Delphine Preissmann

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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53 publications

2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 |
Design of Digital Mediation Tool for Self-disclosing PTSD
Gaci Maria, Bendahan Caroline, Cardia Isabelle Vonèche, Fiori Marina, Preissmann Delphine, Gillet Denis, 2021. pp. 259-265 dans Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications III, Springer International Publishing.
Acromioplasty during repair of rotator cuff tears removes only half of the impinging acromial bone.
Lädermann A., Chagué S., Preissmann D., Kolo F.C., Zbinden O., Kevelham B., Bothorel H., Charbonnier C., 2020/09. JSES international, 4 (3) pp. 592-600. Peer-reviewed.
Guided versus freehand acromioplasty during rotator cuff repair. A randomized prospective study.
Lädermann A., Chagué S., Preissmann D., Kolo F.C., Rime O., Kevelham B., Bothorel H., Charbonnier C., 2020/06. Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research, 106 (4) pp. 651-659. Peer-reviewed.
L'acromioplastie guidée comparée à l'acromioplastie à main levée dans la réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs. Une étude prospective randomisée
Lädermann Alexandre, Chagué Sylvain, Preissmann Delphine, Kolo Franck C., Rime Olivier, Kevelham Bart, Bothorel Hugo, Charbonnier Caecilia, 2020/06. Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, 106 (4) pp. 372-380.
S52. Spatial Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia: Neurological Soft Signs Differentially Influence Performances in 3-D Virtual Versus Tactile Recognition Tasks
Abichou Kouloud, Gisquet Pascale, Bertholet Lea, Perreti Charles, Preissmann Delphine, Nuss Philippe, 2020/05/18., Congress of the Schizophrenia-International-Research-Society (SRIS) pp. S52-S53 dans Schizophrenia Bulletin.
ArthroPlanner: a surgical planning solution for acromioplasty.
Charbonnier C., Chagué S., Kevelham B., Preissmann D., Kolo F.C., Rime O., Lädermann A., 2018/12. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 13 (12) pp. 2009-2019. Peer-reviewed.
Vers l’application pertinente de certaines pratiques/connaissances relevant des neurosciences aux techniques d’audition?
Dongois N., Preissmann D., 2018/06/29. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 71 (2) pp. 227-250. Peer-reviewed.
What does emotion teach us about self-deception? Insights from Affective Neuroscience In Support of Non-Intentionalism​
Lauria Federico, Preissmann Delphine, 2018. Les Ateliers de l’Ethique/ The Ethics Forum.
A motion capture study to measure the feeling of synchrony in romantic couples and in professional musicians
Preissmann D., Charbonnier C., Chagué S., Antonietti J.-Ph., Ansermet F., Magistretti P. J., 2016/10. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiety modulates cognitive deficits in a perinatal glutathione deficit animal model of schizophrenia.
Preissmann D., Dépré M., Schenk F., Gisquet-Verrier P., 2016/10/01. Brain research, 1648 (Pt A) pp. 459-468. Peer-reviewed.
Mémoire et oubli: un éclairage de la psychologie et des neurosciences
Preissmann D., 2016/09. Arbido, 3 pp. 4-8.
Self-deception as affective coping. An empirical perspective on philosophical issues.
Lauria F., Preissmann D., Clément F., 2016/04. Consciousness and cognition, 41 pp. 119-134.
Increasing the Perspectives of Engineering Undergraduates on Societal Issues through an Interdisciplinary Program
Holzer A., Vonèche Cardia I., Bendahan S., Berne A., Bragazza L., Danalet A., Casoli A., Feige J., Gillet D., Isaac S. et al., 2016/01. International Journal of Engineering Education, 32 (2) pp. 614-624. Peer-reviewed.
The Subjective Sensation of Synchrony: an Experimental Study
Llobera J., Charbonnier C., Chagué S., Preissmann D., Antonietti J.P., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2016. PLoS One, 11 (2) pp. e0147008. Peer-reviewed.
Flexitests: pédagogies actives en psychologie expérimentale
Preissmann D., Sylvestre E., Jaccard D., Junod C., El Bez C., 2015/06. dans Actes du 8è colloque : Questions de pédagogie dans l'enseignement supérieur : innover pourquoi ? Comment ?. Peer-reviewed.
Embodied memory: unconscious smiling modulates emotional evaluation of episodic memories.
Arminjon M., Preissmann D., Chmetz F., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2015/05. Frontiers In Psychology, 6 p. 650. Peer-reviewed.
Embodied memory: the effects of somatic markers manipulation on memory reconsolidation and its clinical implications
Clara Pracana (eds.), 2015., Inpact 2015, International Psychological Appications Conference Trends.
