Jean-François Demonet

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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243 publications

En préparation | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | ...
J’ai envie de comprendre la mémoire et ses troubles
Grimaldi L, Démonet Jean-François, Brioschi Guevara Andrea.
The effect of visual perspective on episodic memory in aging: A virtual reality study.
Serino S., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Guevara A.B., Démonet J.F., Serino A., 2023/11. Consciousness and cognition, 116 p. 103603. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: Pre-frail older adults show improved cognition with StayFitLonger computerized home-based training: a randomized controlled trial.
Belleville S., Cuesta M., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Giacomino K., Widmer A., Hager AGM, Perez-Marcos D., Cardin S., Boller B., Bier N. et al., 2023/10. GeroScience, 45 (5) pp. 3099-3100. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical Effect of Early vs Late Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography in Memory Clinic Patients: The AMYPAD-DPMS Randomized Clinical Trial.
Altomare D., Barkhof F., Caprioglio C., Collij L.E., Scheltens P., Lopes Alves I., Bouwman F., Berkhof J., van Maurik I.S., Garibotto V. et al., 2023/06/01. JAMA neurology, 80 (6) pp. 548-557. Peer-reviewed.
Pre-frail older adults show improved cognition with StayFitLonger computerized home-based training: a randomized controlled trial.
Belleville S., Cuesta M., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Giacomino K., Widmer A., Mittaz Hager A.G., Perez-Marcos D., Cardin S., Boller B., Bier N. et al., 2023/04. GeroScience, 45 (2) pp. 811-822. Peer-reviewed.
Dementia prevention in memory clinics: recommendations from the European task force for brain health services.
Frisoni G.B., Altomare D., Ribaldi F., Villain N., Brayne C., Mukadam N., Abramowicz M., Barkhof F., Berthier M., Bieler-Aeschlimann M. et al., 2023/03. The Lancet regional health. Europe, 26 p. 100576. Peer-reviewed.
Description of a European memory clinic cohort undergoing amyloid‐PET: The AMYPAD Diagnostic and Patient Management Study
Altomare Daniele, Collij Lyduine, Caprioglio Camilla, Scheltens Philip, van Berckel Bart N.M., Alves Isadora Lopes, Berkhof Johannes, de Gier Yvonne, Garibotto Valentina, Moro Christian et al., 2023/03. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19 (3) pp. 844-856. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of Psychological Symptoms Following Disclosure of Amyloid-Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Results to Adults With Subjective Cognitive Decline.
Caprioglio C., Ribaldi F., Visser LNC, Minguillon C., Collij L.E., Grau-Rivera O., Zeyen P., Molinuevo J.L., Gispert J.D., Garibotto V. et al., 2023/01/03. JAMA network open, 6 (1) pp. e2250921. Peer-reviewed.
Hypothesis-driven genome-wide association studies provide novel insights into genetics of reading disabilities.
Price K.M., Wigg K.G., Eising E., Feng Y., Blokland K., Wilkinson M., Kerr E.N., Guger S.L., Quantitative Trait Working Group of the GenLang Consortium, Fisher S.E. et al., 2022/11/29. Translational psychiatry, 12 (1) p. 495. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people.
Eising E., Mirza-Schreiber N., de Zeeuw E.L., Wang C.A., Truong D.T., Allegrini A.G., Shapland C.Y., Zhu G., Wigg K.G., Gerritse M.L. et al., 2022/08/30. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (35) pp. e2202764119. Peer-reviewed.
Answer to "Social cognition assessment for mild neurocognitive disorders".
Dodich A., Boccardi M., Sacco L., Monsch A.U., Démonet J.F., Filardi M., Logroscino G., Salmon D.P., Weinbtraub S., Dubois B. et al., 2022/07. Alzheimer's & dementia, 18 (7) pp. 1441-1442. Peer-reviewed.
Harmonizing neuropsychological assessment for mild neurocognitive disorders in Europe.
