Istvan Bathory

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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12 publications

2022 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 |
Comparing S-Guide® and Gliderite® Times to Assist Video laryngoscopic Intubation in Patients with Simulated Difficult Airways: A Single-Blinded Randomized Prospective Study.
Nkoulou C., Maibach T., Bathory I., Fournier N., Schoettker P., 2022/04. Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation, 50 (2) pp. 86-93. Peer-reviewed.
Airtraq® vs. fibreoptic intubation in patients with an unstable cervical spine fracture: A neurophysiological study
Schoettker Patrick, Pérez Arias Ana, Pralong Etienne, Duff John Michael, Fournier Nicolas, Bathory Istvan, 2020/04. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 31 pp. 28-34.
Comparison of peripheral nerve blockade characteristics between non-diabetic patients and patients suffering from diabetic neuropathy: a prospective cohort study.
Baeriswyl M., Taffé P., Kirkham K.R., Bathory I., Rancati V., Crevoisier X., Cherix S., Albrecht E., 2018/09. Anaesthesia, 73 (9) pp. 1110-1117. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced hemidiaphragmatic paresis with extrafascial compared with conventional intrafascial tip placement for continuous interscalene brachial plexus block: a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial.
Albrecht E., Bathory I., Fournier N., Jacot-Guillarmod A., Farron A., Brull R., 2017/04/01. British journal of anaesthesia, 118 (4) pp. 586-592. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological Study of Femoral Nerve Function After a Continuous Femoral Nerve Block for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
Stebler K., Martin R., Kirkham K.R., Küntzer T., Bathory I., Albrecht E., 2017/03. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 (3) pp. 578-583. Peer-reviewed.
Endotracheal tube displacement during head and neck movements. Observational clinical trial.
Tailleur R., Bathory I., Dolci M., Frascarolo P., Kern C., Schoettker P., 2016/08. Journal of clinical anesthesia, 32 pp. 54-58. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of the single-use Ambu(®) aScope? 2 vs the conventional fibrescope for tracheal intubation in patients with cervical spine immobilisation by a semirigid collar*.
Krugel V., Bathory I., Frascarolo P., Schoettker P., 2013. Anaesthesia, 68 (1) pp. 21-26.
Evaluation of the Video Intubation Unit in morbid obese patients.
Bathory I., Granges J.C., Frascarolo P., Magnusson L., 2010. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 54 (1) pp. 55-58.
Retraction movement of the Frova airway intubation introducer to assist nasotracheal intubation in patients with limited mouth opening.
Schoettker Patrick, Bathory Istvan, Broome Martin, 2010. Anesthesiology, 113 (6) pp. 1476-1478.
Evaluation of the GlideScope (R) for tracheal intubation in patients with cervical spine immobilisation by a semi-rigid collar
Bathory I., Frascarolo P., Kern C., Schoettker P., 2009. Anaesthesia, 64 (12) pp. 1337-1341. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the GlideScope (R) for tracheal intubation in patients with cervical spine immobilization by a semi-rigid collar
Bathory I., Kern C., Schoettker P., 2009. pp. 19S-20S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Use of the nasotracheal Airtraq to assist difficult nasal fibreoptic intubation.
Schoettker P., Bathory I., Broome M., 2008. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia = Journal Canadien d'Anesthésie, 55 (12) p. 884. Peer-reviewed.
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