Julien Furrer

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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3 publications

2020 | 2014 | 2007 |
Examining and expanding the friction ridge value decision.
Eldridge H., DeDonno M., Furrer J., Champod C., 2020/09. Forensic science international, 314 p. 110408. Peer-reviewed.
Supporting interdisciplinary case studies: development and implementation of a joint learning environment for students in forensic science and criminal law
Biedermann A., Voisard R., Scoundrianos A., Furrer J., Taroni F., Champod C., 2014/07. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46 (3) pp. 317-329. Peer-reviewed.
Nicephor (e) : A web-based solution for teaching forensic and scientific photography.
Voisard R., Champod C., Furrer J., Curchod J., Vautier A., Massonnet G., Buzzini P., 2007. Forensic Science International, 167 (2-3) pp. 196-200.
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