Cristina Granziera

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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80 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2001 |
Bundle myelin fraction (BMF) mapping of different white matter connections using microstructure informed tractography.
Schiavi S., Lu P.J., Weigel M., Lutti A., Jones D.K., Kappos L., Granziera C., Daducci A., 2022/04/01. NeuroImage, 249 p. 118922. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic White Matter Inflammation and Serum Neurofilament Levels in Multiple Sclerosis.
Maggi P., Kuhle J., Schädelin S., van der Meer F., Weigel M., Galbusera R., Mathias A., Lu P.J., Rahmanzadeh R., Benkert P. et al., 2021/08/10. Neurology, 97 (6) pp. e543-e553. Peer-reviewed.
MPRAGE to MP2RAGE UNI translation via generative adversarial network improves the automatic tissue and lesion segmentation in multiple sclerosis patients.
La Rosa F., Yu T., Barquero G., Thiran J.P., Granziera C., Bach Cuadra M., 2021/05. Computers in biology and medicine, 132 p. 104297. Peer-reviewed.
Model-informed machine learning for multi-component T<sub>2</sub> relaxometry.
Yu T., Canales-Rodríguez E.J., Pizzolato M., Piredda G.F., Hilbert T., Fischi-Gomez E., Weigel M., Barakovic M., Bach Cuadra M., Granziera C. et al., 2021/04. Medical image analysis, 69 p. 101940. Peer-reviewed.
Resolving bundle-specific intra-axonal T<sub>2</sub> values within a voxel using diffusion-relaxation tract-based estimation.
Barakovic M., Tax CMW, Rudrapatna U., Chamberland M., Rafael-Patino J., Granziera C., Thiran J.P., Daducci A., Canales-Rodríguez E.J., Jones D.K., 2021/02/15. NeuroImage, 227 p. 117617. Peer-reviewed.
GAMER MRI: Gated-attention mechanism ranking of multi-contrast MRI in brain pathology.
Lu P.J., Yoo Y., Rahmanzadeh R., Galbusera R., Weigel M., Ceccaldi P., Nguyen T.D., Spincemaille P., Wang Y., Daducci A. et al., 2021. NeuroImage. Clinical, 29 p. 102522. Peer-reviewed.
CVSnet: A machine learning approach for automated central vein sign assessment in multiple sclerosis.
Maggi P., Fartaria M.J., Jorge J., La Rosa F., Absinta M., Sati P., Meuli R., Du Pasquier R., Reich D.S., Bach Cuadra M. et al., 2020/05. NMR in biomedicine, 33 (5) pp. e4283. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of Cortical and White Matter Lesion Load in Early-Stage Multiple Sclerosis: Correlation With Neuroaxonal Damage and Clinical Changes.
Todea R.A., Lu P.J., Fartaria M.J., Bonnier G., Du Pasquier R., Krueger G., Bach Cuadra M., Psychogios M.N., Kappos L., Kuhle J. et al., 2020. Frontiers in neurology, 11 p. 973. Peer-reviewed.
Laminar analysis of the cerebellar cortex shows widespread damage in early MS patients: A pilot study at 7T MRI.
Galbusera R., Parmar K., Boillat Y., Fartaria M.J., Todea A.R., Brien K.O., Smolinski A., Kappos L., van der Zwaag W., Granziera C., 2020. Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical, 6 (4) p. 2055217320961409. Peer-reviewed.
Multiple sclerosis cortical and WM lesion segmentation at 3T MRI: a deep learning method based on FLAIR and MP2RAGE.
La Rosa F., Abdulkadir A., Fartaria M.J., Rahmanzadeh R., Lu P.J., Galbusera R., Barakovic M., Thiran J.P., Granziera C., Cuadra M.B., 2020. NeuroImage. Clinical, 27 p. 102335. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative brain relaxation atlases for personalized detection and characterization of brain pathology.
Piredda G.F., Hilbert T., Granziera C., Bonnier G., Meuli R., Molinari F., Thiran J.P., Kober T., 2020/01. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 83 (1) pp. 337-351. Peer-reviewed.
RimNet: A deep 3D multimodal MRI architecture for paramagnetic rim lesion assessment in multiple sclerosis.
