Jean-Christophe Graz

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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120 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1991 |
Globalize IPE, not just the syllabi! Virtual classrooms interactions and the making of the Atlantic Diagonals glossary
Graz Jean-Christophe, Chenou Jean-Marie, Urrego-Sandoval Carolina, Maechler Sylvain, 2024/07/03. Review of International Political Economy, 31 (4) pp. 1322-1341. Peer-reviewed.
Uncertainty in times of ecological crisis: a Knightian tale of how to face future states of the world
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2024/01/22. European Journal of International Relations. Peer-reviewed.
Do Labour Standards Improve Employment Relationships in Global Production Networks? A Cross-sector Study in Brazil
Graz Jean-Christophe, Rocha Lemos Patricia, Galvão Andréia, 2023/05/31. Global Labour Journal, 14 (2) pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
La théorie de la régulation et l’international
Graz Jean-Christophe, Dannreuther Charlie, 2023. pp. 122-129 dans Boyer Robert, Chanteau Jean-Pierre, Labrousse Agnès, Lamarche Thomas (eds.) Théorie de la régulation. Un nouvel état des savoirs, Dunod.
Datanalysing the uninsured: The coloniality of inclusive insurance platforms
Perticone Yannick, Graz Jean-Christophe, Rahel Kunz, 2022/09/08. Competition & Change p. 102452942211258. Peer-reviewed.
Labour Standards in Global Production Networks: Assessing Transnational Private Regulation and Workers' Capacity to Act
Graz Jean-Christophe, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Walter André, 2022/05/04. Development and Change. Peer-reviewed.
Is the sky or the earth the limit? Risk, uncertainty and nature
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2022/03/04. Review of International Political Economy, 29 (2) pp. 624-645.
‘Food Can’t Be Traded’ Civil Society’s Discursive Power in the Context of Agricultural Liberalisation in India
Parguel Camille, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2021/08/23. Les Cahiers de l’IEP / IEP Working Papers Series / ICRIER Working Paper 76 / 405. Peer-reviewed.
Grounding the Politics of Transnational Private Governance
Graz Jean-Christophe (eds.), 2021/02/15., New Political Economy (Special Section).
Grounding the politics of transnational private governance: introduction to the special section
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2021/02/11. New Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
Covid-19 : L'économie dévoilée par la crise pandémique : Introduction au numéro
Graz Jean-Christophe, Alary Pierre, Labrousse Agnès, Lamarche Thomas, Vercueil Julien, 2021/02/10. Revue de la régulation, 29 (Opinion Débat hors série). Peer-reviewed.
What does the Covid-19 crisis reveal about economics and the economy? Introduction to this issue
Graz Jean-Christophe, Alary Pierre, Labrousse Agnès, Lamarche Thomas, Vercueil Julien, 2021/02/10. Revue de la régulation, 29 (Opinion Debate - special issue). Peer-reviewed.
Is transnational private regulation supporting workers’ capacity to act? Evidence from a cross-country, cross-sectoral firm-level survey
Graz Jean-Christophe, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Walter André, 2020/09/04. dans 32ndannual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
La transition socio-écologique sera-t-elle la grande oubliée de la relance post-Covid ?
Graz Jean-Christophe, Maechler Sylvain, Perticone Yannick, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Damian Michel, 2020/04/02. The Conversation.
Digital platforms in the global political economy
Perticone Yannick, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kunz Rahel, 2020/02/04. dans Annual conference of the Swiss Political Science Association. Peer-reviewed.
The Standardisation of Natural Capital Accounting Methodologies
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2020/01/27. pp. 27-53 dans Jakobs Kai (eds.) Shaping the Future Through Standardization, IGI Global.
International Political Economy (IPE) meets International Political Sociology (IPS)
Graz Jean-Christophe, Kessler Oliver, Kunz Rahel, 2019/12/02. International Relations, 4 (33) pp. 586–594. Peer-reviewed.
Substituting risk for uncertainty. Where are the limits and how to face them?
