Silvia Bozza

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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57 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2007 |
The Principle of Total Evidence reprised
Taroni Franco, Aitken Colin, Bozza Silvia, Juchli Patrick, 2024/09/17. Law, Probability and Risk, 23 pp. 1-24. Peer-reviewed.
Stylometry and forensic science: A literature review
Cammarota Valentina, Bozza Silvia, Roten Claude-Alain, Taroni Franco, 2024/06/11. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 9. Peer-reviewed.
A probabilistic graphical model for assessing equivocal evidence
Taroni Franco, Garbolino Paolo, Bozza Silvia, 2024/04/25. Law, Probability and Risk, 23 pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
The role of the Bayes factor in the evaluation of evidence
Aitken Colin, Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, 2024/04/24. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 11 pp. 203–226. Peer-reviewed.
A model-independent redundancy measure for human versus ChatGPT authorship discrimination using a Bayesian probabilistic approach
Bozza Silvia, Roten Claude-Alain, Jover Antoine, Cammarota Valentina, Pousaz Lionel, Taroni Franco, 2023/11/06. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Evidence, probability and relative plausibility
Aitken Colin, Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, 2022/07/25. International Journal of Evidence and Proof. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum to "A probabilistic approach to evaluate salivary microbiome in forensic science when the defense says: 'It is my twin brother'" [Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. 57, 102638].
Bozza S., Scherz V., Greub G., Falquet L., Taroni F., 2022/07..
La probabilità come strumento per una coerente valutazione della prova scientifica
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Vuille Joëlle, 2022/05/01. pp. 21-76 dans Prova scientifica e processo penale chap. 2, Wolters Kluwer CEDAM.
A probabilistic approach to evaluate salivary microbiome in forensic science when the Defense says: `It is my twin brother'.
Bozza S., Scherz V., Greub G., Falquet L., Taroni F., 2022/03. Forensic science international. Genetics, 57 p. 102638. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian evaluation of dynamic signatures in operational conditions
Linden Jacques, Bozza Silvia, Marquis Raymond, Taroni Franco, 2022/02. Forensic Science International, 332 p. 111173. Peer-reviewed.
Bayes Factors for Forensic Decision Analyses with R
Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, Biedermann Alex, 2022. Springer Texts in Statistics 187, Springer International Publishing.
The Bayes' factor: the coherent measure for hypothesis confirmation
Taroni Franco, Garbolino Paolo, Bozza Silvia, Aitken Colin, 2021/12/28. Law, Probability and Risk, 20 pp. 15-36.
The logic of inference and decision for scientific evidence
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Biedermann Alex, 2021/09/30. pp. 251–266 dans Philosophical Foundations of Evidence Law chap. 17, Oxford University Press.
Coherently updating degrees of belief: Radical Probabilism, the generalization of Bayes' Theorem and its consequences on evidence evaluation
Taroni Franco, Garbolino Paolo, Bozza Silvia, 2021/06/23. Law, Probability and Risk, 19 (3-4) pp. 293-316. Peer-reviewed.
Statistics and the evaluation of evidence for forensic scientists
Aitken Colin, Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, 2021/01/04., 3rd ed. 1207, John Wiley & Sons.
Bayesian multivariate models for case assessment in dynamic signature cases
Linden Jacques, Taroni Franco, Marquis Raymond, Bozza Silvia, 2021/01. Forensic Science International, 318 p. 110611. Peer-reviewed.
Il significato delle evidenze : l'importanza dello scienziato forense nella prevenzione dell'errore
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, 2021/01/01. pp. 661-702 dans L'errore giudiziario chap. XIX, Giuffré Francis Lefebvre.
Minor or adult? Introducing decision analysis in forensic age estimation
Sironi Emanuele, Gittelson Simone, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2021/01/01. Science & Justice, 61 pp. 47-60. Peer-reviewed.
