Anne Niquille

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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35 publications

The Interprofessional Medication Adherence Program (IMAP) supported patients’ medication adherence during the COVID 19 lockdown in Switzerland
Bandiera Carole, Pasquier Jérôme, Locatelli Isabella, Niquille Anne, Wuerzner Grégoire, Dotta Celio Jennifer, Hachfeld Anna, Wandeler Gilles, Wagner Dorothea, Csajka Chantal et al. dans To what extent medication adherence was impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown in patients included in the Interprofessional Medication Adherence Program (IMAP)?.
Retrospective Analysis of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Use in Swiss Nursing Homes
Cateau Damien, Bugnon Olivier, Niquille Anne dans Retrospective Analysis of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Use in Swiss Nursing Homes.
Evaluation of a home-based service for medication review in Swiss community pharmacies: a study protocol
Escaith Mathilde, Amador-Fernández Noelia, Simi Elodie, Perraudin Clémence, Niquille Anne, Quintana Barcena Patricia, Berger Jérôme dans Evaluation of a home-based service for medication review in Swiss community pharmacies: a study protocol.
Opportunities and Limits of Deprescribing for older people in nursing homes (OLD-NH)
Mena Stephanie, Cateau Damien, Ballabeni Pierluigi, Foley Rose-Anna, Niquille Anne dans Opportunities and Limits of Deprescribing for older people in nursing homes (OLD-NH).
Quality Circle Deprescribing Module QC DeMo : a hybrid type 2 effectiveness implementation study
Mena Stephanie, Moullin Joanna, Cateau Damien, Schneider Marie P., Niquille Anne dans Quality Circle Deprescribing Module QC DeMo : a hybrid type 2 effectiveness implementation study.
Perception of antimicrobial stewardship interventions in swiss primary care: a mixed-methods survey.
Schaad S., Dunaiceva J., Peytremann A., Gendolla S., Clack L., Plüss-Suard C., Niquille A., Nicolet A., Marti J., Boillat-Blanco N. et al. BJGP open. Peer-reviewed.
Les pharmacies dans les soins de première ligne en Suisse
Perraudin Clémence, Cohidon Christine, Maes Karen, Niquille Anne, Schuetz Muriel, Berger Jérôme, 2025/01. Actualités Pharmaceutiques, 64 (642) pp. 28-32.
Factors associated with antibiotics for respiratory infections in Swiss long-term care facilities.
Roux A., Vu D.L., Niquille A., Rubli Truchard E., Bizzozzero T., Tahar A., Morlan T., Colin J., Akpokavie D., Grandin M. et al., 2024/11. The Journal of hospital infection, 153 pp. 90-98. Peer-reviewed.
Trois perspectives professionnelles pour optimiser les traitements en EMS [Three professional perspectives for optimizing treatment in nursing homes]
Lo Russo A., Rudi E., Kabongo R., Poloni B., Niquille A., 2024/10/09. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (890) pp. 1830-1833. Peer-reviewed.
Sustainable Implementation of Multi-level Interprofessional Deprescribing Service in Nursing Homes
Macé Florent, Cateau Damien, Niquille Anne, 2024/09/27. dans 2nd International Conference on Deprescribing.
Utilisation de médicaments potentiellement inappropriés dans la population gériatrique du Valais et comparaison intercantonale
Vallon Nicolas, Eggli Yves, Niquille Anne, Marti Joachim, Bagnoud Christophe, 2023/11/28. (53) 9 [Raisons de santé : les essentiels ; 53], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Implementation of interprofessional quality circles on deprescribing in Swiss nursing homes: an observational study.
Mena S., Moullin J.C., Schneider M., Niquille A., 2023/10/03. BMC geriatrics, 23 (1) p. 620. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation and validation of the revised Patients' Attitudes towards Deprescribing (rPATD) questionnaire for benzodiazepine receptor agonists.
Pétein C., Spinewine A., Laroche M.L., Niquille A., Henrard S., 2023/09. Research in social & administrative pharmacy, 19 (9) pp. 1278-1285. Peer-reviewed.
Polypharmacie et patient âgé [Polypharmacy and the elderly patient]
Belon Jean-Paul, Niquille Anne, Michiels Yves, 2023/03. Actualités Pharmaceutiques, 62 (624) pp. 20-22. Peer-reviewed.
Economic Evidence for Pharmacist-Led Medicines Use Review and Medicines Reconciliation
Perraudin Clémence, Niquille Anne, Berger Jérôme, 2023. pp. 1-19 dans Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy, Springer International Publishing.
Factors Influencing the Implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Primary Care: A Narrative Review.
Suttels V., Van Singer M., Clack L.C., Plüss-Suard C., Niquille A., Mueller Y., Boillat Blanco N., 2022/12/24. Antibiotics, 12 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Attitudes and beliefs of older adults and caregivers towards deprescribing in French-speaking countries: a multicenter cross-sectional study.
Roux B., Rakheja B., Sirois C., Niquille A., Pétein C., Ouellet N., Spinewine A., Sibille F.X., Laroche M.L., 2022/10. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 78 (10) pp. 1633-1646. Peer-reviewed.
Déprescrire en établissement ­médico-social
Cateau Damien, Niquille Anne, 2022/09/07. Primary and hospital care: médecine interne générale, 22 (9). Peer-reviewed.
Response to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the community pharmacy of a University Center for Primary Care and Public Health.
