Giorgia Canellini

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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12 publications

2023 | 2020 | 2016 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 |
Successful outcome of pregnancy post-allogeneic stem cell transplant despite severe RH1 alloimmunization: A case report.
Gavillet M., Rufer N., Grandoni F., Rizzi M., Vulliemoz N., Baud D., Alberio L., Canellini G., Legardeur H., 2023/05. British journal of haematology, 201 (3) pp. 581-584. Peer-reviewed.
Perioperative care of children with sickle cell disease: A systematic review and clinical recommendations.
Schyrr F., Dolci M., Nydegger M., Canellini G., Andreu-Ullrich H., Joseph J.M., Diezi M., Cachat F., Rizzi M., Renella R., 2020/01. American journal of hematology, 95 (1) pp. 78-96. Peer-reviewed.
Red blood cell microvesicles: a storage lesion or a possible salvage mechanism
Delobel J., Barelli S., Canellini G., Prudent M., Lion N., Tissot J.-D., 2016/01. ISBT Science Series, 11 (S1) pp. 171-177. Peer-reviewed.
An analysis of the benefit of using HEV genotype 3 antigens in detecting anti-HEV IgG in a European population.
Schnegg A., Bürgisser P., André C., Kenfak-Foguena A., Canellini G., Moradpour D., Abravanel F., Izopet J., Cavassini M., Darling K.E., 2013. Plos One, 8 (5) pp. e62980.
Blood microvesicles: from proteomics to physiology
Tissot J.D., Canellini G., Rubin O., Angelillo-Scherrer A., Delobel J., Prudent M., Lion N., 2013. Translational Proteomics, 1 (1) pp. 38-52.
A comparison of three anti-HEV IgG EIA screening kits and one confirmatory immunodot assay in blood donor samples in Switzerland
Schnegg A., Bürgisser P., André C., Kenfak-Foguena A., Canellini G., Moradpour D., Darling K.E.A., Cavassini M., 2012. dans ICAAC 2012, 52nd of the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Red blood cell microparticles and blood group antigens: an analysis by flow cytometry.
Canellini G., Rubin O., Delobel J., Crettaz D., Lion N., Tissot J.D., 2012. Blood Transfusion = Trasfusione del Sangue, 10 (Suppl. 2) pp. s39-s45. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis and clinical relevance of microparticles from red blood cells.
Tissot J.D., Rubin O., Canellini G., 2010. Current Opinion in Hematology, 17 (6) pp. 571-577.
Impact of 3 different short-term chemotherapy regimens on lymphocyte-depletion and reconstitution in melanoma patients.
Laurent J., Speiser D.E., Appay V., Touvrey C., Vicari M., Papaioannou A., Canellini G., Rimoldi D., Rufer N., Romero P. et al., 2010. Journal of Immunotherapy, 33 (7) pp. 723-734.
Low seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus among blood donors in Switzerland
Kaufmann A., Canellini G., Kenfak Foguena A., Cavassini M., André C., Bürgisser P., Moradpour D., 2010. pp. 74S dans 78. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum.
Bacterial contamination of platelet concentrates: pathogen detection and inactivation methods
Védy Dana, Robert Daniel, Canellini Giorgia, Waldvogel Sophie, Tissot Jean-Daniel, 2009. Hematology Reviews, 1e5 (1) pp. 22-28.
Microparticles in stored red blood cells: an approach using flow cytometry and proteomic tools.
Rubin O., Crettaz D., Canellini G., Tissot J.D., Lion N., 2008. Vox Sanguinis, 95 (4) pp. 288-297.
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