Boccardi M., Monsch A.U., Ferrari C., Altomare D., Berres M., Bos I., Buchmann A., Cerami C., Didic M., Festari C. et al., 2022/01. Alzheimer's & dementia, 18 (1) pp. 29-42. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroimaging Harmonization Using cGANs: Image Similarity Metrics Poorly Predict Cross-Protocol Volumetric Consistency
Ravano Veronica, Démonet Jean-François, Damian Daniel, Meuli Reto, Piredda Gian Franco, Huelnhagen Till, Maréchal Bénédicte, Thiran Jean-Philippe, Kober Tobias, Richiardi Jonas, 2022. pp. 83-92 dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer Nature Switzerland.
Le Registre suisse pour la santé du cerveau - Une infrastructure nationale pour la recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer [The Swiss Brain Health Registry : a national infrastructure for Alzheimer's research]
Boillat M., Annoni J.M., Démonet J.F., Allali G., Felbecker A., Gietl A., Klöppel S., Monsch A., Sacco L., Sollberger M. et al., 2021/12/15. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (763) pp. 2202-2205. Peer-reviewed.
Brain Health Services: organization, structure, and challenges for implementation. A user manual for Brain Health Services-part 1 of 6.
Altomare D., Molinuevo J.L., Ritchie C., Ribaldi F., Carrera E., Dubois B., Jessen F., McWhirter L., Scheltens P., van der Flier W.M. et al., 2021/10/11. Alzheimer's research & therapy, 13 (1) p. 168. Peer-reviewed.
Protocols for cognitive enhancement. A user manual for Brain Health Services-part 5 of 6.
Brioschi Guevara A., Bieler M., Altomare D., Berthier M., Csajka C., Dautricourt S., Démonet J.F., Dodich A., Frisoni G.B., Miniussi C. et al., 2021/10/11. Alzheimer's research & therapy, 13 (1) p. 172. Peer-reviewed.
Strategies and cognitive reserve to preserve lexical production in aging.
Baciu M., Banjac S., Roger E., Haldin C., Perrone-Bertolotti M., Lœvenbruck H., Démonet J.F., 2021/08. GeroScience, 43 (4) pp. 1725-1765. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide association study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia.
Gialluisi A., Andlauer TFM, Mirza-Schreiber N., Moll K., Becker J., Hoffmann P., Ludwig K.U., Czamara D., Pourcain B.S., Honbolygó F. et al., 2021/07. Molecular psychiatry, 26 (7) pp. 3004-3017. Peer-reviewed.
Aptitude cognitive à la conduite automobile : retour d’expérience du Centre Leenaards de la Mémoire [Cognitive fitness to drive : feedback at Leenaards Memory Centre]
Carlier S., Demonet J.F., Rouaud O., 2021/01/27. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (723) pp. 225-229. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Recent Advances in Neurology]
Anichini A., Salvioni Chiabotti P., Bally J., Castro Jimenez M., Démonet J.F., Di Virgilio G., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Kuntzer T., Michel P. et al., 2021/01/27. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (723) pp. 196-200. Peer-reviewed.
Apolipoprotein E4 effects on topological brain network organization in mild cognitive impairment.
Sanabria-Diaz G., Melie-Garcia L., Draganski B., Demonet J.F., Kherif F., 2021/01/12. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 845. Peer-reviewed.
Apolipoprotein E allele 4 effects on Single-Subject Gray Matter Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Sanabria-Diaz G., Demonet J.F., Rodriguez-Herreros B., Draganski B., Kherif F., Melie-Garcia L., 2021. NeuroImage. Clinical, 32 p. 102799. Peer-reviewed.
Older People's Health-Related Behaviors: Evidence from Three Cohorts of the Lc65+ Study.
Seematter-Bagnoud L., Santos-Eggimann B., Nanchen D., Blanco J.M., Büla C., von Gunten A., Démonet J.F., Henchoz Y., 2021. Behavioral medicine, 47 (3) pp. 246-250. Peer-reviewed.
