Raphaël Faiss

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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75 publications

Sous presse | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2007 |
Effect of repeated sprint training in hypoxia on acute and chronic redox balance modulation.
Chambion-Diaz M., Faiss R., Pialoux V., Millet G.P. Free radical research pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
Repeated-sprint training in hypoxia: A review with 10 years of perspective.
Faiss R., Raberin A., Brocherie F., Millet G.P. Journal of sports sciences pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Hemoglobin mass is accurately predicted in endurance athletes.
Kasiak P., Kowalski T., Faiss R., Malczewska-Lenczowska J. Journal of sports sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Accelerated Red Blood Cell Turnover Following Extreme Mountain Ultramarathon?
Krumm B., Raberin A., Citherlet T., Tagliapietra G., Faiss R., Pialoux V., Debevec T., Giardini G., Millet G.P. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. Peer-reviewed.
Does blood tube filling influence the Athlete Biological Passport variables?
Krumm Bastien, Mettraux Léna, Moreillon Basile, Botrè Francesco, Faiss Raphael Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). Peer-reviewed.
Yearly intrasubject variability of hematological biomarkers in elite athletes for the Athlete Biological Passport
Krumm Bastien, Lundby Carsten, Hansen Joar, Bejder Jacob, Sørensen Henrik, Equey Tristan, Saugy Jonas, Botrè Francesco, Faiss Raphael, 2024/11. Drug Testing and Analysis, 16 (11) pp. 1285-1294. Peer-reviewed.
Carbon Monoxide Rebreathing as a Doping Method-A Toxic Debate.
Faiss Raphaël, Krumm Bastien, 2024/09/12. Drug testing and analysis. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting Future Athletic Performance in Young Female Road Cyclists Based on Aerobic Fitness and Hematological Variables
Sitkowski Dariusz, Malczewska-Lenczowska Jadwiga, Zdanowicz Ryszard, Starczewski Michał, Pokrywka Andrzej, Żmijewski Piotr, Faiss Raphael, 2024/09/01. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 19 (9) pp. 890-896. Peer-reviewed.
High‐level performances following low altitude training and tapering in warm environments in elite racewalkers
Krumm Bastien, Vallance Brent, Burke Louise, Garcia Johan, Bouten Janne, Brocherie Franck, Saugy Jonas J., Botrè Francesco, Faiss Raphael, 2024/08. European Journal of Sport Science, 24 (8) pp. 1120-1129. Peer-reviewed.
Competitive performance as a discriminator of doping status in elite athletes
Hopker James G., Griffin Jim E., Hinoveanu Laurentiu C., Saugy Jonas, Faiss Raphael, 2024/05. Drug Testing and Analysis, 16 (5) pp. 473-481. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of low-volume blood withdrawal on hematological biomarkers for the athlete biological passport.
Krumm B., Saugy J.J., Botrè F., Faiss R., 2024/02. Drug testing and analysis, 16 (2) pp. 168-173. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of plasma volume and total hemoglobin mass with machine learning.
Moreillon B., Krumm B., Saugy J.J., Saugy M., Botrè F., Vesin J.M., Faiss R., 2023/10. Physiological reports, 11 (19) pp. e15834. Peer-reviewed.
A new multimodal paradigm for biomarkers longitudinal monitoring: a clinical application to women steroid profiles in urine and blood.
de Figueiredo M., Saugy J., Saugy M., Faiss R., Salamin O., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Rudaz S., Botrè F., Boccard J., 2023/08/01. Analytica chimica acta, 1267 p. 341389. Peer-reviewed.
Is Recovery Optimized by Using a Cycle Ergometer Between Ski-Mountaineering Sprints?
Krumm B., Luisier F., Rapillard A., Faiss R., 2023/05/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (5) pp. 553-556. Peer-reviewed.
Variability of the urinary and blood steroid profiles in healthy and physically active women with and without oral contraception.
Moreillon B., Salamin O., Krumm B., Iannella L., Molaioni F., Kuuranne T., Nicoli R., Saugy J.J., Botrè F., Faiss R., 2023/03. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (3) pp. 324-333. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of low-volume blood withdrawal on hematological biomarkers
Krumm Bastien, Saugy Jonas, Botrè Francesco, Faiss Raphael, 2023/02/14. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8 (2) p. 017. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Insights in Anti-doping Sciences: 2021.
Faiss R., 2023. Frontiers in sports and active living, 5 p. 1195599. Peer-reviewed.
Where is the frontier between integrity in sport and anti-doping if it exists?
Pavot D., Faiss R., 2023. Frontiers in sports and active living, 5 p. 1158055. Peer-reviewed.
European College of Sport Sciences ECSS (eds.), 2022/09/02., 27th Annual Congress of the Eurpean College of Sport Sciences 660.
