Xavier Crevoisier

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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112 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1996 | 1993 |
Traumatismes du pied aux urgences : attention à trois lésions pièges [Foot injuries in the emergency room : three lesions that should not be missed]
Gilliéron P., Martin J., Longhino V., Crevoisier X., 2023/12/13. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (854) pp. 2357-2362. Peer-reviewed.
Posterior to anterior malleolar extended lateral approach to the ankle (PAMELA): early results of a novel approach.
Kummer A., Crevoisier X., 2023/02. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 143 (2) pp. 879-886. Peer-reviewed.
Knee adduction moment decomposition: Toward better clinical decision-making.
Baniasad M., Martin R., Crevoisier X., Pichonnaz C., Becce F., Aminian K., 2022. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 10 p. 1017711. Peer-reviewed.
Entorses de cheville : six pièges à connaître [Six pitfalls around the ankle sprains]
Heutschi-Öztürk H., Gilliéron P., Stanekova K., Crevoisier X., 2021/12/15. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (763) pp. 2180-2186. Peer-reviewed.
Three-Year Rates of Reoperation and Revision Following Mobile Versus Fixed-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Cohort of 302 Patients with 2 Implants of Similar Design.
Assal M., Kutaish H., Acker A., Hattendorf J., Lübbeke A., Crevoisier X., 2021/11/17. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 103 (22) pp. 2080-2088. Peer-reviewed.
Bilateral gait asymmetry associated with tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis versus ankle arthrodesis.
Chopra S., Crevoisier X., 2021/04. Foot and ankle surgery, 27 (3) pp. 332-338. Peer-reviewed.
Posterior to anterior malleolar extended lateral approach to the ankle (PAMELA): a cadaveric anatomic study.
Kummer A., Cadas H., Crevoisier X., 2021/03. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 141 (3) pp. 427-435. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of foot modeling on the quantification of the effect of total ankle replacement: A pilot study.
Deleu P.A., Naaim A., Leemrijse T., Dumas R., Devos Bevernage B., Besse J.L., Crevoisier X., Chèze L., 2021/02. Gait & posture, 84 pp. 308-314. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term evaluation of the distal transverse plantar approach for Morton's neuroma excision.
Ngo THNN, Traverso A., Chopra S., Hassani H., Crevoisier X., 2020/09/21. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20347. Peer-reviewed.
Advances in foot and ankle surgery: between enthusiasm and evidence
Crevoisier Xavier, Rippstein Pascal, 2020/02/01. Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie, 2 (15) p. 3.
Arthrose de cheville aujourd’hui: prothèse ou arthrodèse?
Crevoisier Xavier, 2020/02/01. Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie, 2 (15) pp. 6-10.
Hallux rigidus: Wird das Kunstgelenk neuer Goldstandard?
Rippstein Pascal, 2020/02/01. Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie, 2 (15) pp. 12-15.
Calcaneocuboid and Naviculocuneiform Dislocation: An Unusual Injury of the Midfoot.
Kummer A., Crevoisier X., Eudier A., 2020. Case reports in orthopedics, 2020 p. 8818823. Peer-reviewed.
Preoperative gait asymmetry in end-stage unilateral ankle osteoarthrosis patients.
Chopra S., Crevoisier X., 2019/06. Foot and ankle surgery, 25 (3) pp. 298-302. Peer-reviewed.
Association of Bosworth, Pilon, and Open Talus Fractures: A Very Unusual Ankle Trauma.
Moerenhout K., Gkagkalis G., Baalbaki R., Crevoisier X., 2019. Case reports in orthopedics, 2019 p. 6316137. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of the modified Lapidus procedure for hallux valgus deformity during the first year following surgery: A prospective clinical and gait analysis study.
Moerenhout K., Chopra S., Crevoisier X., 2019/01. Clinical biomechanics, 61 pp. 205-210. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of peripheral nerve blockade characteristics between non-diabetic patients and patients suffering from diabetic neuropathy: a prospective cohort study.
Baeriswyl M., Taffé P., Kirkham K.R., Bathory I., Rancati V., Crevoisier X., Cherix S., Albrecht E., 2018/09. Anaesthesia, 73 (9) pp. 1110-1117. Peer-reviewed.
