: its place in ancient Indian society
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2017. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 51 (3) pp. 361-369. Peer-reviewed.
Pourquoi la philosophie indienne ne doit pas être laissée aux seuls philosophes
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2017. ThéoRèmes, 11 pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Production narrative et identité religieuse dans le bouddhisme
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2017. pp. 67-72 dans Brandt Pierre-Yves, Jesus Paolo, Roman Pascal (eds.) Récit de soi et narrativité dans la construction de l'identité religieuse, Éditions des Archives Contemporaines.
Abhidharma and Indian thinking
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. pp. 29-46 dans Dessein Bart, Teng Weijen (eds.) Text, History, and Philosophy: Abhidharma across Buddhist scholastic traditions, Brill.
Agniṣṭoma and the nature of sacrifice
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. pp. 79-99 dans Thompson George, Payne Richard K. (eds.) On Meaning and Mantras: Essays in Honor of Frits Staal, Institute of Buddhist Studies & BDK America.
Can religion be explained? The role of absorption in various religious phenomena
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, 29 pp. 1-30. Peer-reviewed.
Jaina versus Brahmanical mathematicians
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. International Journal of Jaina Studies, 12 (1) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Kundakunda versus Sāṃkhya on the soul.
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. pp. 37-47 dans Chapple Christopher Key (eds.) Yoga in Jainism, Routledge.
The history of Jaina meditation.
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. pp. 93-102 dans Eifring Halvor (eds.) Asian Traditions of Meditation, University of Hawaii Press.
Vedic schools in northwestern India
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. pp. 119-131 dans Houben Jan E. M., Rotaru Julieta, Witzel Michael (eds.) Vedic Śākhās: Past, Present, Future. Proceedings of the Fifth International Vedic Workshop, Bucharest 2011, HOS, Opera Minora 9. Peer-reviewed, Harvard University Press.
Who were the Cārvākas?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 14 (1) pp. 1-21.
Āśramas, agrahāras, and monasteries
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2016. pp. 137-160 dans Andrijanić Ivan, Sellmer Sven (eds.) On the Growth and Composition of the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas. Proceedings of the Fifth Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas, August 2008. Peer-reviewed, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts & Ibis grafika.
Divine sound or monotone? Divyadhvani between Jaina, Buddhist and Brahmanical epistemology
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2015. pp. 83-96 dans Soni L., Soni J. (eds.) Sanmati: Essays Felicitating Professor Hampa Nagarajaiah on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, Sapna Book House.
The historiography of Brahmanism
Bronkhorst J, 2015. pp. 27-44 dans Otto B, Rau S, Rüpke J (eds.) History and Religion: Narrating a Religious Past, Walter de Gruyter.
The Maga-s
Bronkhorst J, 2015. Brahmavidyā: The Adyar Library Bulletin, 78-79 pp. 459-486.
What happened to Mahāvīra's body?
Bronkhorst J, 2015. pp. 43-48 dans Flügel P, Qvarnström O (eds.) Jaina Scriptures and Philosophy, Routledge.
Can there be a cultural history of meditation? With special reference to India.
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2014. pp. 27-40 dans Halvor Eifring (eds.) Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist Meditation. Cultural Histories, Oslo: Hermes Publishing.
Candragupta Maurya and his importance for Indian history
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2014. Indologica Taurinensia, 37 pp. 107-121.
Deviant voices in the history of Pāṇinian grammar
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2014. Bulletin d'études indiennes, 32 pp. 47-53.
Does Buddhism have Central Eurasian roots?
Bronkhorst J., 2014. Münchener Indologische Zeitschrift, 2 (2010-2013) pp. 88-98.
Misunderstood origins: how Buddhism fooled modern scholarship and itself
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2014. pp. 307-325 dans D. N. Jha (eds.) The Complex Heritage of Early India. Essays in Memory of R. S. Sharma, Manohar.
Mīmāṃsāsūtra and Brahmasūtra
Bronkhorst J., 2014. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 42 (4) pp. 463-469. Peer-reviewed.