Spatial radial maze procedures and setups to dissociate local and distal relational spatial frameworks in humans.
Bertholet Lea, Escobar Manuel Torres, Depré Marion, Chavan Camille, Giuliani Fabienne, Gisquet-Verrier Pascale, Preissmann Delphine, Schenk Françoise, 2015. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 253 pp. 126-141. Peer-reviewed.
Brain, Mind and Society: A Critical Account of Neuroscience
Arminjon M., Barras V., Bovet E., Kraus C., Panese F., Pidoux V., Preissmann D., Stücklin N., 2014/12. pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing relations between defensive functioning, depression and anxiety by using self-reported questionnaires in a non-clinical sample
Chmetz F., Preissmann D., Arminjon M., Magitretti P.J., Ansermet F., 2014/07. dans 17th European conference on personality, Lausanne.
Sex biased spatial strategies relying on the integration of multimodal cues in a rat model of schizophrenia: impairment in predicting future context?
Bertholet L., Meunier C., Preissmann D., Schenk F., 2014/04. Behavioural Brain Research, 262 pp. 109-117. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiety modulates deficits in "cognitive binding" in a glutathione deficit animal of schizophrenia
Preissmann D., Depré M., Laroque F., Schenk F., Bertholet L., Gisquet-Verrier P., 2014. dans 9th FENS, Forum of Neuroscience.
Efficient spatial strategies requiring the integration of multimodal cues are impaired in a rat model of schizophrenia with a transient glutathione deficit
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Meunier C., Schenk F., 2013. dans 2nd SFCNS Congress Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies.
Embodied memory: memory malleability by facial feedback manipulation during reconsolidation
Chmetz F., Preissmann D., Arminjon M., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2013. dans ESCOP 2013, Eighteenth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Budapest.
Embodied memory: memory malleability by facial feedback manipulation during reconsolidation
Chmetz F., Preissmann D., Arminjon M., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magitretti P.J., 2013. dans 13 biannual congress of the swiss psychological society. Crossing borders, University of Basel.
Les ressources adaptatives: de l'anticipation involontaire aux stratégies conscientes
Schenk F., Preissmann D., 2013. pp. 38-80 dans Schenk F., Leuba G., Büla C. (eds.) Du Vieillissement Cérébral à la Maladie d'Alzheimer, De Boeck.
Les ressources adaptatives: l'épreuve du vieillissement
Schenk F., Preissmann D., 2013. pp. 84-102 dans Leuba G., Büla C., Schenk F. (eds.) Du vieillissement cérébral à la maladie d'Alzheimer : vulnérabilité et plasticité, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Increased postsynaptic density protein-95 expression in the frontal cortex of aged cognitively impaired rats
Preissmann D., Leuba G., Savary C., Vernay A., Kraftsik R., Riederer I.M., Schenk F., Riederer B.M., Savioz A., 2012/11. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 237 (11) pp. 1331-1340. Peer-reviewed.
Recherche fondamentale sur la schizophrénie: comment transposer des signes de base dans un modèle théorique comme à d'autres espèces?
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Sierro G., Schenk F., 2012/03. dans 10ème Congrès international de l'Association de Recherche et de Soutien de Soins en Psychiatrie Générale (ARSPG). Peer-reviewed.
Approche écologique de la schizophrénie dans un animal modèle et chez l'homme
Preissmann D., 2012/02. dans Conférence IBAIC, Centre de Neurosciences Paris Sud.
Accurate performance of a rat model of schizophrenia in the watermaze depends on the variety and richness of visual landmarksPresentation
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Schenk F., 2012. dans FENS abstract, Barcelone 2012. Peer-reviewed.
La peur aux frontières de la prise de risque
Schenk F., Preissmann D., 2011/03. Revue Economique et Sociale, 69 (1) pp. 27-38.
Accurate performance of a rat model of schizophrenia in the water maze depends on visual cue availability and stability: a distortion in cognitive mapping abilities?
Preissmann D., Bertholet L., Sierro G., Cabungcal J.H., Schenk F., 2011. Behavioural Brain Research, 223 (1) pp. 145-153. Peer-reviewed.
Sex differences in spatial navigation: contrasting sex-specific spatial strategies
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Sierro G., Schenk F., 2011. dans Journée de la recherche en SSP, Université de Lausanne.
Sex differences in spatial navigation: contrasting sex-specific spatial strategies
Bertholet L, Preissmann D., Sierro G., Schenk f., 2011. dans Abstracts, EBBS meeting, Sevilla.