Trends in Physical and Cognitive Performance Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Switzerland.
Henchoz Y., Büla C., von Gunten A., Blanco J.M., Seematter-Bagnoud L., Démonet J.F., Waeber G., Nanchen D., Santos-Eggimann B., 2020/11/13. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 75 (12) pp. 2347-2353. Peer-reviewed.
Teleneuropsychology: New technologies and assessment tools
Genoud-Prachex Thomas, Perrenoud Matthieu Paul, Brioschi Guevara Andrea, Bieler-Aeschlimann Mélanie, Moser Charlène, rouaud Olivier, Démonet jean-François, 2020/10/01. Revue de neuropsychologie.
Unsuspected Alzheimer disease in a patient with Multiple sclerosis and progressive aphasia.
Borrelli S., Genoud-Prachex T., Meyer M., Démonet J.F., Rouaud O., 2020/10. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 45 p. 102349. Peer-reviewed.
Referential adjustment during discourse production in Alzheimer's disease.
Sandoz M., Iglesias K., Achim A.M., Démonet J.F., Fossard M., 2020/09. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 42 (7) pp. 710-724. Peer-reviewed.
Rationale and protocol of the StayFitLonger study: a multicentre trial to measure efficacy and adherence of a home-based computerised multidomain intervention in healthy older adults.
Belleville S., Cuesta M., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Giacomino K., Widmer A., Mittaz Hager A.G., Perez-Marcos D., Cardin S., Boller B., Bier N. et al., 2020/08/28. BMC geriatrics, 20 (1) p. 315. Peer-reviewed.
Human Fetal Cell Therapy in Huntington's Disease: A Randomized, Multicenter, Phase II Trial
Bachoud-Lévi Anne-Catherine, Schramm Catherine, Remy Philippe, Aubin Ghislaine, Blond Serge, Bocket Laurence, Brugières Pierre, Calvas Fabienne, Calvier Elisabeth, Cassim François et al., 2020/08. Movement Disorders, 35 (8) pp. 1323-1335.
How non-drug interventions affect the quality of life of patients suffering from progressive cognitive decline and their main caregiver.
Leidi-Maimone B., Notter-Bielser M.L., Laouadi M.H., Perrin S., Métraux H., Damian D., Chavan C.F., Nsir M., Cibelli G., Tâche M.J. et al., 2020/06/09. Aging, 12 (11) pp. 10754-10771. Peer-reviewed.
Tele-neuropsychology, older patients and Covid-19 pandemic
Genoud-Prachex Thomas, Perrenoud Matthieu Paul, Brioschi Guevara andrea, Moser Charlène, Bieler-Aeschlimann Mélanie, Rouaud Olivier, Démonet jean-François, 2020/04/01. Revue de neuropsychologie.
The dialog between cognitive neurology and digitized technologies.
Demonet J.F., 2020/04. Current opinion in neurology, 33 (2) pp. 213-214. Peer-reviewed.
Medical Informatics Platform (MIP): A Pilot Study Across Clinical Italian Cohorts.
Redolfi A., De Francesco S., Palesi F., Galluzzi S., Muscio C., Castellazzi G., Tiraboschi P., Savini G., Nigri A., Bottini G. et al., 2020. Frontiers in neurology, 11 p. 1021. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles cognitifs et interventions non médicamenteuses : qualité de vie des patients et de leurs proches [Cognitive impairment and non-medical interventions: quality of life of patients and their caregivers]
Notter-Bielser M.L., Leidi-Maimone B., Laouadi M.H., Perrin S., Métraux H., Damian D., Démonet J.F., Dürst A.V., Brioschi Guevara A., 2019/11/13. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (671) pp. 2110-2113. Peer-reviewed.
A nation-wide initiative for brain imaging and clinical phenotype data federation in Swiss university memory centres.