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, Furrer Etienne, Lunghi Emma Sofia, Monthoux Marc, Yousefzai Céline, 2019/10/01. Les Cahiers de l’IEP / IEP Working Papers Series 73 pp. 1-26.
The Power of Standards. Hybrid Authority and the Globalisation of Services
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2019/08/01. 258, Cambridge University Press.
Environmental management systems standards facing natural capital accounting: ISO 14007 & ISO 14008
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2019/06/15. dans Falcone Pasquale Marcello , Jacobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 24th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference ‘– Standards for a Bio-Based Economy’, Verlaghaus Mainz.. Peer-reviewed.
Hybrid production regimes and labor agency in transnational private governance
Graz Jean-Christophe, Helmerich Nicole, Prébandier Cécile, 2019/05/08. Journal of Business Ethics, 162 pp. 307–321. Peer-reviewed.
Translating Technical Diplomacy : The Participation of Civil Society Organisations in International Standardisation
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2019/01/16. Global Society, 33 (2) pp. 163-183. Peer-reviewed.
In memoriam : Robert W. Cox (1926-2018)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2018/10/28..
Global corporations and the governance of standards
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2018/10/03. pp. 448-461 dans May Christian, Noelke Andreas (eds.) Handbook on Corporations as Global Players chap. 28, E. Elgar.
Is Transnational Private Regulation Potentially an Effective Means of Promoting Collective Industrial Relations?
Cradden C., Graz J.-C., 2016/01. Global Labour Journal, 7 (1) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Les arènes de la normalisation internationale à l'épreuve de la participation : le projet INTERNORM
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Bütschi Danielle, Kaufmann Alain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2016. Participations, 1 (14) pp. 207-235. Peer-reviewed.
The Havana Charter : when state and market shake hands
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2016. pp. 281-290 dans Reinert Erik S., Ghosh Jayati, Kattel Reiner (eds.) Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development chap. 15, E. Elgar.
The international standardisation arena and the civil society participation stakes : results of the INTERTERM project
Hauert C., Bütschi D., Graz J.-C., Audétat M., Kaufmann A., 2015/10. ETUI Policy Brief. European Economic, Employment and Social Policy 14 pp. 1-5.
Les arènes de la normalisation internationale à l'épreuve de la participation de la société civile : résultats du projet INTERNORM
Hauert C., Bütschi D., Graz J.-C., Audétat M., Kaufmann A., 2015/09. ETUI Policy Brief. Politiques économiques, sociales et de l'emploi en Europe 14 pp. 1-5.
Governance by Contract? The impact of the International Finance Corporation's Social Conditionality on Worker Organization and Social Dialogue
Cradden C., Graz J.-C., Pamingle L., 2015/03. 27, Swiss network for international studies / Université de Lausanne.
Assessing, engaging and enacting worlds: Tensions in feminist method/ologies - Swiss International Relations Collective (SWIRCO) conversation with Wendy Harcourt, L.H.M. Ling, and Marysia Zalewski
Graz J.-C., Guillaume X., Hagmann J., Kunz R., Prügl E., 2015/01. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17 (1) pp. 158-172. Peer-reviewed.
Standardizing services: transnational authority and market power
Graz J.-C., 2015/01. pp. 132-148 dans van der Pijl K. (eds.) Handbook of the international political economy of production chap. 8, Edward Elgar.
Transnational private authority, regulatory space and workers' collective competences: Bringing local contexts and worker agency back in
Cradden C., Graz J.-C., 2015. (62), Université de Lausanne, Les Cahiers de l'IEPHI / IEPHI Working Paper Series.
Beyond the Transatlantic Divide: The Multiple Authorities of Standards in the Global Political Economy of Services
Hauert Christophe, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2014/04. Business & Politics, 16 (1) pp. 113-150. Peer-reviewed.
A professor on a mission
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2014/01. ISO Focus 102 pp. 38-41.
Transnational private authority and the participation of workers' organizations in the regulatory space surrounding the employment relationship
Cradden Conor, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2014/01. dans Swiss Political Science Association.