Reflections on the fate of northwestern Brahmins
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2014. Indologica Taurinensia, 40 pp. 37-61.
Rethinking India's past
Bronkhorst J., 2014. pp. 94-101 dans Mattoo A., Tiwari H. (eds.) Culture, People and Power: India and globalized world, Shipra Publication.
The origin of categories in Indian philosophy
Bronkhorst J., 2014. pp. 147-151 dans Frazier J (eds.) Categorisation in Indian Philosophy: Thinking Inside the Box, Ashgate.
Anekantavada, the central philosophy of Ajivikism?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2013. International Journal of Jaina Studies (Online), 9 (1) pp. 1-11. Peer-reviewed.
Buddhist nativism in its homeland
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2013. pp. 195-204 dans Blezer, Henk; Teeuwen, Mark (eds.) Challenging Paradigms: Buddhism and Nativism. Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments, Leiden - Boston: Brill.
Des sacrifices humains dans l'Inde ancienne
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2013. pp. 99-105 dans Nagy Agnes A., Prescendi Francesca (eds.) Sacrifices humains: Dossiers, discours, comparaison. Actes du colloque tenu à l'Université de Genève, 19-20 mai 2011., Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études, Sciences religieuses, Brepols.
Periodization of Indian ontologies
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2013. pp. 357-363 dans Eli Franco (eds.) Periodization and Historiography of Indian Philosophy, Publications of the De Nobili Research Library.
Reflections on the origins of Mahāyāna
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2013. pp. 489-502 dans Séptimo Centenario de los Estudios Orientales en Salamanca, Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad.
The arrival of Navya-Nyaya techniques in Varanasi
Bronkhorst Johannes, Diaconescu Bogdan, Kulkarni Malhar, 2013. pp. 73-109 dans Kuruvilla Pandikattu & Binoy Pichalakkattu (eds.) An Indian Ending: Rediscovering the Grandeur of Indian Heritage for a Sustainable Future. Essays in Honour of Professor Dr. John Vattanky SJ On Completing Eighty Years, Serials Publications.
The Correspondence Principle and Its Critics
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2013. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 41 (5) pp. 491-499. Peer-reviewed.
Absorption. Human Nature and Buddhist Liberation
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. 263, UniversityMedia.
Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita and the Revival of the Philosophy of Grammar
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. pp. 54-85 dans Watanabe Chikafumi, Desmarais Michele, Honda Yoshichika (eds.) Samskrta-sadhutva: Goodness of Sanskrit. Studies in Honour of Professor Ashok N. Aklujkar, D. K. Printworld, New Delhi.
Buddhism and sacrifice
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 66 (1) pp. 7-17.
Buddhist thought versus Brahmanical thought
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. pp. 21-28 dans Piotr Balcerowicz (eds.) World View and Theory in Indian Philosophy, Delhi: Manohar.
Can there be play in ritual? Reflections on the nature of ritual.
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. pp. 161-175 dans Bornet Philippe, Burger Maya (eds.) Religions in Play. Games, Rituals and Virtual Worlds., Pano Verlag, Zürich.
Free will and Indian philosophy
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. Antiqvorvm Philosophia, 6 pp. 19-29. Peer-reviewed.
Language and prestige in South and Southeast Asia
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. pp. 187-193 dans Christiansen Birgit, Thaler Ulrich (eds.) Ansehenssache: Formen von Prestige in Kulturen des Altertums, München: Herbert Utz.
Levels of cognition: Did Indian philosophers know something we do not?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 66 (2) pp. 227-237.
Manu and the Mahabharata
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. pp. 135-156 dans Kulikov L., Rusanov M. (eds.) Indologica. T. Ya. Elizarenkova Memorial Volume Book 2, Russian State University for the Humanities.
Rites without symbols
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 24 pp. 236-266. Peer-reviewed.