Draganski B., Kherif F., Damian D., Demonet J.F., MemoNet consortium, 2019/08. Current opinion in neurology, 32 (4) pp. 557-563. Peer-reviewed.
Reproducibility of Brain Responses: High for Speech Perception, Low for Reading Difficulties.
Leppänen PHT, Tóth D., Honbolygó F., Lohvansuu K., Hämäläinen J.A., NEURODYS WP7 group, Demonet J.F., Schulte-Körne G., Csépe V., 2019/06/11. Scientific reports, 9 (1) p. 8487. Peer-reviewed.
MEG data representing a gamma oscillatory response during the hold/release paradigm.
Levy J., Démonet J.F., 2019/04. Data in brief, 23 p. 103787. Peer-reviewed.
Do baby boomers feel healthier than earlier cohorts after retirement age? The Lausanne cohort Lc65+ study.
Henchoz Y., von Gunten A., Büla C., Seematter-Bagnoud L., Nanchen D., Démonet J.F., Blanco J.M., Santos-Eggimann B., 2019/02/19. BMJ open, 9 (2) pp. e025175. Peer-reviewed.
Actualités dans les domaines du diagnostic et de la recherche en Suisse sur la maladie d’Alzheimer
Rouaud Olivier, Brioschi Guevara Andrea, Damian Daniel, Frisoni Giovanni, Démonet Jean-François, 2019. Gérontologie appliquée.
Childhood adversity: A gateway to multimorbidity in older age?
Henchoz Y., Seematter-Bagnoud L., Nanchen D., Büla C., von Gunten A., Démonet J.F., Santos-Eggimann B., 2019. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 80 pp. 31-37. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of orthographic consistency and word length on the dynamics of written production in adults: psycholinguistic and rTMS experiments
Planton Samuel, Jucla Mélanie, Démonet Jean-François, Soum-Favaro Christiane, 2019/01. Reading and Writing, 32 (1) pp. 115-146.
Innovative Molecular Imaging for Clinical Research, Therapeutic Stratification, and Nosography in Neuroscience.
Beaurain M., Salabert A.S., Ribeiro M.J., Arlicot N., Damier P., Le Jeune F., Demonet J.F., Payoux P., 2019. Frontiers in medicine, 6 p. 268. Peer-reviewed.
Aging of human alpha rhythm.
Knyazeva M.G., Barzegaran E., Vildavski V.Y., Demonet J.F., 2018/09. Neurobiology of aging, 69 pp. 261-273. Peer-reviewed.
Die Empfehlungen der Swiss Memory Clinics für die Diagnostik der Demenzerkrankungen [Recommendations of Swiss Memory Clinics for the Diagnosis of Dementia]
Bürge M., Bieri G., Brühlmeier M., Colombo F., Demonet J.F., Felbecker A., Georgescu D., Gietl A., Brioschi Guevara A., Jüngling F. et al., 2018/04. Praxis, 107 (8) pp. 435-451. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations de Swiss Memory Clinics pour le diagnostic des démences [Recommendations of Swiss Memory Clinics for the Diagnosis of Dementia]
Bürge M., Bieri G., Brühlmeier M., Colombo F., Demonet J.F., Felbecker A., Georgescu D., Gietl A., Brioschi Guevara A., Jüngling F. et al., 2018/04. Praxis, 107 (8) pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology]
Chopard I., Benninger D., Demonet J.F., Du Pasquier R., Hirt L., Kuntzer T., Michel P., Nater B., Novy J., Rossetti A. et al., 2018/01/10. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (588-589) pp. 58-61. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de la mémoire prospective chez des patients-e-s se présentant dans un Centre mémoire universitaire
Chatton Pauline, Rouaud Olivier, Démonet Jean-François, Brioschi Guevara Andrea, 2018. dans 11ème congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie. .
Evaluation et prise en charge d’un patient présentant des difficultés de cognition sociale dans un contexte de démence fronto-temporale.