Barquero G., La Rosa F., Kebiri H., Lu P.J., Rahmanzadeh R., Weigel M., Fartaria M.J., Kober T., Théaudin M., Du Pasquier R. et al., 2020. NeuroImage. Clinical, 28 p. 102412. Peer-reviewed.
Brain network analyses in clinical neuroscience
Sokolov Arseny A., Granziera Cristina, Fischi-Gomez Elda, Preti Maria Giulia, Ryvlin Philippe, Van De Ville Dimitri, Friston Karl J., 2019/12/11. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 170 pp. w03074. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal analysis of white matter and cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis.
Fartaria M.J., Kober T., Granziera C., Bach Cuadra M., 2019. NeuroImage. Clinical, 23 p. 101938. Peer-reviewed.
Surface-based characteristics of the cerebellar cortex visualized with ultra-high field MRI.
Boillat Y., Bazin P.L., O'Brien K., Fartaria M.J., Bonnier G., Krueger G., van der Zwaag W., Granziera C., 2018/05/15. NeuroImage, 172 pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
Partial volume-aware assessment of multiple sclerosis lesions.
Fartaria M.J., Todea A., Kober T., O'brien K., Krueger G., Meuli R., Granziera C., Roche A., Bach Cuadra M., 2018. NeuroImage. Clinical, 18 pp. 245-253. Peer-reviewed.
Shallow vs deep learning architectures for white matter lesion segmentation in the early stages of multiple sclerosis
Rosa Francesco La, Fartaria Mario Joao, Kober Tobias, Richiardi Jonas, Granziera Cristina, Thiran Jean-Philippe, Cuadra Meritxell Bach, 2018. dans Proc. MICCAI Brain Lesion workshop. Peer-reviewed.
Rivastigmine decreases brain damage in HIV patients with mild cognitive deficits.
Perrotta G., Bonnier G., Meskaldji D.E., Romascano D., Aydarkhanov R., Daducci A., Simioni S., Cavassini M., Metral M., Lazeyras F. et al., 2017/12. Annals of clinical and translational neurology, 4 (12) pp. 915-920. Peer-reviewed.
An Ultra-High Field Study of Cerebellar Pathology in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Using MP2RAGE.
Fartaria M.J., OʼBrien K., Şorega A., Bonnier G., Roche A., Falkovskiy P., Krueger G., Kober T., Bach Cuadra M., Granziera C., 2017/05. Investigative radiology, 52 (5) pp. 265-273. Peer-reviewed.
Automated Detection of White-matter and Cortical Lesions in MP2RAGE at Ultra-High Field using a Single Scan
Fartaria MJ., Roche A., Sorega A., O'Brien K., Krueger G., Maréchal B., Sati P., Reich DS., Kober T., Bach Cuadra M. et al., 2017/04/22. dans Proceedings of 25th Annual Meeting of Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. (ISMRM). Peer-reviewed.
Fartaria MJ., Sorega A., Kober T., Krueger G., Granziera C., Roche A., Bach Cuadra M., 2017/04/22. dans Proceedings of 25th Annual Meeting of Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med (ISMRM). Peer-reviewed.
The Evolution of Cortical and Sub-cortical Lesion Size and Number Correlates with Changes in Cognition in Early-Stage Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Sorega A., Fartaria MJ., Bonnier G., Kober T., Du Pasquier R., Schluep M., Krueger G., Bach Cuadra M., Granziera C., 2017/04/22. dans Proceedings of 25th Annual Meeting of Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med (ISMRM).
Segmentation of Cortical and Subcortical Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Based on Constrained Partial Volume Modeling
Fartaria Mário João, Roche Alexis, Meuli Reto, Granziera Cristina, Kober Tobias, Bach Cuadra Meritxell, 2017. pp. 142-149 dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer International Publishing.
The Combined Quantification and Interpretation of Multiple Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Metrics Enlightens Longitudinal Changes Compatible with Brain Repair in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients.
Bonnier G., Maréchal B., Fartaria M.J., Falkowskiy P., Marques J.P., Simioni S., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R., Thiran J.P., Krueger G. et al., 2017. Frontiers in neurology, 8 p. 506. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of automated cortical and subcortical multiple sclerosis lesion detection using a single 7T MP2RAGE scan
Fartaria M. J., Sati P., Todea A., O'Brien K., Reich D. S., Kober T., Bach Cuadra M., Granziera C., 2017. dans 7th Joint European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)-Americas-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ACTRIMS). Peer-reviewed.
