Mehrad Hamedani

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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55 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 |
Phantom vision after eye removal: prevalence, features and related risk factors.
Martel A., Baillif S., Thomas P., Almairac F., Galatoire O., Hamedani M., Fontaine D., Lanteri-Minet M., 2022/11. The British journal of ophthalmology, 106 (11) pp. 1603-1609. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term outcomes in corticosteroid-refractory Graves' orbitopathy treated with tocilizumab.
Moi L., Hamedani M., Ribi C., 2022/09. Clinical endocrinology, 97 (3) pp. 363-370. Peer-reviewed.
Phantom eye pain: a multicentric study in 100 patients.
Martel A., Baillif S., Thomas P., Almairac F., Galatoire O., Hamedani M., Fontaine D., Lanteri-Minet M., 2021/08. Acta ophthalmologica, 99 (5) pp. e753-e760. Peer-reviewed.
Protonentherapie für Bindehautkarzinom in der anophthalmischen Höhle 41 Jahre nach Enukleation wegen sporadischen Retinoblastoms [Proton Therapy of a Conjunctival Carcinoma in the Anophthalmic Socket, 41 Years after Enucleation for a Sporadic Retinoblastoma. A Case Report and Review of the Literature]
Moulin A., Pica A., Munier F., Schalenbourg A., Nobile A., Asana A., Astaras C., Hamedani M., 2021/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 238 (4) pp. 361-364. Peer-reviewed.
Orbital exenteration: an updated review with perspectives.
Martel A., Baillif S., Nahon-Esteve S., Gastaud L., Bertolotto C., Lassalle S., Lagier J., Hamedani M., Poissonnet G., 2021. Survey of ophthalmology, 66 (5) pp. 856-876. Peer-reviewed.
Orbital exenteration and conjunctival melanoma: a 14-year study at the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital.
Martel A., Oberic A., Moulin A., Zografos L., Bellini L., Almairac F., Hamedani M., 2020/10. Eye, 34 (10) pp. 1897-1902. Peer-reviewed.
L’exentération orbitaire a-t-elle encore sa place en 2019 ? [Does orbital exenteration still has a place in 2019?]
Martel A., Hamedani M., Lagier J., Bertolotto C., Gastaud L., Poissonnet G., 2020/02. Journal francais d'ophtalmologie, 43 (2) pp. 152-174. Peer-reviewed.
Complete bilateral Tessier's facial cleft number 5: surgical strategy for a rare case report.
Binet A., de Buys Roessingh A., Hamedani M., El Ezzi O., 2019/05. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, 41 (5) pp. 569-574. Peer-reviewed.
Eyelids metastases from uveal melanoma: clinical and histopathologic features of two cases and literature review.
Martel A., Oberic A., Moulin A., Zografos L., Hamedani M., 2019/05. Eye, 33 (5) pp. 767-771. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of the global protein content from healthy human tears.
Dor M., Eperon S., Lalive P.H., Guex-Crosier Y., Hamedani M., Salvisberg C., Turck N., 2019/02. Experimental eye research, 179 pp. 64-74. Peer-reviewed.
Differential profiling of lacrimal cytokines in patients suffering from thyroid-associated orbitopathy.
Kishazi E., Dor M., Eperon S., Oberic A., Turck N., Hamedani M., 2018/07/17. Scientific reports, 8 (1) p. 10792. Peer-reviewed.
Caractéristiques cliniques, radiologiques, anatomopathologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de l’amylose périoculaire et/ou intraorbitaire : à propos de 6 cas et revue de la littérature [Clinical, radiological, pathological features, treatment and follow-up of periocular and/or orbital amyloidosis: Report of 6 cases and literature review]
Martel A., Oberic A., Moulin A., Tieulie N., Hamedani M., 2018/06. Journal francais d'ophtalmologie, 41 (6) pp. 492-506. Peer-reviewed.
Verwendung der Amnionmembran zur Deckung der wichtigsten mündlichen Schleimhautdefizite während Hohlraumrekonstruktionsoperationen [Use of Amniotic Membrane for Covering Large Oral Mucosal Defects during Socket Reconstruction Procedures]
Sherif M., Obéric A., Tiple S., Hamédani M., 2018/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 235 (4) pp. 448-449. Peer-reviewed.
Thyroid-associated orbitopathy and tears: A proteomics study.
Kishazi E., Dor M., Eperon S., Oberic A., Hamedani M., Turck N., 2018/01/06. Journal of proteomics, 170 pp. 110-116. Peer-reviewed.
Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy and Biomarkers: Where We Are and What We Can Hope for the Future.
Turck N., Eperon S., De Los Angeles Gracia M., Obéric A., Hamédani M., 2018. Disease markers, 2018 p. 7010196. Peer-reviewed.
Orbitopathie bei Morbus Basedow im Kindesalter [Graves' Ophthalmopathy in a Paediatric Population]
Sadeghi Y., Obéric A., Theintz G., Hamédani M., 2017/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 234 (4) pp. 591-594. Peer-reviewed.
