Ulrich Hoffrage

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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144 publications

2024 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 | 1991 |
Fermian guesstimation can boost the wisdom-of-the-inner-crowd
Gomilsek Tamara, Hoffrage Ulrich, Marewski Julian N., 2024/02/29. Scientific Reports, 14 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Egon Brunswik, Enrico Fermi, and the net of variables
Gomilsek Tamara, Hoffrage Ulrich, Marewski Julian N., 2024. dans The Brunswik Society Newsletter.
Heuristics for metascience: Simon and Popper
Katsikopoulos Konstantinos V., Marewski Julian N., Hoffrage Ulrich, 2024. dans Elgar Companion to Herbert Simon, Edward Elgar Publishing.
From washing hands to washing consciences and polishing reputations
Légeret Matthieu, Hoffrage Ulrich, 2021. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44. Peer-reviewed.
The winds of change: The Sioux, Silicon Valley, society and simple heuristics.
Marewski Julian N., Hoffrage Ulrich, 2021. dans Routledge Handbook of Bounded Rationality, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Social Scoring als Mensch- System- Interaktion.
Hoffrage Ulrich, Marewski Julian N., 2020. pp. 305-330 dans Social Credit Rating: Reputation und Vertrauen beurteilen chap. 17, Springer Verlag.
Using multiple methods to elicit choices and to identify strategies
Hoffrage Ulrich, Reisen Nils, 2019/06/21. pp. 339-352 dans A Handbook of Process Tracing Methods chap. 22, Routledge.
Digitalisierung: Verheissung und Verhängnis
Hoffrage Ulrich, 2019/05/15. AGORA - in geänderter Zeitlage, 21 (212) pp. 25-29.
Modeling Experts with Fast-and-Frugal Heuristics
Hoffrage Ulrich, 2019/05/09. dans The Oxford handbook of expertise, Oxford University Press.
Persönliche Verantwortung und Verantwortungsübernahme in Systemen
Hoffrage Ulrich, 2019/04/30. Pädiatrie & Pädologie. Peer-reviewed.
Wer wagt, gewinnt? Wie Sie die Risikokompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen fördern können
Martignon L., Hoffrage U., 2019/04/02. 222, Hogrefe Verlag.
From representation via planning to action: an extension of Egon Brunswik's Theory of Probabilistic Functionalism
Hoffrage Ulrich, 2018/03. Environment Systems and Decisions, 38 (1) pp. 69-73.
Improving Understanding of Health-Relevant Numerical Information
Hoffrage U., Garcia-Retamero R., 2018. pp. 279-298 dans Raue M., Lenner E., Streicher B. (eds.) Psychological Perspectives on Risk and Risk Analysis, Springer International Publishing.
The fast-and-frugal heuristics program
Hoffrage U., Hafenbrädl S., Marewski J.N., 2018. pp. 325-345 dans Thompson V.A., Ball L.J. (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, Taylor and Francis.
Integrating and testing natural frequencies, naïve Bayes, and fast-and-frugal trees.
Woike Jan K., Hoffrage Ulrich, Martignon Laura, 2017/10. Decision, 4 (4) pp. 234-260.
Modeling and Aiding Intuition: Introduction to the Commentary Section
Marewski J.N., Hoffrage U., Fisher R.P., 2016/09. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5 (3) pp. 318-321. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive Illusions
Hoffrage U., Hafenbrädl S., 2016. pp. 149-151 dans Miller H.L. (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology, SAGE Publications, Inc..
Modeling and Aiding Intuition: In the Twilight between the Conscious and the Unconscious
Hoffrage U., Marewski J.N., 2016. pp. 14-17 dans The Brunswik Society.
Modeling and aiding intution: In the twilight between the conscious and the unconscious
Hoffrage U., Marewski J.N., 2016..
Hoffrage U., 2016. pp. 291-314 dans Pohl R. F. (eds.) Cognitive illusions: Intriguing phenomena in thinking, judgement, and memory, Psychology Press.
Special issue and call for commentaries: Modeling and aiding intuition in organizational decision making
Marewski J. N., Hoffrage U., 2015/11..
