Valentina Forni

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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34 publications

2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2007 |
Impact of kidney transplantation on sleep apnea severity: A prospective polysomnographic study.
Forni Ogna V., Ogna A., Haba-Rubio J., Nowak G., Venetz J.P., Golshayan D., Matter M., Burnier M., Pascual M., Heinzer R., 2020/06. American journal of transplantation, 20 (6) pp. 1659-1667. Peer-reviewed.
Hypertension artérielle et syndrome des apnées obstructives du sommeil : état des connaissances [Arterial hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: state of knowledge]
Salmina D., Ogna A., Wuerzner G., Heinzer R., Forni Ogna V., 2019/09/11. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (662) pp. 1620-1624. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative Long-Term Effect of Three Anti-P2Y12 Drugs after Percutaneous Angioplasty: An Observational Study Based on Electronic Drug Adherence Monitoring
Forni Ogna Valentina, Bassi Isabelle, Menetrey Isabelle, Muller Olivier, Tousset Eric, Fontana Pierre, Eeckhout Eric, Eap Chin B., Vrijens Bernard, Burnier Michel et al., 2017/10/25. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8 pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Comment initier un traitementantihypertenseur ? De l’évidenceà la personnalisation [How to start an antihypertensive treatment: from evidence to personalized choice]
Forni Ogna V., Braconnier P., Wuerzner A., Burnier M., Wuerzner G., 2017/09/13. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (574) pp. 1558-1564. Peer-reviewed.
Seasonality of sodium and potassium consumption in Switzerland. Data from three cross-sectional, population-based studies.
Marti-Soler H., Pommier C., Bochud M., Guessous I., Ponte B., Pruijm M., Ackermann D., Forni Ogna V., Paccaud F., Burnier M. et al., 2017/09. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases, 27 (9) pp. 792-798. Peer-reviewed.
L’importance de la diminution de la pression artérielle nocturne
Braconnier Philippe, Forni Ogna Valentina, Wuerzner Grégoire, Burnier Michel, 2017/07/19. Info@herz+gefäss, 4 (7) pp. 24-27.
Associations of sodium, potassium and protein intake with blood pressure and hypertension in Switzerland.
Glatz N., Chappuis A., Conen D., Erne P., Péchère-Bertschi A., Guessous I., Forni V., Gabutti L., Muggli F., Gallino A. et al., 2017/03/21. Swiss medical weekly, 147 pp. w14411.
Signification of distal urinary acidification defects in hypocitraturic patients.
Forni Ogna V., Blanchard A., Vargas-Poussou R., Ogna A., Baron S., Bertocchio J.P., Prot-Bertoye C., Nevoux J., Dubourg J., Maruani G. et al., 2017. PloS one, 12 (5) pp. e0177329. Peer-reviewed.
Copeptin is increased in resistant hypertension.
Mendes M., Dubourg J., Blanchard A., Bergerot D., Courand P.Y., Forni V., Frank M., Bobrie G., Menard J., Azizi M., 2016/12. Journal of hypertension, 34 (12) pp. 2458-2464. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of long-term adherence to clopidogrel on the VASP-PRI after elective coronary stent implantation: a randomized controlled study.
Forni Ogna V., Menetrey I., Muller O., Tousset E., Guihard L., Fontana P., Eeckhout E., Eap C.B., Vrijens B., Burnier M. et al., 2016/12. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 82 (6) pp. 1486-1497. Peer-reviewed.
Association between obesity and glomerular hyperfiltration: the confounding effect of smoking and sodium and protein intakes.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Bochud M., Guessous I., Paccaud F., Burnier M., Wuerzner G., 2016/04. European journal of nutrition, 55 (3) pp. 1089-1097. Peer-reviewed.
Increasing Incidence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Kidney Disease: Is there a Causal Relationship?
Ogna Adam, Forni Ogna Valentina, 2016. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy, 5 (3) p. 245. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and determinants of chronic kidney disease in the Swiss population.
Forni Ogna V., Ogna A., Ponte B., Gabutti L., Binet I., Conen D., Erne P., Gallino A., Guessous I., Hayoz D. et al., 2016. Swiss Medical Weekly, 146 pp. w14313. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Characteristics in Early Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in the HypnoLaus Cohort.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Haba Rubio J., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Tafti M., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P. et al., 2016. Sleep, 39 (4) pp. 945-953. Peer-reviewed.
Furosemide stimulation of parathormone in humans: role of the calcium-sensing receptor and the renin-angiotensin system.
Muller M.E., Forni Ogna V., Maillard M., Stoudmann C., Zweiacker C., Anex C., Wuerzner G., Burnier M., Bonny O., 2015/12. Pflugers Archiv, 467 (12) pp. 2413-2421. Peer-reviewed.
New anthropometry-based age- and sex-specific reference values for urinary 24-hour creatinine excretion based on the adult Swiss population (epublish)
Forni Ogna V., Ogna A., Vuistiner P., Pruijm M., Ponte B., Ackermann D., Gabutti L., Vakilzadeh N., Mohaupt M., Martin P.Y. et al., 2015/12. Bmc Medicine, 13 (1) p. 40. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative Effect of a Renin Inhibitor and a Thiazide Diuretic on Renal Tissue Oxygenation in Hypertensive Patients.
