Alain Delabays

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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80 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1989 | 1988 | 1985 |
Aortic Root Injury Following TAVR: When Plugging the Hole Can Save the Day and the Patient.
Aminfar F., Mauler-Wittwer S., Tzimas G., Delabays A., Kirsch M., Monney P., Fournier S., Muller O., Meier D., 2024/07/22. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions, 17 (14) pp. 1732-1734. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of atrial septal defect and patent foramen ovale in cryptogenic strokes.
Delabays C., Correia P., Eeckhout E., Delabays A., Michel P., 2024/06. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, 33 (6) p. 107664. Peer-reviewed.
Ischémie : quand l’ECG ne nous dit pas tout [Ischemia : when the ECG do not tell us everything]
Rubimbura V., Barras N., Dupré M., Delabays A., 2023/03/08. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (817) pp. 449-454. Peer-reviewed.
Case Report: Coronary-Pulmonary Fistula Closure by Percutaneous Approach: Learning From Mistakes.
Rubimbura V., Girod G., Delabays A., Meier D., Rotzinger D.C., Muller O., Qanadli S.D., Eeckhout É., 2021. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 8 p. 779716. Peer-reviewed.
Interatrial septum dissection and atrial wall hematoma following transseptal puncture: A systematic review of the literature.
Meier D., Antiochos P., Herrera-Siklody C., Eeckhout E., Delabays A., Tzimas G., Fournier S., Pascale P., Muller O., Monney P., 2020/08. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions, 96 (2) pp. 424-431. Peer-reviewed.
L' insuffisance mitrale: mise au point en 2016 [Approach to chronic mitral regurgitation in 2016]
Antiochos P., Muller O., Kirsch M., Agostini M., Qanadli S., Eeckhout E., Vogt P., Prêtre R., Delabays A., Jeanrenaud X. et al., 2016/05/25. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (520) pp. 1042-1048. Peer-reviewed.
Tropheryma whipplei bivalvular endocarditis and polyarthralgia: a case report.
Gruber J.R., Sarro R., Delaloye J., Surmely J.F., Siniscalchi G., Tozzi P., Jaques C., Jaton K., Delabays A., Greub G. et al., 2015. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 9 (1) p. 259. Peer-reviewed.
Percutaneous balloon valvotomy for the treatment of pacemaker lead-induced tricuspid stenosis.
Michiels V., Delabays A., Eeckhout E., 2014. Heart, 100 (4) p. 352.
Patient Radiation Risk in Interventional Cardiology
Samara E.T., Aroua A., Bochud F.O., Delabays A., Laedermann J.P., Verdun F.R., 2012. OMICS Journal of Radiology, 1 (2) pp. 1-9.
Les prothèses NMT medical
Girod Grégoire, Eeckhout Eric, Delabays Alain, 2009/01. pp. 431-442 dans Aubry Pierre, Brochet Eric, Juliard Jean-Michel (eds.) Septum auriculaire normal et pathologique chap. 33, Editions FM.
Perioperative antiplatelet therapy: the case for continuing therapy in patients at risk of myocardial infarction
Chassot P. G., Delabays A., Spahn D. R., 2007/09. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 99 (3) pp. 316-28.
Echographie intracardiaque: un nouvel outil en cardiologie interventionnelle. [Intracardiac echocardiography: a new tool for interventional cardiology]
Girod G., Delabays A., Roguelov C., Renders F., Van de Walle S., Vogt P., Eckhout E., 2007/07/04. Revue Médicale Suisse, 3 (118) pp. 1696-701. Peer-reviewed.
Perioperative use of anti-platelet drugs
Chassot P. G., Delabays A., Spahn D. R., 2007/06. Best Practice and Research. Clinical Anaesthesiology, 21 (2) pp. 241-56.
A case of recurrent transient left ventricular apical ballooning associated with atrial fibrillation
Leung Ki E. L., Delabays A., Lyon X., Pruvot E., 2007/05. International Journal of Cardiology, 118 (2) pp. e35-8.
Antiplaquettaires et hémorragie peropératoire. [Antiplatelet drugs and intraoperative hemorrhage]
Chassot P. G., Delabays A., Ravussin P., Spahn D. R., 2006/11/22. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (88) pp. 2684-7. Peer-reviewed.
Coronary stents and perioperative anti-platelet regimen: dilemma of bleeding and stent thrombosis
Spahn D. R., Howell S. J., Delabays A., Chassot P. G., 2006/06. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 96 (6) pp. 675-7.