A rare combination of Bosworth injury with pilon and open talus fractures. Systematic approach of an unusual ankle trauma
Moerenhout Kevin, Gkagkalis Giorgios, Baalbaki Rayan, Crevoisier Xavier, 2018/06/01. pp. 57S dans Swiss Medical Weekly.
Evaluation of the distal transverse plantar approach in the surgical treatment of a Morton’s neuroma
Ngo Trieu Hoai Nam, Michel-Traverso Aurélien, Hassani Hassen, Crevoisier Xavier, 2018/06/01. Swiss Medical Weekly, 148 (229S) pp. 57S. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement de l’hallux valgus basé sur l’évidence [Evidence based treatment of hallux valgus]
Stanekova K., Assal M., Crevoisier X., 2017/12/13. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (587) pp. 2158-2163. Peer-reviewed.
Fixed and mobile-bearing total ankle prostheses: Effect on tibial bone strain.
Terrier A., Fernandes C.S., Guillemin M., Crevoisier X., 2017/10. Clinical biomechanics, 48 pp. 57-62. Peer-reviewed.
CORR Insights(®): Are There Differences in Gait Mechanics in Patients With A Fixed Versus Mobile Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty? A Randomized Trial.
Crevoisier X.M., 2017/07/31. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475 (10) pp. 2607-2609. Peer-reviewed.
A trans-Achilles posterior approach to access a plurifragmentary fracture of the posterior talar body
Tschopp Benjamin, Crevoisier Xavier, Thein Eric, 2017/06/10. pp. 61S dans Swiss Medical Weekly proceedings of 77th Annual Congressl Swiss Orthopedics.
An original technique to address an intermetatarsal coalition
Luyet Anaïs, Baalbaki Rayan, Crevoisier Xavier, 2017/06/01. pp. 61S dans 77e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Qualitative analysis of foot intersegment coordination in the sagittal plane following surgery for end-stage ankle osteoarthrosis.
Chopra S., Favre J., Crevoisier X., 2017/06. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 35 (6) pp. 1304-1310. Peer-reviewed.
Die Verstauchung des oberen Sprunggelenkes
Crevoisier Xavier, 2016/09/01. Fuss & Schuh, 142 (5) pp. 4-7. Peer-reviewed.
Dual-Energy Computed Tomography-Based Molecular Imaging of Cholesterol Deposits in Achilles Tendon Xanthomatosis.
Hajdu S.D., Omoumi P., Baalbaki R., Crevoisier X., Letovanec I., So A.K., Becce F., 2016/07. Arthritis and Rheumatology (hoboken, N.j.), 68 (7) p. 1687. Peer-reviewed.
Hallux valgus, ankle osteoarthrosis and adult acquired flatfoot deformity: a review of three common foot and ankle pathologies and their treatments.
Crevoisier X., Assal M., Stanekova K., 2016/03. EFORT open reviews, 1 (3) pp. 58-64. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective versus objective assessment in early clinical outcome of modified Lapidus procedure for hallux valgus deformity.
Chopra S., Moerenhout K., Crevoisier X., 2016/02. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 32 pp. 187-193. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement for ankle arthrosis in terms of gait variability
Chopra Swati, Rouhani Hossein, Moerenhout Kevin, Favre Julien, Aminian Kamiar, Crevoisier Xavier, 2015/09/21. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2 (1) p. 31. Peer-reviewed.
Ankle Arthrodesis, Ankle Arthroplasty, Hallux Valgus, Flatfoot
Crevoisier X, 2015/05. pp. 41-45 dans The Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review Course, EFORT.
Analysis of inter-segment coordination along with joint angulations- a more elaborative perspective to study kinematics in ankle joint
Chopra S Favre J Crevoisier X, 2015. pp. 14 S-15 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Characterization of gait in female patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity.
Chopra S, Moerenhout K, Crevoisier X., 2015. pp. 15 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Characterization of gait in female patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity.
Chopra S., Moerenhout K., Crevoisier X., 2015. Clinical Biomechanics, 30 (6) pp. 629-635. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative Analysis of Fixed and Mobile Bearing Total Ankle Prostheses: Effect on Tibial Bone Strain and Tibial Component Fixation.