Serum neurofilament light chain in early relapsing remitting MS is increased and correlates with CSF levels and with MRI measures of disease severity.
Kuhle J., Barro C., Disanto G., Mathias A., Soneson C., Bonnier G., Yaldizli Ö., Regeniter A., Derfuss T., Canales M. et al., 2016/10. Multiple sclerosis, 22 (12) pp. 1550-1559. Peer-reviewed.
Ensemble average propagator-based detection of microstructural alterations after stroke.
Brusini L., Obertino S., Galazzo I.B., Zucchelli M., Krueger G., Granziera C., Menegaz G., 2016/09. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 11 (9) pp. 1585-1597. Peer-reviewed.
What lies beneath? Diffusion EAP-based study of brain tissue microstructure.
Zucchelli M., Brusini L., Andrés Méndez C., Daducci A., Granziera C., Menegaz G., 2016/08. Medical image analysis, 32 pp. 145-156. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal Segmentation of Early-stage Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Magnetic Resonance Images
Mário João Fartaria, Guillaume Bonnier, Alexis Roche, Bénédicte Maréchal, David Rotzinger, Myriam Schluep, Renaud Du Pasquier, JeanPhilippe Thiran, Gunnar Krueger, Reto Meuli et al., 2016/06/26. dans OHBM 2016, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Peer-reviewed.
Automated detection of white matter and cortical lesions in early stages of multiple sclerosis.
Fartaria M.J., Bonnier G., Roche A., Kober T., Meuli R., Rotzinger D., Frackowiak R., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R., Thiran J.P. et al., 2016/06. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 43 (6) pp. 1445-1454. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal automated detection of white-matter and cortical lesions in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Fartaria de Oliveira M. J., Bonnier G., Kober T., Roche A., Maréchal B., Rotzinger D., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R., Thiran J. P., Krueger G. et al., 2016/05. dans ISMRM 2016 , ISMRM 24rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, SMRT 25th Annual Meeting. Peer-reviewed.
In Vivo Imaging of Human Neuroinflammation.
Albrecht D.S., Granziera C., Hooker J.M., Loggia M.L., 2016/04/20. ACS chemical neuroscience, 7 (4) pp. 470-483. Peer-reviewed.
A New Approach for Deep Gray Matter Analysis Using Partial-Volume Estimation.
Bonnier G., Kober T., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R., Krueger G., Meuli R., Granziera C., Roche A., 2016. Plos One, 11 (2) pp. e0148631. Peer-reviewed.
White Matter MS-Lesion Segmentation Using a Geometric Brain Model.
Strumia M., Schmidt F.R., Anastasopoulos C., Granziera C., Krueger G., Brox T., 2016. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging, 35 (7) pp. 1636-1646. Peer-reviewed.
An evaluation of volume-based morphometry for prediction of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
Schmitter D., Roche A., Maréchal B., Ribes D., Abdulkadir A., Bach-Cuadra M., Daducci A., Granziera C., Klöppel S., Maeder P. et al., 2015/11. Neuroimage. Clinical, 7 pp. 7-17. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative Analysis of Myelin and Axonal Remodeling in the Uninjured Motor Network After Stroke.
Lin Y.C., Daducci A., Meskaldji D.E., Thiran J.P., Michel P., Meuli R., Krueger G., Menegaz G., Granziera C., 2015/09. Brain Connectivity, 5 (7) pp. 401-412. Peer-reviewed.
Exploration of advanced MR imaging contrasts for automated detection of white matter and cortical lesions in early-stages of multiple sclerosis
Fartaria Mario Joao, Bonnier Guillaume, Roche Alexis, Kober Tobias, Meuli Reto, Rotzinger David, Schluep Myriam, Du Pasquier Renaud, Thiran Jean-Philippe, Krueger Gunnar et al., 2015/05/30. dans Proceedings of 23th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Peer-reviewed.
A multi-contrast MRI study of microstructural brain damage in patients with mild cognitive impairment.
