Mizué Bachelard

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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11 publications

De la maladie comme expérience à l'expertise de l'initié
Bachelard Mizué, Dutray Felicia, François Kaech Cahiers de Rhizome.
Is the continuum of coercion in psychiatry really a continuum? A statistical implication analysis.
Golay P., Silva B., Martinez D., Bachelard M., Pedro Fernando N., Perrin P., Bonsack C., Morandi S. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Peer-reviewed.
Pathways to experienced coercion during psychiatric admission: a network analysis.
Silva B., Morandi S., Bachelard M., Bonsack C., Golay P., 2024/08/02. BMC psychiatry, 24 (1) p. 546. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of perceived pressures in psychiatry: paper-and-pencil and computerized adaptive version of the P-PSY35 scale.
Golay P., Martinez D., Bachelard M., Silva B., Brodard A., Perrin J., Pedro Fernando N., Renaud L.A., Bonsack C., Morandi S., 2024/05/10. Annals of general psychiatry, 23 (1) p. 18. Peer-reviewed.
How do decision making and fairness mediate the relationship between involuntary hospitalisation and perceived coercion among psychiatric inpatients?
Morandi Stéphane, Silva Benedetta, Pauli Guillaume, Martinez Debora, Bachelard Mizué, Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, 2024/05. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 173 pp. 98-103. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring Patients' Feeling of Being Coerced During Psychiatric Hospital Admission: A Qualitative Study.
Silva B., Bachelard M., Bonsack C., Golay P., Morandi S., 2023/09. The Psychiatric quarterly, 94 (3) pp. 411-434. Peer-reviewed.
Une patiente-chercheuse en psychiatrie : le rôle de l’expérience vécue dans la production de savoirs [A patient-researcher in psychiatry: the role of lived experience in the production of knowledge]
Bachelard Mizué, Bonsack Charles, Silva Benedetta, Morandi Stéphane, Golay Philippe, 2023/07/12. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (835) pp. 1379-1381. Peer-reviewed.
Dialogue entre expérience vécue et saillance aberrante dans la psychose : une étude qualitative
Bachelard M., Silva B., Garcia Gonzalez De Ara C., Bonnarel V., Bonsack C., 2023/04. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2023 (174) pp. w03267. Peer-reviewed.
Feeling coerced during voluntary and involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation: A review and meta-aggregation of qualitative studies.
Silva B., Bachelard M., Amoussou J.R., Martinez D., Bonalumi C., Bonsack C., Golay P., Morandi S., 2023/02. Heliyon, 9 (2) pp. e13420. Peer-reviewed.
La contrainte en psychiatrie
Bachelard Mizu, 2020/12/16. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatrie et délire mystique
Bachelard M., 2019/09/14. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
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