Terrier A, Guillemin M, Sieger Fernandes C, Crevoisier X., 2015. pp. 57 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Tibiotalocalcaneal vs tibiotalar fusion: a biomechanical comparison.
Chopra S, Baalbaki R, Pichonnaz M, Favre J, Crevoisier X, 2015. pp. 15 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Fixed and mobile bearing total ankle prostheses : a comparative numerical study
Crevoisier X, Guillemin M, Terrier A., 2014/06. pp. S 50 dans 74e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics.
Gait variability in ankle osteoarthritis, ankle arthrodesis, and total ankle replacement
Chopra S, Rouhani H, Favre J, Assal M, Aminian K, Moerenhout K, Crevoisier X, 2014/06., Swiss Orthopaedics pp. S 11 dans 74e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics.
Subjective vs objective assessment in early clinical outcome of modified Lapidus procedure for moderate to severe hallux valgus
Chopra S, Moerenhout K, Crevoisier X., 2014/06. pp. S 50 dans 74e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics.
A wearable system for multi-segment foot kinetics measurement.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2014/05/07. Journal of biomechanics, 47 (7) pp. 1704-1711. Peer-reviewed.
Development and experimental validation of a finite element model of total ankle replacement.
Terrier A., Larrea X., Guerdat J., Crevoisier X., 2014. Journal of Biomechanics, 47 (3) pp. 742-745. Peer-reviewed.
Fractures de la cheville chez le patient âgé [Ankle fractures in the elderly patient].
Crevoisier X., Baalbaki R., Dos Santos T., Assal M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (455) pp. 2420-2423.
Outcome of unilateral ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement in terms of bilateral gait mechanics.
Chopra S., Rouhani H., Assal M., Aminian K., Crevoisier X., 2014. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32 (3) pp. 377-384. Peer-reviewed.
Wide resection of the lateral malleolus and adjacent tibial, talar and calcanear bones with ankle fusion and allograft reconstruction for an osteosarcoma.
Stanekova K., Crevoisier X., Christen T., Becce F., Gay B., Letovanec I., Cherix S., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
Critical evaluation of outcome scales assessment of lateral ankle ligament reconstruction.
Burn A., Buerer Y., Chopra S., Winkler M., Crevoisier X., 2013. Foot and Ankle International, 34 (7) pp. 995-1005. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of a numerical model for tibial component analysis in total ankle replacement.
Terrier A., Larrea X., Guerdat J., Crevoisier X., 2013. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 16 (Suppl 1) pp. 249-250. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of a modified Broström-Gould procedure for treatment of chronic lateral ankle instability: A retrospective study with critical analysis of outcome scoring.
Buerer Y., Winkler M., Burn A., Chopra S., Crevoisier X., 2013. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 19 (1) pp. 36-41.
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction and flatfoot: Analysis with simulated walking.
Watanabe K., Kitaoka H.B., Fujii T., Crevoisier X., Berglund L.J., Zhao K.D., Kaufman K.R., An K.N., 2013. Gait and Posture, 37 (2) pp. 264-268.
Quantitative estimation of foot-flat and stance phase of gait using foot-worn inertial sensors.
Mariani B., Rouhani H., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2013. Gait and Posture, 37 (2) pp. 229-234.
A comparison between joint coordinate system and attitude vector for multi-segment foot kinematics.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., 2012. Journal of Biomechanics, 45 (11) pp. 2041-2045. Peer-reviewed.
Causes of failures in TAA
Assal M., Crevoisier X., 2012. dans Bonnin B., Ellis S.J. (eds.) Total Ankle Arthroplasty Today chap. 8, CIC Edizioni Internazionali.
Diagnostic et traitement de la rupture du tendon d'Achille [Diagnosis and treatment of the ruptured Achilles tendon].
Neumayer F., Assal M., Crevoisier X., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (349) pp. 1490-1495.
Measurement of multi-segment foot joint angles during gait using a wearable system.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2012. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 134 (6) p. 061006. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-segment foot kinematics after total ankle replacement and ankle arthrodesis during relatively long-distance gait.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Aminian K., Crevoisier X., 2012. Gait and Posture, 36 (3) pp. 561-566. Peer-reviewed.
Strategy and pre-op planning in TAA.