Intracardiac echocardiography guidance in transcatheter closure of patent foramen ovale
Girod G., Meier J. M., Delabays A., Eeckhout E., 2005. European Heart Journal, 26 (suppl.) p. 528.
Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale : head-to-head comparison of two different devices.
Meier J.M., Berger A., Delabays A., Girod G., Roguelov C., Lyon X., Vogt P., Eeckhout E., 2005. EuroIntervention, 1 (1) pp. 48-52.
Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale after cryptogenic stroke : absence of reccurence in a high risk subgroup
Meier J.M., Berger A., Delabays A., Girod G., Voght P., Graf D., Stauffer J.C., Eeckhout E., 2005. pp. S155 dans EUROECHO 9, European Journal of Echocardiography.
Localization and quantification of mitral valve prolapse using three-dimensional echocardiography
Delabays A., Jeanrenaud X., Chassot P. G., Von Segesser L. K., Kappenberger L., 2004/12. European Journal of Echocardiography, 5 (6) pp. 422-429.
Foramen ovale permeable et accident vasculaire cerebral. [Patent foramen ovale and stroke]
Meier J. M., Delabays A., Girod G., Eeckhout E., 2004/10. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, 97 (10) pp. 987-93.
Bilan pre-operatoire des maladies valvulaires. [Preoperative assessment of valvular diseases]
Delabays A., Fischer A., 2004/07. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 124 (7) pp. 388-90.
Contrast transoesophagal echocardiography systematically underscores right-to-left shunting in patients with patent foramen ovale
Meier J. M., Girod G., Delabays A., Eeckhout E., 2004. European Journal of Echocardiography, 5 : suppl. 138.
Fatal myocardial infarction after lung resection in a patient with prophylactic preoperative coronary stenting.
Marcucci C., Chassot P.G., Gardaz J.P., Magnusson L., Ris H.B., Delabays A., Spahn D.R., 2004. British journal of anaesthesia, 92 (5) pp. 743-7. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of coronary artery disease in asymptomatic type 2 diabetic patients as detected by stress echocardiography
Fivaz-Arbane M., Monbaron D., Jaussi A., Aebischer N., Delabays A., Eeckhout E., Gollut E., Kappenberger L., Ruiz J., Jeanrenaud X., 2004. p. 110 dans 14es Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux.
Usefulness of echocardiography in percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale
Girod G., Meier J. M., Delabays A., Fivaz-Arbane M., Roguelov C., Vogt P., Eeckhout E., 2004. dans European Heart Journal.
Direct stenting with a combined intravascular ultrasound-coronary stent delivery platform: a feasibility trial
Eeckhout E., Berger A., Roguelov C., Lyon X., Imsand C., Fivaz-Arbane M., Girod G., De Benedetti E., 2003/08. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 59 (4) pp. 451-4.
Echocardiographie tridimensionnelle : utilisation actuelle et développements futurs
Delabays A., 2003. Médecine et Hygiène, 61 (2439) pp. 1167-1170.
Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale : head-to-head comparison of two different systems
Meier J. M., Delabays A., De Benedetti E., Roguelov C., Girod G., Vogt P., Eeckhout E., 2003. dans European Heart Journal.
Prevalence of coronary artery disease in asymptomatic type 2 diabetic patients as detected by stress echocardiography
Fivaz-Arbane M., Monbaron D., Jaussi A., Aebischer N., Delabays A., Eeckhout E., Gollut E., Gaillard R., Kappenberger L., Ruiz J., 2003. pp. 67S dans Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie, Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine Cardiovasculaire.
Preoperative evaluation of patients with, or at risk of, coronary artery disease undergoing non-cardiac surgery
Chassot P. G., Delabays A., Spahn D. R., 2002/11. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 89 (5) pp. 747-59.
Intrapericardial urokinase irrigation and systemic corticosteroids: an alternative to pericardectomy for persistent fibrino-purulent pericarditis
Schafer M., Lepori M., Delabays A., Ruchat P., Schaller M. D., Broccard A. F., 2002/10. Cardiovascular Surgery, 10 (5) pp. 508-11.
Coronarographies en dehors des heures ouvrables: evolution des indications. [Out of hours coronary angiography: changing indications]
Berger A., Stauffer J. C., Schluter L., Vogt P., Seydoux Ch, Delabays A., De Benedetti E., Kappenberger L., Eeckhout E., 2002/06. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, 95 (6) pp. 553-9.