Studies on Bhartrhari, 9: Vakyapadiya 2.119 and the early history of Mimamsa
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 40 (4) pp. 411-425. Peer-reviewed.
Studies on Bhartṛhari, 9: Vākyapadīya 2.119 and the Early History of Mīmāṃsā
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2012. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 40 (4) pp. 411-425. Peer-reviewed.
Bronkhorst J., 2012. pp. 823-828 dans Jacobsen K. A. (eds.) Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Brill.
A note on nirvikalpaka and savikalpaka perception
Bronkhorst J., 2011. Philosophy East and West, 61 (2) pp. 373-379. Peer-reviewed.
Archetypes and bottlenecks: Reflections on the text history of the Mahabharata
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. pp. 39-54 dans Bertil Tikkanen & Albion M. Butters (eds.) Purvaparaprajñabhinandanam. East and West, Past and Present. Indological and Other Essays in Honour of Klaus Karttunen, Helsinki, Finnish Oriental Society.
Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011., Brill.
Illiteracy as a socio-cultural marker
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. pp. 44-56 dans Travaux de Symposium International "Le livre. La Roumanie. L'Europe". Troisième édition - 20 à 24 Septembre 2010. Tomes III: La troisième section - Etudes Euro- et Afro-Asiatiques, Bibliothèque de Bucarest.
Indology, what is it good for?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161 (1) pp. 115-122. Peer-reviewed.
La Rationalité en Asie = Rationality in Asia.
Bronkhorst Johannes (eds.), 2011., Etudes de Lettres.
Language and knowledge construction in India
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. pp. 139-148 dans Neschke Ada, Sepp Hans Rainer (eds.) Sprache und Wissenserwerb / Language and Acquisition of Knowledge., Bautz Traugott.
Ontological categories in early Indian philosophy
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. Cracow Indological Studies, 13 pp. 53-61. Peer-reviewed.
Philosophy of language
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. pp. 672-684 dans Jacobsen Knut A. (eds.) Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Volume III : Society, Religious Specialists, Religious Traditions, Philosophy, Brill.
The Brahmanical contribution to Yoga
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. International Journal of Hindu Studies, 15 (3) pp. 318-322. Peer-reviewed.
The invisible interpreter
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 65 (1) pp. 35-43. Peer-reviewed.
The spread of Sanskrit in Southeast Asia
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2011. pp. 263-275 dans Pierre-Yves Manguin A. Mani & Geoff Wade (eds.) Early Interactions between South and Southeast Asia. Reflections on cross-cultural exchange. Peer-reviewed, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
Against methodological positivism in textual studies
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 64 (2) pp. 265-274.
Kundakunda versus Samkhya on the soul
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. p. 13 dans Balbir Nalini (eds.) Svasti. Essays in Honour of Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah for his 75th Birthday, K. S. Muddapa Smaraka Trust.
On the genesis of Buddhism in its historical context
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. pp. 151-165 dans Andreas Bsteh (eds.) Buddhism Questioning Christianity, St Gabriel Publications.
On the genesis of Buddhism in its historical context. Proprium and definition vis-à-vis Hindu traditions and Jainism
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. pp. 151-165 dans Buddhism Questioning Christianity: Lectures – Questions – Interventions., St Gabriel Publications.
Philosophy and language in India: a brief overview
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. Antiqvorvm Philosophia, 4 pp. 11-21. Peer-reviewed.
Ritual, holophrastic utterances, and the symbolic mind
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2010. pp. 159-202 dans Axel Michaels, Anand Mishra (eds.) Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual. Volume I: Grammar and morphologies of ritual practices in Asia, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz.
Sutra literature
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. pp. 182-192 dans Knut A. Jacobsen (eds.) Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Brill.
The spread of Sanskrit
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2010. pp. 117-139 dans Eli Franco, Monika Zin (eds.) From Turfan to Ajanta. Festschrift for Dieter Schlingloff on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Lumbini International Research Institute.
Who is liberated? The notion of liberation while alive in some selected Indian texts
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2010. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 64 (2) pp. 275-290.