Crevoisier X., Assal M., 2012. dans Bonnin M., Ellis S.J. (eds.) Total Ankle Arthroplasty Today chap. 4, CIC Edizioni Internazionali.
Total ankle replacement for rheumatoid arthritis of the ankle.
Sean N.Y., Xavier C., Assal M., 2012. Foot and Ankle Clinics, 17 (4) pp. 555-564. Peer-reviewed.
Ambulatory assessment of multi-segment foot joints angle for outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments.
Crevoisier X., Rouhani H., Favre J., Aminian K., 2011. pp. P17 dans 71e Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT).
Ambulatory assessments of multi-segment foot joints angles for outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2011. dans ICAMPAM 2011, 2nd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement.
Ambulatory measurement of ankle kinetics for clinical applications.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2011. Journal of Biomechanics, 44 (15) pp. 2712-2718. Peer-reviewed.
Arthrodesis of the Second Metatarso-phalangeal Joint: A Unique Case.
Vial N., Burn A., Winkler M., Crevoisier X., 2011. dans 71e Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT).
Avulsion fracture of the peroneus longus tendon insertion at the base of the first metatarsal: report of a case.
Zermatten P., Crevoisier X., 2011. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 17 (1) pp. e10-e12.
Critical evaluation of outcome scales to assess outcome after lateral ankle ligament repair
Burn A., Bürer Y., Winkler M., Vial N., Crevoisier X., 2011. pp. 21S dans 71e Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT), Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence for Validity and Reliability of a French Version of the FAAM
Borloz S., Crevoisier X., Deriaz O., RobRoy M., Luthi F., 2011. dans 71e Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT).
Evidence for validity and reliability of a french version of the FAAM.
Borloz Stéphane, Crevoisier Xavier, Deriaz Olivier, Ballabeni Pierluigi, Martin RobRoy L., Luthi François, 2011. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12 (1) p. 40. Peer-reviewed.
Infection after total ankle replacement : A 5-year retrospective analysis of 92 implanted ankle prostheses (2004-2008).
Borens O., Trampuz A., Assal M., Crevoisier X., 2011. p. 330 dans EBJIS 2009, 28th Annual Meeting of the European Bone and Joint Infections Society, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, British Volume Proceedings. Supplement. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments using ambulatory assessment of multi-segment foot joints kinetics and comparison with two clinical outcome scales.
Crevoisier X., Rouhani H., Favre J., Aminian K., 2011. dans 71e Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT).
Outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments: plantar pressure analysis during relatively long-distance walking.
Rouhani H., Crevoisier X., Favre J., Aminian K., 2011. Clinical Biomechanics, 26 (4) pp. 397-404. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of a Modified Broström-Gould Procedure for Lateral Ankle Instability
Winkler M., Bürer Y., Burn A., Vial N., Crevoisier X., 2011. pp. 21S dans 71e Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie (SSOT), Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Segmentation of foot and ankle complex based on kinematic criteria.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., 2011. Computer Methods In Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 14 (9) pp. 773-781. Peer-reviewed.
Step activity monitoring to assess ambulation before and after total ankle arthroplasty.
Assal M., Ahmad A.C., Lacraz A., Courvoisier D.S., Stern R., Crevoisier X., 2011. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 17 (3) pp. 136-139.
The isolated talonavicular arthrodesis.
Crevoisier X., 2011. Foot and Ankle Clinics, 16 (1) pp. 49-59.
A new conservative-dynamic treatment for the acute ruptured Achilles tendon.
Neumayer F., Mouhsine E., Arlettaz Y., Gremion G., Wettstein M., Crevoisier X., 2010. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 130 (3) pp. 363-368.
Adaptation transculturelle et validation du questionnaire Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) pour les patients francophones avec pathologies du pied ou de la cheville
Borloz S., Crevoisier X., Deriaz O., Jolles B.M., Luthi F., 2010. pp. S188-189 dans 85e Réunion Annuelle de la Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique. Peer-reviewed.
Ambulatory assessment of 3D ground reaction force using plantar pressure distribution.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2010. Gait and Posture, 32 (3) pp. 311-316.
Chirurgie de l'avant-pied: quoi de neuf [What's new in forefoot surgery].