Unveiling the Lady in Black: Brunswikian (and other) approaches to intuition
Hoffrage U., Marewski J. N., 2015/11..
Natural frequencies improve Bayesian reasoning in simple and complex inference tasks
Hoffrage U., Krauss S., Martignon L., Gigerenzer G., 2015/10. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (1473) pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
Unveiling the Lady in Black: Modeling and aiding intuition
Hoffrage U., Marewski J. N., 2015/09. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4 (3) pp. 145-163. Peer-reviewed.
Picking profitable investments: The success of equal weighting in simulated venture capitalist decision making
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Petty J. S., 2015/08. Journal of Business Research, 68 (8) pp. 1705-1716. Peer-reviewed.
Toward an ecological analysis of Bayesian inferences: How task characteristics influence responses
Hafenbrädl S., Hoffrage U., 2015/08. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (939) pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Chancen und Risiken der Risikokommunikation in der Medizin
Hoffrage U., Koller M., 2015/07. GMS German Medical Science - an Interdisciplinary Journal, 13 pp. 8-15. Peer-reviewed.
Chances and risks in medical risk communication
Hoffrage U., Koller M., 2015/07. GMS German Medical Science - an Interdisciplinary Journal, 13 pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Visual aids improve diagnostic inferences and metacognitive judgment calibration
Garcia-Retamero R., Cookely E., Hoffrage U., 2015/07. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (932) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Choice deferral can arise from absolute evaluation or relative comparison
White C. M., Hoffrage U., Reisen N., 2015/06. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21 (2) pp. 140-157. Peer-reviewed.
Natural frequencies facilitate diagnostic inferences of managers
Hoffrage U., Hafenbrädl S., Bouquet C., 2015/06. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (642) pp. 1-11. Peer-reviewed.
Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven von Risikowahrnehmung und Risikokompetenz
Koller M., Hoffrage U., 2015. GMS German Medical Science - an Interdisciplinary Journal, 13 (Doc08) pp. 7-12. Peer-reviewed.
Societal perspectives on risk awareness and risk competence
Koller M., Hoffrage U., 2015. GMS German Medical Science - an Interdisciplinary Journal, 13 (Doc08) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching evidence-based management with a focus on producing local evidence
Dietz J., Antonakis J., Hoffrage U., Krings F., Marewski J. N., Zehnder C., 2014. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 13 (3) pp. 397-414. Peer-reviewed.
Processes models, environmental analyses, and cognitive architectures: Quo vadis quantum probability theory? (Commentary on Pothos and Busemeyer)
Marewski J. N., Hoffrage U., 2013/06. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (3) pp. 297-298. Peer-reviewed.
Visual representation of statistical information improves diagnostic inferences in doctors and their patients
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., 2013/04. Social Science and Medicine, 83 pp. 27-33. Peer-reviewed.
Fast Acceptance by Common Experience: Augmenting Schelling's Neighborhood Segregation Model With FACE-Recognition
Berg N., Abramczuk K., Hoffrage U., 2013. pp. 225-258 dans Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple Heuristics in a Social World chap. 8, Oxford University Press.
Simple Heuristics and Information Sharing in Groups
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2013. pp. 319-342 dans Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics in a social world chap. 11, Oxford University Press.
Simple Heuristics in a Social World
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., the ABC Research Group, 2013. 660, Oxford University Press.
Simple heuristics: The foundations of adaptive social behavior
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., 2013. pp. 3-36 dans Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics in a social world chap. 1, Oxford University Press.
The impact of affect on willingness-to-pay and desired-set-size
Hafenbrädl ., Hoffrage U., White C.M., 2013. pp. 21-35 dans Pammi C., Srinivasan N. (eds.) Progress in Brain Research chap. 2, Elsevier.
Call for papers: Modeling and aiding intuitions in organizational decision making
Marewski J. N., Hoffrage U., 2012/12. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 1 (4) pp. 267-268.
Ethical Blindness
Palazzo G., Krings F., Hoffrage U., 2012/09. Journal of Business Ethics, 109 (3) pp. 323-338. Peer-reviewed.
