Fabien Ohl

Fields | Projects and contracts | Events

Research directions


The top-level sport is characterized by a very important influence of sport on space and time and identities. The consequences of this influence when stopping a sporting career, can be significant. The end of a career imposes a conversion and is, in many cases, a challenge for one's identity. Indeed, to leave a life organized around sport competition can be difficult. Changing position can be a real test for those who have experienced greatness. To study the retirement and difficulties, we propose quantitative and qualitative analyzes of the conversions and their consequences.


The issue of doping can be understood both by analyzing sports socialization, when one start to compete, but also by analyzing organizations that support sportspeople. For professional athletes, especially cyclists, it is to understand how the athlete monitoring, follow-up, teams organization of work, job insecurity and workloads can influence the propensity to consume drugs. Regarding amateurs, mainly bodybuilders, the challenge is to understand the conversion processes that lead one to consume drugs.

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