Thierry Adatte

Teaching given to the UNIL

Current teaching

since 20/21 Camp de cartographie et paléontologie...Terrain
since 20/21 Camp de stratigraphie et sédimentologie...Terrain
since 20/21 Camp de terrain en géologie...Terrain
since 14/15 Cartographie géologique...Terrain
since 14/15 Géologie : introduction aux Sciences de la Terre...Cours

Old teaching

from 23/24 to 23/24 Geology of clays...Cours-Exercices
from 22/23 to 23/24 Sedimentology analytics - Collecting, Interpreting and Presenting Field Data...Travaux pratiques
from 20/21 to 23/24 Les grands sols du monde...Cours
from 20/21 to 21/22 Life evolving with Earth...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 19/20 to 20/21 Clastics...Cours
from 19/20 to 20/21 Clastics...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 19/20 to 21/22 Géochimie organique et grands cycles élémentaires...Cours-Exercices
from 19/20 to 20/21 Histoire de la Vie et stratigraphie...Cours
from 19/20 to 20/21 Histoire de la Vie et stratigraphie...Exercices
from 19/20 to 19/20 Life evolution...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 18/19 to 18/19 Depositional environments and sedimentary processes from source to sink...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 17/18 to 23/24 Application de la méthode Rock-Eval...Cours-Exercices
from 17/18 to 19/20 Camp de cartographie et paléontologie...Terrain
from 16/17 to 17/18 Clastics, carbonates, chemical sediments...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 16/17 to 18/19 Histoire de la Vie et stratigraphie...Cours
from 16/17 to 18/19 Histoire de la Vie et stratigraphie...Exercices
from 15/16 to 18/19 Géochimie organique et grands cycles élémentaires...Cours-Exercices
from 15/16 to 19/20 Les grands sols du monde...Cours
from 15/16 to 19/20 Sédimentologie biochimique...Travaux pratiques
from 15/16 to 19/20 Sédimentologie biochimique...Cours
from 14/15 to 19/20 Camp de stratigraphie et sédimentologie...Terrain
from 14/15 to 21/22 Geology of clays...Cours-Exercices
from 14/15 to 15/16 Histoire de la Vie et stratigraphie...Cours
from 14/15 to 15/16 Histoire de la Vie et stratigraphie...Exercices
from 14/15 to 23/24 Minéralogie générale...Cours
from 14/15 to 23/24 Minéralogie générale...Travaux pratiques
from 14/15 to 19/20 Sédimentologie physique...Travaux pratiques
from 14/15 to 19/20 Sédimentologie physique...Cours
from 13/14 to 13/14 Camp de stratigraphie (2 semaines)...Terrain
from 13/14 to 21/22 EXE Campus virtuel "Histoire de la vie"...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 Histoire de la vie...Exercices
from 13/14 to 13/14 Histoire de la vie...Cours
from 13/14 to 21/22 Integrated basin analysis...Terrain
from 13/14 to 13/14 Minéralogie générale...Cours
from 13/14 to 13/14 Minéralogie générale...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 21/22 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 13/14 to 13/14 Sédimentologie I...Travaux pratiques
from 13/14 to 13/14 Sédimentologie I...Cours
from 13/14 to 15/16 Sédiments clastiques, carbonatés et chimiques...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 13/14 to 14/15 Stratigraphie...Cours
from 12/13 to 12/13 Minéralogie générale...Cours
from 12/13 to 12/13 Minéralogie générale...Travaux pratiques
from 11/12 to 12/13 Stratigraphie...Cours
from 10/11 to 12/13 Camp de stratigraphie (2 semaines)...Terrain
from 10/11 to 12/13 Géologie des argiles...Cours-Exercices
from 10/11 to 12/13 Histoire de la vie...Exercices
from 10/11 to 12/13 Histoire de la vie...Cours
from 10/11 to 11/12 Minéralogie générale...Séminaire
from 10/11 to 11/12 Minéralogie générale...Cours
from 10/11 to 11/12 Minéralogie générale - TP...Travaux pratiques
from 09/10 to 11/12 Introduction aux sciences de la Terre II...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 09/10 to 11/12 Introduction aux sciences de la Terre II...Séminaire
from 09/10 to 11/12 Introduction aux sciences de la Terre II...Cours
from 08/09 to 09/10 Minéralogie avancée...Cours-Exercices
from 08/09 to 12/13 Pétrologie II - camp...Terrain
from 08/09 to 12/13 Sédimentologie I...Cours
from 08/09 to 12/13 Sédimentologie I...Travaux pratiques
Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University