Bhartrhari and his Vedic tradition
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. pp. 99-117 dans Chaturvedi Mithilesh (eds.) Bhartrhari: Language, thought and reality, Motilal Banarsidass.
Buddhist Teaching in India
Feller D., Bronkhorst J., 2009. 245, Wisdom Publications.
Critique et transmission textuelles dans la tradition paninéenne
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. pp. 269-286 dans Colas Gérard & Gerschheimer Gerdi (eds.) Écrire et transmettre en Inde classique, École française d'Extrême-Orient.
Does India think differently?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. pp. 45-54 dans Kellner Birgit, Weigelin-Schwiedrzik Susanne (eds.) Denkt Asien anders? Reflexionen zu Buddhismus und Konfuzianismus in Indien, Tibet, China und Japan, Vienna University Press.
Hendrik Kern and the body of the Buddha
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 63 (1) pp. 7-27. Peer-reviewed.
The importance of the Kasika
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. pp. 129-140 dans Haag Pascale, Vergiani Vincenzo (eds.) Studies in the Kasikavrtti. The Section on Pratyaharas: Critical Edition, Translation and Other Contributions, Società Editrice Fiorentina.
Violence, terrorisme et religion
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. pp. 57-67 dans Philippe Borgeaud & Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel (eds.) Violentes émotions: Approches comparatistes, Droz.
What did Indian philosophers believe?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2009. pp. 19-44 dans Balcerowicz Piotr (eds.) Logic and Belief in Indian Philosophy, Motilal Banarsidass.
A note on Kashmir and orthodox Paninian grammar
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2008. pp. 271-280 dans Mrinal Kaul & Ashok Aklujkar (eds.) Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir: Essays in memory of Paṇḍit Dinanath Yaksha, D. K. Printworld.
Advice for grammarians
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2008. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 62 (2) pp. 475-484.
Aux origines de la philosophie indienne
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2008. 156, Infolio éditions.
Innovation in Seventeenth Century Grammatical Philosophy : Appearance or Reality ?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2008. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 36 (5-6) pp. 543-550. Peer-reviewed.
Is there correlative thought in Indian philosophy?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2008. Journal Asiatique, 296 (1) pp. 9-22. Peer-reviewed.
Udbhata, a grammarian and a Carvaka.
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2008. pp. 281-299 dans Mrinal Kaul, Ashok Aklujkar (eds.) Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir, D. K. Printworld.
What was Sankara's sastrarambha
Bronkhorst J., 2008. pp. 121-130 dans Slaje Walter (eds.) Sastrarambha. Inquiries into the Preamble in Sanskrit., Harrassowitz.
What was Sankara's sastrarambha?
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2008. pp. 121-130 dans Slaje Walter (eds.) Sastrarambha. Inquiries into the Preamble in Sanskrit, Harrassowitz.
Echoes of Ajivikism in medieval Indian philosophy
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2007. pp. 239-248 dans Nowakowska Monika, Woπniak Jacek (eds.) Theatrum Mirabiliorum Indiae Orientalis. A volume to celebrate the 70th birthday of Professor Maria Krzysztof Byrski., Komitet Nauk Orientalistycznych Polskeij Akademii Nauk.
Greater Magadha. Studies in the culture of early India
Bronkhorst H., 2007. Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section two: India, 19, Brill.
Mimamsa and Vedanta: Interaction and Continuity
Bronkhorst J. (eds.), 2007., Motilal Banarsidass.
Modes of debate and refutation of adversaries in classical and medieval India: a preliminary investigation
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2007. Antiqvorvm Philosophia, 1 pp. 269-280. Peer-reviewed.
On the nature of pradhana
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2007. pp. 373-381 dans Karin Preisendanz (eds.) Expanding and Merging Horizons: Contributions to South Asian and Cross-Cultural studies in Commemoration of Wilhelm Halbfass, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
Science and religion in classical India
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2007. Indologica Taurinensia, 33 pp. 183-196. Peer-reviewed.
