Marie Emilie Walz - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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7 publications

2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2016 |
'In judging him, [we] judge ourselves'. Murder, Morality, and Femininity in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Angela Carter’s 'Elegy for a Freelance'
Melnikov Kirill, Walz Marie Emilie, 2023. pp. 229-245 dans Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère Martine, Roncaccia Alberto (eds.) Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène: Regards croisés / Translate, Illustrate, Rewrite, Stage: Crossing Viewpoints, Franco Cesati Editore.
'This entire dream, in fact, was custom-made and hand-built'. Angela Carter’s Transcreative Experiments with Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Walz Marie Emilie, 2023. pp. 209-227 dans Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère Martine, Roncaccia Alberto (eds.) Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène: Regards croisés / Translate, Illustrate, Rewrite, Stage: Crossing Viewpoints, Franco Cesati Editore.
But There Is Magic, Too: Confronting Adolescents' Realities in Francesca Lia Block's Fairy-Tale Rewritings
Walz Marie Emilie, 2021/07/29. Humanities, 10 (3) p. 93.
Dora and Medusa Share a Laugh: Reading Angela Carter’s Wise Children as a Play on Hélène Cixous’s Feminist Theory
Walz Marie Emilie, 2021. pp. 211-230 dans Gustar Jennifer, Sivyer Caleb, Gamble Sarah (eds.) Ludics and Laughter as Feminist Aesthetic: Angela Carter at Play chap. 9, Sussex Academic Press.
The Mundys Will Never Let You Die: Reproducing Images and Stories of Snow White in Bill Willingham’s Fables
Pozniak Lucia, Walz Marie Emilie, 2019. Etudes de Lettres, 310 pp. 207-231.
"For she does joy [...] to be free from hard restraynt and gealous feares": Angela Carter's Feminist Translation/Rewriting of Edmund Spenser's "Book of Chastity" in "Puss-in-Boots"
Walz Marie Emilie, 2016. Cahiers du CTL, 57 pp. 87-107. Peer-reviewed.
"In the kaleidoscope of desire": Reading Allegorical Figures from Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene in Angela Carter's Three Cat Tales
Walz Marie Emilie, 2016. Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies, 30 (2) pp. 268-283. Peer-reviewed.
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