Granziera C., Daducci A., Donati A., Bonnier G., Romascano D., Roche A., Bach Cuadra M., Schmitter D., Klöppel S., Meuli R. et al., 2015. Neuroimage. Clinical, 8 pp. 631-639. Peer-reviewed.
Multicontrast connectometry: A new tool to assess cerebellum alterations in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Romascano D., Meskaldji D.E., Bonnier G., Simioni S., Rotzinger D., Lin Y.C., Menegaz G., Roche A., Schluep M., Pasquier R.D. et al., 2015. Human Brain Mapping, 36 (4) pp. 1609-1619. Peer-reviewed.
Multicontrast MRI Quantification of Focal Inflammation and Degeneration in Multiple Sclerosis.
Bonnier G., Roche A., Romascano D., Simioni S., Meskaldji D.E., Rotzinger D., Lin Y.C., Menegaz G., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R. et al., 2015. Biomed Research International, 2015 p. 569123. Peer-reviewed.
Advanced MRI unravels the nature of tissue alterations in early multiple sclerosis.
Bonnier G., Roche A., Romascano D., Simioni S., Meskaldji D., Rotzinger D., Lin Y.C., Menegaz G., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R. et al., 2014/06. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 1 (6) pp. 423-432. Peer-reviewed.
Volume-Based Vs. Voxel-Based Brain Morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
Roche Alexis, Schmitter Daniel, Maréchal Bénédicte, Ribes Delphine, Abdulkadir Ahmed, Bach-Cuadra Meritxell, Daducci A., Granziera C., Klöppel Stefan, Maeder Philippe et al., 2014/05. p. 4733 dans SMRM 2014, 22nd of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine..
MP2RAGE provides new clinically-compatible correlates of mild cognitive deficits in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Simioni S., Amarù F., Bonnier G., Kober T., Rotzinger D., Du Pasquier R., Schluep M., Meuli R., Sbarbati A., Thiran J.P. et al., 2014. Journal of Neurology, 261 (8) pp. 1606-1613.
Structural abnormalities in the thalamus of migraineurs with aura: a multiparametric study at 3 T.
Granziera C., Daducci A., Romascano D., Roche A., Helms G., Krueger G., Hadjikhani N., 2014. Human Brain Mapping, 35 (4) pp. 1461-1468. Peer-reviewed.
Classical segmentation methods on novel MR imaging: a study of brain tissue segmentation of MP2RAGE vs MPRAGE
Bach Cuadra M., Gelin S., Roche A., Esteban O., Kober T., Marques J., Granziera C., Krüger G., 2013. p. 1738 dans ISMRM 2013, 21st of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Magnetization transfer-based 3D visualization of foot peripheral nerves.
Mekle R., Mortamet B., Granziera C., Krueger G., Chevrey N., Theumann N., Gambarota G., 2013. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 37 (5) pp. 1234-1237.
Micro-Structural Brain Alterations in Aviremic HIV+ Patients with Minor Neurocognitive Disorders: A Multi-Contrast Study at High Field.
Granziera C., Daducci A., Simioni S., Cavassini M., Roche A., Meskaldji D., Kober T., Metral M., Calmy A., Helms G. et al., 2013. Plos One, 8 (9) pp. e72547.
Migraineurs without aura show microstructural abnormalities in the cerebellum and frontal lobe.
Granziera C., Romascano D., Daducci A., Roche A., Vincent M., Krueger G., Hadjikhani N., 2013. Cerebellum, 12 (6) pp. 812-818.
Successful surgical resection in non-lesional operculo-insular epilepsy without intracranial monitoring.
Chiosa V., Granziera C., Spinelli L., Pollo C., Roulet-Perez E., Groppa S., Seeck M., 2013. Epileptic Disorders, 15 (2) pp. 148-157. Peer-reviewed.
Tracking the source of cerebellar epilepsy: hemifacial seizures associated with cerebellar cortical dysplasia.
Lascano A.M., Lemkaddem A., Granziera C., Korff C.M., Boex C., Jenny B., Schmitt-Mechelke T., Thiran J.P., Garibotto V., Vargas M.I. et al., 2013. Epilepsy Research, 105 (1-2) pp. 245-249. Peer-reviewed.
A new early and automated MRI-based predictor of motor improvement after stroke.