Vakilzadeh N., Muller M.E., Forni V., Milani B., Hoffman L., Piskunowicz M., Maillard M., Zweiacker C., Pruijm M., Burnier M., 2015. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 40 (5) pp. 542-554. Peer-reviewed.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity and Overnight Body Fluid Shift before and after Hemodialysis.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Mihalache A., Pruijm M., Halabi G., Phan O., Cornette F., Bassi I., Haba Rubio J., Burnier M. et al., 2015. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : Cjasn, 10 (6) pp. 1002-1010. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and Diagnostic Approach to Sleep Apnea in Hemodialysis Patients: A Population Study.
Forni Ogna V., Ogna A., Pruijm M., Bassi I., Zuercher E., Halabi G., Phan O., Bullani R., Teta D., Gauthier T. et al., 2015. Biomed Research International, 2015 p. 103686.
Nouveaux aspects de la prise en charge de l'hypertension artérielle chez le patient insuffisant rénal chronique [New aspects of hypertension management in patients with chronic kidney disease].
Vakilzadeh N., Phan O., Ogna V.F., Burnier M., Wuerzner G., 2014/09. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (441) pp. 1668-1672.
Prevalence of obesity and overweight and associated nutritional factors in a population-based Swiss sample: an opportunity to analyze the impact of three different European cultural roots.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Bochud M., Paccaud F., Gabutti L., Burnier M., Swiss Survey on Salt Group, 2014/08. European journal of nutrition, 53 (5) pp. 1281-1290. Peer-reviewed.
Blockade of the renin-angiotensin system and renal tissue oxygenation as measured with BOLD-MRI in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Pruijm M., Hofmann L., Zanchi A., Maillard M., Forni V., Muller M.E., Wuerzner G., Vogt B., Stuber M., Burnier M., 2013. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 99 (2) pp. 136-144. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical benefits of an adherence monitoring program in the management of secondary hyperparathyroidism with cinacalcet: results of a prospective randomized controlled study.
Forni Ogna V., Pruijm M., Zweiacker C., Wuerzner G., Tousset E., Burnier M., 2013. Biomed Research International, 2013 p. 104892.
Effect of dark chocolate on renal tissue oxygenation as measured by BOLD-MRI in healthy volunteers.
Pruijm M., Hofmann L., Charollais-Thoenig J., Forni V., Maillard M., Coristine A., Stuber M., Burnier M., Vogt B., 2013. Clinical Nephrology, 80 (9) pp. 211-217.
Reticulocyte dynamic and hemoglobin variability in hemodialysis patients treated with Darbepoetin alfa and C.E.R.A.: a randomized controlled trial.
Forni V., Bianchi G., Ogna A., Salvadé I., Vuistiner P., Burnier M., Gabutti L., 2013. BMC Nephrology, 14 (157) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelin receptor antagonists: a place in the management of essential hypertension?
Burnier M., Forni V., 2012. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 27 (3) pp. 865-868.
Development of an erythropoietin prescription simulator to improve abilities for the prescription of erythropoietin stimulating agents: is it feasible?
Gabutti L., Nobile F., Forni V., Rigamonti F., Weibel N., Burnier M., 2011/02. Bmc Nephrology, 12 p. 11. Peer-reviewed.
Denervation rénale endovascu- laire par radiofréquence: perspective d'un traitement prometteur de l'hypertension artérielle [Renal sympathetic denervation: perspective of a promising treatment for hypertension].
Cassat M., Wuerzner G., Pruijm M., Forni V., Burnier M., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (308) pp. 1743-1747.
Les antagonistes des récep- teurs de l'endothéline ont-ils une place dans le traitement de l'hyper- tension artérielle [Do endothelin receptors antagonists have a place in the treatment of arterial hypertension?].
Forni V., Wuerzner G., Pruijm M., Cassat M., Menetrey I., Burnier M., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (308) pp. 1752-1756.
Long-term use and tolerability of irbesartan for control of hypertension.
Forni V., Wuerzner G., Pruijm M., Burnier M., 2011. Integrated Blood Pressure Control, 4 pp. 17-26.
Traiter l'hypertension artérielle: l'incertitude des definitions et des cibles [Managing hypertension: the uncertainty of definitions and targets]
Forni V., Wuerzner G., Pruijm M., Guihard L., Burnier M., 2010/09/15. Revue medicale suisse, 6 (262) pp. 1709-1712, 1714. Peer-reviewed.
Alimentation et hypertension artérielle: au-delà du sel de table [Nutrition and hypertension: more than table salt].
Pruijm M., Wuerzer G., Forni V., Bochud M., Pechère-Bertschi A., Burnier M., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (262) pp. 1715-1720.
Treating high blood pressure: is reaching the target more important than the means? No, the means are important.
Forni V., Wuerzner G., Pruijm M., Burnier M., 2010. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 21 (6) pp. 478-483.
Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) during treatment with anastrozole.
Conti-Beltraminelli M., Pagani O., Ballerini G., Richetti A., Graffeo R., Ruggeri M., Forni V., Pianca S., Schönholzer C., Mainetti C. et al., 2007/01. Annals of oncology, 18 (1) pp. 205-207. Peer-reviewed.
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