Déborah Philippe

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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17 publications

2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2006 |
Balancing exclusivity and inclusivity through the strategic domestication of the luxury retail experience
Debenedetti Alain, Philippe Déborah, Dion Delphine, 2024/05. International Journal of Research in Marketing. Peer-reviewed.
How brands mobilize status, reputation, and legitimacy cues to signal their social standing: The case of luxury watchmaking
Philippe Déborah, Debenedetti Alain, Chaney Damien, 2022/09/01. Marketing Theory p. 147059312210893. Peer-reviewed.
Capital responsable: Croire en l'incroyable
Feix Aurélien, Philippe Déborah, 2021/01/01. Revue Esprit. Peer-reviewed.
Maintaining legitimacy in contested mature markets through discursive strategies: The case of corporate environmentalism in the French automotive industry
Debenedetti Alain, Philippe Déborah, Chaney Damien, Humphreys Ashlee, 2021/01/01. Industrial Marketing Management, 92 pp. 332-343.
Unpacking the narrative decontestation of CSR: Aspiration for change or defense of the status quo?
Feix A., Philippe D., 2020/01/01. Business and Society, 59 (1) pp. 129-174. Peer-reviewed.
Run Away or Stick Together? The Impact of Organization-Specific Adverse Events on Alliance Partner Defection
Bruyaka O., Philippe D., Castañer X., 2018/07. Academy of Management Review, 43 (3) pp. 445-469. Peer-reviewed.
Philippe D., 2015. dans Bourg D., Papaux A. (eds.) Le Dictionnaire de la Pensée Ecologique, Presses Universitaires de France.
From hot cakes to cold feet: A contingent perspective on the relationship between market uncertainty and status homophily in the formation of alliances
Collet F., Philippe D., 2014/05. Journal of Management Studies, 51 (3) pp. 406-432. Peer-reviewed.
Le rôle des ambassadeurs des marques de luxe : méritocratie, aristocratie et légitimité. Le cas de la Haute Horlogerie
Philippe D., Debenedetti A., 2014. pp. 91-106 dans De Lassus C., Briot E. (eds.) Le Marketing du Luxe. Stratégies innovantes et nouvelles pratiques, éditions EMS.
Embedding environmental actions in time and space: The evolution of sustainability narratives
Philippe D., Bansal P., 2013. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 2013 (1) p. 14098. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of norm-conforming behaviors on firm reputation
Philippe D., Durand R., 2011/09. Strategic Management Journal, 32 (9) pp. 969-993. Peer-reviewed.
Good and bad CSR communication: How to design effective and responsible CSR discourses
Philippe D., 2011. pp. 123-130 dans Wentland M., Palazzo G. (eds.) Responsible Management Practices for the XXIst Century chap. 12, Paris: Pearson.
Stratégie de communication environnementale et construction de légitimité: Le cas de PSA Peugeot Citroën
Debenedetti A., Philippe D., 2011. Décisions Marketing, 61 (Janvier-Mars) pp. 67-71. Peer-reviewed.
Stratégies de construction de la légitimité dans l'industrie horlogère: Le rôle des ambassadeurs
Debenedetti A., Philippe D., 2011. pp. 15-32 dans Zorik K., Courvoisier F. (eds.) L'horlogerie et ses ambassadeurs, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne: LEP.
Appropriateness or Expected Returns? Organizational Representations of Corporate Environmentalism
Philippe D., 2009/08. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 2009 (1) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Communication environnementale et réputation de l'organisation
Philippe D., Durand R., 2009. Revue Française de Gestion, 35 (194) pp. 45-63. Peer-reviewed.
La communication environnementale organisationnelle comme stratégie de légitimation
Philippe D., 2006. Management International, 10 (3) pp. 49-66. Peer-reviewed.
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