Mélanie Favre

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

2018 | 2017 | 2016 |
MALT1 protease activity in primary effusion lymphoma.
Juilland M., Bonsignore L., Thome M., 2018. Oncotarget, 9 (16) pp. 12542-12543. Peer-reviewed.
B-cell receptor-driven MALT1 activity regulates MYC signaling in mantle cell lymphoma.
Dai B., Grau M., Juilland M., Klener P., Höring E., Molinsky J., Schimmack G., Aukema S.M., Hoster E., Vogt N. et al., 2017/01/19. Blood, 129 (3) pp. 333-346. Peer-reviewed.
CARMA1- and MyD88-dependent activation of Jun/ATF-type AP-1 complexes is a hallmark of ABC diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.
Juilland M., Gonzalez M., Erdmann T., Banz Y., Jevnikar Z., Hailfinger S., Tzankov A., Grau M., Lenz G., Novak U. et al., 2016. Blood, 127 (14) pp. 1780-1789. Peer-reviewed.
Role of the CARMA1/BCL10/MALT1 complex in lymphoid malignancies.
Juilland M., Thome M., 2016. Current Opinion in Hematology, 23 (4) pp. 402-409.
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