Bourdin A., Dotta-Celio J., Niquille A., Berger J., 2022/04. Research in social & administrative pharmacy, 18 (4) pp. 2706-2710. Peer-reviewed.
Medication Adherence Evaluated Through Electronic Monitors During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Switzerland: A Longitudinal Analysis.
Bandiera C., Pasquier J., Locatelli I., Niquille A., Wuerzner G., Dotta-Celio J., Hachfeld A., Wandeler G., Wagner A.D., Csajka C. et al., 2022. Patient preference and adherence, 16 pp. 2313-2320. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of an interprofessional deprescribing intervention in Swiss nursing homes: the Individual Deprescribing Intervention (IDeI) randomised controlled trial.
Cateau D., Ballabeni P., Niquille A., 2021/11/19. BMC geriatrics, 21 (1) p. 655. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the revised Patients' Attitudes Towards Deprescribing (rPATD) questionnaire in French.
Roux B., Sirois C., Niquille A., Spinewine A., Ouellet N., Pétein C., Sibille F.X., Csajka C., Reeve E., Villeneuve C. et al., 2021/08. Research in social & administrative pharmacy, 17 (8) pp. 1453-1462. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of an interprofessional Quality Circle-Deprescribing Module (QC-DeMo) in Swiss nursing homes: a randomised controlled trial.
Cateau D., Ballabeni P., Niquille A., 2021/05/01. BMC geriatrics, 21 (1) p. 289. Peer-reviewed.
Deprescribing in nursing homes: Protocol for nested, randomised controlled hybrid trials of deprescribing interventions.
Cateau D., Ballabeni P., Mena S., Bugnon O., Niquille A., 2021/04. Research in social & administrative pharmacy, 17 (4) pp. 786-794. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of potentially inappropriate medication use in nursing homes: Retrospective analysis of drug consumption data.
Cateau D., Bugnon O., Niquille A., 2021/04. Research in social & administrative pharmacy, 17 (4) pp. 701-706. Peer-reviewed.
Déprescrire en EMS: regards croisés entre les résidents, leurs proches et les professionnels de la santé [Deprescribing in nursing homes: comparative views of residents, their relatives, and healthcare professionals]
Cateau D., Foley R.A., Niquille A., 2020/11/11. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (714) pp. 2169-2171. Peer-reviewed.
Physicians', Nurses' and Pharmacists' Perceptions of Determinants to Deprescribing in Nursing Homes Considering Three Levels of Action: A Qualitative Study.
Foley R.A., Hurard L.L., Cateau D., Koutaissoff D., Bugnon O., Niquille A., 2020/02/07. Pharmacy, 8 (1) p. 17. Peer-reviewed.
Decrease in Antibacterial Use and Facility-Level Variability After the Introduction of Guidelines and Implementation of Physician-Pharmacist-Nurse Quality Circles in Swiss Long-term Care Facilities.
Plüss-Suard C., Niquille A., Héquet D., Krähenbühl S., Pichon R., Zanetti G., Bugnon O., Petignat C., 2020/01. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 (1) pp. 78-83. Peer-reviewed.
Points de vue d'usagers sur la déprescription de médicaments en maison de retraite
Lechevalier Hurard Lucie, Cateau Damien, Bugnon Olivier, Niquille Charrière Anne, Foley Rose-Anna, 2020. Gérontologie et société, 42 (161) pp. 171-189.
The Swiss army knife impact study: a survival analysis
Auer R., Bodenmann B., Clair C., Cohidon C., Deruaz Luyet A., de Vallière S., Ebert ST, Favrat B., Herzig L., Jacot Sadowski I. et al., 2018/02/21. Primary and hospital care, 18 (04) pp. 64-65. Peer-reviewed.
Implementation of A Collaborative Pharmacy Practice Model in Nursing Homes of A Swiss Canton: Drug Cost Monitoring Between 2009 and 2012.
Zeukeng M.J., Niquille A., Locca J.F., Perraudin C., Bugnon O., 2014/11. Value in health, 17 (7) pp. A519. Peer-reviewed.
Cercles de qualité médecins-pharmaciens, pour une responsabilité partagée de la liberté de prescription [Physicians-pharmacists quality circles: shared responsibility of the freedom of prescription].
Bugnon O., Jotterand S., Niquille Charrière A., Ruggli M., Herzig L., 2012/05/16. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (341) pp. 1042-1048. Peer-reviewed.
The nine-year sustained cost-containment impact of swiss pilot physicians-pharmacists quality circles.
Niquille Anne, Ruggli Martine, Buchmann Michel, Jordan Dominique, Bugnon Olivier, 2010. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 44 (4) pp. 650-657.
Qualité de la prescription médicamenteuse: des progrès grâce a la collaboration médecins- pharmaciens [Physician-pharmacist collaboration: a way to improve the quality of drug prescribing]
Locca J.F., Niquille A., Krähenbühl J.M., Figueiredo H., Bugnon O., 2009/11/25. Revue medicale suisse, 5 (227) pp. 2382-2384,2386-2387. Peer-reviewed.
Les cercles de qualité médecins-pharmaciens : un réseau local reconnu pour maîtriser les coûts et la qualité de la prescription médicale
Bugnon Olivier, Niquille Anne, Repond Christian, Curty Christian, Nyffeler Richard, 2004. Médecine & Hygiène, 2501 pp. 2054-2058. Peer-reviewed.
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