Brioschi Guevara Andrea, Bieler Mélanie, Démonet Jean-François, 2018. dans 13 cas cliniques en neuropsychologie de l'émotion.
Memory center: The Lausanne model
Damian Daniel, Rouaud Olivier, Draganski Bogdan, Brioschi Guevara Andrea, Bortolotti Murielle, Laouadi Marie-Hélène, Démonet Jean-François, 2018. Clinical and translational Neuroscience.
The ageing-brain cognitive diseases: advances and promises.
Demonet J.F., 2017/12. Current opinion in neurology, 30 (6) pp. 587-588. Peer-reviewed.
Antibodies to TRIM46 are associated with paraneoplastic neurological syndromes.
van Coevorden-Hameete M.H., van Beuningen SFB, Perrenoud M., Will L.M., Hulsenboom E., Demonet J.F., Sabater L., Kros J.M., Verschuuren JJGM, Titulaer M.J. et al., 2017/09. Annals of clinical and translational neurology, 4 (9) pp. 680-686. Peer-reviewed.
Ischemic Amnesia: Causes and Outcome.
Michel P., Beaud V., Eskandari A., Maeder P., Demonet J.F., Eskioglou E., 2017/08. Stroke, 48 (8) pp. 2270-2273. Peer-reviewed.
Strategic roadmap for an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on biomarkers.
Frisoni G.B., Boccardi M., Barkhof F., Blennow K., Cappa S., Chiotis K., Démonet J.F., Garibotto V., Giannakopoulos P., Gietl A. et al., 2017/08. The Lancet. Neurology, 16 (8) pp. 661-676. Peer-reviewed.
The need for harmonisation and innovation of neuropsychological assessment in neurodegenerative dementias in Europe: consensus document of the Joint Program for Neurodegenerative Diseases Working Group.
Costa A., Bak T., Caffarra P., Caltagirone C., Ceccaldi M., Collette F., Crutch S., Della Sala S., Démonet J.F., Dubois B. et al., 2017/04/17. Alzheimer's research & therapy, 9 (1) p. 27. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical validity of delayed recall tests as a gateway biomarker for Alzheimer's disease in the context of a structured 5-phase development framework.
Cerami C., Dubois B., Boccardi M., Monsch A.U., Demonet J.F., Cappa S.F., Geneva Task Force for the Roadmap of Alzheimer's Biomarkers, 2017/04. Neurobiology of aging, 52 pp. 153-166. Peer-reviewed.
Use it or lose it! Cognitive activity as a protec-tive factor for cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Mistridis P., Mata J., Neuner-Jehle S., Annoni J.M., Biedermann A., Bopp-Kistler I., Brand D., Brioschi Guevara A., Decrey-Wick H., Démonet J.F. et al., 2017/03/21. Swiss medical weekly, 147 pp. w14407. Peer-reviewed.
How specialized are writing-specific brain regions? An fMRI study of writing, drawing and oral spelling.
Planton S., Longcamp M., Péran P., Démonet J.F., Jucla M., 2017/03. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 88 pp. 66-80. Peer-reviewed.
Maladie d’Alzheimer et syndromes apparentés : recommandations diagnostiques et thérapeutiques
Demonet J.F., 2017/01/25. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (547) pp. 190-191. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology]
Maulucci F., Benninger D., Démonet J.F., Du Pasquier R.A., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Kuntzer T., Michel P., Nater B., Novy J. et al., 2017/01/11. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (544-545) pp. 79-83. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of attentional training on event-related potentials in older adults.
Zendel B.R., de Boysson C., Mellah S., Démonet J.F., Belleville S., 2016/11. Neurobiology of aging, 47 pp. 10-22. Peer-reviewed.
Primary Progressive Aphasia in the Network of French Alzheimer Plan Memory Centers.
Magnin E., Démonet J.F., Wallon D., Dumurgier J., Troussière A.C., Jager A., Duron E., Gabelle A., de la Sayette V., Volpe-Gillot L. et al., 2016/10/18. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 54 (4) pp. 1459-1471. Peer-reviewed.