Different locations of dermoid cysts in the orbital region.
Sadeghi Y., Obéric A., Hamédani M., 2015. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 232 (4) pp. 489-492. Peer-reviewed.
Endoscopic transethmoidal approach for removal of intraconal hemangiomas using an autostatic retractor for exposure - Technical note.
Ikonomidis C., Hamedani M., Pasche P., 2015. Clinical Otolaryngology, 40 (1) pp. 72-74. Peer-reviewed.
Ocular adnexal (orbital) solitary fibrous tumor: nuclear STAT6 expression and literature review.
Petrovic A., Obéric A., Moulin A., Hamedani M., 2015. Graefe's Archive For Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology = Albrecht Von Graefes Archiv Für Klinische Und Experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 253 (9) pp. 1609-1617. Peer-reviewed.
Right Acute Dacryoadenitis Shortly Preceding Ipsilateral Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus, A Case Report.
Bela C., Obéric A., Matet A., Lambiel J., Hamédani M., 2015. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 232 (4) pp. 497-499. Peer-reviewed.
Pathologies orbitaires
Obéric A., Hamédani M., 2014. pp. 16-27 dans Goberville M., Dureau P. (eds.) Ophtalmologie Pédiatrique et Strabismes chap. 1, Lavoisier.
Ophtalmologie orbitopathie dysthyroïdienne: du diagnostic au traitement [Thyroid associated orbitopathy: from diagnosis to treatment]
Hamédani M., Obéric A., 2013/01/09. Revue medicale suisse, 9 (368) pp. 66-71. Peer-reviewed.
Ligneous Conjunctivitis in a Young Patient with Homozygous K19E Plasminogen Gene Mutation: a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge.
Kuonen A., Vaudaux J., Hamedani M., Albisetti M., von der Weid N., Kaeser P.F., 2013. Klinische Monatsblatter Fur Augenheilkunde, 230 (4) pp. 346-348. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical manifestations of mucous membrane pemphigoid in a tertiary center.
Mameletzi E., Hamedani M., Majo F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2012. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 229 (4) pp. 416-419. Peer-reviewed.
La conjonctivite ligneuse : une complication rare de la chirurgie oculaire
Kuonen A., Vaudaux J., Hamedani M., Klainguti G., Albisetti M., Von der Weid N., Kaeser P., 2012., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S79 dans Ophta. Peer-reviewed.
Mir211 Is Dysregulated In Conjunctival Melanocytic proliferations
Moulin A.P., Nicolas M., Schalenbourg A., Hamedani M., Zografos L., Duncan L., 2012., Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology dans ARVO E-Abstract 5613. Peer-reviewed.
Eyelid squamous cell carcinoma in situ treated with topical 5-fluorouracil.
Sharkawi E., Hamedani M., Fouladi M., 2011. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 39 (9) pp. 915-916. Peer-reviewed.
Manifestation clinique de la pemphigoïde oculaire cicatricielle dans un centre tertiaire
Mameletzi E., Hamedani M., Guex-Crosier Y., 2011., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S54 dans Ophta.
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma as a Masquerade Syndrome of Scleral Melting and Granulomatous Kerato-Uveitis.
Moulin A.P., Hamedani M., Majo F., Schaefer F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2011. Klinische Monatsblatter Fur Augenheilkunde, 228 (4) pp. 347-349. Peer-reviewed.
Carcinome mucoépidermoïde entraînant une sclérite persistante et kérato-uvéite granulomateuse
Moulin A., Majo F., Hamedani M., Schaefer F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S89 dans Ophta.
Malignant transformation of a "benign" lacrimal gland tumor.
Bertschinger D., Oberic A., Moulin A., Hamédani M., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 321-323. Peer-reviewed.
Transformation maligne d'une tumeur de la glande lacrymale "bénigne"
Bertschinger D., Uffer S., Hamedani M., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S103 dans Ophta.
Complete bilateral facial cleft (Tessier 4) with corneal staphyloma: a rare association.
Portier-Marret N., Hohlfeld J., Hamedani M., de Buys Roessingh A.S., 2008. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 43 (10) pp. e15-e18. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnosis and management of enophthalmos.
Hamedani M., Pournaras J.A., Goldblum D., 2007. Survey of ophthalmology, 52 (5) pp. 457-473. Peer-reviewed.
Orbital Exenteration
Konstantinidis Lazaros, Zografos Leonidas, Hamedani Mehrad , 2006/05/06. dans Actes du 39ème Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie.
Entropions et ectropions involutionnels. [Involutional entropion and ectropion]
Hamedani M., Oberic A., 2006. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 29 (6) pp. 694-702. Peer-reviewed.
Rehabilitation of orbital cavity after total orbital exenteration using oculofacial prostheses anchored by osseointegrated dental implants posed as a one-step surgical procedure
Konstantinidis L., Scolozzi P., Hamedani M., 2006. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 223 (5) pp. 400-404. Peer-reviewed.