Ecological rationality - Intelligence in the world
Todd P. M., Gigerenzer G., the ABC Research Group (Ulrich Hoffrage is member of the ABC Research Group) , 2012/03. 608, Oxford University Press.
Designing risk communication in health
Kurzenhäuser S., Hoffrage U., 2012. pp. 428-453 dans Todd P. M., Gigerenzer G., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world chap. 17, Oxford University Press.
Ecological rationality for teams and committees: Heuristics in group decision making
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2012. pp. 335-359 dans Todd P.M., Gigerenzer G., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world chap. 13, Oxford University Press.
Estimating quantities: Comparing simple heuristics and machine learning algorithms
Woike J., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2012. pp. 483-490 dans Villa A., Duch W., Erdi P., Masulli F., Palm G. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning, ICANN 2012 - 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-14, 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer Verlag.
How estimation can benefit from an imbalanced world
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., Sparr R., 2012. pp. 379-406 dans Todd P. M., Gigerenzer G., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world chap. 15, Oxford University Press.
Neither Bad Apple nor Bad Barrel: How the Societal Context Impacts Unethical Behavior in Organizations
Gonin M., Palazzo G., Hoffrage U., 2012/01. Business Ethics: A European Review, 21 (1) pp. 31-46. Peer-reviewed.
Are groups more likely to defer choice than their members?
White C.M., Hafenbrädl S., Hoffrage U., Reisen N., Woike J.K., 2011. Judgment and Decision Making, 6 (3) pp. 239-251. Peer-reviewed.
Comment se comporter d'une manière irresponsable et contraire à l'éthique sans s'en apercevoir
Hoffrage U., 2011. pp. 185-195 dans Wentland M., Palazzo G. (eds.) Pour un Management Responsable au 21e Siècle chap. 17, Pearson.
How People Can Behave Irresponsibly and Unethically Without Noticing It
Hoffrage U., 2011. pp. 173-182 dans Palazzo G., Wentland M. (eds.) Responsible Management Practices for the 21st Century chap. 17, Pearson Education, Paris.
Recognition judgments and the performance of the recognition heuristic depend on the size of the reference class
Hoffrage U., 2011. Judgment and Decision Making, 6 (1) pp. 43-57. Peer-reviewed.
Simple Heuristics in a Complex Social World
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2011. pp. 135-150 dans Krueger J. I. (eds.) Social Judgment and Decision Making chap. 8, Psychology Press.
Fast Acceptance by Common Experience: FACE-recognition in Schelling's model of neighborhood segregation
Berg N., Hoffrage U., Abramczuk K., 2010/08. Judgment and Decision Making, 5 (5) pp. 391-410. Peer-reviewed.
Compressed environments: Unbounded optimizers should sometimes ignore information
Berg N., Hoffrage U., 2010. Minds and Machines, 20 (2) pp. 259-275. Peer-reviewed.
The Influence of Causal Knowledge in Two-Alternative Forced-Choice Tasks
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., Mueller S. M., Maldonado A., 2010. Open Psychology Journal, 3 pp. 136-144. Peer-reviewed.
The InterActive Choice Aid: A new approach to supporting online consumer decision making
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., 2010. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 112-126. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing estimation strategies in real-world environments
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2009/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Peer-reviewed.
Problems of Policy Capturing: A Dim Light in a Big Black Box.
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2009/08. dans 22nd Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM), The European Association for Decision Making.
Communicating Quantitative Risk Information
Skubisz C., Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2009/01. Annals of the International Communication Association, 33 (1) pp. 177-211.
Influencia de las creencias causales en los procesos de toma de decisiones (Influence of causal knowledge on decision-making processes)
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., 2009. Revista Mexicana de Psicologí­a, 26 (1) pp. 103-111. Peer-reviewed.
Managerial Decision Making and Lead Times: The Impact of Cognitive Illusions
de Treville S., Hoffrage U., Petty J. S., 2009. pp. 3-14 dans Reiner G. (eds.) Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness chap. 1, London, UK: Springer.
Testing the tyranny of too much choice against the allure of more choice
White C. M., Hoffrage U., 2009. Psychology and Marketing, 26 (3) pp. 280-298. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying decision strategies in a consumer choice situation
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., Mast F. W., 2008/12. Judgment and Decision Making, 3 (8) pp. 641-658. Peer-reviewed.