Left atrial radiofrequency compartmentalization for chronic atrial fibrillation during heart surgery
Ruchat P., Schlaepfer J., Delabays A., Hurni M., Milne J., Von Segesser L. K., 2002/06. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 50 (3) pp. 155-9.
Compartimentation auriculaire gauche par radiofrequence a ciel ouvert lors de chirurgie mitrale: une alternative possible a l'operation du labyrinthe? [Open heart radio frequency left atrial compartmentation during mitral valve surgery: an alternative to the labyrinth procedure?]
Schlapfer J., Ruchat P., Delabays A., Hurni M., Milne J., von Segesser L.K., 2002/04. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, 95 (4) pp. 282-6.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques en 2001 : Cardiologie
Kappenberger L., Delabays A., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2374) pp. 15-20.
Images in clinical medicine. Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty
Delabays A., Goy J. J., 2001/11. New England Journal of Medicine, 345 (18) pp. e4.
Beating heart coronary artery surgery: is sternotomy a suitable alternative to minimal invasive technique?
Gersbach P., Imsand C., von Segesser L. K., Delabays A., Vogt P., Stumpe F., 2001/10. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 20 (4) pp. 760-4.
Bulls-eye display and quantitation of myocardial perfusion defects using three-dimensional contrast echocardiography
Yao J., De Castro S., Delabays A., Masani N., Udelson J. E., Pandian N. G., 2001/10. Echocardiography, 18 (7) pp. 581-8.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques 2001 : Cardiologie
Kappenberger L., Delabays A., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2374).
Attitude devant une valvulopathie asymptomatique
Delabays A., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2349) p. 1240.
Les revascularisations mini-invasives des artères coronaires
Von Segesser L., Mueller X., Eeckhout E., Hurni M., Stauffer J.C., Ruchat P., Delabays A., Gersbach , Vogt P., Stumpe F., 2001. Kardiovascular medizin = Médecine cardiovasculaire, 4 pp. 329-336.
Pontages coronariens par mini-thoracotomie: bénéfices visibles avec l'expérience croissante de l'équipe traitante [Coronary artery bypass by mini-thoracotomy: noticeable benefits with clinical experience of the treatment team]
Tevaearai H.T., Mueller X.M., Chastonay P., Favre J.B., Ravussin P., Eckert P., Vogt P., Delabays A., von Segesser L., Stumpe F., 2001. Swiss Surgery, 7 (1) pp. 16-19.
The BETTER trial: angiographic and clinical outcomes after brachytherapy with a P32 balloon source
Seydoux C., Urban P., Kappenberger L., Eeckhout E., Roguelov H., Latchem D., Vogt P., Stauffer J. C., Delabays A., 2001. Médecine cardiovasculaire, 4; (Suppl. 1) p. 13.
Vascular brachytherapy for in-stent-restenosis: the Lausanne experience
Eeckhout E., Latchem D., Roguelov H., Stauffer J.C., Goy J.J., Vogt P., Delabays A., Seydoux C., Pica A., Urban P. et al., 2001. Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine cardiovasculaire, 4 (Suppl. 1) pp. S50.
La disponibilité permanente des centres de cathétérisme cardiaque est-elle nécessaire?
Schlüter L., Stauffer J.C., Goy J.J., Eeckhout E., Vogt P., Seydoux C., Delabays A., Kappenberger L., 2000. Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine Cardiovasculaire, 3 (2) pp. 104-111.
Flow convergence flow rates from 3-dimensional reconstruction of color Doppler flow maps for computing transvalvular regurgitant flows without geometric assumptions: An in vitro quantitative flow study
Li X., Shiota T., Delabays A., Teien D., Zhou X., Sinclair B., Pandian N. G., Sahn D. J., 1999/12. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 12 (12) pp. 1035-44.
Mono pontage coronarien minimal invasif: optimalisation des performances apres la phase dite d'apprentissage. [Minimally invasive coronary bypass: optimal performance after a learning period]
Tevaearai H. T., Mueller X. M., von Segesser L. K., Vogt P., Delabays A., Stumpe F., 1999/12. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 (48) pp. 1884-8.
Augmented vasoreactivity in adult life associated with perinatal vascular insult
Sartori C., Allemann Y., Trueb L., Delabays A., Nicod P., Scherrer U., 1999/06. Lancet, 353 (9171) pp. 2205-7.
Echocardiographie tridimensionnelle: curiosite ou methode d'avenir. [Three-dimensional echocardiography: curiosity or method of the future]
Delabays A., 1999/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 119 (5) pp. 383-7.