Conclusion : les usages possibles et contestables des normes et des institutions dans l'internationalisation des services
Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafi, 2013/03. pp. 381-96 dans Graz J.-C., Niang N. (eds.) Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services, Presses de Science Po.
Introduction : la normalisation des services dans la mondialisation
Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafi, 2013/03. pp. 15-63 dans Graz J.-C., Niang N. (eds.) Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services, Presses de Science Po.
La normalisation des services aux Etats-Unis et en Europe : une analyse institutionnelle des formes d'autorité privée
Hauert Christophe, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2013/03. pp. 65-101 dans Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafi (eds.) Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services, Presses de Science Po.
Normalisation informatique et marchés de services : le cas du XML
Vion Antoine, Diaz Pablo, Dudouet François-Xavier, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2013/03. pp. 281-316 dans Graz J.-C., Niang N. (eds.) Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services, Presses de Science Po.
Savoir s'assurer : économie politique internationale des normes de services et mondialisation du marché de la (ré)assurance
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2013/03. pp. 131-185 dans Graz J.-C., Niang N. (eds.) Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services, Presses de Science Po.
Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services
Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafi (eds.), 2013/03. 396, Presses de Science Po.
La gouvernance de la mondialisation
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2013/02., 4e édition collection «Repères» 128, La Découverte.
Civil society organisations participating in ISO TC 228 and ISO TC 229: the INTERNORM project and its future
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Bütschi-Häberlin Danielle, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kaufmann Alain, 2013. pp. 171-186 dans Jakobs Kai, de Vries Henk J., Ganesh Ashok, Gulacsi Andrea, Soetert Ingrid (eds.) EURAS Proceedings 2013. Peer-reviewed, Verlag Mainz, Aachen.
The INTERNORM Project: Bridging Two Worlds of Expert- and Lay-Knowledge in Standardization
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2013. pp. 154-164 dans Jaobs K. (eds.) Innovations in Organizational IT Specification and Standards Development, IGI Global.
International Standardisation and Local Participatory Dynamics : The INTERNORM Project
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Buetschi Haeberlin Danielle, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kaufmann Alain, 2012/10. dans Quadrennial joint conference of The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST): "Design and displacement - social studies of science and technology". Peer-reviewed.
Satellizing Galileo? Non-state Authority and Interoperability Standards in the European Global Navigation Satellite System
Graz Jean-Christophe, Csikos Patrick, 2012/09. (54) 25, Travaux de science politique, Institut d'études politiques et internationales, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur l'international.
Transnational authority in the knowledge-based economy: Who sets the standards of ICT training and certification?
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hartmann Eva, 2012/09. International Political Sociology, 6 (3) pp. 294-314. Peer-reviewed.
Connecting India: The rise of standards in service offshoring
Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafi, 2012/08. The Service Industries Journal, 32 (14) pp. 2287-2305. Peer-reviewed.
Les arènes de la normalisation internationale à l'épreuve de la participation : le projet INTERNORM
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Bütschi Häberlin Danielle, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kaufmann Alain, 2012/02. dans Fourniau J.-M. (eds.) Actes de la journée d'études sur les effets de la participation - Congrès du GIS Démocratie et Participation. Peer-reviewed.
Private Regulation in the World Economy
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2012/01. Academic Foresights No. 3 pp. en ligne.
The Limits of Transnational Private Governance
Graz Jean-Christophe, Nölke Andreas, 2012. pp. 118-140 dans S. Guzzini , I. Neumann (eds.) The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance, Palgrave Macmillan.
International Standards and the Service Economy
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2011/05. pp. 209-30 dans Joerges Christian, Falke Josef (eds.) Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets chap. 9, Hart Publishing.
All standards are labor standards. Trade unions' participation in European standardisation bodies
Hauert Christophe, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2011. pp. 119-132 dans Fomin Vladislav V. Jakobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. Peer-reviewed, Verlag Mainz.
La toute-puissance des acteurs privés dans l'ordre économique mondial
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2011. pp. 75-86 dans Badie Bertrand Vidal Dominique (eds.) Nouveaux acteurs, nouvelle donne : l'état du monde 2012, La Découverte.