Ray A., Crevoisier X., Assal M., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (276) pp. 2459-2462. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of a mixed approach combining stationary and wearable systems to monitor gait over long distance.
Favre J., Crevoisier X., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., 2010. Journal of Biomechanics, 43 (11) pp. 2196-2202. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of the ankle arthropathies on the 3D kinematics of the lower limbs during gait: analysis with an ambulatory system.
Crevoisier X., Favre J., Aminian K., Jolles B.M., 2009/03. p. 161 dans EFORT - European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Vol.. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of joint laxity after total ankle arthroplasty: cadaver study.
Watanabe K., Crevoisier X.M., Kitaoka H.B., Zhao K.D., Berglund L.J., Kaufman K.R., An K.N., 2009. Clinical Biomechanics, 24 (8) pp. 655-660.
Avulsion fracture of peroneus longus tendon at the first metatarsal insertion: a case report : P16
Zermatten P., Brégou-Bourgeois A., Crevoisier X., 2009. pp. 35 S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Orthopedy and Traumatology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Entorse aiguë de la Cheville: quelle immobilisation [Acute ankle sprain: which immobilization?]
Assal M., Crevoisier X., 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (212) pp. 1551-1554.
Functional significance of first metatarso-phalangeal joint arthrodesis : FM101
Bregou-Bourgeois A., Khatsoulis S., Saglini M., Crevoisier X., 2009. pp. 26S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Orthopedy and Traumatology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments using spatio-temporal gait parameters and plantar pressure during unconstrained long distance walking : P25
Crevoisier X., Aminian K., Rouhani H., Favre J., Zobeiri O., Jolles-Haeberli B, 2009. pp. 36S-37S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Orthopedy and Traumatology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome evaluation of ankle osteoarthritis treatments using spatio-temporal gait parameters and plantar pressure during unconstraint long distance walking.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Jolles B.M., Zobeiri O., Aminian K., 2009. pp. 110-111 dans Proceedings of the 19th conference of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research.
Problèmes orthopédiques du pied vieillissant : les possibilités conservatrices doivent être explorées systématiquement
Brégou Bourgeois Aline, Crevoisier Xavier, 2009. Gériatrie Pratique Praxis, 20 (2) pp. 11-14.
Using step activity monitoring to assess ambulatory activity before and after total ankle arthroplasty : FM103
Che Ahmad A., Lacraz A., Crevoisier X., Courvoisier D., Assal M., 2009. pp. 26S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Orthopedy and Traumatology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Chirurgie du pied et de la cheville rhumatoïdes [Surgery of the rheumatoid foot and ankle]
Crevoisier X., Assal M., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (184) pp. 2732-2736.
Fractures du calcanéum: du traumatisme aux séquelles [Fractures of the calcaneus: the injury and its sequelae]
Assal M., Crevoisier X., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (173) pp. 2108-2113.
Operative Behandlungsoptionen der MTP1-Arthrose
Crevoisier X., 2008. Leading Opinions Orthopädie, 3 (1) pp. 6-9.
Connaissances médicales : le pied. Interview ForumR
Crevoisier X., 2007. Ligue Suisse Contre le Rhumatisme, 87 (1) pp. 14-21.
Le pied plat dégénératif: approche pragmatique [Acquired adult flatfoot deformity: a pragmatic approach]
Crevoisier X., Assal M., 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (138) pp. 2892-4, 2896-8. Peer-reviewed.
Peroneal Tendon Dislocation : Current Concept.
Akiki A., Crevoisier X., 2007. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Traumatologie, 55 (1) pp. 26-29.
Peroneal tendon dislocation. A tendon protective and bone preserving technique of stabilization.
Akiki A., Arlettaz Y., Crevoisier X., 2007. Saudi Medical Journal, 28 (10) pp. 1607-1609. Peer-reviewed.
Foot and ankle kinematics and ground reaction forces during ambulation
Kitaoka H. B., Crevoisier X. M., Hansen D., Katajarvi B., Harbst K., Kaufman K. R., 2006. Foot and Ankle International, 27 (10) pp. 808-813.
Les prothèses de cheville: un défi prometteur
Crevoisier X., Akiki A., Bouffioux N., 2006. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 6 (5) pp. 114-120.