Exaggerated endothelin release in high-altitude pulmonary edema
Sartori C., Vollenweider L., Loffler B. M., Delabays A., Nicod P., Bartsch P., Scherrer U., 1999/05. Circulation, 99 (20) pp. 2665-8.
Augmented sympathetic activation during short-term hypoxia and high-altitude exposure in subjects susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema
Duplain H., Vollenweider L., Delabays A., Nicod P., Bartsch P., Scherrer U., 1999/04. Circulation, 99 (13) pp. 1713-8.
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the color Doppler-imaged vena contracta for quantifying aortic regurgitation: studies in a chronic animal model
Mori Y., Shiota T., Jones M., Wanitkun S., Irvine T., Li X., Delabays A., Pandian N. G., Sahn D. J., 1999/03. Circulation, 99 (12) pp. 1611-7.
Quantitative assessment of chronic aortic regurgitation with 3-dimensional echocardiographic reconstruction: comparison with electromagnetic flowmeter measurements
Acar P., Jones M., Shiota T., Masani N., Delabays A., Yamada I., Sahn D. J., Pandian N. G., 1999/02. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 12 (2) pp. 138-48.
Atteinte péricardique chez le patient infecté par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) [Pericardial involvement in an HIV-infected patient]
Lepori M., Tinguely F., Erard V., Delabays A., Nicod P., 1999. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 (19) pp. 736-740. Peer-reviewed.
Myocarditis of mixed connective tissue disease: favourable outcome after intravenous pulsed cyclophosphamide
Hammann C., Genton C. Y., Delabays A., Bischoff Delaloye A., Bogousslavsky J., Spertini F., 1999. Clinical Rheumatology, 18 (1) pp. 85-7.
Trikuspidalinsuffizienz: Was tun? [Tricuspid valve insufficiency: what should be done?]
von Segesser L. K., Stauffer J. C., Delabays A., Chassot P. G., 1998/12. Therapeutische Umschau, 55 (12) pp. 767-72.
Chirurgie mini-invasive pour la maladie coronarienne: nouvelle alternative. [Minimally invasive surgery for coronary disease: a new alternative]
Mueller X. M., Tevaearai H. T., Bosshard W., Vogt P., Delabays A., Favre J. B., Ravussin P., von Segesser L. K., Stumpe F., 1998/11. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (48) pp. 1906-9.
Images in cardio-thoracic surgery. Caught in the act
Delabays A., Ruchat P., von Segesser L. K., Kappenberger L., 1998/11. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 14 (5) p. 516.
Direct measurement of three-dimensionally reconstructed flow convergence surface area and regurgitant flow in aortic regurgitation: in vitro and chronic animal model studies
Shiota T., Jones M., Delabays A., Li X., Yamada I., Ishii M., Acar P., Holcomb S., Pandian N. G., Sahn D. J., 1997/11. Circulation, 96 (10) pp. 3687-95.
Calculation of aortic regurgitant volume by a new digital Doppler color flow mapping method: an animal study with quantified chronic aortic regurgitation
Shiota T., Jones M., Aida S., Tsujino H., Yamada I., Delabays A., Pandian N. G., Sahn D. J., 1997/09. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 30 (3) pp. 834-42.
Three-dimensional echocardiographic estimation of infarct mass based on quantification of dysfunctional left ventricular mass
Yao J., Cao Q. L., Masani N., Delabays A., Magni G., Acar P., Laskari C., Pandian N. G., 1997/09. Circulation, 96 (5) pp. 1660-6.
Two- and three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in patient selection and assessment of atrial septal defect closure by the new DAS-Angel Wings device: initial clinical experience
Magni G., Hijazi Z. M., Pandian N. G., Delabays A., Sugeng L., Laskari C., Marx G. R., 1997/09. Circulation, 96 (6) pp. 1722-8.
Three-dimensional echocardiographic evaluation of aortic disorders with rotational multiplanar imaging: experimental and clinical studies
Sugeng L., Cao Q. L., Delabays A., Esakof D., Marx G., Vannan M., Washburn D., Pandian N. G., 1997/03. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 10 (2) pp. 120-32.
Can ''left ventricular Ejection Time'' still be used as a marker of critical aortic stenosis?
Karpuz H., Jeanrenaud X., Aebischer N., Delabays A., Debbas N., Goy J.J., Kappenberger L., 1997. pp. 518A dans ACC'97, 46th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Intérêt de l'échocardiographie tri-dimensionnelle dans la visualisation et la quantification des prolapsus mitraux
Delabays A., Jeanrenaud X., Aebischer N., Kappenberger L., 1997. pp. 13S dans Réunion Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie et de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift.