The INTERNORM project : bridging two worlds of expert- and layknowledge in standardization
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2011/01. The International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 9 (1) pp. 52-62. Peer-reviewed.
Informal Institutions in the Service Industry and the Political Economy of Global Inequalities
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2010/10. Peace Review, 22 (4) pp. 390-8. Peer-reviewed.
Le monde des normes
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2010/05. Bulletin HEC 80 pp. 24-5.
Global regulation of the knowledge-based economy: The rise of standards in educational services
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hartmann Eva, 2010. (48), Travaux de science politique, Université de Lausanne.
La gouvernance de la mondialisation
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2010., 3e édition Repères 128, La Découverte.
Proceedings of the 15th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference 'Services Standardisation'
Graz Jean-Christophe, Jocobs Kai (eds.), 2010., European Academy for Standardisation 416, Verlaghaus.
Services standardization in the United-States and in Europe: an institutional analysis of private authority
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2010., Mainz pp. 203-222 dans Graz Jean-Christophe, Jacobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference 'Services Standardisation'. Peer-reviewed, Verlagshaus.
Standards and service offshoring in India: Moving beyond industry and institutional specificities
Graz Jean-Chhristophe, Niang Nafy, 2010. (47) 22, Travaux de science politique, Université de Lausanne.
Répondre aux inégalités pour faire face à la crise
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2009/04. L'Economie Politique 42 pp. 47-51.
Services sans frontières : économie de la connaissance et normalisation internationale
Graz J.-Ch., 2009. pp. 161-179 dans Pierre de Senarclens (Dir.), Les frontières dans tous leurs états, Bruxelles: Bruylant.
Standards and service offshoring in India: Moving beyond industry and institutional specificities
Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafy, 2009. pp. 69-82 dans Beauvais-Schwartz N, Bousquet F, Jacobs K (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. Peer-reviewed, Aachen Beitrage für Informatik.
The INTERNORM project : bridging two worlds of expert- and layknowledge in standardization
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2009. pp. 59-68 dans Beauvais-Schwartz N, Bousquet F, Jacobs K (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. Peer-reviewed, Aachen Beitrage für Informatik.
Conclusion : The limits of transnational private governance
Nölke Andreas, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2008. pp. 225-42 dans Graz Jean-Christophe, Nölke Andreas (eds.) Transnational Private Governance and its Limits, Routledge.
Gare aux hybrides : mythes et réalités de la gouvernance de la mondialisation
Graz J.-Ch., 2008. Etudes internationales, XXXIX (3) pp. 361-85. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction: Beyond the fragmented debate on transnational private governance
Graz Jean-Christophe, Nölke Andreas, 2008. pp. 1-26 dans Graz Jean-Christophe, Nölke Andreas (eds.) Transnational Private Governance and its Limits, Routledge.
La gouvernance de la mondialisation
Graz J.-Ch., 2008., La Découverte, coll. Repères (nouvelle édition).
Les pouvoirs émergents dans la mondialisation
Graz J.-Ch., 2008. Annuaire Français de Relations Internationale, 9 pp. 749-62. Peer-reviewed.
Transnatonal Private Governance and its Limits
Graz J.-Ch., Nölke A. (Eds) , 2008., London: Routledge.
World Economic Forum
Graz J.-Ch., 2008. Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy pp. N/A.
Financiers, philanthropes. Vocations éthiques et reproduction du capital à Wall Street depuis 1970 / Nicolas Guilhot (Paris, Raisons d'agir, 2004)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2006. Traverse, 37 pp. xxx.
Hybrids and Regulation in the Global Political Economy
Graz J.-Ch., 2006. Competition and Change, 10 (2) pp. 230-45. Peer-reviewed.
International standardisation and corporate democracy
Graz J.-Ch., 2006. pp. 118-133 dans Giesen KG, van der Pijl K (eds.) Global Norms for the 21st Century, Cambridge Scholars Press.
