Daniela Rubatto

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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16 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2017 |
A rapid transition from subduction to Barrovian metamorphism: geochronology of mafic–ultramafic relicts of oceanic crust in the Central Alps, Switzerland
Lemke Kim, Rubatto Daniela, Hermann Jörg, 2024/12. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 117 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Low total REE zircon formed in equilibrium with hornblende in granulitized eclogites: Implications for exhumation rates
Wang Jia-Min, Rubatto Daniela, Lanari Pierre, Tian Yu-Lu, Chen Yi, Wu Fu-Yuan, 2024/12. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 648 p. 119084. Peer-reviewed.
Intra-grain variability of hydrogen and trace elements in rutile
Lüder Mona, Hermann Jörg, Tamblyn Renée, Rubatto Daniela, Lanari Pierre, Markmann Thorsten Andreas, 2024/11. Chemical Geology, 671 p. 122480. Peer-reviewed.
H2O-rich rutile as an indicator for modern-style cold subduction.
Lueder M., Tamblyn R., Rubatto D., Hermann J., 2024. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. Beitrage zur Mineralogie und Petrologie, 179 (3) p. 26. Peer-reviewed.
Olivine formation processes and fluid pathways in subducted serpentinites revealed by in-situ oxygen isotope analysis (Zermatt-Saas, Switzerland)
Ulrich Michelle, Rubatto Daniela, Hermann Joerg, Markmann Thorsten, Bouvier Anne-Sophie, Deloule Etienne, 2024. Chemical Geology.
Tracing fluid infiltration into oceanic crust up to ultra-high-pressure conditions
Rubatto Daniela, Williams Morgan, Markmann Thorsten Andreas, Hermann Jörg, Lanari Pierre, 2023/11. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 178 (11). Peer-reviewed.
Multistage hydration during oceanic serpentinisation revealed by in situ oxygen isotope and trace element analyses
Vesin Coralie, Rubatto Daniela, Pettke Thomas, Deloule Etienne, 2023/08. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 355 pp. 13-31. Peer-reviewed.
Surface Analysis by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS): Principles and Applications from Swiss laboratories
Marin Carbonne Johanna, Bouvier Anne Sophie, Baumgartner Lukas, Rubatto Daniela, Bovay Thomas, Plane Florent, Escrig Stephane, Kiss Andras, 2022/02/23. CHIMIA, 76 (1-2) p. 26.
Low-δ18O Neoarchean precipitation recorded in a 2.67 Ga magmatic-hydrothermal system of the Keivy granitic complex, Russia
Zakharov D.O., Zozulya D.R., Rubatto D., 2022/01. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578 p. 117322.
Pressure–temperature–time evolution of subducted crust revealed by complex garnet zoning (Theodul Glacier Unit, Switzerland)
Bovay Thomas, Lanari Pierre, Rubatto Daniela, Smit Matthijs, Piccoli Francesca, Baldwin Julia, 2021/07/17. Journal of Metamorphic Geology.
Pervasive fluid-rock interaction in subducted oceanic crust revealed by oxygen isotope zoning in garnet
Bovay Thomas, Rubatto Daniela, Lanari Pierre, 2021/07. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176 (7).
Correction to: Ion microprobe dating of fissure monazite in the Western Alps: insights from the Argentera Massif and the Piemontais and Briançonnais Zones
Ricchi Emmanuelle, Gnos Edwin, Rubatto Daniela, Whitehouse Martin John, Pettke Thomas, 2020/12. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 113 (1).
Crustal reworking and hydration: insights from element zoning and oxygen isotopes of garnet in high-pressure rocks (Sesia Zone, Western Alps)
Alice Vho, Daniela Rubatto, Pierre Lanari, Francesco Giuntoli, Daniele Regis, Jörg Hermann, 2020/11. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175 (11).
New Reference Materials and Assessment of Matrix Effects for SIMS Measurements of Oxygen Isotopes in Garnet
Vho Alice, Rubatto Daniela, Putlitz Benita, Bouvier Anne-Sophie, 2020/09. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44 (3) pp. 459-471. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of the Sesia Zone (Western Alps) from Carboniferous to Cretaceous: insights from zircon and allanite geochronology.
Vho A., Rubatto D., Lanari P., Regis D., 2020. Swiss journal of geosciences, 113 (1) p. 24. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstruction of multiple P-T-t stages from retrogressed mafic rocks: Subduction versus collision in the Southern Brasília orogen (SE Brazil)
Tedeschi Mahyra, Lanari Pierre, Rubatto Daniela, Pedrosa-Soares Antônio, Hermann Jörg, Dussin Ivo, Pinheiro Marco Aurélio P., Bouvier Anne-Sophie, Baumgartner Lukas, 2017/12. Lithos, 294-295 pp. 283-303.
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