Paolo Ruggeri

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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23 publications

Learning-Induced Effects of Practice Schedule Variability on Stimuli Discrimination Efficiency: High-Density EEG Multi-scale Analyses of Contextual Interference Effect
Cretton Alexandre, Schipper Kate, Hassan Mahmoud, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme.
Enhancing perceptual, attentional, and working memory demands through variable practice schedules: insights from high-density EEG multi-scale analyses
Cretton Alexandre, Schipper Kate, Hassan Mahmoud, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2024/11/05. Cerebral Cortex, 34 (11). Peer-reviewed.
Electrocortical correlates of attention differentiate individual capacity in associative learning.
Raynal E., Schipper K., Brandner C., Ruggeri P., Barral J., 2024/03/18. npj science of learning, 9 (20). Peer-reviewed.
Interindividual variations in associative visual learning: Exploration, description, and partition of response characteristics
Brandner Catherine, Raynal Elsa, Ruggeri Paolo, 2023/08/24. Behavior Research Methods, 56 (5) pp. 4643-4660. Peer-reviewed.
Raw eye tracking data of healthy adults reading aloud words, pseudowords and numerals
Pedrotti Marco, de Chambrier Anne-Françoise, Ruggeri Paolo, Dewi Jasinta, Atzemian Myrto, Thevenot Catherine, Martinet Catherine, Terrier Philippe, 2023/08. Data in Brief, 49 p. 109360.
Reading numbers is harder than reading words: An eye-tracking study
de Chambrier Anne-Françoise, Pedrotti Marco, Ruggeri Paolo, Dewi Jasinta, Atzemian Myrto, Thevenot Catherine, Martinet Catherine, Terrier Philippe, 2023/07. Acta Psychologica, 237 p. 103942. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiorespiratory fitness modulates prestimulus EEG microstates during a sustained attention task
Di Muccio Francesco, Simonet Marie, Brandner Catherine, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2023/06/15. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17.
The field of expertise modulates the time course of neural processes associated with inhibitory control in a sport decision-making task
Simonet Marie, Ruggeri Paolo, Sallard Etienne, Barral Jérôme, 2022/12. Scientific Reports. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic rewiring of electrophysiological brain networks during learning
Ruggeri Paolo, Miehlbradt Jenifer, Kabbara Aya, Hassan Mahmoud, 2022/11/14. Network Neuroscience pp. 1-40. Peer-reviewed.
Electrocortical correlates of the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and sustained attention in young adults
Di Muccio Francesco, Ruggeri Paolo, Brandner Catherine, Barral Jérôme, 2022/07. Neuropsychologia, 172 p. 108271. Peer-reviewed.
Age-Related Differences in Resting-State EEG and Allocentric Spatial Working Memory Performance
Jabès A., Klencklen G., Ruggeri P., Antonietti J.-P., Banta Lavenex P., Lavenex P., 2021/11/04. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13.
Resting‐State EEG Microstates Parallel Age‐Related Differences in Allocentric Spatial Working Memory Performance
Jabès Adeline, Klencklen Giuliana, Ruggeri Paolo, Michel Christoph M., Banta Lavenex Pamela, Lavenex Pierre, 2021/07. Brain Topography, 34 (4) pp. 442-460.
Path Integration and Cognitive Mapping Capacities in Down and Williams Syndromes
Bostelmann Mathilde, Ruggeri Paolo, Circelli Antonella Rita, Costanzo Floriana, Menghini Deny, Vicari Stefano, Lavenex Pierre, Banta Lavenex Pamela, 2020/12/11. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Interindividual differences in brain dynamics of early visual processes: Impact on score accuracy in the mental rotation task
Ruggeri Paolo, Nguyen Nam, Pegna Alan J., Brandner Catherine, 2020/08/04. Psychophysiology.
Effector-Specific Characterization of Brain Dynamics in Manual vs. Oculomotor Go/NoGo Tasks.
Simonet Marie, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2020. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 14 p. 600667. Peer-reviewed.
A fine-grained time course investigation of brain dynamics during conflict monitoring
Ruggeri Paolo, Meziane Hadj Boumediene, Koenig Thomas, Brandner Catherine, 2019/12. Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
Systematic evaluation of sequential geostatistical resampling within MCMC for posterior sampling of near-surface geophysical inverse problems
Ruggeri P., Irving J., Holliger K., 2015. Geophysical Journal International, 202 pp. 961-975.
Integration of hydrological and geophysical data beyond the local scale: Application of Bayesian sequential simulation to field data from the Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon site, Québec, Canada
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Lefebvre R., Irving J., Holliger K., 2014. Journal of Hydrology, 514 pp. 271-280. Peer-reviewed.
Hydrogeophysical data integration at larger scales: Application of Bayesian sequential simulation for the characterization of heterogeneous alluvial aquifers
Ruggeri P., Irving J., Gloaguen E., Lefèbvre R., Holliger K., 2013. The Leading Edge, 32 pp. 766-774. Peer-reviewed.
Regional-scale integration of multi-scale hydrological and geophysical data using a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation approach
Ruggeri P., Irving J., Gloaguen E., Holliger K., 2013. Geophysical Journal International, 194 pp. 289-303. Peer-reviewed.
A non-linear Bayesian approach for upscaling local-scale hydraulic conductivity measurements based on local- and regional-scale geophysical data
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. pp. 1348-1352 dans 81st SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
Integration of local-scale hydrological and regional-scale geophysical based on a nonlinear Bayesian sequential simulation approach
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. dans IAMG, Salzburg.
Multiple-scale hydrological and geophysical data integration through non-linear Bayesian sequential simulation
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. dans GeoHydro, Quebec, Canada.
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