Decision theory
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Biedermann Alex, 2020/11/06. pp. 103-130 dans Banks David L., Kafadar Karen, Kaye David H., Tackett Maria (eds.) Handbook of Forensic Statistics chap. 5, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
L'individualizzazione come decisione
Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2020/06/01. Philosophical Readings, 12 (2) pp. 335–347. Peer-reviewed.
Normative decision analysis in forensic science
Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2020/03. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 28 (1) pp. 7-25. Peer-reviewed.
Computational normative decision support structures of forensic interpretation in the legal process
Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, Vuille Joëlle, 2020/01/01. SCRIPTed: A Journal of Law, Technology and Society, 17 (1) pp. 83–124. Peer-reviewed.
More on the question 'When does absence of evidence constitute evidence of absence?' How Bayesian confirmation theory can logically support the answer.
Taroni F., Bozza S., Hicks T., Garbolino P., 2019/08. Forensic science international, 301 pp. e59-e63. Peer-reviewed.
Are inconclusive decisions in forensic science as deficient as they are said to be?
Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, Vuille Joëlle, 2019/03/19. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (520) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the Editor — Commentary on: Dror IG, Langenburg G. “Cannot decide”: the fine line between appropriate inconclusive determinations versus unjustifiably deciding not to decide
Biedermann Alex, Vuille Joëlle, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2019/01/03. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64 (1) pp. 318-321. Peer-reviewed.
A formal approach to qualifying and quantifying the ‘goodness' of forensic identification decisions
Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, Garbolino Paolo, 2018/12/01. Law, Probability and Risk, 17 (4) pp. 295-310. Peer-reviewed.
Prova genetica del DNA e risultati dissonanti: come valutare congiuntamente gli elementi scientifici di prova
Taroni Franco, De March Ilaria, Garbolino Paolo, Bozza Silvia, 2018/11/12. Diritto Penale Contemporaneo, 11 pp. 77-94. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation and reporting of scientific evidence: the impact of partial probability assignments
Bozza Silvia, Biedermann Alex, Taroni Franco, 2018/11/01. pp. 155–160 dans Book of Short Papers SIS 2018, 49th meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS 2018), PEARSON.
Dynamic signatures: A review of dynamic feature variation and forensic methodology
Linden Jacques, Marquis Raymond, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2018/10. Forensic Science International, 291 pp. 216-229. Peer-reviewed.
Reconciliation of subjective probabilities and frequencies in forensic science
Taroni Franco, Garbolino Paolo, Biedermann Alex, Aitken Colin, Bozza Silvia, 2018/09/03. Law, Probability and Risk, 17 (3) pp. 243-262. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical adhockeries are no criteria for legal decisions – The case of the expert medical report on the assessment of urine specimens collected among athletes having participated to the Vancouver and Sochi Winter Olympic Games
Taroni Franco, Biedermann Alex, Vuille Joëlle, Bozza Silvia, 2018/08/20. Frontiers in Sociology, 3 pp. 1-3. Peer-reviewed.
Critical analysis of forensic cut-offs and legal thresholds: A coherent approach to inference and decision.
Biedermann A., Taroni F., Bozza S., Augsburger M., Aitken CGG, 2018/07. Forensic science international, 288 pp. 72-80. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian networks of age estimation and classification based on dental evidence: A study on the third molar mineralization
Sironi Emanuele, Pinchi Vilma, Pradella Francesco, Focardi Martina, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2018/04. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 55 pp. 23-32. Peer-reviewed.
Analysing and exemplifying forensic conclusion criteria in terms of Bayesian decision theory
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., 2018/03. Science & Justice, 58 (2) pp. 159-165. Peer-reviewed.
Contaminazioni di un reperto con il DNA. Quando la prova genetica porta direttamente alla condanna
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Garbolino Paolo, 2018. Diritto Penale Contemporaneo pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
The meaning of justified subjectivism and its role in the reconciliation of recent disagreements over forensic probabilism
Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, Aitken Colin, 2017/11. Science & Justice, 57 (6) pp. 477-483. Peer-reviewed.