Online purchase decisions: how much influence on information display do consumers desire?
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., 2008/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
Reverse engineering and its problems: Separating decision strategies based on their outcomes.
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2008/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Peer-reviewed, INFORMS.
Choice deferral arising from absolute evaluation or relative comparison
Hoffrage U., White C., Reisen N., 2008/07. dans XXIX International Congress of Psychology.
Identifiying Decision Strategies
Woike J.K., Hoffrage U., 2008/07. dans 29th International Congress of Psychology. Peer-reviewed, International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS).
Homo Economicus Unchained
Gonin M., Palazzo G., Hoffrage U., 2008/05. dans 15th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, IESE Business School - University of Navarra.
Choosing how many options to choose from: does it depend on affective priming?
Hafenbrädl S., Hoffrage U., White C. M., 2008. p. 1009 dans Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XXXVI, Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research.
Cognitive Illusions Reconsidered
Gigerenzer G., Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., Sedlmeier P., 2008. pp. 1018-1034 dans Plott C. R., Smith V. L. (eds.) Handbook of experimental economics results, North Holland/Elsevier Press.
Compound cue processing in linearly and nonlinearly separable environments
Hoffrage U., Garcia-Retamero R., Czienskowski U., 2008. The Psychological Record, 58 (2) pp. 301-314. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionäre Psychologie des Denkens und Problemlösens [Evolutionary psychology of thinking and problem solving]
Hoffrage U., Vitouch O., 2008. pp. 630-679 dans Müsseler J. (eds.) Allgemeine Psychologie chap. 15, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Fast and frugal heuristics are plausible models of cognition: Reply to Dougherty, Franco-Watkins, and Thomas (2008)
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., Goldstein D. G., 2008. Psychological Review, 115 (1) pp. 230-237. Peer-reviewed.
Inferences under time pressure: how opportunity costs affect strategy selection
Rieskamp J., Hoffrage U., 2008. Acta Psychologica, 127 (2) pp. 258-276. Peer-reviewed.
One-Reason Decision Making
Gigerenzer G., Martignon L., Hoffrage U., Rieskamp J., Czerlinski J., Goldstein D., 2008. pp. 1004-1017 dans Plott C. R., Smith V. L. (eds.) Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, North Holland/Elsevier Press.
Postscript: Fast and frugal heuristics
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., Goldstein D. G., 2008. Psychological Review, 115 (1) pp. 238-239.
Rational ignoring with unbounded cognitive capacity
Berg N., Hoffrage U., 2008. Journal of Economic Psychology, 29 (6) pp. 792-809. Peer-reviewed.
Compound cue processing within the fast and frugal heuristics approach in nonlinearly separable environments
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., Dieckmann A., Ramos M. M., 2007. Learning and Motivation, 38 (1) pp. 16-34. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of the information environment on group discussions and decisions in the hidden-profile paradigm
Reimer T., Kuendig S., Hoffrage U., Park E., Hinsz V., 2007. Communication Monographs, 74 (1) pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
Entscheidungsheuristiken in Gruppen [Heuristics in group decision-making]
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., Katsikopoulos K. V., 2007. NeuroPsychoEconomics, 2 (1) pp. 7-29. Peer-reviewed.
Hindsight Bias
Hoffrage U., 2007. pp. 430-431 dans Baumeister R. F., Vohs K. D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of social psychology, Sage.
The role of representation in Bayesian reasoning: Correcting common misconceptions
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., 2007. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (3) pp. 264-267. Peer-reviewed.
When one cue is not enough: combining fast and frugal heuristics with compound cue processing
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., Dieckmann A., 2007. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60 (9) pp. 1197-1215. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive illusions in operations management
de Treville S., Hoffrage U., Petty J.S., 2006. p. 17 dans Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionäre Ansätze
Hoffrage U., 2006. pp. 400-405 dans Frensch P., Funke J. (eds.) Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie - Kognition, Hogrefe.
How causal knowledge simplifies decision-making
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., 2006. Minds and Machines, 16 (3) pp. 365-380. Peer-reviewed.
