Rafael Lalive

Teaching given to the UNIL

Current teaching

since 24/25 Foundations in Econometrics and Machine Learning...Cours
since 24/25 Recherche Empirique en Management et en Economie...Cours
since 21/22 EPFL : How Technology Shapes the Workplace of the Future...Cours

Old teaching

from 21/22 to 22/23 Recherche Empirique en Management et en Economie...Cours
from 20/21 to 22/23 How technology shapes the workplace of the future (EPFL)...Cours
from 18/19 to 22/23 How technology shapes the workplace of the future (EPFL)...Cours
from 16/17 to 22/23 Labor Economics and Policy...Cours
from 15/16 to 16/17 Labour Economics and the City (->2017)...Cours
from 15/16 to 15/16 Social & Economic Networks...Cours
from 14/15 to 23/24 Econometrics...Cours
from 14/15 to 22/23 Recherche Empirique en Management et en Economie...Cours
from 13/14 to 14/15 Applied Econometrics (->2015)...Cours
from 13/14 to 23/24 Statistique et économétrie I...Cours
from 12/13 to 13/14 Applied Econometrics (->2014)...Cours
from 12/13 to 14/15 Statistique et économétrie I...Cours
from 10/11 to 12/13 Applied Microeonometrics (->2013)...Cours
from 09/10 to 15/16 Social & Economic Networks (->2016)...Cours
from 07/08 to 14/15 Méthodes Empiriques en Management et en Economie (->2015)...Cours
from 07/08 to 09/10 Microeconometrics B: Causal Analysis (->2010)...Cours
from 05/06 to 07/08 Advanced Microeconometrics (->2008)...Cours
from 05/06 to 10/11 Applied Econometrics (->2011)...Cours
from 05/06 to 13/14 Introduction au système d'assurances sociales en Suisse (->2014)...Cours
from 00/01 to 13/14 Statistique et économétrie I (->2014)...Cours
from 00/01 to 13/14 Statistique et économétrie I (->2014)...Cours
Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University