Nicolas Schreyer

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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14 publications

2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2003 |
Stab wounds in a Swiss emergency department: a series of 80 consecutive cases.
Schreyer N., Carron P.N., Demartines N., Yersin B., 2010. Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 (w13058) pp. E1-E6.
Prise en charge des coliques néphrétiques en urgence [Emergency management of renal colic]
Valerio M., Doerfler A., Chollet Y., Schreyer N., Guyot S., Jichlinski P., 2009/12. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (228) pp. 2457-2461.
Alcohol and cannabis use as risk factors for injury--a case-crossover analysis in a Swiss hospital emergency department.
Gmel G., Kuendig H., Rehm J., Schreyer N., Daeppen J.B., 2009. BMC Public Health, 9 p. 40. Peer-reviewed.
Victimes d’attentat à la bombe : de la physique à la physiopathologie et à la prise en charge [Terrorist bomb attacks: injuries and response]
Carron P.N., Schreyer N., Reigner P., Yersin B., 2008/08/27. Revue medicale suisse, 4 (168) pp. 1831-1835. Peer-reviewed.
"Damage Control surgery" (DCS): une juste mesure de chirurgie pour le polytraumatisé ["Damage control surgery" (DCS): just the surgery the patient needs]
Schreyer N., Allard D., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (167) pp. 1754-6, 1758.
Do Objective Measures of Blood Alcohol Concentrations Make More Sense than Self-reports in Emergency Department Studies?
Gmel G., Kuendig H., Augsburger M., Schreyer N., Daeppen J.B., 2008. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2 (2) pp. 96-102. Peer-reviewed.
Le syndrome douloureux abdominal (SDA) aux urgences: quelle analgésie [Acute abdominal pain: what about analgesia]
Schreyer N., D'Ambrogio A., Demartines N., 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (117) pp. 1647-50.
Engorgement des centres d'urgences: une raison légitime de refuser l'accès aux patients non urgents? [Emergency department overcrowding: a legitimate reason to refuse access to urgent care for non-urgent patients?]
Hugli O.W., Potin M., Schreyer N., Yersin B., 2006/08/09. Revue medicale suisse, 2 (75) pp. 1836-1839. Peer-reviewed.
L'analgésie précoce dans le syndrome douloureux abdominal aigu, une entrave à l'établissement du diagnostic? [Does early analgesia interfere with diagnostic process in acute abdominal pain syndrome?]
D'Ambrogio A., Peloponissios N., Blanc C., Schreyer N., 2006/06/14. Revue medicale suisse, 2 (70) pp. 1593-1596. Peer-reviewed.
Accès des patients agés aux urgences: evolution démographique et perspectives médico-ethiques [Access of elderly patients in the emergency department: demographic evolution and ethical perspectives].
Carron P.N., Hugli O.W., Schreyer N., Yersin B., 2006. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (75) pp. 1840-1843.
Injury pattern of the Flash-Ball, a less-lethal weapon used for law enforcement: report of two cases and review of the literature.
Wahl P., Schreyer N., Yersin B., 2006. Journal of Emergency Medicine, 31 (3) pp. 325-330. Peer-reviewed.
L'orientation du patient souffrant d'un syndrome douloureux abdominal aigu a domicile [Hospitalisation criteria for the acute abdominal pain patient seen at home or in an ambulatory setting].
Schreyer N., Yersin B., 2006. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (75) pp. 1844-1848.
Encapsulation of packaging cell line results in successful retroviral-mediated transfer of a suicide gene in vivo in an experimental model of glioblastoma.
Martinet O., Schreyer N., Reis E.D., Joseph J.M., 2003. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 29 (4) pp. 351-357. Peer-reviewed.
Expérience de dix ans de réanimation chirurgicale d'un centre hospitalier universitaire. Détermination d'un critère d'identification des patients à risque de décéder de coagulopathie irréversible [10 years experience in surgical resuscitation at a university hospital center. Determination of a criterion for identifying patients at risk for fatal irreversible coagulopathy]
Schreyer N., Engeler A., Leyvraz P.F., 2003. Swiss Surgery, 9 (4) pp. 167-172.
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