Les hybrides de la mondialisation : acteurs, objets et espaces de l'économie politique internationale.
Graz J.-Ch., 2006. Revue Française de Science Politique, 56 (5) pp. 765-89. Peer-reviewed.
Développement durable et commerce international
Graz J.-Ch., Damian M., 2005. Cahiers Français, 325, « Mondialisation et commerce international » pp. 89-92.
La gouvernance hybride du commerce mondial : l'OMC et la politique réglementaire
Graz J.-Ch., 2005. pp. 226-244 dans Boisson de Chazournes, L. et Mehdi, R. (eds.) Une société internationale en mutation, Bruxelles: Bruylant.
La gouvernance mondiale
Graz J.-Ch., 2005. Asymétries. Analyses de l'actualité internationale, 1 pp. 8-10.
Qui gouverne le capitalisme ?
Graz J.-Ch., 2005. Alternatives Economiques, Hors-Série N° 65 : Le capitalisme, 3e trim. pp. 52-55.
Standards and politics: the devolution of power in international standardisation
Graz J.-Ch., 2005. Skymag: Magazine of the Swiss Air Navigation Services, N° 10 pp. 5-6.
Quand les normes font loi : topologie intégrée et processus différenciés de la normalisation internationale
Graz J.-Ch., 2004/06. Etudes Internationales, 35 (2) pp. 233-260. Peer-reviewed.
International Trade and Political Conflict. Commerce, Coalitions, and Mobility / Michael J. Hiscox (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2002)
Graz Jean-christophe, 2004/01. International Affairs, 80 (1) pp. 141-143.
La gouvernance globale du développement soutenable? Trois propositions pour l'espace francophone
Graz J.-Ch., Damian M., 2004. Informations et Commentaires, N° 127 pp. 46-51.
Transnational Mercantilism and the Emergent Global Trading Order
Graz J.-Ch., 2004. Review of International Political Economy, 11(3) pp. 597-617. Peer-reviewed.
The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance / Rodney Bruce Hall and Thomas J. Biersteker (eds) (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2003/06. Political Studies, 51 (2) pp. xxx.
Comment réguler le capitalisme ?
Dunford M., Graz J.-Ch., Palan R., van des Pijl K., 2003. Le Monde Economie, 3 juin p. 10.
How powerful are transnational elite clubs? The social myth of the World Economic Forum
Graz J.-Ch., 2003. New Political Economy, vol. 8 (3) pp. 321-340. Peer-reviewed.
Marginalités, dissidences et dialogue entre civilisations: Robert Cox et l'économie politique d'un monde pluriel
Graz J.-Ch., 2003. A contrario, 1 (1) pp. 95-100.
Qui gouverne? Le Forum de Davos et le pouvoir informel des clubs d'élites transnationales
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2003. A Contrario, 1 (2) pp. 67-89. Peer-reviewed.
The Legitimacy of International Organizations / Jean-Marc Coicaud and Veijo Heiskanen (Eds.) (Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001)
Graz jean-christophe, 2002/12. Etudes Internationales, XXXIII (4) pp. xxx.
The Role of the World Trade Organization in Global Governance (Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2002/07. International Affairs, 78 (3) pp. xxx.
Diplomatie et marché de la normalisation internationale
Graz J.-Ch., 2002. L'économie politique, n°13 pp. 52-67. Peer-reviewed.
Forum économique mondial à New York: la fin du mythe
Graz J.-Ch., 2002. Le monde Economie, 19 février 2002, VI p. 10.
Beyond States and Markets: Comparative and Global Political Economy in the Age of hybrids
Graz J.-Ch., 2001. Review of International Political Economy, vol. 8 (4) pp. 739-48. Peer-reviewed.
Commerce international et développement soutenable
Graz J.-Ch., Damian M., 2001. 224, Economica.
L'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), l'environnement et la contestation écologique
Graz Jean-Christophe, Damian Michel, 2001. Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales, 170 (4) pp. 656-670. Peer-reviewed.
