Tadeusz Kawecki

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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102 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1988 |
Shared genetic architecture links energy metabolism, behavior and starvation resistance along a power-endurance axis
Erkosar Berra, Dupuis Cindy, Savary Loriane, Kawecki Tadeusz J Evolution Letters.
Effects of an entomopathogenic fungus on the reproductive potential of Drosophila males.
Liao A., Cavigliasso F., Savary L., Kawecki T.J., 2024/04. Ecology and evolution, 14 (4) pp. e11242. Peer-reviewed.
Cis-regulatory polymorphism at fiz ecdysone oxidase contributes to polygenic evolutionary response to malnutrition in Drosophila.
Cavigliasso F., Savitsky M., Koval A., Erkosar B., Savary L., Gallart-Ayala H., Ivanisevic J., Katanaev V.L., Kawecki T.J., 2024/03. PLoS genetics, 20 (3) pp. e1011204. Peer-reviewed.
Sex ratio affects sexual selection against mutant alleles in a locus-specific way.
Sharda S., Hollis B., Kawecki T.J., 2024. Behavioral ecology, 35 (1) pp. arad110. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionary adaptation to juvenile malnutrition impacts adult metabolism and impairs adult fitness in Drosophila.
Erkosar B., Dupuis C., Cavigliasso F., Savary L., Kremmer L., Gallart-Ayala H., Ivanisevic J., Kawecki T.J., 2023/10/17. eLife, 12 pp. e92465. Peer-reviewed.
An Ancestral Balanced Inversion Polymorphism Confers Global Adaptation.
Kapun M., Mitchell E.D., Kawecki T.J., Schmidt P., Flatt T., 2023/06/01. Molecular biology and evolution, 40 (6) pp. msad11. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evolution of metabolism under nutrient restriction: enhanced amino acid catabolism and a key role of branched-chain amino acids
Cavigliasso F., Savary L., Spangenberg J. E, Gallart-Ayala H., Ivanisevic J., Kawecki T. J., 2023/05/18. Evolution Letters, 7 pp. 273–284. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to a bacterial pathogen in Drosophila melanogaster is not aided by sexual selection.
Sharda S., Kawecki T.J., Hollis B., 2022/02. Ecology and evolution, 12 (2) pp. e8543. Peer-reviewed.
The Genomic Architecture of Adaptation to Larval Malnutrition Points to a Trade-off with Adult Starvation Resistance in Drosophila.
Kawecki T.J., Erkosar B., Dupuis C., Hollis B., Stillwell R.C., Kapun M., 2021/06/25. Molecular biology and evolution, 38 (7) pp. 2732-2749. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evolution of post-ingestive nutritional compensation in response to a nutrient-poor diet.
Cavigliasso F., Dupuis C., Savary L., Spangenberg J.E., Kawecki T.J., 2020/12/09. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 287 (1940) p. 20202684. Peer-reviewed.
Sexual selection reveals a cost of pathogen resistance undetected in life-history assays.
Kawecki T.J., 2020/02. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 74 (2) pp. 338-348. Peer-reviewed.
Sexual selection favours good or bad genes for pathogen resistance depending on males' pathogen exposure.
Joye P., Kawecki T.J., 2019/05/15. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 286 (1902) p. 20190226. Peer-reviewed.
Sexual conflict drives male manipulation of female postmating responses in Drosophila melanogaster.
Hollis B., Koppik M., Wensing K.U., Ruhmann H., Genzoni E., Erkosar B., Kawecki T.J., Fricke C., Keller L., 2019/04/23. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (17) pp. 8437-8444. Peer-reviewed.
Host diet mediates a negative relationship between abundance and diversity of <i>Drosophila</i> gut microbiota.
Erkosar B., Yashiro E., Zajitschek F., Friberg U., Maklakov A.A., van der Meer J.R., Kawecki T.J., 2018. Ecology and Evolution, 8 (18) pp. 9491-9502. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to Chronic Nutritional Stress Leads to Reduced Dependence on Microbiota in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>.
Erkosar B., Kolly S., van der Meer J.R., Kawecki T.J., 2017/10/24. mBio, 8 (5) pp. e01496-17. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evolution of slowed cognitive aging in Drosophila melanogaster.
