Laetitia Della Bianca

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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5 publications

2022 | 2021 |
Fertilité informatisée: le tracking des corps entre théories et pratiques
Della Bianca Laetitia, Ulmi Nic, 2022/10/05..
Configuring the body as pedagogical site: Towards a conceptual tool to unpack and situate multiple ontologies of the body in self-tracking apps
Della Bianca Laetitia, 2022/03/07. Learning, Media and Technology, 47 (1) pp. 65-78. Peer-reviewed.
« In/fertility by design » : Enquête sur des biocapteurs de fertilité féminine
Della Bianca Laetitia, 2022. Techniques & Culture 77 pp. 108-111. Peer-reviewed.
Ontologies du privé à l’épreuve de technologies connectées pour le suivi du cycle menstruel
Della Bianca Laetitia, 2021/10. pp. 53-66 dans Les Frontières du privé : un travail du social. In Arguence C., Chihi A., Michoux C., Montmasson-Michel F., Moubeyi-Koumba N., Teillet D. (Eds.) chap. 3, Presses Universitaires de Limoges.
The Cyclic Self: Menstrual Cycle Tracking as Body Politics
Della Bianca Laetitia, 2021/04/19. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 7 (1) pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
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