Alberto Holly - ARCHIVE

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64 publications

2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1995 | 1993 | 1990 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1974 |
The determinants of individual health care expenditures in prison: evidence from Switzerland.
Moschetti K., Zabrodina V., Wangmo T., Holly A., Wasserfallen J.B., Elger B.S., Gravier B., 2018/03/07. BMC health services research, 18 (1) p. 160. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring differences in healthcare utilization of prisoners in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.
Moschetti K., Zabrodina V., Stadelmann P., Wangmo T., Holly A., Wasserfallen J.B., Elger B.S., Gravier B., 2017. PloS one, 12 (10) pp. e0187255. Peer-reviewed.
Disease profiles of detainees in the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland: gender and age differences in substance abuse, mental health and chronic health conditions
Moschetti K., Stadelmann P., Wangmo T., Holly A., Bodenmann P., Wasserfallen J.B., Elger B.S., Gravier B., 2015. Bmc Public Health, 15 (1) p. 872. Peer-reviewed.
Does poor childhood health explain increased health care utilisation and payments in middle and old age ?
Moschetti K., Lamiraud K., O'Donnell O., Holly A., 2011. pp. 255-267 dans Eds. Axel Börsch-Supan ... [et al.] (eds.) The individual and the welfare state : life histories in Europe, Springer.
Fourth order pseudo maximum likelihood methods
Holly A., Monfort A., Rockinger M., 2011. Journal of Econometrics, 162 (2) pp. 278-293. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of non-medical factors on variations in the performance of colonoscopy among different health care settings
Lamiraud Karine, Holly Alberto, Burnand Bernard, Juillerat Pascal, Wietlisbach Vincent, Froelich Florian, Gonvers Jean-Jacques, Vader John-Paul, 2010. Medical care, 48 (2) pp. 101-109. Peer-reviewed.
Estimation of multivariate probit models by exact maximum likelihood
Huguenin Jacques, Pelgrin Florian, Holly Alberto, 2009. (09-02) 49 Working paper, IEMS.
Physicians' working practices : target income, altruistic objectives or a maximization problem ?
Desquins Béatrice, Holly Alberto, Huguenin Jacques, 2009. (09-03) 53 Working paper, IEMS.
The effect of non-medical factors on variations in the performance of colonoscopy among different health care settings
Lamiraud Karine, Holly Alberto, Burnand Bernard, Juillerat Pascal, Wietlisbach Vincent, Froehlich Florian, Gonvers Jean-Jacques, Vader John-Paul, 2009. (09-04) 34 Working paper, IEMS.
Fourth order pseudo maximum likelihood methods
Holly Alberto, Monfort Alain, Rockinger Michael, 2008. (08-02) 42 Working paper, IEMS.
Health literacy [Document électronique] : an economic perspective and data for Switzerland. Part 2, A review of health literacy measures and a cost assessment of limited health literacy
Eichler Klaus, Wieser Simon, Bruegger Urs, Moschetti Karine, Holly Alberto, 2008. 34, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).
Le coût des dernières années de vie : un facteur déterminant des dépenses de santé
Holly Alberto, 2008. pp. 111-114 dans Au fil du temps : le jeu de l'âge / catalogue réalisé par la Fondation Claude Verdan, Gollion : Infolio.
Agent model with a monopoly power : physicians
Desquins Béatrice, Holly Alberto, Rochaix Lise, 2007. (07-01) 28 Working paper, IEMS.
Assessing the return on investments (cost-benefits) of prevention in Switzerland : a feasibility study
Chevrou-Séverac Hélène, Wieser Simon, Holly Alberto, Brügger Urs, Schleiniger Reto, 2007. 65, IEMS (Institute of Health Economics and Management).
Constructing producer price indices for the health care sector: the case of the hospital sector
Chevrou-Séverac Hélène, Holly Alberto, Ribeiro Tiago, 2006. Revue économique et sociale, 64 (June, special issue) pp. 53-76.
Problèmes de l'assurance maladie
Holly Alberto, 2006. pp. 54-62 dans Rapport annuel 2006 de la Commission pour les questions conjoncturelles : Réforme de la santé chap. 4.1, Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie (Seco).
Produits pharmaceutiques et dispositifs médicaux
Holly Alberto, 2006. pp. 79-86 dans Rapport annuel de Commission pour les questions conjoncturelles : Réforme de la santé chap. 4.4, Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie (Seco).
The 2003-2005 Swiss research program on DRGs : [special issue]
Holly Alberto, Schenker Luc, 2006. Revue économique et sociale, 64 184, SEES.
Inciter à mieux faire pour mieux payer
Holly Alberto, Jaquiéry Corinne, 2005. Competence 11 pp. 16-18.
Out-of-pocket payments for health care expenditures
Holly Alberto, Lamiraud Karine, Chevrou-Séverac Hélène, Yalcin Tarik, 2005. pp. 126-132 dans Health, ageing and retirement in Europe : first results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe chap. 3.7, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging.