Hematological variables in recreational breath-hold divers: a longitudinal study.
Astolfi T., Crettaz VON Roten F., Kayser B., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2022/08. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 62 (8) pp. 1103-1109. Peer-reviewed.
Removal of the influence of plasma volume fluctuations for the athlete biological passport and stability of haematological variables in active women taking oral contraception.
Moreillon B., Equey T., Astolfi T., Salamin O., Faiss R., 2022/06. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (6) pp. 1004-1016. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the use of glucocorticosteroids by athletes in Poland in the light of the amended anti-doping regulations,Ocena stosowania glikokortykosteroidów przez sportowców w Polsce w ?wietle znowelizowanych przepisów antydopingowych
Pokrywka A., Berezovska D., Lewandowska-Pachecka S., Rynkowski M., Faiss R., Krzywaski J., 2022. Farmacja Polska, 78 (1) pp. 3-9.
Future opportunities for the Athlete Biological Passport.
Krumm B., Botrè F., Saugy J.J., Faiss R., 2022. Frontiers in sports and active living, 4 p. 986875. Peer-reviewed.
A single field test evaluation for the assessment of the Record Power Profile in cycling
Pujol Marius, Faiss Raphael, 2021/12/30. Journal of Science & Cycling. Peer-reviewed.
367 The ban of tramadol and hazard prevention in cycling
Bigard Xavier, Turin Angeline, Salamin Olivier, Faiss Raphael, Daali Youssef, Rudaz Serge, Rossi Francesca, Saugy Martial, 2021/11. pp. A139 dans Poster Presentations. Peer-reviewed, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine.
Cases reports: Unintended anti-doping rule violation after dorzolamide use several months prior to a doping control.
Pokrywka A., Skrzypiec-Spring M., Krzywański J., Rynkowski M., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2021/10. Drug testing and analysis, 13 (10) pp. 1803-1806. Peer-reviewed.
Factors Confounding the Athlete Biological Passport: A Systematic Narrative Review.
Krumm B., Faiss R., 2021/09/15. Sports medicine - open, 7 (1) p. 65. Peer-reviewed.
Similar Supine Heart Rate Variability Changes During 24-h Exposure to Normobaric vs. Hypobaric Hypoxia.
Tanner V., Faiss R., Saugy J., Bourdillon N., Schmitt L., Millet G.P., 2021. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15 p. 777800. Peer-reviewed.
The Influence of Training Load on Hematological Athlete Biological Passport Variables in Elite Cyclists.
Astolfi T., Crettaz von Roten F., Kayser B., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2021. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3 p. 618285. Peer-reviewed.
Is pain temporary and glory forever? Detection of tramadol using dried blood spot in cycling competitions.
Salamin O., Garcia A., González-Ruiz V., Rossi F., Bigard X., Déglon J., Daali Y., Faiss R., Saugy M., Rudaz S., 2020/11. Drug testing and analysis, 12 (11-12) pp. 1649-1657. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence Estimate of Blood Doping in Elite Track and Field Athletes During Two Major International Events.
Faiss R., Saugy J., Zollinger A., Robinson N., Schuetz F., Saugy M., Garnier PY, 2020/02/25. Frontiers in physiology, 11 p. 160. Peer-reviewed.
Does body position before and during blood sampling influence the Athlete Biological Passport variables?
Astolfi T., Schumacher Y.O., Crettaz von Roten F., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2020/02. International journal of laboratory hematology, 42 (1) pp. 61-67. Peer-reviewed.
The fatigue-induced alteration in postural control is larger in hypobaric than in normobaric hypoxia.
Degache F., Serain É., Roy S., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2020/01/16. Scientific reports, 10 (1) p. 483. Peer-reviewed.
Repeated Sprint Training in Hypoxia: Case Report of Performance Benefits in a Professional Cyclist.
Faiss Raphael, Rapillard Arnaud, 2020. Frontiers in sports and active living, 2 p. 35. Peer-reviewed.
Dopage et Antidopage- Historique, évolution et perspectives
Faiss Raphael, Saugy Martial, Ohl Fabien, 2019/06/01. pp. 255-274 dans Bayle Emmanuel (eds.) Le système olympique. Passé, présent et futur, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.
Worldwide distribution of blood values in elite track and field athletes: Biomarkers of altered erythropoiesis.
Robinson N., Saugy J., Schütz F., Faiss R., Baume N., Giraud S., Saugy M., 2019/04. Drug testing and analysis, 11 (4) pp. 567-577. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Performance Modeling and Anti-doping
Faiss Raphael, Saugy Martial, Passfield Louis, Hopker James, 2019/03/01. Frontiers in Physiology, 10. Peer-reviewed.