Introducing the Two-Stage, Two-Threshold model of choice deferral
White C. M., Hoffrage U., 2006. dans Proceedings of the IAREP/SABE Congress on Behavioural Economics and Economic Psychology, July 5th-8th, 2006.
Irren ist wahrscheinlich: praktische Anwendungsbeispiele zur besseren Vermittlung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten
Wassner C., Hoffrage U., 2006. pp. 78-85 dans Meyer J. (eds.) Anregungen zum Stochastikunterricht, Franz Beck.
The ecological rationality of simple group heuristics: effects of group member strategies on decision accuracy
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2006. Theory and Decision, 60 (4) pp. 403-438. Peer-reviewed.
Which world should be represented in representative design?
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2006. pp. 381-408 dans Fiedler K., Juslin P. (eds.) Information sampling and adaptive cognition chap. 16, Cambridge University Press.
Can simple group heuristics detect hidden profiles in randomly generated environments
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2005. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 64 (1) pp. 21-37. Peer-reviewed.
Die ökologische Rationalität einfacher Entscheidungs- und Urteilsheuristiken [The ecological rationality of simple decision and judgment heuristics].
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., Gigerenzer G., 2005. pp. 65-89 dans Rationalität im Prozess kultureller Evolution: Rationalitätsunterstellungen als eine Bedingung der Möglichkeit substantieller Rationalität des Handelns, Tübingen, Deutschland: Mohr Siebeck.
Environmental determinants of simple decision rules: no cognitive limitations needed
Berg N., Hoffrage U., 2005. pp. 9-14 dans Opwis K., Perner I.-K. (eds.) Proceedings of KogWis05 : The German Cognitive Science Conference 2005, Schwabe Verlag.
Evolutionary cognitive psychology
Todd P. M., Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., 2005. pp. 776-802 dans Buss D. M. (eds.) The handbook of evolutionary psychology, Wiley.
Heuristics: fast and frugal
Hoffrage U., 2005. pp. 795-799 dans Everitt B. C., Howell D. C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science, Wiley.
Implikationen der genetischen Beratung bei Hochrisiko-Familien für erblichen Brust- und Eierstockkrebs
Schlegelberger B., Hoffrage U., 2005. pp. 33-58 dans Gerhardus M. A., Schleberger H., Schlegelberger B., Schwarz F. K. (eds.) BRCA - Erblicher Brust- und Eierstockkrebs: Beratung, Testverfahren, Kosten chap. 2, Berlin: Springer Verlag.
The robustness of the Take The Best Configural Heuristic in linearly and nonlinearly separable environments
Hoffrage U., Garcia-Retamero R., Czienskowski U., 2005. pp. 83-88 dans Opwis K., Perner I.-K. (eds.) Proceedings of KogWis05. The German Cognitive Science Conference 2005, Schwabe Verlag.
The robustness of the Take The Best Configural Heuristic in linearly and nonlinearly separable environments
Hoffrage U., Garcia-Retamero R., Czienskowski U., 2005. pp. 971-976 dans Bara B. G., Barsalou L., Bucciarelli M. (eds.) Proceedings of the CogSci2005 : XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding the results of medical tests: why the representation of statistical information matters
Hoffrage U., Kurzenhäuser S., Gigerenzer G., 2005. pp. 83-98 dans Bibace R., Laird J. D., Noller K. L., Valsiner J. (eds.) Science and medicine in dialogue: thinking through particulars and universals chap. 5, Westport: Praeger Publishers.
Die molekulargenetische Diagnostik des erblichen Brust- und Eierstockkrebs - BRCA: Beratungsprozesse - Testverfahren - Kosten. Ein Health Technology Assessment für den Bundesverband der AOK
Hoffrage U., Gerhardus A., Christ M., Gadzicki D., Haverkamp A., Krauth C., Schleberger H., Schlegelberger B, 2004., Medizinische Hochschule Hannover.
How to improve the diagnostic inferences of medical experts.