Asymmetric information and induced demand in health care services utilisation: an application to Italy [Abstract]
Holly Alberto, Atella Vincezo, Huguenin Jacques, 2004. pp. S 34 dans 5th European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE 2004), London, 2004, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy.
Asymmetric Information in Health Care Services Utilization : the Role of Private Insurance
Holly Alberto, Atella Vincezo, Huguenin Jacques, 2004. [34], [Facoltà di Economia].
Health-based risk adjustment in Switzerland : an exploration using medical information from prior hospitalisation
Holly Alberto, Gardiol Lucien, Eggli Yves, Yalcin Tarik, Ribeiro Tiago, 2004. 126, Institut d'économie et management de la santé.
Maximum likelihood estimation of the conditional mean E( y/x) for skewed dependent variables in four-parameter families of distributions [Abstract]
Holly Alberto, Pentsak Yevhen, 2004. pp. S34-S35 dans 5th European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE 2004), London, 2004, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy.
Reducing influenza symptoms by 1.5 daysa prospective randomized trial using the contingent valuation method to elicit preferences for neuraminidase inhibitors [Poster]
von Bremen K.K., Martin E., Holly Alberto, Paccaud Fred, 2003/11. pp. 756 [PIN29] dans ISPOR Sixth Annual European Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 9-11 November 2003, Value in Health. Peer-reviewed.
Health and health care inequalities in Switzerland : a brief review of the literature
Holly Alberto, Benkassmi Mohamed, 2003. 39, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).
Risk adjustment and risk selection on the sickness fund insurance market in five European countries
Van de Ven Wynand P. M. M., Beck Konstantin, Buchner Florian, Chernichovsky Dov, Gardiol Lucien, Holly Alberto, Lamers Leida M., Schokkaert Erik, Shmueli Amir, Spycher Stefan et al., 2003. Health Policy, 65 (1) pp. 75-98. Peer-reviewed.
Risk adjustment in Switzerland
Beck Konstantin, Spycher Stefan, Holly Alberto, Gardiol Lucien, 2003. Health policy, 65 (1) pp. 63-74. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of health care system and environment on variations in performance and quality of colonoscopy
Lamiraud Karine, Holly Alberto, Wietlisbach Vincent, Burnand Bernard, Vader John-Paul, Froehlich Florian, Gonvers Jean-Jacques, European EPAGE Study Group, 2003. pp. 7S dans -, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
The effect of health care system and environment on variations in performance and quality of colonoscopy
Lamiraud K., Holly A., Wietlisbach V., Burnand B., Vader J. P., Froehlich F., Gonvers J. J., 2003. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 57 (5) pp. AB111-AB111.
Technological change in treatment of acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland, 1986-1993
Paccaud Fred, Holly Alberto, 2002. pp. 343-355 dans McClelland M.B., Kessler D. (eds.) Technological change in health care : a global analysis of heart attack, University of Michigan Press.
Swiss data for the OECD study of cross-national differences in treatment, costs and outcomes of stroke : country report, Switzerland
Santos-Eggimann B, Holly A., 2001/04. 15, Institut de Médecine sociale et Préventive.
A score test for individual heteroscedasticity in one-way error components model
Holly Alberto, Gardiol Lucien, 2000. pp. 199-211 dans Panel data econometrics : future directions : papers in honour of professor Pietro Balestra, Elsevier.
Comparaison du traitement fiscal des cantons servant à la réduction des primes à l'assurance maladie : mandat de la Conférence romande des affaires sanitaires et sociales (CRASS)
Holly Alberto, 2000. 36, Institut d'économie de de management de la santé (IEMS).
Exact and approximate distribution of the t ratio test statistic in an AR(1) model
Holly A., Rockinger M., 1998. pp. 157-170 dans Barnett W.A., Berndt E.R., White H. (eds.) Dynamic Econometric Modeling: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium in Economic Theory & Econometrics. Peer-reviewed, Cambridge University Press.
De l'argumentaire en économétrie
Holly Alberto, 1997. Revue européenne des sciences sociales, 35 (107) pp. 159-168.
A random linear functional approach to efficiency bounds
Holly Alberto, 1995. Journal of Econometrics, 65 (1) pp. 235-261. Peer-reviewed.
An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of test criteria which are asymptotically distributed as chi-squared under contiguous alternatives
Holly Alberto, Gardiol Lucien, 1995. pp. . dans Phillips P. C. B., Maddala G. S., Srinivasan T. N. (eds.) Advances in Econometrics and Quantitatives Economics chap. 5, Blackwell.
Asymptotic theory for nonlinear econometric models: estimation
Holly Alberto, 1993. pp. . dans De Zeeuw Aart Johannes (eds.) Advanced lectures in quantitative economics II chap. 7, Academic Press.