La montée des conflits
Graz J.-Ch., Damian M., 2001. pp. 1-17 dans Graz J.-Ch., Damian M. (eds.) Commerce international et développement durable, Economica.
Les grands paradigmes
Graz J.-Ch., Damian M., 2001. pp. 19-55 dans Graz J.-Ch., Damian M. (eds.) Commerce international et développement durable, Economica.
Free Trade versus Protectionism. A Source Book of Essays and Readings / Johannes Overbeek (Cheltenham, E. Elgar, 1999)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2000/09. Etudes Internationales, XXXIII (3) pp. xxx.
Private Authority and International Affairs / Claire Cutler, Virginia Haufler and Tony Porter (eds.) (SUNY Press, New York, 1999)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2000/03. Etudes Internationales, XXXIII (1) pp. xxx.
L'économie politique du commerce international et les origines cachées du nouvel agenda de l'OMC
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2000. Économies et Sociétés, Série « Relations économiques internationales », P, 35 (8) pp. 163-189. Peer-reviewed.
Les nouvelles tendances de l'Economie Politique Internationale.
Graz J.-Ch., 2000. Annuaire Français de Relations Intenationales, vol. 1 pp. 557-569. Peer-reviewed.
The future of Seattle and Back
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2000. Studies in Political Economy, 62 pp. 17-24. Peer-reviewed.
Aux sources de l'OMC: la Charte de la Havane, 1941-1950. Precursor of the WTO: The Stillborn Havana Charter, 1941-1950, with a preface by Robert W. Cox
Graz J.-Ch., 1999. 367, Librairie Droz.
Beauté, sécurité, travail, vertu... La Suisse a les plus beaux billets du monde!
Graz J.-Ch., Merrone G., 1999. Le Temps stratégique, N°90 pp. 8-13.
Flood Water Rising
Graz Jean-Christophe, Graz Liesl, 1999. pp. 27-41 dans World Disaster Report, Oxford University Press.
L'Organisation mondiale du commerce revient à ses sources de l'après-guerre
Graz J.-Ch., 1999. Le Temps, 26 p. 10.
L'économie politique internationale en France : une importation mal partie
Graz Jean-Christophe, 1999. L'économie politique, 3 (3) pp. 105-112.
The Political Economy of International Trade : The Relevance of the ITO Project?
Graz Jean-Christophe, 1999. Journal of International Relations and Development, 2 (3) pp. 288-306. Peer-reviewed.
1948: l'échec de l'OIC ?
Graz J.-Ch., 1998. Alternatives Economiques, Nov. 1998 pp. 78-81.
Trade and the American Dream: A Social History of Postwar Trade Policy / Susan A. Aaronson (Lexington, University of Kentucky Press, 1996)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 1997/12. Etudes Internationales, XXVIII (4) pp. xxx.
The Chase Across the Globe: International Accumulation and the Contradictions for Nations States / Dick Bryan (Boulder, Westview Press, 1995)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 1997/09. Etudes Internationales, XXVIII (3) pp. xxx.
Globalization, the WTO and the New Trade Agenda: is all that new ?
Graz J.-Ch., 1997. Cahiers du CERIA, septembre (4) p. 8.
Trade and Growth. New Dilemmas in Trade Policy / Manuel Agosin, Diana Tussie (eds.) (London, Macmillan, 1993)
Graz Jean-Christophe, 1995. Millennium, 24 (1) pp. xxx.
Relations internationales et concepts économiques: rénovations et ruptures
Graz J.-Ch., 1994. Le Trimestre du Monde, n°27, 3ème trimestre (Special issue "Les relations internatonales: les nouveaux débats théoriques") pp. 133-159.
Le mercantilisme transnational à l'oeuvre dans les processus de régionalisation commerciale.
Ariffin Y., Graz J.-C., 1993. Le Trimestre du Monde, No. 22 (2) pp. 75-97.
Les négociations d'Uruguay: ordre et puissance
Graz Jean-Christophe, 1991. Le Trimestre du Monde, 16 (4) pp. 139-156.
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