Vedanta as Mimamsa
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2007. pp. 1-91 dans Bronkhorst J. (eds.) Vedanta as Mimamsa: Interaction and Continuity, Motilal Banarsidass.
A presupposition in Indian philosophy
Bronkhorst J., 2006. pp. 194-216 dans Panda Raghunath, Mishra Madhusudan (eds.) Voice of the Orient. A tribute to Prof. Upendranath Dhal, Eastern Book Linkers.
Commentaries and the history of science in India
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 60 (4) pp. 773-788.
Le Yoga: enstase et idéologie religieuse
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. pp. 79-89 dans Mancini S. (eds.) La fabrication du psychisme. Pratiques rituelles au carrefour des sciences humaines et des sciences de la vie, La Découverte.
Note sur les défauts de rationalité dans la philosophie indienne
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. Rue Descartes, 54 pp. 124-126.
On reading texts
Bronkhorst J., 2006. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 60 pp. 531-534.
Systematic philosophy between the empires: some determining features
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. pp. 287-313 dans Olivelle P. (eds.) Between the Empires: Society in India 300 BCE to 400 CE, Oxford University Press.
T. R. V. Murti's Reason
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 60 (4) pp. 789-798.
The context of Indian philosophy
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. pp. 9-22 dans Wada T. (eds.) Conflict between Tradition and Creativity in Indian philosophy: Text and Context; Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Studies for the Integrated Text Science, Graduate School of Letters.
Bronkhorst J., 2006. dans Dieter Betz Hans, Browning Don S., Janowski Bernd, Jüngel Eberhard (eds.) Religion Past and Present, Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion chap. Veda, Brill.
William James et son darwinisme religieux
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2006. Archives de psychologie, 72 pp. 33-48.
Asvaghosa and Vaisesika
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2005. pp. 596-590 dans Buddhism and Jainism. Essays in Honour of Dr. Hojun Nagasaki on His Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten.
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2005. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 33 (1) pp. 3-41. Peer-reviewed.
Bhattoji Diksita on sphota
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2005. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 33 (1) pp. 3-41.
Catégories de langue et catégories de pensée en Inde
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2005. pp. 69-78 dans Chenet F. (eds.) Catégories de langue et catégories de pensée en Inde et en Occident, L'Harmattan.
Des philosophes en contact?
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2005. pp. 181-187 dans Lacrosse J. (eds.) Philosophie comparée: Grèce, Inde, Chine, J. Vrin.
Les reliques dans les religions de l'Inde
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2005. pp. 49-85 dans Göhler L. (eds.) Indische Kultur im Kontext. Rituale, Texte und Ideen aus Indien und der Welt. Festschrift für Klaus Mylius, Harrassowitz.
The reliability of tradition
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2005. pp. 62-76 dans Squarcini F. (eds.) Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia, Firenze University Press.
Bronkhorst J., 2005. pp. 919-920 dans Betz H. D., Browning D. S., Janowski B., Jüngel E. (eds.) Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Vierte, völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, Mohr Siebeck.
Early Buddhism.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 27-42 dans Hino S Wada T (eds.) Three Mountains and Seven Rivers. Prof. Musashi Tachikawa's Felicitation Volume, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
From Panini to Patanjali: The search for linearity
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2004. Post-Graduate and Research Department Series No. 46 61, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
From Pânini to Patañjali: the search for linearity
Bronkhorst J, 2004., Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
Hinduism and Buddhism.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 328-332 dans Buswell R (eds.) Encyclopedia of Buddhism, vol. 1, Macmillan Reference USA.
Karma (action).
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 415-417 dans Buswell R (eds.) Encyclopedia of Buddhism, vol. 1, Macmillan Reference USA.
La grammaire et les débuts de la philosophie indienne
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2004. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 58 (4) pp. 791-865.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 540-541 dans Buswell R (eds.) Encyclopedia of Buddhism, vol. 2, Macmillan Reference USA.
