Josef Philipp Trein

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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76 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
Denationalization and the recentring of political authority in multilevel governance
TREIN PHILIPP, MAGGETTI MARTINO, 2024/04/05. European Journal of Political Research.
Policy integration and the eco-social debate in political analysis
Domorenok Ekaterina, Trein Philipp, 2024/03. European Political Science, 23 (1) pp. 70-79. Peer-reviewed.
Coordination in Public Policy
Trein Philipp, 2024. pp. 1-7 dans Encyclopedia of Public Policy, Springer International Publishing.
Health Policy
Trein Philipp, Rüefli Christian, Vatter Adrian, 2023/12/18. pp. 714-732 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
Agenda-setting in nascent policy subsystems: issue and instrument priorities across venues.
Lemke N., Trein P., Varone F., 2023/10. Policy Sciences, 56 (4) pp. 633-655. Peer-reviewed.
Social acceptance of policy instrument design during times of crisis
Fossati Flavia, Trein Philipp, 2023/04. European Policy Analysis, 9 (2) pp. 167-190. Peer-reviewed.
Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions
Trein Philipp, Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, Sarti Francesco, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 29-48.
Pathways to policy integration: a subsystem approach
Cejudo Guillermo M., Trein Philipp, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 9-27.
Policy integration as a political process
Cejudo Guillermo M., Trein Philipp, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 3-8.
Designing Privacy in Personalized Health: An Empirical Analysis
Deruelle T., Kalouguina V., Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2023. Big Data & Society, 10 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Is there a "pandemic effect" on individuals' willingness to take genetic tests?
Deruelle T., Kalouguina V., Trein P., Wagner J., 2023. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31 (3) pp. 360-362. Peer-reviewed.
Health Policy
Trein Philipp, 2022/08/22. dans Greve Bent (eds.) De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States, De Gruyter.
National-regional-local shifting games in multi-tiered welfare states
Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2022/07/22. pp. 250-265 dans Introduction to the Handbook on Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Solidarity in times of crisis: perceptions of deservingness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland - datasets and codebooks
Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, Varone Fréderic, 2022/06/10..
Evaluation use and learning in public policy
Bundi Pirmin, Trein Philipp, 2022/06. Policy Sciences, 55 (2) pp. 283-309. Peer-reviewed.
Policy integration, problem-solving, and the coronavirus disease crisis: lessons for policy design
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2022/01/28. Policy and Society, 41 (1) pp. 53-67. Peer-reviewed.
Trein Philipp, Vatter Adrian, Rüefli Christian, 2022. dans Manuel de la Politique Suisse, NZZ Libro.
How does regulating doctors’ admissions affect health expenditures? Evidence from Switzerland
Fuino M., Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2022. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (495) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Learning heuristics, issue salience and polarization in the policy process
Trein Philipp, Vagionaki Thenia, 2022. West European Politics, 45 (4) pp. 906-929. Peer-reviewed.
Countering fragmentation, taking back the state, or partisan agenda‐setting? Explaining policy integration and administrative coordination reforms
Trein Philipp, Ansell Christopher K., 2021/10. Governance, 34 (4) pp. 1143-1166. Peer-reviewed.
Varieties of public–private policy coordination: How the political economy affects multi-actor implementation
Trein Philipp, Tosun Jale, 2021/07. Public Policy and Administration, 36 (3) pp. 379-400. Peer-reviewed.
More is less: Partisan ideology, changes of government, and policy integration reforms in the UK
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2021/01/02. Policy and Society, 40 (1) pp. 79-98. Peer-reviewed.
Cobbler stick to your last? Social democrats’ electoral returns from labour market policy
Fossati Flavia, Trein Philipp, 2021. Journal of Social Policy, 50 (1) pp. 188 - 208. Peer-reviewed.
Governing Personalized Health: A Scoping Review
Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2021. Frontiers in Genetics, 12 p. 650504. Peer-reviewed.
Necessary conditions for policy integration and administrative coordination reforms: an exploratory analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, 2021. Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (9) pp. 1410-1431. Peer-reviewed.
Policy Coordination and Integration: A Research Agenda
Trein Philipp, Biesbroek Robbert, Bolognesi Thomas, Cejudo Guillermo M., Duffy Robert, Hustedt Thurid, Meyer Iris, 2021. Public Administration Review, 81 (5) pp. 973-977. Peer-reviewed.
Public Opinion on Health Care and Public Health
Trein Ph., Fuino M., Wagner J., 2021. Preventive Medicine Reports, 23 p. 101460. Peer-reviewed.
Bossing or Protecting? The Integration of Social Regulation into the Welfare State
Trein Philipp, 2020/09. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 691 (1) pp. 104-120. Peer-reviewed.
