Malik Benmachiche

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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16 publications

A milky blood test
Milliet Oliver, Ando Victoria, Schwotzer Nora, Benmachiche Malik.
Crises drépanocytaires: prise en charge hospitalière [Sickle cell crisis: inpatient management]
Genet L., Grandoni F., Alberio L., Gavillet M., Benmachiche M., 2024/11/20. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (896) pp. 2154-2159. Peer-reviewed.
Choix de l’accès veineux le plus adapté au patient [Choose the most suitable venous access for the patient?]
Moulin V., Benmachiche M., 2023/11/22. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (851) pp. 2193-2198. Peer-reviewed.
Hypernatrémie en milieu hospitalier [Hypernatremia in hospital]
Tagan G., Benmachiche M., 2023/11/22. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (851) pp. 2189-2192. Peer-reviewed.
Patients en situation complexe aux soins intermédiaires de médecine interne : Exemple d’interprofessionnalité [Patients in complex situation in internal medicine intermediate care unit : An example of interprofessionality]
Benmachiche M., Gertsch M., Giordano F., Claivaz V., 2022/11/23. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (805) pp. 2213-2217. Peer-reviewed.
Risk stratification for hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism in medical patients (RISE): Protocol for a prospective cohort study.
Choffat D., Farhoumand P.D., Jaccard E., de la Harpe R., Kraege V., Benmachiche M., Gerber C., Leuzinger S., Podmore C., Truong M.K. et al., 2022. PloS one, 17 (5) pp. e0268833. Peer-reviewed.
Embolies pulmonaires tumorales [Pulmonary tumor embolism]
Sahiti S., Rotman S., Benmachiche M., 2021/11/24. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (760) pp. 2034-2037. Peer-reviewed.
Substitution en albumine : revue des indications en médecine interne générale [Albumin substitution : A review of the indications in general internal medicine]
Dumas D., Benmachiche M., Gachoud D., 2021/11/24. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (760) pp. 2022-2026. Peer-reviewed.
Une hypokaliémie sévère avec tétraparésie
Pisaturo Marisa, Lamy Olivier, Benmachiche Malik, 2021/11/23. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum.
Bilaterale akute anteriore Uveitis während der Chemotherapie von Cytosin-Arabinosid mit einer kumulativen Gesamtdosis von 24 000 mg für das myelodysplastische Syndrom [Bilateral Acute Anterior Uveitis during Chemotherapy with Cytosine Arabinoside with a Total Cumulative Dose of 24 000 mg for Myelodysplastic Syndrome]
Häller CNI, Sadeghi Y., Benmachiche M., Guex-Crosier Y., 2020/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 237 (4) pp. 425-426. Peer-reviewed.
In-hospital mortality is associated with high NT-proBNP level.
Benmachiche M., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Méan M., 2018. PloS one, 13 (11) pp. e0207118. Peer-reviewed.
L’année 2016 mise en perspective par les internistes hospitaliers [What is new in 2016 for the specialist in hospital internal medicine?]
Mraihi H., Chevaux F., Castoni J., Aebischer O., Christou F., Jaccard E., Benmachiche M., Tasheva P., Giroud S., Kraege Vanessa et al., 2017/01/18. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (546) pp. 138-141.
Quand un diagnostic peut cacher un autre
Anastasiou Maria, Lamy Oliver, Ribi Camillo, Zufferey Pascal, Gianinazzi Francesco, Benmachiche Malik, 2016/09/06. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum, 16 (36).
[2015 highlights in hospital-based internal medicine by chief residents].
Baratali L., Gachoud D., Aebischer O., Bastardot F., Benmachiche M., Fournier J., Garnier A., Jaccard E., Pascual M.M., Metrailler P. et al., 2016/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (502) pp. 125-129.
L'année 2014 mise en perspective par les internistes hospitaliers [What is new in 2014 for the specialist in hospital internal medicine? The point of view of university hospital chief residents].
Bonjour T., Voruz S., Aebischer O., Benmachiche M., Carrel G., Castioni J., Cosma-Rochat M., Gachoud D., Gagliano M., Giger A. et al., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (458) pp. 181-186.
Céphalées atypiques: du bénéfice d'un PET-scan?
Fasmeyer J., Sarro R., Benmachiche M., 2014/11/19. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 14 (47) pp. 890-892.
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