Pierre Bize

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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59 publications

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
Interspecific correlation between red blood cell mitochondrial ROS production, cardiolipin content and longevity in birds.
Delhaye J., Salamin N., Roulin A., Criscuolo F., Bize P., Christe P., 2016/12. Age, 38 (5-6) pp. 433-443. Peer-reviewed.
Life span and reproductive cost explain interspecific variation in the optimal onset of reproduction.
Mourocq E., Bize P., Bouwhuis S., Bradley R., Charmantier A., de la Cruz C., Drobniak S.M., Espie R.H., Herényi M., Hötker H. et al., 2016/02. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 70 (2) pp. 296-313. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in the oxidative balance of dispersing and non-dispersing individuals: an experimental approach in a passerine bird.
Récapet C., Zahariev A., Blanc S., Arrivé M., Criscuolo F., Bize P., Doligez B., 2016. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16 (1) p. 125. Peer-reviewed.
Food supplementation mitigates dispersal-dependent differences in nest defence in a passerine bird.
Récapet C., Daniel G., Taroni J., Bize P., Doligez B., 2016. Biology Letters, 12 (5) p. 20160097.
Mutually honest? Physiological ‘qualities' signalled by colour ornaments in monomorphic king penguins
Viblanc V.A., Dobson F. S., Stier A., Schull Q., Saraux C., Gineste B., Pardonnet S., Kauffmann M., Robin J.P., Bize P., 2016. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 118 (2) pp. 200-214. Peer-reviewed.
Selective disappearance of individuals with high levels of glycated haemoglobin in a free-living bird.
Récapet C., Sibeaux A., Cauchard L., Doligez B., Bize P., 2016. Biology Letters, 12 (8) p. 20160243. Peer-reviewed.
Sex- and melanism-specific variations in the oxidative status of adult tawny owls in response to manipulated reproductive effort.
Emaresi G., Henry I., Gonzalez E., Roulin A., Bize P., 2016/01. The Journal of experimental biology, 219 (Pt 1) pp. 73-79. Peer-reviewed.
Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies.
Mills J.A., Teplitsky C., Arroyo B., Charmantier A., Becker P.H., Birkhead T.R., Bize P., Blumstein D.T., Bonenfant C., Boutin S. et al., 2015. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30 (10) pp. 581-589. Peer-reviewed.
Starting with a handicap: phenotypic differences between early‐ and late‐born king penguin chicks and their survival correlates
Stier Antoine, Viblanc Vincent A., Massemin-Challet Sylvie, Handrich Yves, Zahn Sandrine, Rojas Emilio R., Saraux Claire, Le Vaillant Maryline, Prud'homme Onésime, Grosbellet Edith et al., 2014/06. Functional Ecology, 28 (3) pp. 601-611. Peer-reviewed.
Melanin-specific life-history strategies.
Emaresi G., Bize P., Altwegg R., Henry I., van den Brink V., Gasparini J., Roulin A., 2014. American Naturalist, 183 (2) pp. 269-280. Peer-reviewed.
Mitochondrial uncoupling as a regulator of life-history trajectories in birds: an experimental study in the zebra finch.
Stier A., Bize P., Roussel D., Schull Q., Massemin S., Criscuolo F., 2014. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 (Pt 19) pp. 3579-3589.
Mitochondrial uncoupling prevents cold-induced oxidative stress: a case study using UCP1 knockout mice.
Stier A., Bize P., Habold C., Bouillaud F., Massemin S., Criscuolo F., 2014. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 (Pt 4) pp. 624-630. Peer-reviewed.
Senescence in cell oxidative status in two bird species with contrasting life expectancy.
Bize P., Cotting S., Devevey G., van Rooyen J., Lalubin F., Glaizot O., Christe P., 2014. Oecologia, 174 (4) pp. 1097-1105. Peer-reviewed.
Short- and long-term effects of litter size manipulation in a small wild-derived rodent.
Lehto Hürlimann M., Stier A., Scholly O., Criscuolo F., Bize P., 2014. Biology Letters, 10 (3) p. 20131096.
Avian erythrocytes have functional mitochondria, opening novel perspectives for birds as animal models in the study of ageing.
Stier A., Bize P., Schull Q., Zoll J., Singh F., Geny B., Gros F., Royer C., Massemin S., Criscuolo F., 2013. Frontiers in Zoology, 10 (1) p. 33.
Melanin-based colour polymorphism signals aggressive personality in nest and territory defence in the tawny owl (Strix aluco)
Da Silva A., van den Brink V., Emaresi G., Luzio E., Bize P., Dreiss A.N., Roulin A., 2013. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67 (7) pp. 1041-1052. Peer-reviewed.
Pleiotropy in the melanocortin system: expression levels of this system are associated with melanogenesis and pigmentation in the tawny owl (Strix aluco).
Emaresi G., Ducrest A.L., Bize P., Richter H., Simon C., Roulin A., 2013. Molecular Ecology, 22 (19) pp. 4915-4930.
Body girth as an alternative to body mass for establishing condition indexes in field studies: a validation in the king penguin.
