Ulrike Toepel

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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21 publications

2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 |
Distinct brain representations of processed and unprocessed foods.
Coricelli C., Toepel U., Notter M.L., Murray M.M., Rumiati R.I., 2019/10. The European journal of neuroscience, 50 (8) pp. 3389-3401. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Caloric and Non-Caloric Sweeteners on Food Intake and Brain Responses to Food: A Randomized Crossover Controlled Trial in Healthy Humans.
Crézé C., Candal L., Cros J., Knebel J.F., Seyssel K., Stefanoni N., Schneiter P., Murray M.M., Tappy L., Toepel U., 2018/05/15. Nutrients, 10 (5) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of replacing sugar- by artificially-sweetened beverages on brain and behavioral responses to food viewing - An exploratory study.
Crézé C., Notter-Bielser M.L., Knebel J.F., Campos V., Tappy L., Murray M., Toepel U., 2018/04/01. Appetite, 123 pp. 160-168. Peer-reviewed.
Does my brain want what my eyes like? - How food liking and choice influence spatio-temporal brain dynamics of food viewing.
Bielser M.L., Crézé C., Murray M.M., Toepel U., 2016. Brain and Cognition, 110 pp. 64-73. Peer-reviewed.
Human gustation: when the brain has taste.
Toepel U., Murray M.M., 2015/05/04. Current biology, 25 (9) pp. R381-3. Peer-reviewed.
Brain dynamics of meal size selection in humans.
Toepel U., Bielser M.L., Forde C., Martin N., Voirin A., le Coutre J., Murray M.M., Hudry J., 2015. Neuroimage, 113 pp. 133-142. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on postprandial plasma lipid and bile acids kinetics in female non diabetic subjects: A cross-sectional pilot study.
De Giorgi S., Campos V., Egli L., Toepel U., Carrel G., Cariou B., Rainteau D., Schneiter P., Tappy L., Giusti V., 2015. Clinical Nutrition (edinburgh, Scotland), 34 (5) pp. 911-917. Peer-reviewed.
Verbal labels selectively bias brain responses to high-energy foods.
Toepel U., Ohla K., Hudry J., le Coutre J., Murray M.M., 2014. Neuroimage, 87 pp. 154-163.
Dynamics of phonological-phonetic encoding in word production: Evidence from diverging ERPs between stroke patients and controls.
Laganaro M., Python G., Toepel U., 2013. Brain and Language, 126 (2) pp. 123-132. Peer-reviewed.
Imaging Human Brain Structure and Function
Michel C., Golestani N., Hagmann P., Vuilleumier P., Schwarz S., Draganski B., Kherif F., Frackowiak R., Murray M., De Lucia M. et al., 2013. 82.
Gender and weight shape brain dynamics during food viewing.
Toepel U., Knebel J.F., Hudry J., le Coutre J., Murray M.M., 2012. Plos One, 7 (5) pp. e36778.
The role of energetic value in dynamic brain response adaptation during repeated food image viewing.
Lietti C.V., Murray M.M., Hudry J., le Coutre J., Toepel U., 2012. Appetite, 58 (1) pp. 11-18. Peer-reviewed.
Visual-gustatory interaction: orbitofrontal and insular cortices mediate the effect of high-calorie visual food cues on taste pleasantness.
Ohla K., Toepel U., le Coutre J., Hudry J., 2012. Plos One, 7 (3) pp. e32434.
Context- and Prosody-Driven ERP Markers for Dialog Focus Perception in Children.
Pannekamp A., van der Meer E., Toepel U., 2011. Brain Topography, 24 (3-4) pp. 229-242.
Dynamic changes in brain functional connectivity during concurrent dual-task performance.
Cocchi L., Zalesky A., Toepel U., Whitford T.J., De-Lucia M., Murray M.M., Carter O., 2011. Plos One, 6 (11) pp. e28301.
Food's visually perceived fat content affects discrimination speed in an orthogonal spatial task.
Harrar V., Toepel U., Murray M.M., Spence C., 2011. Experimental Brain Research, 214 (3) pp. 351-6.
In the eye of the listener: pupil dilation elucidates discourse processing.
Zellin M., Pannekamp A., Toepel U., van der Meer E., 2011. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 81 (3) pp. 133-141.
Working memory load improves early stages of independent visual processing.
Cocchi L., Toepel U., De Lucia M., Martuzzi R., Wood S.J., Carter O., Murray M.M., 2011. Neuropsychologia, 49 (1) pp. 92-102. Peer-reviewed.
Electrical neuroimaging reveals intensity-dependent activation of human cortical gustatory and somatosensory areas by electric taste.
Ohla Kathrin, Toepel Ulrike, le Coutre Johannes, Hudry Julie, 2010. Biological Psychology, 85 (3) pp. 446-455.
On-line Morpho-Syntactic Processing in the Healthy and Aphasic Brain
Schneider L., Toepel U., Murray M.M., Clarke S., 2010. pp. 43-44 dans 48th Conference on Academy-of-Aphasia (AOA 2010), Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Generating controlled image sets in cognitive neuroscience research.
Knebel J.F., Toepel U., Hudry J., le Coutre J., Murray M.M., 2008. Brain Topography, 20 (4) pp. 284-289. Peer-reviewed.
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