More on the sources of the Kasika
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2004. pp. 47-54 dans Deshpande Maitreyee (eds.) Problems in Vedic and Sanskrit Literature (Ganesh Umakant Thite Felicitation Volume), New Bharatiya Book Corporation.
More on the sources of the Kâshikâ.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 47-54 dans Deshpande M (eds.) Problems in Vedic and Sanskrit Literature. Ganesh Umakant Thite Felicitation Volume, Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation.
Sankara and Bhaskara on Vaisesika
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2004. pp. 27-38 dans Bodewitz H. W., Hara M. (eds.) Gedenkschrift J. W. de Jong, The International Institute for Buddhist Studies.
Shankara and Bhâskara on Vaishesika.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 27-38 dans Bodewitz H W Hara M (eds.) Gedenkschrift J. W. de Jong, Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies. Studia Philologica Buddhica, Monograph Series, 17.
Some uses of dharma in classical Indian philosophy
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2004. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 32 pp. 733-750.
Some uses of dharma in classical Indian philosophy.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 32 pp. 733-750.
Bronkhorst J, 2004. pp. 113-120 dans Czekalska R, Marlewicz H (eds.) 2nd International Conference on Indian Studies : proceedings, Institute of Oriental Philology, Jagiellonian University.
Ajivika doctrine reconsidered.
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2003. pp. 153-178 dans Balcerowicz P (eds.) Essays in Jaina Philosophy and Religion, Motilal Banarsidass.
Compte rendu de "Willem Bollée, The Story of Paesi (Paesi-kahanayam). Soul and body in ancient India: a dialogue on materialism"
Bronkhorst J., 2003. 237-242.
Compte rendu de "Yuktidipika. The Most Significant Commentary on the Samkhyakarika. Critically edited by Albrecht Wezler and Shujun Motegi. Vol. 1"
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2003. 242-247.
Jainism's first heretic and the origin of anekanta-vada
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2003. pp. 95-111 dans Qvarnström O. (eds.) Jainism and Early Buddhism: Essays in Honor of Padmanabh S. Jaini, Asian Humanities Press.
L'expression du moi dans les religions de l'Inde
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2003. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 220 (1) pp. 81-105.
L'expression du moi dans les religions de l'Inde.
Bronkhorst J, 2003. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 220 (1) pp. 81-105.
Sylvain Lévi et les origines du théâtre indien
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2003. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 57 (4) pp. 793-811.
Sylvain Lévi et les origines du théâtre indien.
Bronkhorst J, 2003. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 57(4) pp. 793-811.
Tradition and argument in classical Indian linguistics : the Bahiraṅga-Paribhāṣā in the Paribhāṣenduśekhara
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2003. XVI, 217, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
A note on the Caraka Samhita and Buddhism
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. pp. 115-121 dans Early Buddhism and Abhidharma Thought: In Honor of Doctor Hajime Sakurabe on His Seventy-seventh Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten.
A note on the Caraka Samhita and Buddhism.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 115-121 dans Early Buddhism and Abhidharma Thought: In Honor of Doctor Hajime Sakurabe on His Seventy-seventh Birthday, Kyoto, Heirakuji Shoten.
Asceticism, religion and biological evolution.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, 13 pp. 374-418.
Compte rendu de "Dipak Bhattacharya, Indian Etymologists and their Etymologies"
Bronkhorst J., 2002. 925-926.
Compte rendu de "Sue Hamilton, A new approach. The I of the beholder"
Bronkhorst J., 2002..
Discipliné par le débat.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 207-225 dans Bansat-Boudon L Scheid J (eds.) Le disciple et ses maîtres. Pour Charles Malamoud, Paris, Editions du Seuil (Le genre humain 37).
Discipliné par le débat: les conséquences d'un débat perdu en Inde
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. pp. 207-225 dans Bansat-Boudon L., John Scheid J. (eds.) Le disciple et ses maîtres. Pour Charles Malamoud, Éditions du Seuil.