Viblanc V.A., Bize P., Criscuolo F., Le Vaillant M., Saraux C., Pardonnet S., Gineste B., Kauffmann M., Prud'homme O., Handrich Y. et al., 2012. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 85 (5) pp. 533-542. Peer-reviewed.
Constraint and cost of oxidative stress on reproduction: correlative evidence in laboratory mice and review of the literature.
Stier A., Reichert S., Massemin S., Bize P., Criscuolo F., 2012. Frontiers in Zoology, 9 (1) p. 37. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of brood size manipulation and common origin on phenotype and telomere length in nestling collared flycatchers.
Voillemot M., Hine K., Zahn S., Criscuolo F., Gustafsson L., Doligez B., Bize P., 2012. BMC Ecology, 12 (1) p. 17. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evidence that adult antipredator behaviour is heritable and not influenced by behavioural copying in a wild bird.
Bize P., Diaz C., Lindström J., 2012. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 279 (1732) pp. 1380-1388. Peer-reviewed.
Potential evidence of parasite avoidance in an avian malarial vector
Lalubin F., Bize P., Van Rooyen J., Christe P., Glaizot O., 2012. Animal Behaviour, 84 (3) pp. 539-545. Peer-reviewed.
Selection on age at first and at last reproduction in the long-lived Alpine Swift Apus melba
Tettamanti F., Witvliet W., Bize P., 2012. Ibis, 154 (2) pp. 338-344. Peer-reviewed.
Female-biased infection and transmission of the gastrointestinal nematode Trichuris arvicolae infecting the common vole, Microtus arvalis.
Sanchez A., Devevey G., Bize P., 2011. International Journal for Parasitology, 41 (13-14) pp. 1397-1402. Peer-reviewed.
Pale and dark reddish melanic tawny owls differentially regulate the level of blood circulating POMC prohormone in relation to environmental conditions.
Roulin A., Emaresi G., Bize P., Gasparini J., Piault R., Ducrest A.L., 2011. Oecologia, 166 (4) pp. 913-921. Peer-reviewed.
Plumage polymorphism in melanin-based coloration: a case study in the tawny owl Strix aluco
Emaresi G., Bize P., Gasparini J., Piault R., Roulin A., 2011. pp. 242-252 dans Zuberogoitia I., Martinez J.E. (eds.) Ecology and conservation of european forest-dwelling raptors, Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia.
Indirect costs of parasitism are shaped by variation in the type of immune challenge and food availability
Bize P., Piault R., Gasparini J., Roulin A., 2010. Evolutionary Biology, 37 (4) pp. 169-176. Peer-reviewed.
Sudden weather deterioration but not brood size affects baseline corticosterone levels in nestling Alpine swifts.
Bize P., Stocker A., Jenni-Eiermann S., Gasparini J., Roulin A., 2010. Hormones and Behavior, 58 (4) pp. 591-598. Peer-reviewed.
Testing the predictive adaptive response in a host-parasite system
Devevey G., Bize P., Fournier S., Person E., Christe P., 2010. Functional Ecology, 24 (1) pp. 178-185. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of common origin and common rearing environment on variance in ectoparasite load and phenotype of nestling Alpine swifts
Bize P., Roulin A., 2009. Evolutionary Biology, 36 (3) pp. 301-310. Peer-reviewed.
Pheomelanin-based coloration and the ability to cope with variation in food supply and parasitism.
Piault R., Gasparini J., Bize P., Jenni-Eiermann S., Roulin A., 2009. American Naturalist, 174 (4) pp. 548-556. Peer-reviewed.
Pre-hatching maternal effects inhibit nestling humoral immune response in the tawny owl Strix aluco
Gasparini J., Piault R., Bize P., Roulin A., 2009. Journal of Avian Biology, 40 (3) pp. 271-278. Peer-reviewed.
Real-time quantitative PCR assay for measurement of bird telomeres
Criscuolo F., Bize P., Nasir L., Metcalfe N.B., Foote C.G., Griffiths K., Gault E.A., Monaghan P., 2009. Journal of Avian Biology, 40 (3) pp. 342-347. Peer-reviewed.
Strength and cost of an induced immune response are associated with a heritable melanin-based colour trait in female tawny owls.
Gasparini J., Bize P., Piault R., Wakamatsu K., Blount J.D., Ducrest A.L., Roulin A., 2009. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 (3) pp. 608-616. Peer-reviewed.
Synergistic and antagonistic interaction between different branches of the immune system is related to melanin-based coloration in nestling tawny owls.
Gasparini J., Piault R., Bize P., Roulin A., 2009. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22 (11) pp. 2348-2353. Peer-reviewed.
Telomere dynamics rather than age predict life expectancy in the wild.
Bize P., Criscuolo F., Metcalfe N.B., Nasir L., Monaghan P., 2009. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 276 (1662) pp. 1679-83. Peer-reviewed.
Vocal sib-sib interactions: how siblings adjust signaling level to each other
Roulin A., Dreiss A., Fioravanti C., Bize P., 2009. Animal Behaviour, 77 (3) pp. 717-725. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental support for the make-up hypothesis in nestling tawny owls (Strix aluco)
Piault R., Gasparini J., Bize P., Paulet M., McGraw K., Roulin A., 2008. Behavioral Ecology, 19 (4) pp. 703-709. Peer-reviewed.