Granziera C., Daducci A., Meskaldji D.E., Roche A., Maeder P., Michel P., Hadjikhani N., Sorensen A.G., Frackowiak R.S., Thiran J.P. et al., 2012. Neurology, 79 (1) pp. 39-46.
Differences in white matter reflect atypical developmental trajectory in autism: A Tract-based Spatial Statistics study.
Bakhtiari R., Zürcher N.R., Rogier O., Russo B., Hippolyte L., Granziera C., Araabi B.N., Nili Ahmadabadi M., Hadjikhani N., 2012. Neuroimage. Clinical, 1 (1) pp. 48-56. Peer-reviewed.
Diffusion tensor imaging shows structural remodeling of stroke mirror region: results from a pilot study.
Granziera C., Ay H., Koniak S.P., Krueger G., Sorensen A.G., 2012. European Neurology, 67 (6) pp. 370-376.
Effects of MRI scan acceleration on brain volume measurement consistency.
Krueger G., Granziera C., Jack C.R., Gunter J.L., Littmann A., Mortamet B., Kannengiesser S., Sorensen A.G., Ward C.P., Reyes D.A. et al., 2012. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 36 (5) pp. 1234-1240. Peer-reviewed.
Microstructural alterations in the brain of well treated HIV+ patients with minor neurocognitive disorders: a multi-contrast MRI study at 3T
Granziera C., Daducci A., Simioni S., Cavassini M., Roche A., Meskaldji D.E., Michel M., Calmy A., Hirschel B., Krüger G. et al., 2012. p. 4790 dans ISMRM 2012, 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, SMRT 21st Annual Meeting of the Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists conference, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Microstructural alterations in the brain of well treated HIV+ patients with minor neurocognitive disorders: a multi-contrast study at high field
Granziera Cristina, Daducci Alessandro, Simioni Samanta, Cavassini M., Roche Alexis, Meskaldji Djalel Eddine, Michel M., Calmy A., Hirschel B., Krüger Gunnar et al., 2012. pp. -- dans Neurology.
MP2RAGE Multiple Sclerosis Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3 T.
Kober T., Granziera C., Ribes D., Browaeys P., Schluep M., Meuli R., Frackowiak R., Gruetter R., Krueger G., 2012. Investigative Radiology, 47 (6) pp. 346-352.
Structural abnormalities in the thalamus of migraine patients: a multi-parametric study at high field
Granziera C., Daducci A., Romascano D., Roche A., Helms G., Krüger G., Hadjikhani N., 2012. p. 4640 dans ISMRM 2012, 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, SMRT 21st Annual Meeting of the Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists conference, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
The history and role of long duration stimulation in fMRI.
Krueger G., Granziera C., 2012. Neuroimage, 62 (2) pp. 1051-1055.
Crossed ataxia: a case report and a diffusion tensor imaging tractography study.
Bally J., Mégevand P., Nguyen D., Landis T., Granziera C., 2011. Stroke, 42 (11) pp. e571-e573.
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging after stroke shows structural changes in the contra-lateral motor network correlating with functional recovery
Granziera C., Daducci A., Gigandet X., Cammoun L., Meskaldji D.E., Michel P., Maeder P., Sorensen Alma G., Thiran J.P., Meuli R. et al., 2011. p. 4199 dans ISMRM 2011, 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
In-vivo magnetic resonance imaging of the structural core of the Papez circuit in humans.
Granziera C., Hadjikhani N., Arzy S., Seeck M., Meuli R., Krueger G., 2011. Neuroreport, 22 (5) pp. 227-231.
Mutism and Amnesia following High-Voltage Electrical Injury: Psychogenic Symptomatology Triggered by Organic Dysfunction?
Mishra N.K., Russmann H., Granziera C., Maeder P., Annoni J.M., 2011. European Neurology, 66 (4) pp. 229-234.
Simultaneous Doppelgänger and limb amputation impression in right frontal opercular stroke.
Chabwine J.N., Granziera C., Vargas M.I., Aboulaffia T., Caratsch L., Schnider A., Landis T., Perren F., 2011. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82 (11) pp. 1209-1211.
Towards a diffusion image processing validation and accuracy prediction framework
Pizzorni Ferrarese F., Daducci A., Bach Cuadra M., Lemkaddem A., Granziera C., Thiran J.P., Menegaz G., 2011. pp. 2269-2272 dans ICIP 2011, 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing.