Fighting Doping in Elite Sports: Blood for All Tests!
Faiss Raphael, Saugy Jonas, Saugy Martial, 2019. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 1 p. 30.
Participating In The Race Across AMerica In A Team Of Eight Cyclists: Do Not Neglect Crew Preparation.
Guex K., Serain E., Gremion G., Besson C., Faiss R., Majo J., Degache F., 2019. Open access journal of sports medicine, 10 pp. 161-169. Peer-reviewed.
Le dialogue nécessaire entre médecine et antidopage pour l’intégrité du sport et de l’athlète = The necessary dialogue between medicine and anti-doping for the integrity of sport and the athlete
Faiss R., Salamin O., Astolfi T., Saugy M., 2018/07/11. Revue médicale suisse, 14 (613) pp. 1360-1363. Peer-reviewed.
Performance data to improve cycling?s credibility?
Faiss R., Saugy M., 2018. Doping in Cycling: Interdisciplinary Perspectives pp. 154-163.
Qualitative Video Analysis of Track-Cycling Team Pursuit in World-Class Athletes
Sigrist S., Maier T., Faiss R., 2017/11/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 12 (10) pp. 1305-1309. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Repeated-Sprint Training in Hypoxia on Sea-Level Performance: A Meta-Analysis.
Brocherie F., Girard O., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2017/08. Sports medicine, 47 (8) pp. 1651-1660. Peer-reviewed.
Individual hemoglobin mass response to normobaric and hypobaric "live high-train low": A one-year crossover study.
Hauser A., Troesch S., Saugy J.J., Schmitt L., Cejuela-Anta R., Faiss R., Steiner T., Robinson N., Millet G.P., Wehrlin J.P., 2017/08/01. Journal of applied physiology, 123 (2) pp. 387-393. Peer-reviewed.
Clarification on altitude training.
Millet G.P., Brocherie F., Faiss R., Girard O., 2017/01/01. Experimental physiology, 102 (1) pp. 130-131. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Disordered Breathing During Live High-Train Low in Normobaric Versus Hypobaric Hypoxia.
Saugy J.J., Schmitt L., Fallet S., Faiss R., Vesin J.M., Bertschi M., Heinzer R., Millet G.P., 2016/09. High altitude medicine & biology, 17 (3) pp. 233-238. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Sleep Disorders between Real and Simulated 3,450-m Altitude.
Heinzer R., Saugy J.J., Rupp T., Tobback N., Faiss R., Bourdillon N., Rubio J.H., Millet G.P., 2016/08/01. Sleep, 39 (8) pp. 1517-1523. Peer-reviewed.
Does altitude level of a prior time-trial modify subsequent exercise performance in hypoxia and associated neuromuscular responses?
Girard O., Bula S., Faiss R., Brocherie F., Millet G.Y., Millet G.P., 2016/07/19. Physiological Reports. Peer-reviewed.
Altitud y deportes de equipo: métodos tradicionales desafiados por un entrenamiento innovador y específico en hipoxia
Brocherie F., Girard O., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2016. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 12 (46) pp. 338-358. Peer-reviewed.
Altitude and team sports: Traditional methods challenged by innovative sport-specific training in hypoxia,Altitud y deportes de equipo: Métodos tradicionales desafiados por un entrenamiento innovador y específico en hipoxia
Brocherie F., Girard O., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2016. RICYDE: Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 12 (46) pp. 338-358.
Circadian variation of salivary immunoglobin A, alpha-amylase activity and mood in response to repeated double-poling sprints in hypoxia.
Born D.P., Faiss R., Willis S.J., Strahler J., Millet G.P., Holmberg H.C., Sperlich B., 2016. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116 (1) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Cycling Time Trial Is More Altered in Hypobaric than Normobaric Hypoxia
Saugy J.J., Rupp T., Faiss R., Lamon A., Bourdillon N., Millet G.P., 2016. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48 (4) pp. 680-688. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure to hypobaric hypoxia results in higher oxidative stress compared to normobaric hypoxia.
Ribon A., Pialoux V., Saugy J.J., Rupp T., Faiss R., Debevec T., Millet G.P., 2016. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 223 pp. 23-27. Peer-reviewed.
Wehrlin J.P., Hauser A., Schmitt L., Troesch S., Saugy J. J., Cejula-Anta R., Faiss R., Robinson N., Millet G.P., 2016. Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise, 48 (7) pp. 1426-1427. Peer-reviewed.
Same Performance Changes after Live High-Train Low in Normobaric vs. Hypobaric Hypoxia.
Saugy J.J., Schmitt L., Hauser A., Constantin G., Cejuela R., Faiss R., Wehrlin J.P., Rosset J., Robinson N., Millet G.P., 2016. Frontiers In Physiology, 7 (138) p. 138. Peer-reviewed.