Federal dynamics, solidarity, and European Union crisis politics
Trein Philipp, 2020/07/02. Journal of European Public Policy, 27 (7) pp. 977-994. Peer-reviewed.
How Does Corruption Affect the Adoption of Lobby Registers? A Comparative Analysis
De Francesco Fabrizio, Trein Philipp, 2020/05/28. Politics and Governance, 8 (2) pp. 116-127. Peer-reviewed.
Learning in Political Analysis
Vagionaki Thenia, Trein Philipp, 2020/05. Political Studies Review, 18 (2) pp. 304-319. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2020/03. Public Administration Review, 80 (2) pp. 198-208. Peer-reviewed.
Koordination und Integration im E-Government
Hustedt Thurid, Trein Philipp, 2020. pp. 1-10 dans Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
The IDHEAP/NCCR-on the move survey 'Solidarity in times of crisis' - Data Dashboard
Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2020..
Knowledge, policymaking and learning for European cities and regions
Trein Philipp, 2019/07/04. Local Government Studies, 45 (4) pp. 597-599. Peer-reviewed.
Integration, functional differentiation and problem‐solving in multilevel governance
Trein Philipp, Thomann Eva, Maggetti Martino, 2019/06. Public Administration, 97 (2) pp. 339-354. Peer-reviewed.
What's the Problem? Multilevel Governance and Problem‐Solving
Thomann Eva, Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2019/05. European Policy Analysis, 5 (1) pp. 37-57. Peer-reviewed.
A federalist's dilemma: Trade-offs between social legitimacy and budget responsibility in multi-tiered welfare states
Bonoli Giuliano, Natili Marcello, Trein Philipp, 2019/02. Journal of European Social Policy, 29 (1) pp. 56-69. Peer-reviewed.
Multilevel governance and problem-solving: Towards a dynamic theory of multilevel policy-making?
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2019/01/24. Public Administration, 97 (2) pp. 355-369. Peer-reviewed.
Health Policy
Trein Philipp, 2019. pp. 323-338 dans Soguel Nils, Emery Yves, Weerts Sophie, Nahrath Stéphane, Ladner Andreas (eds.) Swiss Public Administration Making the State Work Successfully, Palgrave Macmillan.
The Integration and Coordination of Public Policies: A Systematic Comparative Review
Trein Philipp, Meyer Iris, Maggetti Martino, 2019. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 21 (4) pp. 332-349. Peer-reviewed.
Healthy or Sick ? Coevolution of Health Care and Public Health in a Comparative Perspective
Trein Philipp, 2018/07/31. 318, Cambridge University Press.
ESPN Flash Reports : Cost Containment and Equity Concerns in Swiss Healthcare Policy
Trein Philipp, 2018. (33) 2, European Commission.
ESPN Thematic Report on Challenges in Long-term Care in Switzerland
Trein Philipp, 2018. 15, European Commission.
ESPN Thematic Report on Inequalities in access to healthcare Switzerland
Trein Philipp, 2018. 12, European Commission.
Introduction : The Family Tree of Policy Learning
Dunlop Claire, Radaelli Claudio, Trein Philipp, 2018. pp. 1-25 dans Dunlop Claire, Radaelli Claudio, Trein Philipp (eds.) Learning in Public Policy : Analysis, Modes and Outcomes, Palgrave Macmillan.
Learning in Public Policy : Analysis, Modes and Outcomes
Dunlop Claire, Radaelli Claudio, Trein Philipp, 2018. International series on public policy 360, Palgrave Macmillan.
Median Problem Pressure and Policy Learning : An Exploratory Analysis of European Countries
Trein Philipp, 2018. pp. 243-266 dans Dunlop Claire, Radaelli Claudio, Trein Philipp (eds.) Learning in Public Policy : Analysis, Modes and Outcomes, Palgrave Macmillan.
A New Way to Compare Horizontal Connections of Policy Sectors : “Coupling” of Actors, Institutions and Policies
Trein Philipp, 2017/10/20. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 19 (5) pp. 419-434. Peer-reviewed.
Coevolution of policy sectors : a comparative analysis of healthcare and public health
Trein Philipp, 2017/09. Public Administration, 95 (3) pp. 744-758. Peer-reviewed.
German Voters in Times of Crisis : The Impact of Perceptions and Economic Context on Electoral Behaviour
Trein Philipp, Beckmann Ruth, Walter Stefanie, 2017/07/03. German Politics, 26 (3) pp. 414-439. Peer-reviewed.
Europeanisation beyond the European Union : tobacco advertisement restrictions in Swiss cantons
Trein Philipp, 2017/06/01. Journal of Public Policy, 37 (2) pp. 113-142. Peer-reviewed.