Accurate performance by BSO rats in a watermaze depend on visual cue availability or stability: how relevant to schizophrenia?
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Sierro G., Cabungcal J. H., Schenk F., 2010. dans FENS Abstr..
Animal models of schizophrenia: in search of a common key neurological syndrome in rats and humans.
Preissmann D., Cocchi L., Cabungcal J.H., Schenk F., 2009. pp. 265-291 dans Granon S. (eds.) Endophenotypes of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders in animal models, Research Signpost / Transworld Research Network.
Postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 and NMDA receptor levels are markers for cognitive failure
Savary C., Preissmann D., Riederer I. M., Vernay A., Kraftsik R., Schenk F., Riederer B. M., Leuba G., 2009. dans Swiss Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, University of Fribourg, March 14th 2009.
Postsynaptic density protein PSD-95, and NMDA receptor levels are markers for cognitive failure
Savary C., Preissmann D., Riederer I.M., Vernay A., Kraftsik R., Schenk F., Leuba G., Riederer B.M., 2009., USGEB, Interlaken dans Membranes in Motion.
Dissociation between walking and swimming spatial tasks in rats: an animal model with relevance to schizophrenia and prefrontal cortex dysfunction ?
Preissmann D., Cabungcal J. H., Do K. Q., Schenk F., 2008. pp. Abstract n° 157.22 dans FENS Abstr.
Postsynaptic density protein PSD-95, a marker for cognitive failure? A behavioural and proteomic analysis
Preissmann D., Leuba G., Schenk F., Riederer B.M., 2008/01. p. 126 dans CHUV research day.
Postsynaptic density protein PSD-95, a marker for cognitive failure? A behavioural and proteomic analysis.
Preissmann, D. , Leuba, G., Schenk, F., Riederer, B. , 2008. pp. abstract n° 278 dans USGEB 2008 - Biology Meets Engineering.
Individual changes in cognitive abilities during aging in relation with brain proteomic variations, part II: proteomic changes.
Preissmann D., Leuba G., Schenk F., Riederer B.M., 2007/09. dans 4th Annual Meeting of the Lemanic Neurosciences Programs.
Chapitre 14: Spatial representations in the rat: Case study or perspective on episodic memory?
Françoise Schenk, Delphine Preissmann, Chiara Sautter, 2007. pp. p. 249-279 dans Fred W. Mast & Lutz Jäncke (eds.) Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception, Springer.
Transitory glutathione deficit during brain development induces cognitive impairment in juvenile and adult rats: relevance to schizophrenia
Cabungcal J., Preissmann D., Delseth C., Cuénod M., Do K., Schenk F., 2007. dans CHUV RESEARCH DAY 2007, "Biomedical Imaging", Neurosciences et Psyché/NEU-29.
Transitory glutathione deficit during brain development induces cognitive impairment in juvenile and adult rats: relevance to schizophrenia.
Cabungcal J.H., Preissmann D., Delseth C., Cuénod M., Do K.Q., Schenk F., 2007. Neurobiology of disease, 26 (3) pp. 634-45. Peer-reviewed.
Allostatic working memory processing in schizophrenia: Human and animal model coherence
Cocchi Laurent, Preissmann Delphine, Do Kim Quang, Vianin Pascal, Schenk Françoise, 2006. pp. 14-15 dans , Neuropsychobiology. Peer-reviewed.
Individual changes in cognitive abilities during aging in relation with brain proteomic variations, part I: cognitive changes
Preissmann D., Riederer B., Leuba G., Schenk F., 2006. p. 94 dans 3rd Annual Meeting of the Lemanic Neurosciences Programs.
La psychologie de la publicité (dossier)
Preissmann D., Mast F., 2006. Psychoscope, 10 pp. 30-33.
Vieillissement : une adaptation optimale?
Preissmann D., Grandchamp N., Schenk F., 2006. dans Abstract CHUV RESEARCH DAY 2006 Neurosciences et Psyché/NEU-43.
Working memory processing in schizophrenia: Human and animal model coherence.
Preissmann D., Cocchi L., Do K. Q., Vianin P., Schenk F., 2006. pp. A059.22 dans FENS Abstr.
Glutathione deficit during brain development induces cognitive impairment in adult rats: an animal model with relevance to schizophrenia?
Preissmann D., Cabungcal J., Do K., Schenk F., 2005. pp. G.51 dans 7e Colloque de la Société des neurosciences, Lille.
Age related changes for single event or spatial memory in Long Evans rats
Preissmann D., Rossier J., Spreng M., Schenk F., 2003. p. 72 dans Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis (S).
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