Kevin Rosianu

Fields |

Research directions

Sports Migrations and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

In my sociological studies, I examine intra-African sports migrations, with a spotlight on professional mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters in South Africa. Utilizing interviews and direct observations, my aim is to decipher the strategies and responses of these migrant fighters in the landscape of post-apartheid, neoliberal South Africa. My analysis underscores the diverse manners in which these athletes face challenges, stand their ground, and at times, find success within this context.

A pivotal part of my investigation pertains to how these fighters are racially represented, especially in media content disseminated by their primary MMA promoter, the Extreme Fighting Championship (EFC). Further, I delve into the construction of their masculinities, influenced by both migration and their surrounding environment. Importantly, I also reflect on issues of whiteness and my personal standpoint. Finally, I'm committed to addressing the historical biases in scholarship and the ongoing power imbalances that could shape my research methods.

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Swiss University