Dysfonction thyroïdienne et fonctions cognitives: mythe ou réalité? []
Papaefthymiou O., N'Guyen S., Smith C., Büla C., Demonet J.F., Lang P.O., 2016/09. Praxis, 105 (20) pp. 1205-1212.
Selective Neural Synchrony Suppression as a Forward Gatekeeper to Piecemeal Conscious Perception.
Levy J., Vidal J.R., Fries P., Démonet J.F., Goldstein A., 2016/07. Cerebral cortex, 26 (7) pp. 3010-3022. Peer-reviewed.
Association Between Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Brain Lesions and Long-term Caregiver Burden.
Guevara A.B., Demonet J.F., Polejaeva E., Knutson K.M., Wassermann E.M., Grafman J., Krueger F., 2016. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 31 (2) pp. E48-58. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic et prise en charge des démences: des concepts en pleine evolution.
Büla C., Démonet J.F., Frisoni G.B., Giannakopoulos P., Gold G., Von Gunten A., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (515) pp. 771-772. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology].
Sokolov A.A., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Benninger D., Nater B., Wider C., Hirt L., Kuntzer T., Démonet J.F., Du Pasquier R.A. et al., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (500) pp. 62-66. Peer-reviewed.
Phonological skills, visual attention span, and visual stress in developmental dyslexia.
Saksida A., Iannuzzi S., Bogliotti C., Chaix Y., Démonet J.F., Bricout L., Billard C., Nguyen-Morel M.A., Le Heuzey M.F., Soares-Boucaud I. et al., 2016. Developmental Psychology, 52 (10) pp. 1503-1516. Peer-reviewed.
Selective EEG activation by the Stroop test in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
Sokolov A.A., Fournet M., Brocard C., Démonet J.F., Maeder-Ingvar M., 2015/05. Cortex, 66 pp. 173-175. Peer-reviewed.
Association Between Long-Term Cognitive Decline in Vietnam Veterans With TBI and Caregiver Attachment Style.
Guevara Brioschi A., Démonet J.F., Polejaeva E., Knutson K.M., Wassermann E.M., Krueger F., Grafman J., 2015. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 30 (1) pp. E26-E33. Peer-reviewed.
CTP in Transient Global Amnesia: A Single-Center Experience of 30 Patients.
Meyer I.A., Wintermark M., Démonet J.F., Michel P., 2015. Ajnr. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 36 (10) pp. 1830-1833. Peer-reviewed.
Disruption of posteromedial large-scale neural communication predicts recovery from coma.
Silva S., de Pasquale F., Vuillaume C., Riu B., Loubinoux I., Geeraerts T., Seguin T., Bounes V., Fourcade O., Demonet J.F. et al., 2015. Neurology, 85 (23) pp. 2036-2044. Peer-reviewed.
Electrostimulation mapping of comprehension of auditory and visual words.
Roux F.E., Miskin K., Durand J.B., Sacko O., Réhault E., Tanova R., Démonet J.F., 2015. Cortex, 71 pp. 398-408. Peer-reviewed.
Handwriting and pre-frailty in the Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65+) study
Camicioli R., Mizrahi S., Spagnoli J., Büla C., Demonet J.F., Vingerhoets F., von Gunten A., Santos-Eggimann B., 2015. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 61 (1) pp. 8-13. Peer-reviewed.
How to Capitalize on the Retest Effect in Future Trials on Huntington's Disease.
Schramm C., Katsahian S., Youssov K., Démonet J.F., Krystkowiak P., Supiot F., Verny C., Cleret de Langavant L., Bachoud-Lévi A.C., European Huntington's Disease Initiative Study Group et al., 2015. Plos One, 10 (12) pp. e0145842. Peer-reviewed.
Increased audiovisual integration in cochlear-implanted deaf patients: independent components analysis of longitudinal positron emission tomography data.