An introduction to model-independent diffusion magnetic resonance imaging.
Van A.T., Granziera C., Bammer R., 2010. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 21 (6) pp. 339-354.
Cerebellar cortical layers: in vivo visualization with structural high-field-strength MR imaging.
Marques Jose P., van der Zwaag Wietske, Granziera Cristina, Krueger Gunnar, Gruetter Rolf, 2010. Radiology, 254 (3) pp. 942-948.
Diffusion spectrum imaging shows the structural basis of functional cerebellar circuits in the human cerebellum in vivo.
Granziera Cristina, Schmahmann Jeremy Dan, Hadjikhani Nouchine, Meyer Heiko, Meuli Reto, Wedeen Van, Krueger Gunnar, 2009. PloS One, 4 (4) p. 5101.
In vivo diffusion spectrum imaging shows the structural basis of the "papez circuit"
Granziera C., Meuli R., Krueger G., 2009. p. 3530 dans ISMRM 2009, 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 18th Annual Meeting of the Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT), Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
In Vivo Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Disentangles White and Gray Matter Connectivity in the Human Cerebellum.
Granziera C., Schmahmann J.D., Fischer H., Feiweier T., Jahns K., Meyer H., Meuli R., Van Wedeen V., Krueger G., 2008. p. 844 dans ISMRM 2008, 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Small cortical stroke in the "hand knob" mimics anterior interosseous syndrome.
Granziera C., Kuntzer T., Vingerhoets F., Cereda C., 2008. Journal of Neurology, 255 (9) pp. 1423-1424. Peer-reviewed.
Sub-acute delayed failure of subthalamic DBS in Parkinson's disease: the role of micro-lesion effect.
Granziera C., Pollo C., Russmann H., Staedler C., Ghika J., Villemure J.G., Burkhard P.R., Vingerhoets F.J., 2008. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 14 (2) pp. 109-113.
Interictal alterations of the trigeminal somatosensory pathway and periaqueductal gray matter in migraine.
DaSilva A.F., Granziera C., Tuch D.S., Snyder J., Vincent M., Hadjikhani N., 2007. Neuroreport, 18 (4) pp. 301-305.
Long-term monitoring of post-stroke plasticity after transient cerebral ischemia in mice using in vivo and ex vivo diffusion tensor MRI.
Granziera C., D'Arceuil H., Zai L., Magistretti P.J., Sorensen A.G., de Crespigny A.J., 2007. Open Neuroimaging Journal, 1 pp. 10-17. Peer-reviewed.
Thickening in the somatosensory cortex of patients with migraine.
DaSilva A.F., Granziera C., Snyder J., Hadjikhani N., 2007. Neurology, 69 (21) pp. 1990-1995.
Thrombin-induced ischemic tolerance is prevented by inhibiting c-jun N-terminal kinase.
Granziera C., Thevenet J., Price M., Wiegler K., Magistretti P.J., Badaut J., Hirt L., 2007. Brain research, 1148 pp. 217-25. Peer-reviewed.
Anatomical alterations of the visual motion processing network in migraine with and without aura.
Granziera C., DaSilva A.F., Snyder J., Tuch D.S., Hadjikhani N., 2006. Plos Medicine, 3 (10) pp. e402.
Wegener granulomatosis presenting with haemorragic stroke in a young adult.
Granziera C., Michel P., Rossetti A.O., Lurati F., Reymond S., Bogousslavsky J., 2005. Journal of Neurology, 252 (5) pp. 615-616. Peer-reviewed.
D-JNKI1, a cell-penetrating c-Jun-N-terminal kinase inhibitor, protects against cell death in severe cerebral ischemia
Hirt L., Badaut J., Thevenet J., Granziera C., Regli L., Maurer F., Bonny C., Bogousslavsky J., 2004/07. Stroke, 35 (7) pp. 1738-43. Peer-reviewed.
Astrocyte-specific expression of aquaporin-9 in mouse brain is increased after transient focal cerebral ischemia
Badaut J., Hirt L., Granziera C., Bogousslavsky J., Magistretti P. J., Regli L., 2001/05. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 21 (5) pp. 477-82. Peer-reviewed.
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