Some reflections on pathomecanics of the rheumatoid foot and ankle
Crevoisier X., 2006. pp. 49-72 dans M Bouysset, Y Tourné, K Tillmann (eds.) Foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis, Springer.
The effect of custom-made braces for the ankle and hindfoot on ankle and foot kinematics and ground reaction forces
Kitaoka H. B., Crevoisier X. M., Harbst K., Hansen D., Kotajarvi B., Kaufman K., 2006. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87 (1) pp. 130-135.
Ankle sprain and medial osteochondral lesion of the talus : report of a case with unclear symptomatology and the value of open curettage and drilling in the presence of a cartilage defect and subchondral osteosclerosis.
Crevoisier X., Theumann N., Boubaker A., Chevalley F., 2005. Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care, 13 (2) pp. 118-124.
Les prothèses de cheville. La motivation d'une collaboration interuniversitaire [Ankle arthroplasty. Rationale for interfaculty collaboration]
Crevoisier X., Assal M., 2005. Revue médicale suisse, 1 (46) pp. 2973-7.
Arthrose et arthropathies de cheville : prothèse ou arthrodèse ?
Crevoisier X., Bouffioux N., 2004. Médecine et Hygiène, 62 (2508) pp. 2464-2469.
Luxation chronique des tendons péroniers : traitement chirurgical par excavation de la gouttière malléolaire et plastie en paletot du ligament annulaire
Crevoisier X., 2004. SFAS News, 7 (1) pp. 10-11.
Post-traumatic overload or acute syndrome of the os trigonum: a possible cause of posterior ankle impingement.
Mouhsine E., Crevoisier X., Leyvraz P.F., Akiki A., Dutoit M., Garofalo R., 2004. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 12 (3) pp. 250-253. Peer-reviewed.
Réflexions sur la biomécanique du pied et de la cheville dans la polyarthrite rhumatoïde.
Crevoisier X., 2004. pp. 28-36 dans Yves T. K. T. Maurice Bouysset (eds.) Le pied et la cheville rhumatoïdes, Springer.
Grade I and II acromioclavicular dislocations: results of conservative treatment.
Mouhsine E., Garofalo R., Crevoisier X., Farron A., 2003. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, 12 (6) pp. 599-602. Peer-reviewed.
Acute total hip arthroplasty for acetabular fractures in the elderly: 11 patients followed for 2 years.
Mouhsine E., Garofalo R., Borens O., Fischer J.F., Crevoisier X., Pelet S., Blanc C.H., Leyvraz P.F., 2002. Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica, 73 (6) pp. 615-8. Peer-reviewed.
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy in patients over 70 years of age
Crevoisier X., Munzinger U., Drobny T., 2001. Arthroscopy, 17 (7) pp. 732-736.
The role of reamed intramedullary nailing in the treatment of nonunions and malunions following femoral shaft fractures.
Crevoisier X., Mouhsine E., Chevalley F., 2001. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, 11 (2) pp. 91-96. Peer-reviewed.
The scarf osteotomy for the treatment of hallux valgus deformity: a review of 84 cases.
Crevoisier X., Mouhsine E., Ortolano V., Udin B., Dutoit M., 2001. Foot & Ankle International, 22 (12) pp. 970-976. Peer-reviewed.
Métatarsalgies [Metatarsalgias]
Udin B., Crevoisier X., Borgeaud M., 2000. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande, 120 (10) pp. 805-809.
Die Morton Neuralgie.
Crevoisier X., Rippstein P., 1999. Schulthess Klinik Info, 6 pp. 28-36.
Is suction drainage necessary after total joint arthroplasty? A prospective study
Crevoisier X. M., Reber P., Noesberger B., 1998. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 117 (3) pp. 121-124.
Unusual localisation of tophaceous gout. A report of four cases and review of the literature
Reber P., Crevoisier X., Noesberger B., 1996. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 115 (5) pp. 297-299.
Cure de hernies inguinales et crurales en hôpitaux périphériques: suivi de 317 malades [Treatment of inguinal and femoral hernias in district hospitals: follow-up of 317 patients]
Walser A., Crevoisier X., Dfouni N., Preitner J., Rouge J. E., 1993. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande, 113 (8) pp. 607-610.
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