Hoffrage U., Gigerenzer G, 2004. pp. 249-268 dans Kurz-Milcke E., Gigerenzer G. (eds.) Experts in science and society, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Models of bounded rationality: The approach of fast and frugal heuristics
Hoffrage U., Reimer T., 2004. Management Revue, 15 (4) pp. 437-459. Peer-reviewed.
Hoffrage U., 2004. pp. 235-254 dans Pohl R.F. (eds.) Cognitive Illusions: A Handbook on Fallacies and Biases in Thinking, Judgement and Memory chap. 13, Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
Representations of uncertainty and change: Three case studies with experts
Kurz-Milcke E. M., Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U, 2004. pp. 188-225 dans Smith K., Johnson P., Shanteau J. (eds.) Psychological investigations of competence in decision making chap. 7, Cambridge University Press.
The role of representative design in an ecological approach to cognition
Dhami M., Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., 2004. Psychological Bulletin, 130 (6) pp. 959-988. Peer-reviewed.
Hindsight bias : how knowledge and heuristics affect our reconstruction of the past
Hertwig R., Fanselow C., Hoffrage U., 2003. Memory, 11 (4-5) pp. 357-377. Peer-reviewed.
How to Keep Children Safe in Traffic: Find the Daredevils Early
Hoffrage U., Weber A., Hertwig R., Chase V., 2003. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 9 (4) pp. 249-260. Peer-reviewed.
Information aggregation in groups : the approach of simple group heuristics (SIGH)
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2003. pp. 982-987 dans Alterman R., Kirsch D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Erlbaum.
Intuition beyond recognition : when less familiar events are liked more
Betsch T., Hoffmann K., Hoffrage U., Plessner H., 2003. Experimental Psychology, 50 (1) pp. 49-54. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling the hindsight bias
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., Fanselow C., 2003. pp. 259-260 dans Detje F., Dörner D., Schaub H. (eds.) The logic of cognitive systems : Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Unveristät Bamberg.
Research on hindsight bias: a rich past, a productive present, and a challenging future
Hoffrage U., Pohl R. F., 2003. Memory, 11 (4-5) pp. 329-335. Peer-reviewed.
Risikokommunikation bei Brustkrebsfrüherkennung und Hormonersatztherapie. [Risk communication in the early identification of breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy]
Hoffrage U., 2003. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 11 (3) pp. 76-86. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionspsychologie des Denkens und Problemlösens
Hoffrage U., Vitouch O., 2002. pp. 734-794 dans Müsseler J., Prinz W. (eds.) Allgemeine Psychologie chap. 5c, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Fast, frugal and fit : simple heuristics for paired comparison
Martignon L., Hoffrage U., 2002. Theory and Decision, 52 (1) pp. 29-71. Peer-reviewed.
Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rechtsextremismus : Dokumentation einer multidisziplinären Vortragsreihe
Büchel F., Glück J., Hoffrage U., Stant P., Wirth J. (eds.), 2002., Leske + Budrich.
Representation facilitates reasoning: what natural frequencies are and what they are not
Hoffrage U., Gigerenzer G., Krauss S., Martignon L., 2002. Cognition, 84 (3) pp. 343-352. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching bayesian reasoning: an evaluation of a classroom tutorial for medical students
Kurzenhäuser S., Hoffrage U., 2002. Medical Teacher, 24 (5) pp. 516-521. Peer-reviewed.
Technology needs psychology : how natural frequencies foster insight in medical and legal experts
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., 2002. pp. 285-302 dans Sedlmeier P., Betsch T. (eds.) Etc. Frequency Processing and Cognition chap. 18, Oxford University Press.
Does Knowing 'Who Is Rational' Tell Us Why and When People are Irrational?
Hoffrage U., 2001. Theory and Psychology, 11 (6) pp. 852-855.
Eingeschränkte und ökologische Rationalität : ein Forschungsprogramm. [Bounded and ecological rationality: A research program]
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., 2001. Psychologische Rundschau, 52 (1) pp. 11-19. Peer-reviewed.
Empirische Evidenz für einfache Heuristiken
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., 2001. Psychologische Rundschau, 52 (3) pp. 162-165. Peer-reviewed.
Group Report: Is there evidence for an adaptive toolbox ?