Similar Hemoglobin Mass Response in Hypobaric and Normobaric Hypoxia in Athletes
Hauser A., Schmitt L., Troesch S., Saugy J.J., Cejuela-Anta R., Faiss R., Robinson N., Wehrlin J.P., Millet G.P., 2016. Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise, 48 (4) pp. 734-741. Peer-reviewed.
Entrainement en altitude dans les sports collectifs : aptitude aérobie et répétition de sprints
Millet G., Brocherie F., Faiss R., Girard O., 2015/10. 236, De Boeck supérieur.
Correction : Comparison of "Live High-Train Low" in Normobaric versus Hypobaric Hypoxia
Saugy J. J., Schmitt L., Cejuela R., Faiss R., Hauser A., Wehrlin J. P., Rudaz B., Delessert A., Robinson N., Millet G. P., 2015. PLoS One, 10 (7) pp. e0133091. Peer-reviewed.
Erratum: Comparison of "Live high-train low" in normobaric versus hypobaric hypoxia (PLoS ONE (2015) 10:7 (e0133091))
Saugy J.J., Schmitt L., Cejuela R., Faiss R., Hauser A., Wehrlin J.P., Rudaz B., Delessert A., Robinson N., Millet G.P., 2015. PLoS ONE, 10 (7).
High-intensity intermittent training in hypoxia: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled field study in youth football players.
Brocherie F., Girard O., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2015. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (1) pp. 226-237. Peer-reviewed.
Prooxidant/Antioxidant Balance in Hypoxia: A Cross-Over Study on Normobaric vs. Hypobaric "Live High-Train Low".
Debevec T., Pialoux V., Saugy J., Schmitt L., Cejuela R., Mury P., Ehrström S., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2015. Plos One, 10 (9) pp. e0137957. Peer-reviewed.
Repeated Double-Poling Sprint Training in Hypoxia by Competitive Cross-country Skiers.
Faiss R., Willis S., Born D.P., Sperlich B., Vesin J.M., Holmberg H.C., Millet G.P., 2015. Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise, 47 (4) pp. 809-817. Peer-reviewed.
Faiss R., Holmberg H.C., Millet G.P., 2015. Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise, 47 (11) p. 2484. Peer-reviewed.
Responses to exercise in normobaric hypoxia: comparison of elite and recreational ski mountaineers.
Faiss R., von Orelli C., Dériaz O., Millet G.P., 2014. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 9 (6) pp. 978-984. Peer-reviewed.
Advancing hypoxic training in team sports: from intermittent hypoxic training to repeated sprint training in hypoxia.
Faiss R., Girard O., Millet G.P., 2013. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47 Suppl 1 pp. i45-i50. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence for differences between hypobaric and normobaric hypoxia is conclusive.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., Pialoux V., 2013. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 41 (2) p. 133. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxic training and team sports: a challenge to traditional methods?
Millet G.P., Faiss R., Brocherie F., Girard O., 2013. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47 Suppl 1 pp. i6-i7. Peer-reviewed.
Significant molecular and systemic adaptations after repeated sprint training in hypoxia
Faiss R., Leger B., Vesin J. M., Fournier P. E., Eggel Y., Deriaz O., Millet G. P., 2013. PLoS ONE, 8 (2) pp. e56522. Peer-reviewed.
Ventilation, Oxidative Stress, and Nitric Oxide in Hypobaric versus Normobaric Hypoxia.
Faiss R., Pialoux V., Sartori C., Faes C., Dériaz O., Millet G.P., 2013. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45 (2) pp. 253-260. Peer-reviewed.
Hypobaric versus normobaric hypoxia: same effects on postural stability?
Degache F., Larghi G., Faiss R., Deriaz O., Millet G., 2012. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 13 (1) pp. 40-45. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxic conditions and exercise-to-rest ratio are likely paramount.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., 2012. Sports Medicine, 42 (12) pp. 1081-3; author reply 1083-5. Peer-reviewed.
Last word on Point: Counterpoint: Hypobaric hypoxia induces different responses from normobaric hypoxia.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., Pialoux V., 2012. Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (10) p. 1795. Peer-reviewed.
Point: Hypobaric hypoxia induces different physiological responses from normobaric hypoxia.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., Pialoux V., 2012. Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (10) pp. 1783-1784. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of initial foot dorsal flexion on vertical jump and running performance.
Faiss R., Terrier P., Praz M., Fuchslocher J., Gobelet C., Deriaz O., 2010. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (9) pp. 2352-2357. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of mountain bike suspensions on vibrations and off-road uphill performance.
Faiss R., Praz M., Meichtry A., Gobelet C., Deriaz O., 2007. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 47 (2) pp. 151-158. Peer-reviewed.
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