Fecundity and survival in relation to resistance to oxidative stress in a free-living bird.
Bize P., Devevey G., Monaghan P., Doligez B., Christe P., 2008. Ecology, 89 (9) pp. 2584-2593. Peer-reviewed.
Melanin-based colorations signal strategies to cope with poor and rich environments
Roulin A., Gasparini J., Bize P., Ritschard M., Richner H., 2008. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62 (4) pp. 507-519. Peer-reviewed.
Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum.
Jones O.R., Gaillard J.M., Tuljapurkar S., Alho J.S., Armitage K.B., Becker P.H., Bize P., Brommer J., Charmantier A., Charpentier M. et al., 2008. Ecology Letters, 11 (7) pp. 664-673. Peer-reviewed.
What makes a host profitable? Parasites balance host nutritive resources against immunity.
Bize P., Jeanneret C., Klopfenstein A., Roulin A., 2008. American Naturalist, 171 (1) pp. 107-118. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of genetic parentage in the tawny owl (Strix aluco) reveals extra-pair paternity is low
Saladin V., Ritschard M., Roulin A., Bize P., Richner H., 2007. Journal of Ornithology, 148 (1) pp. 113-116. Peer-reviewed.
Intra-individual variation in body temperature and pectoral muscle size in nestling Alpine swifts Apus melba in response to an episode of inclement weather
Bize P., Klopfenstein A, Jeanneret C., Roulin A., 2007. Journal of Ornithology, 148 (4) pp. 387-393. Peer-reviewed.
Sexual selection in genetic colour-polymorphic species: a review of experimental studies and perspectives
Roulin A., Bize P., 2007. Journal of Ethology, 25 (2) pp. 99-105. Peer-reviewed.
A UV signal of offspring condition mediates context-dependent parental favouritism.
Bize P., Piault R., Moureau B., Heeb P., 2006. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences, 273 (1597) pp. 2063-2068.
Catch-up growth strategies differ between body structures: interactions between age and structure-specific growth in wild nestling Alpine swifts
Bize P., Metcalfe N. B., Roulin A., 2006. Functional Ecology, 20 (5) pp. 857-864. Peer-reviewed.
Melanin-based coloration is a nondirectionally selected sex-specific signal of offspring development in the Alpine swift
Bize P., Gasparini J., Klopfenstein A., Altwegg R., Roulin A., 2006. Evolution, 60 (11) pp. 2370-2380. Peer-reviewed.
No experimental evidence that sibling competition induces young to switch nests in the colonial Alpine swift, Apus melba
Bize P., Roulin A., 2006. Animal Behaviour, 72 (4) pp. 869-873. Peer-reviewed.
Sibling competition and the risk of falling out of the nest
Bize P, Roulin A, 2006. Animal Behaviour, 72 (3) pp. 539-544. Peer-reviewed.
Female-biased mortality in experimentally parasitized Alpine Swift Apus melba nestlings
Bize P., Roulin A., Tella J. L., Richner H., 2005. Functional Ecology, 19 (3) pp. 405-413. Peer-reviewed.
Oxygen consumption in offspring tawny owls Strix aluco is associated with colour morph of foster mother
Roulin A., Bize P., Tzaud N., Bianchi M., Ravussin P. A., Christe P., 2005. Journal of Ornithology, 146 (4) pp. 390-394. Peer-reviewed.
Additive effects of ectoparasites over reproductive attempts in the long-lived Alpine swift
Bize P., Roulin A., Tella J. L., Bersier L. F., Richner H., 2004. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73 (6) pp. 1080-1088. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic and environmental effects on the covariation betweencolour polymorphism and a life history trait
Roulin A., Bize P., Ravussin P.A., Broch L., 2004. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6 (8) pp. 1253-1260. Peer-reviewed.
Parasitism, developmental plasticity and bilateral asymmetry of wing feathers in alpine swift, Apus melba, nestlings
Bize P., Roulin A., Richner H., 2004. Oikos, 106 (2) pp. 317-323. Peer-reviewed.
Adoption as an offspring strategy to reduce ectoparasite exposure.
Bize P., Roulin A., Richner H., 2003. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society, 270 Suppl 1 (Suppl. 1) pp. S114-S116.
Parasitism and developmental plasticity in Alpine swift nestlings
Bize P., Roulin A., Bersier L. F., Pflüger D., Richner H., 2003. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72 (4) pp. 633-639. Peer-reviewed.
Which chick is tasty to parasites? The importance of host immunology versus parasite life history
Roulin A., Brinkhof M. W. G., Bize P., Richner H., Jungi T. W., Bavoux C., Boileau N., Burneleau G., 2003. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72 (1) pp. 75-81. Peer-reviewed.
Covariation between egg size and rearing condition determine offspring quality: an experiment with the Alpine swift
Bize P., Roulin A., Richner H., 2002. Oecologia, 132 (2) pp. 231-234. Peer-reviewed.
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