Zwoinska M.K., Maklakov A.A., Kawecki T.J., Hollis B., 2017. Evolution, 71 (3) pp. 662-670. Peer-reviewed.
Fugitive coexistence mediated by evolutionary lag in local adaptation in metapopulation
Kawecki T.J, 2017. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 54 (1-4) pp. 139-152. Peer-reviewed.
Sexual selection shapes development and maturation rates in Drosophila.
Hollis B., Keller L., Kawecki T.J., 2017. Evolution, 71 (2) pp. 304-314. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of reduced post-copulatory molecular interactions in Drosophila populations lacking sperm competition.
Hollis B., Houle D., Kawecki T.J., 2016. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29 (1) pp. 77-85. Peer-reviewed.
Can test-tube evolution explain biodiversity?
Kawecki T. J., 2015. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30 (10) pp. 568-569. Peer-reviewed.
Gut physiology mediates a trade-off between adaptation to malnutrition and susceptibility to food-borne pathogens.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Chakrabarti S., Babin A., Kolly S., Lemaitre B., Kawecki T.J., 2015. Ecology Letters, 18 (10) pp. 1078-1086. Peer-reviewed.
Idiosyncratic evolution of maternal effects in response to juvenile malnutrition in Drosophila.
Vijendravarma R.K., Kawecki T.J., 2015. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28 (4) pp. 876-884. Peer-reviewed.
No evidence that within-group male relatedness reduces harm to females in Drosophila.
Hollis B., Kawecki T.J., Keller L., 2015. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (4) pp. 979-983. Peer-reviewed.
Prepupal Building Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster and Its Evolution under Resource and Time Constraints.
Narasimha S., Kolly S., Sokolowski M.B., Kawecki T.J., Vijendravarma R.K., 2015. PLoS One, 10 (2) pp. e0117280. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative genetics of learning ability and resistance to stress in Drosophila melanogaster.
Nepoux V., Babin A., Haag C., Kawecki T.J., Le Rouzic A., 2015. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (3) pp. 543-556. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of learning on the evolution of new courtship behavior: a simulation model
Morier-Genoud R., Kawecki T.J., 2015. Current Zoology, 61 (6) pp. 1062-1072. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution under monogamy feminizes gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster.
Hollis B., Houle D., Yan Z., Kawecki T.J., Keller L., 2014. Nature Communications, 5 (3482) p. 3482. Peer-reviewed.
Fruit flies learn to avoid odours associated with virulent infection.
Babin A., Kolly S., Schneider F., Dolivo V., Zini M., Kawecki T.J., 2014. Biology Letters, 10 (3) p. 20140048. Peer-reviewed.
Male cognitive performance declines in the absence of sexual selection.
Hollis B., Kawecki T.J., 2014. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B Biological Sciences, 281 (1781) p. 20132873. Peer-reviewed.
Virulent bacterial infection improves aversive learning performance in Drosophila melanogaster.
Babin A., Kolly S., Kawecki T.J., 2014. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 41 pp. 152-161. Peer-reviewed.
Drosophila rely on learning while foraging under semi-natural conditions
Zrelec V., Zini M., Guarino S., Mermoud J., Oppliger J., Valtat A., Zeender V., Kawecki T.J., 2013. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (12) pp. 4139-4148. Peer-reviewed.
Epistasis and maternal effects in experimental adaptation to chronic nutritional stress in Drosophila.
Vijendravarma R.K., Kawecki T.J., 2013. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26 (12) pp. 2566-2580. Peer-reviewed.
Predatory cannibalism in Drosophila melanogaster larvae.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T.J., 2013. Nature Communications, 4 p. 1789. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of learning on selection‐driven speciation
Kawecki T.J., 2013. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28 (2) pp. 68-69. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to Abundant Low Quality Food Improves the Ability to Compete for Limited Rich Food in Drosophila melanogaster.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T.J., 2012. PLoS One, 7 (1) pp. e30650. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic malnutrition favours smaller critical size for metamorphosis initiation in Drosophila melanogaster.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T.J., 2012. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25 (2) pp. 288-292. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of foraging behaviour in response to chronic malnutrition in Drosophila melanogaster.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T.J., 2012. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences, 279 (1742) pp. 3540-3546. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evolution.
