Diana Marek

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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10 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
A Federated Database for Obesity Research: An IMI-SOPHIA Study.
Delfin C., Dragan I., Kuznetsov D., Tajes J.F., Smit F., Coral D.E., Farzaneh A., Haugg A., Hungele A., Niknejad A. et al., 2024/02/16. Life, 14 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Identification of biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration in type 2 diabetes.
Slieker R.C., Donnelly L.A., Akalestou E., Lopez-Noriega L., Melhem R., Güneş A., Abou Azar F., Efanov A., Georgiadou E., Muniangi-Muhitu H. et al., 2023/05/03. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 2533. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide association study of circulating interleukin 6 levels identifies novel loci.
Ahluwalia T.S., Prins B.P., Abdollahi M., Armstrong N.J., Aslibekyan S., Bain L., Jefferis B., Baumert J., Beekman M., Ben-Shlomo Y. et al., 2021/04/27. Human molecular genetics, 30 (5) pp. 393-409. Peer-reviewed.
A framework to assess the quality and impact of bioinformatics training across ELIXIR.
Gurwitz K.T., Singh Gaur P., Bellis L.J., Larcombe L., Alloza E., Balint B.L., Botzki A., Dimec J., Dominguez Del Angel V., Fernandes P.L. et al., 2020/07. PLoS computational biology, 16 (7) pp. e1007976. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 11 new loci for anthropometric traits and provides insights into genetic architecture.
Berndt S.I., Gustafsson S., Mägi R., Ganna A., Wheeler E., Feitosa M.F., Justice A.E., Monda K.L., Croteau-Chonka D.C., Day F.R. et al., 2013. Nature Genetics, 45 (5) pp. 501-512. Peer-reviewed.
Carriers of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) premutation allele present with increased levels of cytokine IL-10.
Marek D., Papin S., Ellefsen K., Niederhauser J., Isidor N., Ransijn A., Poupon L., Spertini F., Pantaleo G., Bergmann S. et al., 2012. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9 p. 238. Peer-reviewed.
No interactions between previously associated 2-hour glucose gene variants and physical activity or BMI on 2-hour glucose levels.
Scott R.A., Chu A.Y., Grarup N., Manning A.K., Hivert M.F., Shungin D., Tönjes A., Yesupriya A., Barnes D., Bouatia-Naji N. et al., 2012. Diabetes, 61 (5) pp. 1291-1296. Peer-reviewed.
Association between variants of the leptin receptor gene (LEPR) and overweight: a systematic review and an analysis of the CoLaus study.
Bender Nicole, Allemann Noëmi, Marek Diana, Vollenweider Peter, Waeber Gérard, Mooser Vincent, Egger Matthias, Bochud Murielle, 2011. Plos One, 6 (10) pp. e26157. Peer-reviewed.
Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index.
Speliotes E.K., Willer C.J., Berndt S.I., Monda K.L., Thorleifsson G., Jackson A.U., Lango Allen H., Lindgren C.M., Luan J., Mägi R. et al., 2010/11. Nature genetics, 42 (11) pp. 937-948. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide meta-analysis for serum calcium identifies significantly associated SNPs near the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene.
Kapur K., Johnson T., Beckmann N.D., Sehmi J., Tanaka T., Kutalik Z., Styrkarsdottir U., Zhang W., Marek D., Gudbjartsson D.F. et al., 2010/07/22. PLoS genetics, 6 (7) pp. e1001035. Peer-reviewed.
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