Il ruolo della probabilità nella valutazione della prova scientifica
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Vuille Joëlle, 2017. pp. 23-74 dans Canzio Giovanni, Luparia Luca (eds.) Prova scientifica e processo penale, CEDAM - Wolters Kluwer.
Reconsiderando la individualización forense como una decisión = Rethinking forensic individualization as a decision
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Lucena Molina J. J., 2017. Revista espanola de medicina legal, 43 (2) pp. 87-88. Peer-reviewed.
The consequences of understanding expert probability reporting as a decision.
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Aitken C., 2017/01. Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society, 57 (1) pp. 80-85. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis and evaluation of magnetism of black toners on documents printed by electrophotographic systems
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Fürbach M., Li B., Mazzella W., 2016/10. Forensic Science International, 267 pp. 157-165. Peer-reviewed.
Reframing the debate: a question of probability, not of likelihood ratio
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Aitken C., 2016/10. Science & Justice, 56 pp. 392-396. Peer-reviewed.
Posterior likelihood ratios for evaluation of forensic trace evidence given a two-level model on the data by Alberink et al. (2013)
Bozza S., Taroni F., 2016/05. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43 (8) pp. 1561-1563. Peer-reviewed.
The decisionalization of individualization
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., 2016/05. Forensic Science International, 266 pp. 29-38. Peer-reviewed.
Dismissal of the illusion of uncertainty in the assessment of a likelihood ratio
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Biedermann Alex, Aitken Colin, 2016/03. Law, Probability and Risk, 15 (1) pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Taroni F., Bozza S., Biedermann A., Aitken C., 2016/03. Law, Probability & Risk, 15 (1) pp. 31-34. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical hypothesis testing and common misinterpretations: should we abandon p-value in forensic science applications?
Taroni F., Biedermann A., Bozza S., 2016/02. Forensic Science International, 259 pp. e32-e36. Peer-reviewed.
La naturaleza decisoria de las conclusiones de los expertos en ciencia forense (The decisionalization of individualization)
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., 2016. Teoría & derecho: revista de pensamiento jurídico, 20 pp. 262-284. Peer-reviewed.
“同一认定”中的意见决策论 (The decisionalization of individualization)
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Li B., Zhao D., 2016. Evidence Science, 24 pp. 627-641. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction in forensic science: a critical examination of common understandings
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., 2015/05. Frontiers in Psychology, Quantitative Psychology and Measurement. Research topic "Judgement and decision under uncertainty : Theory and measurement", 6 (737) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian classification criterion for forensic multivariate data
Bozza S., Broséus J., Esseiva P., Taroni F., 2014/12. Forensic Science International, 244 pp. 295-301. Peer-reviewed.
Bayes factor for investigative assessment of selected handwriting features
Taroni F., Marquis R., Schmittbuhl M., Biedermann A., Thiéry A., Bozza S., 2014/09. Forensic Science International, 242 pp. 266-273. Peer-reviewed.
Decision analysis for the genotype designation in low-template-DNA profiles
Gittelson S., Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., 2014/03. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 9 pp. 118-133. Peer-reviewed.
Toxic substances in blood: an analysis of current recommendations under a Bayesian (decision) approach
Taroni F., Biedermann A., Bozza S., Vuille J., Augsburger M., 2014/03/01. Law, Probability and Risk, 13 (1) pp. 27-45. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Inference and Decision Analysis in Forensic Science
Taroni F., Biedermann A., Bozza S., Garbolino P., Aitken C., 2014., 2nd ed. 443, Wiley.
Decision-theoretic reflections on processing a fingermark
Gittelson S., Bozza S., Biedermann A., Taroni F., 2013/03. Forensic Science International, 226 (1-3) pp. e42-e47. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling the forensic two-trace problem with Bayesian networks
Gittelson Simone, Biedermann Alex, Bozza Silvia, Taroni Franco, 2013. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 21 (2) pp. 221-252. Peer-reviewed.
Value of DNA tests: a decision perspective.
Taroni F., Bozza S., Bernard M., Champod C., 2007. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 52 (1) pp. 31-39.
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