Kawecki T.J., Lenski R.E., Ebert D., Hollis B., Olivieri I., Whitlock M.C., 2012. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27 (10) pp. 547-560. Peer-reviewed.
The value of complementary approaches in evolutionary research: reply to Magalhães and Matos
Kawecki T.J., Lenski R.E., Ebert D., Hollis B., Olivieri I., Whitlock M.C., 2012. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27 (12) pp. 650-651. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to larval malnutrition does not affect fluctuating asymmetry in Drosophila melanogaster
Vijendravarma R. K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T. J., 2011. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104 (1) pp. 19-28. Peer-reviewed.
Plastic and evolutionary responses of cell size and number to larval malnutrition in Drosophila melanogaster.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T.J., 2011. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24 (4) pp. 897-903. Peer-reviewed.
Dietary restriction affects lifespan but not cognitive aging in Drosophila melanogaster.
Burger J.M.S., Buechel S.D., Kawecki T.J., 2010. Aging Cell, 9 (3) pp. 327-335. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of inbreeding on aversive learning in Drosophila.
Nepoux V., Haag C.R., Kawecki T.J., 2010. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23 (11) pp. 2333-2345. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of parental larval diet on egg size and offspring traits in Drosophila.
Vijendravarma R.K., Narasimha S., Kawecki T.J., 2010. Biology Letters, 6 (2) pp. 238-241. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionary ecology of learning: insights from fruit flies
Kawecki T. J., 2010. Population Ecology, 52 (1) pp. 15-25. Peer-reviewed.
Behavior and neurobiology
Rhodes J. S., Kawecki T. J., 2009. pp. 263-300 dans Garland T., Rose M. R. (eds.) Experimental evolution: concepts, methods, and applications of selection experiments chap. 11, University of California Press.
Influence of learning on range expansion and adaptation to novel habitats.
Sutter M., Kawecki T.J., 2009. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22 (11) pp. 2201-2214. Peer-reviewed.
Life-history consequences of adaptation to larval nutritional stress in Drosophila.
Kolss M., Vijendravarma R.K., Schwaller G., Kawecki T.J., 2009. Evolution, 63 (9) pp. 2389-2401. Peer-reviewed.
SV40-induced expression of calretinin protects mesothelial cells from asbestos cytotoxicity and may be a key factor contributing to mesothelioma pathogenesis.
Henzi T., Blum W.V., Pfefferli M., Kawecki T.J., Salicio V., Schwaller B., 2009. American Journal of Pathology, 174 (6) pp. 2324-2336. Peer-reviewed.
The influence of learning on evolution: a mathematical framework.
Paenke I., Kawecki T.J., Sendhoff B., 2009. Artificial Life, 15 (2) pp. 227-245. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to marginal habitats
Kawecki T.J., 2008. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 39 pp. 321-342. Peer-reviewed.
Learning ability and longevity: a symmetrical evolutionary trade-off in Drosophila.
Burger J.M., Kolss M., Pont J., Kawecki T.J., 2008. Evolution, 62 (6) pp. 1294-1304. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced learning ability as a consequence of evolutionary adaptation to nutritional stress in Drosophila melanogaster
Kolss M., Kawecki T. J., 2008. Ecological Entomology, 33 (5) pp. 583-588. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionary biology of starvation resistance: what we have learned from Drosophila.
Rion S., Kawecki T.J., 2007. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20 (5) pp. 1655-1664. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evolution of olfactory memory in Drosophila melanogaster.
Mery F., Pont J., Preat T., Kawecki T.J., 2007. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 80 (4) pp. 399-405. Peer-reviewed.
Heterozygosity of SNP513 in intron 9 of the human calretinin gene (CALB2) is a risk factor for colon cancer.
Vonlanthen S., Kawecki T.J., Betticher D.C., Pfefferli M., Schwaller B., 2007. Anticancer Research, 27 (6C) pp. 4279-4288. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of plasticity and learning on evolution under directional selection.
Paenke I., Sendhoff B., Kawecki T.J., 2007. American Naturalist, 170 (2) pp. E47-E58. Peer-reviewed.
Juvenile hormone as a regulator of the trade-off between reproduction and life span in Drosophila melanogaster.
