Gaële Goastellec

Education and work experience


Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches - 2020

PhD in Sociology
Supervision Prof. F. Dubet, University of Bordeaux, France: "Equality and Merit at University; a comparison of the United States, France and Indonesia." (obtained with the highest grade)

1998 - 2002

Work experience

Director of the Laboratory Capitalism, Culture and Society

Invited Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
2017 - 2018

Professor-in-residence, Liège University
Invited to give a series of lectures for the bicentenary of the university
2017 - 2017

Visiting Researcher, CNRS and Sciences-Po Paris
Centre de Sociologie des Organisations
2009 - 2009

Visiting Researcher, Steinhardt School of Education, NYU
2005 - 2005

Lavoisier post-doctoral fellow, Visiting researcher, University of the Witwatersrand
Postdoctoral Lavoisier grant from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the French Institute of South Africa and the University of the Witwatersrand (Graduate School of Public & Development Management)
Research: "The South African education system between "national reform" and regional center of excellence"
2004 - 2005
Afrique du Sud

Research assistant, CNRS & UCL
In the project "Current changes in customary/traditional land delivery systems in sub-Saharan African cities" under the responsibilty of A. Durand-Lasserve, Director of Research at CNRS and Professor M. Mattingly, Development Planning Unit, UCL.
2003 - 2004

Lecturer, Sociology Department, University Bordeaux 2
2002 - 2006

Research and Teaching Assistant, Sociology Department, University Bordeaux 2
2001 - 2002

National PhD research fellow - Centre for Sociological Analysis and Intervention (CADIS- CNRS), and lecturer, University Bordeaux 2
1999 - 2001

National PhD research fellow, University Bordeaux 2
1998 - 1999

Others activities

Editorial board: European Journal of Higher Education (since 2013)

Rewiever: Journal of Business Ethics (2018), Public Administration (2018), Recherches Sociographiques (2018), Higher Education Policy, Higher Education (2016), Comparative Education Review, Tertiary Education and Management, Organization Studies, Studies in Higher Education (2017), European Journal of Higher Education (2017), Revue Française de Pédagogie, Education et Société, SociologieS, Women's studies international forum, Critique Internationale, Globalisation, Societies and Education (2015), L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle (OSP), Cahiers de la Recherche sur l'Education et les Savoirs (CRES), Anthropologie des Connaissances (2016)

Evaluation of research
- European Science Foundation: College of Expert Reviewers (2010- )
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: External Assessor (since 2009, Evaluation of research projects)
- South African National Research Foundation 2012-
- Humanities in the European Research Area - Joint Research Programme (JRP),2012-
- CNOUS, evaluation of the projects "Expérimentation vie de campus". (2015)

Scientific Boards
- CHER (Consortium on Higher Education and Research) : 2013-2017 (elected in Sept. 2013), President since 2017
- AISLF : member of the Research Committee n°7 "Education, Formation, Socialisation" since 2012 and Vice-President of the Research Committee n°20 "International Comparison" since 2015
- EUREDOCS (European Research and Higher Education Doctoral Studies) : since 2007 (nominated in 2007)

- Member of scientific associations : Société Suisse de Sociologie ; ECPR Standing Group 32 Knowledge, Politics and Policies ; RESUP (Réseau d'Etudes sur l'Enseignement Supérieur) ; ISA (International Sociology Association)

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University