Marine Kneubühler

Education and work experience


PhD candidate in Social Sciences
Co-supervised by Laurence Kaufmann (University of Lausanne) and Christian Licoppe (Télécom ParisTech)
Lieux: Suisse - France

Master in Social Sciences
Field of specialization: Sociology of Communication and Culture
University of Lausanne

Master thesis: "Vers une définition nouvelle du politique. Le rap suisse romand, un média alternatif et minoritaire contribuant à l'élaboration d'un espace public oppositionnel" with Laurence Kaufmann as supervisor and Philippe Gonzalez as the expert

Price of the Faculty
2009 - 2011

Bachelor in Social Sciences
Secondary discipline: Psychology and Human Sciences
University of Lausanne
2006 - 2009

Work experience

Research Fellow IMI
Researcher for the project "CompaSciences 2.0" funded by the Initiative for Media Innovation (IMI) and hosted by the University of Lausanne in partnership with the Radio Télévision Suisse (Avis d'Experts) and Le Temps.
Participation as a researcher of the qualitative analysis group.
January 2021-February 2023

Junior SNF Researcher
For the project SNF - Special call coronavirus - "Social distancing in times of pandemics. A study of the renegociation of the interaction order". Applicant: Laurence Kaufmann
"The consequences of the pandemic and in particular of the imperative of "social distancing" on our ways of interacting, feeling and more generally of "making society" must be urgently analyzed by researchers from all disciplines. For sociologists, the disruption of the usual order of social interactions and the biological vision of the body that results from the pandemic are particularly interesting. They transform the usual course of our relationships into an area of ??anxious questioning. The interaction rituals which indicated the regulated manner of behaving with each other has given way to a feeling of diffuse insecurity. It is these interaction disorders that this project sets out to analyze, focusing in particular on how the meaning of physical contact and the co-presence of bodies has changed and, with it, the very meaning of the social bond."
June 2020-May 2022

Research Fellow IMI
Researcher for the project "Scientific expertise and media discourses" funded by the Initiative for Media Innovation (IMI) and hosted by the University of Lausanne in partnership with the University of Geneva, the Radio Télévision Suisse (Avis d'Experts) and Le Temps.
Participation as a researcher of the qualitative analysis group.
January 2020-December 2020

Independant Researcher
Personal financing of the PhD with the support of the Société Académique Vaudoise
April 2018-December 2019

Graduate Assistant
In Sociology of Communication and Culture and Epistemology of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
August 2017-March 2018

SNF Fellowship Doc.Mobility
Visiting researcher at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen
August 2016-July 2017

SNF Fellowship Doc.Mobility
Visiting researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research: Democracy, Institutions, Subjectivity, University Catholic of Louvain and Metrolab.Brussels
February 2016-July 2016

Graduate Assistant
In Sociology of Communication and Culture and Epistemology of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
October 2011-January 2016

Student Assistant
Preparation of the Master's Course "Sociology of Communication and Culture" with Laurence Kaufmann, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
August 2011-September 2011

Others activities

Editor and author for Co-vies20
Scientific website gathering researchers and students in social and human sciences in order to think collectively the coronavirus pandemic and its social and political consequences.

Member of a Reading Committee for a Journal
"Émulations - Revue des jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs en sciences sociales"
Since 2016

Copenhagen Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind 2016
Course organized by the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen
2,5 ECTS
August 15-19

Copenhagen Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind 2015
Course organized by the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen
2,5 ECTS
August 10-14

École thématique Pragma
Course titled "Pragmatism in Social Sciences: Traditions, Practices and new Challenges" and organized by CNRS in la Vieille Perrotine Ile d'Oléron
June 22-27 2015

Initiation to Academic Teaching
Continuous training aiming the following skills:
- Preparing activities of teaching in specialized fields
- Doing presentations in order to facilitate learning
- Moderating groups in situations of learning
- Evaluating one's own experience of teaching on a regular basis
Centre de soutien à l'enseignement, University of Lausanne
2011 - 2015

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University