Spontaneous subconjunctival orbital fat prolapse: presentation of four cases
Stangos A. N., Hamedani M., 2006. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 223 (5) pp. 415-417. Peer-reviewed.
Tumors of the caruncle: a clinicopathologic correlation
Kaeser P. F., Uffer S., Zografos L., Hamedani M., 2006. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 142 (3) pp. 448-55. Peer-reviewed.
Rehabilitation of orbital cavity after total orbital exenteration using oculofacial prostheses anchored by osseointegrated dental implants posed as one-step surgical procedure
Konstantinidis Lazaros , Hamedani Mehrad , 2005/05/06., Congrès SSO dans Ophta 2005.
Adenocarcinome au sein d'un adenome pleomorphe de la glande lacrymale. A propos d'un cas. [Adenocarcinoma in a pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland: a case study]
Galatoire O., Hamedani M., Putterman M., Berges O., Morax S., 2005. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 28 (8) pp. 896-901. Peer-reviewed.
Avaliacao dos resultados cirurgicos com a tecnica da resseccao do musculo de Muller-conjuntiva no tratamento da blefaroptose. [Evaluation of the surgery results of Muller's muscle-conjunctival resection in the treatment of blepharoptosis]
Morax S., Nunes T. P., Ben-Ayed H., Hamedani M., Matayoshi S., 2005. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 68 (3) pp. 333-337. Peer-reviewed.
Solitary fibrous tumour of the orbit: clinical and histological evidence
Ferrero R., Hamedani M., Arturi L., Bollero D., Pucci A., 2004/02/01. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 26 (8) pp. 419-421. Peer-reviewed.
Interet de la double voie d'abord dans les blepharoplasties superieures associees aux malpositions palpebrales. [Advantages of a double approach to upper blepharoplasty associated with eyelid malpositions]
Morax S., Ben Ayed H., Pereira-Nunes T., Hamedani M., 2003. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 26 (9) pp. 993-997. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement chirurgical des tumeurs palpebrales. [Surgical treatment of eyelid tumors]
Barraco P., Hamedani M., Ameline-Audelan V., Morax S., 2003. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 26 (1) pp. 92-102. Peer-reviewed.
Comment explorer une exophtalmie? [How to investigate a patient with exophthalmos?]
Brun V., Lafitte F., Hamedani M., Heran F., Koskas P., Berges O., Chiras J., Piekarski J. D., 2002. Journal of Neuroradiology, 29 (3) pp. 161-172. Peer-reviewed.
Hypertonie oculaire dans l'orbitopathie dysthyroidienne: considerations physiopathologiques, diagnostiques et therapeutiques. A propos de trois cas significatifs. [Intraocular high pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy: physiopathological mechanisms, diagnosis, and management. Three case reports]
Ben Ayed H., Hamedani M., Bok C., Barraco P., Oubaaz A., Morax S., 2002. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 25 (1) pp. 15-22. Peer-reviewed.
Metastases orbitaires de melanome malin. [Orbital metastasis in malignant melanoma]
Pedroli G. L., Hamedani M., Barraco P., Oubaaz A., Morax S., 2001. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 24 (3) pp. 286-290. Peer-reviewed.
Experience with extraoral masseter muscle transposition in chronic facial paralysis
Lecointre F., Hamedani M., Spahn B., Robert G., Morax S., 2000/10/16. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 23 (7) pp. 356-360. Peer-reviewed.
Exophtalmie. Orientation diagnostique. [Exophthalmos. Diagnostic orientation]
Morax S., Hamedani M., 2000. Revue du Praticien, 50 (11) pp. 1223-1229.
Le syndrome de Waardenburg. [Waardenburg's syndrome]
Mouriaux F., Hamedani M., Hurbli T., Uteza Y., Oubaaz A., Morax S., 1999. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 22 (7) pp. 799-809. Peer-reviewed.
Laser CO2 et chirurgie oculo-plastique. [Laser CO2 and ocular plastic surgery]
Ameline-Audelan V., Hamedani M., Morax S., 1998. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 21 (3) pp. 234-240. Peer-reviewed.
Correction des ptosis par suspension au muscle frontal: A propos de 110 cas
Morax S., Hamedani M., Hurbli T, 1996/03/02. Ophtalmologie, 10 (1) pp. 76-81. Peer-reviewed.
Fracture de la paroi mediale de l'orbite. A propos de 4 observations. [Fracture of the medial wall of the orbit. Apropos of 4 cases]
Ducroz V., Divaris M., Franchi G., Hamedani M., Slama M., Chikhani L., Bertrand J. C., Guilbert F., 1995. Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale, 96 (3) pp. 137-141. Peer-reviewed.
Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine
Brezin A., Lautier-Frau M., Hamedani M., Rogeaux O., Hoang P. L., 1993. Lancet, 342 (8870) pp. 563-564. Peer-reviewed.
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