Flatt T., Kawecki T.J., 2007. Evolution, 61 (8) pp. 1980-1991. Peer-reviewed.
Natural polymorphism affecting learning and memory in Drosophila.
Mery F., Belay A.T., So A.K., Sokolowski M.B., Kawecki T.J., 2007. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (32) pp. 13051-13055. Peer-reviewed.
Genetically idiosyncratic responses of Drosophila melanogaster populations to selection for improved learning ability.
Kawecki T.J., Mery F., 2006. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19 (4) pp. 1265-1274. Peer-reviewed.
No trade-off between learning ability and parasitoid resistance in Drosophila melanogaster.
Kolss M., Kraaijeveld A.R., Mery F., Kawecki T.J., 2006. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19 (4) pp. 1359-1363. Peer-reviewed.
On the influence of lifetime learning on selection pressure
Paenke I., Kawecki T. J., Sendhoff B., 2006. pp. 500-506 dans Rocha Luis M., et al. (eds.) Artificial Life X. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, MIT Press.
A cost of long-term memory in Drosophila.
Mery F., Kawecki T.J., 2005. Science, 308 (5725) p. 1148. Peer-reviewed.
An operating cost of learning in Drosophila melanogaster
Mery F., Kawecki T. J., 2004. Animal Behaviour, 68 (3) pp. 589-598. Peer-reviewed.
Conceptual issues in local adaptation
Kawecki T. J., Ebert D., 2004. Ecology Letters, 7 (12) pp. 1225-1241. Peer-reviewed.
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of source-sink population dynamics
Kawecki T. J., 2004. pp. 387-414 dans Hanski I., Gaggiotti O.E. (eds.) Ecology, genetics, and evolution of metapopulations chap. 16, Elsevier.
Evidence for epistasis: reply to Trouve et al.
Ebert D., Salathe P., Kawecki T. J., 2004. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17 (6) pp. 1402-1404. Peer-reviewed.
Genetical theories of sympatric speciation
Kawecki T. J., 2004. pp. 36-53 dans Dieckmann U., et al. (eds.) Adaptive Speciation, Cambridge University Press.
Pleiotropic effects of methoprene-tolerant (Met), a gene involved in juvenile hormone metabolism, on life history traits in Drosophila melanogaster.
Flatt T., Kawecki T.J., 2004. Genetica, 122 (2) pp. 141-160. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of learning on experimental evolution of resource preference in Drosophila melanogaster.
Mery F., Kawecki T.J., 2004. Evolution, 58 (4) pp. 757-767. Peer-reviewed.
The maintenance (or not) of polygenic variation by soft selection in heterogeneous environments
Spichtig M., Kawecki T. J., 2004. American Naturalist, 164 (1) pp. 70-84. Peer-reviewed.
A fitness cost of learning ability in Drosophila melanogaster.
Mery F., Kawecki T.J., 2003. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences, 270 (1532) pp. 2465-2469. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionary conservatism of geographic variation in host preference in Callosobruchus maculatus
Kawecki T.J., Mery F., 2003. Ecological Entomology, 28 (4) pp. 449-456. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic architecture of differences between populations of cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) evolved in the same environment.
Bieri J., Kawecki T.J., 2003. Evolution, 57 (2) pp. 274-287. Peer-reviewed.
Sex-biased dispersal and adaptation to marginal habitats.
Kawecki T.J., 2003. American Naturalist, 162 (4) pp. 415-426. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionary consequences of asymmetric dispersal rates.
Kawecki T.J., Holt R.D., 2002. American Naturalist, 160 (3) pp. 333-347. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental evolution of learning ability in fruit flies.
Mery F., Kawecki T.J., 2002. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99 (22) pp. 14274-14279. Peer-reviewed.
Costs and benefits for phytophagous myrmecophiles: when ants are not always available
Stadler B., Fiedler K., Kawecki T.J., Weisser W.W., 2001. Oikos, 92 (3) pp. 467-478. Peer-reviewed.
Decline in offspring viability as a manifestation of aging in Drosophila melianogaster.
Kern S., Ackermann M., Stearns S.C., Kawecki T.J., 2001. Evolution, 55 (9) pp. 1822-1831. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to marginal habitats: contrasting influence of the dispersal rate on the fate of alleles with small and large effects.