Sadrieh A., Güth W., Hammerstein P., Harnad S., Hoffrage U., Kuon B., Munier B. R., Todd P. M., Warglien M., Weber M., 2001. pp. 83-102 dans Gigerenzer G., Selten R. (eds.) Bounded rationality : The adaptive toolbox chap. 6, MIT University Press.
Statistics: What seems natural? Response
Hoffrage U., Lindsey S., Hertwig R., Gigerenzer G., 2001. Science, 292 (5518) pp. 854-855. Peer-reviewed.
Communicating statistical information
Hoffrage U., Lindsey S., Hertwig R., Gigerenzer G., 2000. Science, 290 (5500) pp. 2261-2262. Peer-reviewed.
Hindsight bias : a by-product of knowledge updating?
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., Gigerenzer G., 2000. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26 (3) pp. 566-581. Peer-reviewed.
How can we open up the adaptive toolbox
Todd P. M., Gigerenzer G., 2000. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23 pp. 767-780.
Why the analyses of cognitive processes matter
Hoffrage U., 2000. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23 (5) pp. 679-680.
Wie kann man die Bedeutung medizinischer Testbefunde besser verstehen und kommunizieren ? [How to improve the communication and understanding of medical test results?]
Hoffrage U., Kurzenhäuser S., Gigerenzer G., 2000. Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualitätssicherung, 94 pp. 713-719. Peer-reviewed.
Hindsight bias : a price worth paying for fast and frugal memory
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 1999. pp. 191-208 dans Gigerenzer G., Todd P. M., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics that make us smart chap. 9, Oxford University Press.
Overcoming Difficulties in Bayesian Reasoning: A Reply to Lewis and Keren (1999) and Mellers and McGraw (1999)
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., 1999. Psychological Review, 106 (2) pp. 425-430. Peer-reviewed.
Quick estimation : letting the environment do the work
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., Martignon L., 1999. pp. 209-234 dans Gigerenzer G., Todd P. M., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics that make us smart, Oxford University Press.
Simple heuristics that make us smart
Gigerenzer G., Todd P. M., the ABC Research Group (Eds.) , 1999., Oxford University Press.
Simplifying Bayesian inference : the general case
Krauss S., Martignon L., Hoffrage U., 1999. pp. 165-179 dans Magnani L., Nersessian N. J., Thagard P. (eds.) Model-based reasoning in scientific discovery, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.
When do people use simple heuristics, and how can we tell
Rieskamp J., Hoffrage U., 1999. pp. 141-167 dans Gigerenzer G., Todd P. M., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics that make us smart chap. 7, Oxford University Press.
Why does one-reason decision making work ? A case study in ecological rationality
Martignon L., Hoffrage U., 1999. pp. 119-140 dans Gigerenzer G., Todd P. M., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics that make us smart chap. 6, Oxford University Press.
AIDS counselling for low-risk clients
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., Ebert A., 1998. AIDS Care, 10 (2) pp. 197-211. Peer-reviewed.
Using natural frequencies to improve diagnostic inferences
Hoffrage U., Gigerenzer G., 1998. Academic Medicine, 73 (5) pp. 538-540. Peer-reviewed.
The reiteration effect in hindsight bias
Hertwig R., Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., 1997. Psychological Review, 104 (1) pp. 194-202. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of information representation on Bayesian reasoning
Hoffrage U., Gigerenzer G., 1996. pp. 126-130 dans Cottrell G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Lawrence Erlbaum.
How to improve Bayesian reasoning without instruction : frequency formats
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., 1995. Psychological Review, 102 (4) pp. 684-704. Peer-reviewed.
Die Illusion der Sicherheit bei Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit. [The illusion of certainty in decisions under uncertainty]
Hoffrage U., 1993. pp. 73-97 dans Hell W., Fiedler K., Gigerenzer G. (eds.) Kognitive Täuschungen: Fehl-Leistungen und Mechanismen des Urteilens, Denkens und Erinnerns, Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Probabilistic mental models : a Brunswikian theory of confidence
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., Kleinbölting H., 1991. Psychological Review, 98 (4) pp. 506-528. Peer-reviewed.
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