A general Kronecker formula for the moments of the multivariate normal distribution
Balestra Pietro, Holly Alberto, 1990. (9002) 17 Cahiers de recherches économiques, Ecole des H.E.C.
Lectures on Advanced Econometric Theory by Denis Sargan
Holly Alberto, 1990. Econometric Theory, 6 (4) pp. 481-483.
A Note on Instrumental Variables and Maximum Likelihood Estimation Procedures
Holly Alberto, Magnus Jan R., 1988. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 10 pp. 121-138. Peer-reviewed.
Specification tests: an overview
Holly Alberto, 1987. pp. . dans Bewley Truman F (eds.) Advances in Econometrics chap. 2, Cambridge University Press.
Testing for exogeneity: a survey
Holly Alberto, 1987. Economic Notes, 3 pp. 108-130. Peer-reviewed.
Some useful equivalence properties of Hausman's test
Holly Alberto, Monfort Alain, 1986. Economics Letters, 20 (1) pp. 39-43. Peer-reviewed.
Tensor components of multivariate hermite polynomials and moments of a multivariate normal distribution
Holly Alberto, 1986. (8701) 16 Cahiers de recherches économiques, Ecole des HEC.
Tests d'exogénéité
Holly Alberto, 1984. (71) 26 Document de travail, Institut de mathématiques économiques.
A simple procedure for testing whether a subset of endogenous variables is independent of the disturbance term in a structural equation
Holly Alberto, 1983. (8306) 22 Cahiers de recherches économiques, Université de Lausanne.
Hausman's specification test
Holly Alberto, 1983. pp. 585-586 dans Kotz Samuel, Johnson Norman Lloyd (eds.) Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, J. Wiley.
Tests d'exogénéité dans un modèle a équations simultanées: Énoncé de résultats théoriques en information limitée et illustrations a des tests de dépendance de la politique monétaire en régime de changes fixes
Holly Alberto, Laskar Daniel, 1983. Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie, 25 pp. 49-69. Peer-reviewed.
Une présentation unifiée des tests d'exogénéité dans les modèles à équations simultanées
Holly Alberto, 1983. Annales de l'INSEE, 50 pp. 3-24. Peer-reviewed.
A remark on Hausman's specification test
Holly Alberto, 1982. Econometrica, 50 (3) pp. 749-759. Peer-reviewed.
Likelihood ration test, Wald test and Kuhn-Tucker test in linear-models with inequality constraints on the regression parameters Likelihood Ratio Test, Wald Test and Kuhn-Tucker Test in Linear Models with Inequality Constraints on the Regression Parameters
Gourieroux Christian, Holly Alberto, Monfort Alain, 1982. Econometrica, 50 (1) pp. 63-80. Peer-reviewed.
Testing for exogeneity within a limited information framework
Holly Alberto, Sargan J. Denis , 1982. (8204) 31 Cahiers de recherches économiques, Ecole des H.E.C.
Tests de spécification
Holly Alberto, 1982. Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie 24 pp. 151-173. Peer-reviewed.
Kuhn-Tucker, likelihood ratio and Wald tests for nonlinear models with inequality constraints on the parameters
Holly Alberto, Gourieroux Christian, Monfort Alain, 1981. Journal of Econometrics, 16 (1) pp. 166-166.
Kuhn-Tucker, likelihood ratio and Wald tests for nonlinear models with inequality constraints on the parameters
Gouriéroux Christian, Holly Alberto, Monfort Alain, 1980/06. (770) 36 Discussion Paper, Harvard Institute of Economic Research.
Statistical Inference in an Implicit Nonlinear, Simultaneous Equation Model in the Context of Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Gallant A. Ronald , Holly Alberto, 1980. Econometrica, 48 (3) pp. 697-720. Peer-reviewed.
Testing recursiveness in a triangular simultaneous equation model
Holly Alberto, 1979/07. (154) 22 Warwick Economics Research Paper, University of Warwick, Department of Economics.
A saddlepoint approximation to the distribution of the k-class estimator of a coefficient in a simultaneous system
Holly Alberto, Phillips P.C.B., 1979. Econometrica, 47 (6) pp. 1527-1547. Peer-reviewed.
A note on tests of serial correlation based upon instrumental variables estimators
Holly Alberto, 1978. 39 Cahiers du Laboratoire d'Econométrie, Laboratoire d'Econométrie de l'Ecole Polytechnique.
Les propriétés de 'petits échantillons' dans les modèles à équations simultanées
Holly Alberto, 1978. 99, Laboratoire d'économétrie Ecole Polytechnique.
Testing statistical hypothesis in multiple equations non-linear models
Holly Alberto, 1978. 56 Cahiers du Laboratoire d'Econométrie, Laboratoire d'économétrie Ecole Polytechnique.
Sur l'estimation des paramètres d'un modèle linéaire lorsque la matrice des variances-covariances des résidus est singulière
Holly Alberto, 1974. Revue de statistique appliquée, 22 (2) pp. 5-27. Peer-reviewed.
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