Kawecki T.J., 2000. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences, 267 (1450) pp. 1315-1320. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of genetic canalization under fluctuating selection.
Kawecki T.J., 2000. Evolution, 54 (1) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptive host preference and the dynamics of host-parasite interactions
Abrams P.A., Kawecki T.J., 1999. Theoretical Population Biology, 56 (3) pp. 307-324. Peer-reviewed.
Character displacement mediated by the accumulation of mutations affecting resource consumption abilities
Kawecki T.J., Abrams P.A., 1999. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 1 (2) pp. 173-188. Peer-reviewed.
Contributions to A Concise Encyclopedia of Ecology
Kawecki T.J., 1999. dans Calow P. (eds.) Blackwell's concise encyclopedia of ecology, Blackwell.
Kawecki T. J., 1998. dans Calow P. (eds.) The encyclopedia of ecology and environmental management, Blackwell.
Red queen meets Santa Rosalia: arms races and the evolution of host specialization in organisms with parasitic lifestyles.
Kawecki T.J., 1998. American Naturalist, 152 (4) pp. 635-651.
Habitat quality ranking depends on habitat-independent environmental factors: a model and results from Callosobruchus maculatus
Kawecki T.J., 1997. Functional Ecology, 11 (2) pp. 247-254. Peer-reviewed.
Mutational collapse of fitness in marginal habitats and the evolution of ecological specialisation
Kawecki T.J., Barton N.H., Fry J.D., 1997. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 10 (3) pp. 407-429. Peer-reviewed.
Sympatric speciation via habitat specialization driven by deleterious mutations
Kawecki T.J., 1997. Evolution, 51 (6) pp. 1751-1763. Peer-reviewed.
Sympatric speciation driven by beneficial mutations
Kawecki T.J., 1996. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences, 263 (1376) pp. 1515-1520. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptive plasticity of egg size in response to competition in the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
Kawecki T.J., 1995. Oecologia, 102 (1) pp. 81-85. Peer-reviewed.
Demography of source-sink populations and the evolution of ecological niches
Kawecki T.J., 1995. Evolutionary Ecology, 9 (1) pp. 38-44. Peer-reviewed.
Expression of genetic and environmental variation for life history characters on the usual and novel hosts in Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
Kawecki T. J., 1995. Heredity, 75 (1) pp. 70-76. Peer-reviewed.
The differential genetic and environmental canalization of fitness components in Drosophila melanogaster
Stearns S.C., Kaiser M., Kawecki T.J., 1995. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 8 (5) pp. 539-558. Peer-reviewed.
Accumulation of deleterious mutations and the evolutionary cost of being a generalist
Kawecki T.J., 1994. American Naturalist, 144 (5) pp. 833-838. Peer-reviewed.
Fitness sensitivity and the canalization of life history traits
Stearns S.C., Kawecki T.J., 1994. Evolution, 48 (5) pp. 1438-1450. Peer-reviewed.
Age and size at maturity in a patchy environment: fitness maximization versus evolutionary stability
Kawecki T.J., 1993. Oikos, 66 (2) pp. 309-317. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of life histories in spatially heterogeneous environments: Optimal reaction norms revisited
Kawecki T.J., Stearns S.C., 1993. Evolutionary Ecology, 7 (2) pp. 155-174. Peer-reviewed.
An experimental test of the egg-ratio method: estimated versus observed death rates
Brett M.T., Martin L., Kawecki T.J., 1992. Freshwater Biology, 28 (2) pp. 237-248. Peer-reviewed.
Young queens of the harvesting ant Messor semirufus avoid founding in places visited by conspecific workers
Kawecki T.J., 1992. Insectes Sociaux, 39 (1) pp. 113-115. Peer-reviewed.
Sex linked altruism: A stepping stone in the evolution of social behaviour?
Kawecki T.J., 1991. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 4 (3) pp. 487-500. Peer-reviewed.
Unisexual/bisexual breeding complexes in Poeciliidae: Why do males copulate with unisexual females?
Kawecki T.J., 1988. Evolution, 42 (5) pp. 1018-1023. Peer-reviewed.
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