Echocardiographie a l'effort sur cyclo-ergometre en position couchee: une methode d'investigation simple et efficace, a la portee du cardiologue de premier recours pour la detection et la localisation de l'ischemie du myocarde. [Bicycle exercise echocardiography in the supine position: a simple and effective study method for the detection and localization of myocardial ischemia by the first consulted cardiologist]
Jaussi A., Savcic M., Delabays A., Kappenberger L., 1996/08. Schweizerische Rundschau fur Medizin Praxis, 85 (31-32) pp. 923-9.
Volume-rendered, three-dimensional echocardiographic determination of the size, shape, and position of atrial septal defects: validation in an in vitro model
Magni G., Cao Q. L., Sugeng L., Delabays A., Marx G., Ludomirski A., Vogel M., Pandian N. G., 1996/08. American Heart Journal, 132 (2 Pt 1) pp. 376-81.
Supine Bicycle Exercise Echocardiography: A Potent Immediately Available Tool for Detection and Localization of Myocardial Ischemia for the Initial Cardiologist
Jaussi A., Savcic M., Delabays A., Kappenberger L., 1996/05. Echocardiography, 13 (3) pp. 281-286.
Inhaled nitric oxide for high-altitude pulmonary edema
Scherrer U., Vollenweider L., Delabays A., Savcic M., Eichenberger U., Kleger G. R., Fikrle A., Ballmer P. E., Nicod P., Bartsch P., 1996/03. New England Journal of Medicine, 334 (10) pp. 624-9.
Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of intracardiac blood flow jets
Delabays A., Sugeng L., Pandian N. G., Hsu T. L., Ho S. J., Chen C. H., Marx G., Schwartz S. L., Cao Q. L., 1995/11. American Journal of Cardiology, 76 (14) pp. 1053-1058.
Delineation of site, relative size and dynamic geometry of atrial septal defects by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography
Marx G. R., Fulton D. R., Pandian N. G., Vogel M., Cao Q. L., Ludomirsky A., Delabays A., Sugeng L., Klas B., 1995/02. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 25 (2) pp. 482-90.
Transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography using a fan-like scanning approach for data acquisition: methods, strengths, problems, and initial clinical experience
Delabays A., Pandian N. G., Cao Q. L., Sugeng L., Marx G., Ludomirski A., Schwartz S. L., 1995/01. Echocardiography, 12 (1) pp. 49-59.
Effects of intranasal administration of synthetic (4-28)human atrial natriuretic peptide to normal volunteers.
Delabays A., Porchet M., Waeber B., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., 1989. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 13 (1) pp. 173-6. Peer-reviewed.
Exercice physique et hypertension artérielle [Physical exercise and arterial hypertension]
Delabays A., Perret F., Waeber B., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., 1989. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 109 (1) pp. 49-52.
Hemodynamic and biochemical consequences of renin inhibition by infusion of CGP 38560A in normal volunteers.
Nussberger J., Delabays A., De Gasparo M., Cumin F., Waeber B., Brunner H.R., Ménard J., 1989. Hypertension, 13 (6 Pt 2) pp. 948-53. Peer-reviewed.
Hemodynamic and humoral effects of the new renin inhibitor enalkiren in normal humans.
Delabays A., Nussberger J., Porchet M., Waeber B., Hoyos P., Boger R., Glassman H., Kleinert H.D., Luther R., Brunner H.R., 1989. Hypertension, 13 (6 Pt 2) pp. 941-7. Peer-reviewed.
Mesures des intervalles de temps systoliques: application a l'etude de la contractilite myocardique chez le sportif. [Determination of the systolic time interval: application to the study of myocardial contractility in sportsmen]
Delabays A., Zenklusen C., 1988/10. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin, 36 (3) pp. 128-32.
Exercice physique et hypertension artérielle [Physical exercise and arterial hypertension]
Delabays A., Waeber B., Nussberger J., Brunner H.R., 1988. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 36 (3) pp. 117-22.
Listeriose: presentations neurologiques dans le cadre de la mini-epidemie neuchateloise 1983-1984. [Listeriosis: neurologic presentations in the framework of the Neuchatel mini epidemic 1983-1984]
Delabays A., Maurer A. M., Bize D., De Torrente A., 1985/03. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 105 (3) pp. 261-6.
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