Switzerland implements a national strategy to prevent non-communicable diseases
Trein Philipp, 2017/05/01. (30) ESPN Flash Reports, EU Commission.
Not Quite the Same : Regulatory Intermediaries in the Governance of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Maggetti Martino, Ewert Christian, Trein Philipp, 2017/03. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 670 (1) pp. 152-169. Peer-reviewed.
En Europe, le temps se gâte pour l’État-providence
Bonoli Giuliano, Pisoni Delia, Trein Philipp, 2017/02/23. La vie économique : plateforme de politique économique, 3 pp. 44-48.
Swiss parliament votes down a proposal to permanently ban the new admission of doctors
Trein P., 2016/06. (23) 2 ESPN-Flash Reports, EU Commission.
ESPN Thematic Report on work-life balance measures for persons of working age with dependent relatives : Switzerland
Trein Philipp, 2016/02., EU Commission.
Cost-Shifting in Multitiered Welfare States : Responding to Rising Welfare Caseloads in Germany and Switzerland
Bonoli G., Trein P., 2016. Publius : The Journal of Federalism, 46 (4) pp. 596-622.
How do fiscally decentralized federations fare in times of crisis ? : Insights from Switzerland
Trein P., Braun D., 2016. Regional and Federal Studies, 26 (2) pp. 199-220. Peer-reviewed.
Best practice report on policy learning infrastructures in innovative labour market policies
Bonoli G., Trein P., 2015. (D5.4), EU Commission.
Implementation of the revised bill on epidemics in Switzerland
Trein P., 2015. (46) 5 ESPN-Flash Reports, EU Commission.
Labour market innovations and policy learning : report on Switzerland
Bonoli G., Pisoni D., Trein P., 2015. (D5.2), EU Commission.
Literature report : a review of policy learning in five strands of political science research
Trein P., 2015. (series 2015 no. 26) Working paper, EU Commission.
Policy learning in Europe : social policy and labour market reforms in 11 countries
Philipp T., Bonoli G., Pisoni D., 2015. (D5.3), EU Commission.
Economic and financial crises can change the dynamics of federal relationships
Braun D., Trein P., 2014. Democratic Audit Blog pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Federal Dynamics in Times of Economic and Financial Crisis
Braun D., Trein P., 2014. European Journal of Political Research, 53 (4) pp. 803-821. Peer-reviewed.
Multilevel Governance in Health Policy: Comparing Australia, Germany and Switzerland
Wally Achtermann, Dietmar Braun, Dorte Hering, Philipp Trein, Björn Uhlmann, 2014., Research Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Ref: 26041044).
Consolidation policies in federal countries
Braun Dietmar, Trein Philipp, 2013/07. pp. 139-161 dans Armingeon Klaus (eds.) Staatstätigkeiten, Parteien und Demokratie : Festschrift für Manfred G. Schmidt, Springer.
Coordination of Tobacco Control Policies
Trein Philipp, 2013., SPSA (Swiss Political Science Association) Annual Conference.
Economic Crisis and Federal Dynamics
Braun Dietmar, Trein Philipp, 2013. pp. 341-365 dans Benz Arthur, Broschek Jörg (eds.) Federal Dynamics: Continuity, Change and Varieties of Federalism, Oxford University Press.
Pensions, Health and Long-Term Care: Switzerland
Giuliano Bonoli, Dietmar Braun, Philipp Trein, 2013., ASISP Country Document.
Co-evolution and Coordination of Policy sectors : Health Care and Public Health in Australia
Trein Philipp, 2012/02., UNIL, IEPI, LAGAPE (Laboratoire d'analyse de la gouvernance et de l'action publique en Europe).
Apples and Pills: Health Expenditure on Cure and Prevention in OECD Countries
Trein Philipp, 2012., EPSA (European Political Science Association) General Conference.
The good, the bad and the German Federal Election: Unemployment, short-time work and voting in 2009
Beckmann Ruth, Trein Philipp, Walter Stefanie, 2011/08., ECPR General Conference in Reykjavik.
Dominanz der Ökonomie : Entscheidet die Wirtschaftslage Wahlen ?
Beckman R., Trein P., Walter S., 2011. pp. 231-254 dans Bytzek E., Roßteutscher S. (eds.) Der unbekannte Wähler : Mythen und Fakten über das Wahlverhalten der Deutschen, Campus.
Wählen in der Krise. Wirtschaftskrise und Wahlverhalten bei der deutschen Bundestagswahl 2009
Beckmann R., Trein P., Walter S., 2010., Universität Heidelberg.
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