Indology and rationality.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. Asiatische Studien / Etudes Asiatiques, 55/4 pp. 917-941.
Literacy and rationality in ancient India
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 56 (4) pp. 797-831.
Mimamsa versus Vaisesika: Parthasarathi and Kumarila on the creation and dissolution of the world.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 171-181 dans Torella R (eds.) Le Parole e i Marmi. Studi in onore di Raniero Gnoli nel suo 70° compleanno, Rome, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Serie Orientale Roma XCII,1).
Panini's grammar: from meaning to utterance
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. Annali, 62 pp. 29-39.
Patanjali and the Buddhists.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 485-491 dans Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo Mori, Hamamatsu, Kokusai Bukkyoto Kyokai (International Buddhist Association).
Patañjali and the Buddhists
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. pp. 485-491 dans Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo Mori, Kokusai Bukkyoto Kyokai.
Perché esiste la filosofia in India ?
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 131-152 dans Squarcini F (eds.) Verso l'India, Oltre l'India. Scritti e ricerche sulle tradizioni intellecttuali sudasiatiche, Associazione Culturale Mimesis.
Perché esiste la filosofia in India?
Bronkhorst J., 2002. pp. 131-152 dans Squarcini F. (eds.) Verso l'India, Oltre l'India. Scritti e ricerche sulle tradizioni intellecttuali sudasiatiche, Associazione Culturale Mimesis.
Pânini's grammar: from meaning to utterance.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. Annali (Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"), 62 pp. 29-39.
Pāṇini's grammar: from meaning to utterance
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2002. Annali 62 pp. 29-39.
Review of Susmita Arp: Kālāpāni, Zum Streit über die Zulässigkeit von Seereisen im kolonialzeitlichen Indien, Stuttgart, Steiner, 2000
Bronkhorst Johannes, 2002. Asiatische Studien / Etudes Asiatiques, 55 (4) pp. 1099-1100.
The Candra-vyakarana: some questions
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. pp. 182-201 dans Deshpande M. M., Hook P.E. (eds.) Indian Linguistic Studies: Festschrift in Honor of George Cardona, Motilal Banarsidass.
The Candra-vyakarana: some questions.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 182-201 dans Deshpande MM Hook PH (eds.) Indian Linguistic Studies: Festschrift in Honor of George Cardona, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass.
The perennial philosophy and the law of karma.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 175-189 dans Barfoot CC (eds.) Aldous Huxley between East and West, Amsterdam / New York, Rodopi (Studies in Comparative Literature 37).
Water and ocean
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. Indo-Iranian Journal, 45 pp. 45-49. Peer-reviewed.
Water and ocean.
Bronkhorst J, 2002. Indo-Iranian Journal, 45 pp. 45-49.
Yaska and the sentence: the beginning of sabdabodha ?
Bronkhorst J, 2002. pp. 44-62 dans Thite GU (eds.) Subhasini: Dr Saroja Bhate Felicitation Volume, Pune, Prof. Dr Saroja Bhate Felicitation Committee (c/o Dr Malhar Kulkarni).
Yaska and the sentence: the beginning of sabdabodha?
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2002. pp. 44-62 dans Thite G. U. (eds.) Subhasini: Dr. Saroja Bhate Felicitation Volume, Prof. Dr. Saroja Bhate Felicitation Committee.
Asceticism, religion and biological evolution
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2001. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 13 pp. 374-418.
Compte rendu de "Claus Oetke, Zur akademischen Krise in der Indologie und den Möglichkeiten ihrer Überwindung"
Bronkhorst J., 2001. 242-244.
Etymology and magic: Yaska's Nirukta, Plato's Cratylus, and the riddle of semantic etymologies
Johannes Bronkhorst, 2001. Numen, 48 pp. 147-203. Peer-reviewed.
Etymology and magic: Yaska's Nirukta, Plato's Cratylus, and the riddle of semantic etymologies.
Bronkhorst J, 2001. Numen, 48 pp. 147-203.
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