Strelnikov K., Rouger J., Lagleyre S., Fraysse B., Démonet J.F., Déguine O., Barone P., 2015. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41 (5) pp. 677-685.
Longitudinal study of informed consent in innovative therapy research: experience and provisional recommendations from a multicenter trial of intracerebral grafting.
Cleret de Langavant L., Sudraud S., Verny C., Krystkowiak P., Simonin C., Damier P., Demonet J.F., Supiot F., Rialland A., Schmitz D. et al., 2015. Plos One, 10 (5) pp. e0128209. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [News in neuroloey 2014].
Tsetsou S., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Hirt L., Wider C., Benninger D., Kuntzer T., Nater B., Démonet J.F., Schluep M. et al., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (456-457) pp. 91-96.
Particularités du variant logopénique au sein des aphasies progressives primaires [Specificities of the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia].
Magnin E., Teichmann M., Martinaud O., Moreaud O., Ryff I., Belliard S., Pariente J., Moulin T., Vandel P., Démonet J.F., 2015. Revue Neurologique, 171 (1) pp. 16-30. Peer-reviewed.
Diabète et démence: tes liaisons dangereuses [Diabetes and dementia: the dangerous liaisons? ].
Nguyen S., Major K., Démonet J.F., Smith C., Rubli E., Humbert M., Büla C., 2014/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (449) pp. 2090-2, 2094-6.
A neuronal gamma oscillatory signature during morphological unification in the left occipitotemporal junction.
Levy J., Hagoort P., Démonet J.F., 2014. Human Brain Mapping, 35 (12) pp. 5847-5860. Peer-reviewed.
Anatomical correlates for category-specific naming of objects and actions: A brain stimulation mapping study.
Lubrano V., Filleron T., Démonet J.F., Roux F.E., 2014. Human Brain Mapping, 35 (2) pp. 429-443.
Dyslexia in a French-Spanish bilingual girl: behavioural and neural modulations following a visual attention span intervention.
Valdois S., Peyrin C., Lassus-Sangosse D., Lallier M., Démonet J.F., Kandel S., 2014. Cortex, 53 pp. 120-145.
Effectiveness of anti-psychotics and related drugs in the Huntington French-speaking group cohort.
Désaméricq G., Dolbeau G., Verny C., Charles P., Durr A., Youssov K., Simonin C., Azulay J.P., Tranchant C., Goizet C. et al., 2014. Plos One, 9 (1) pp. e85430.
Neurologie [News in neurology 2013].
Spatola M., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Kuntzer T., Benninger D., Nater B., Démonet J.F., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R.A., Vingerhoets F., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 78-81. Peer-reviewed.
The neural basis for writing from dictation in the temporoparietal cortex.
Roux F.E., Durand J.B., Réhault E., Planton S., Draper L., Démonet J.F., 2014. Cortex, 50 pp. 64-75. Peer-reviewed.
The pattern and Loci of training-induced brain changes in healthy older adults are predicted by the nature of the intervention.
Belleville S., Mellah S., de Boysson C., Demonet J.F., Bier B., 2014. Plos One, 9 (8) pp. e102710. Peer-reviewed.
Theory of mind and cognitive processes in aging and Alzheimer type dementia: a systematic review.
Sandoz M., Démonet J.F., Fossard M., 2014. Aging and Mental Health, 18 (7) pp. 815-827. Peer-reviewed.
Alpha-band suppression in the visual word form area as a functional bottleneck to consciousness.
Levy J., Vidal J.R., Oostenveld R., FitzPatrick I., Démonet J.F., Fries P., 2013. Neuroimage, 78 pp. 33-45. Peer-reviewed.
Conduites spéculaires dans les démences: les multiples signes du miroir [Mirror behaviors in dementia: the many mirror signs].
Ghika J., Diéguez S., Assal F., Demonet J.F., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (406) pp. 2095-2099.
Effect of levodopa on both verbal and motor representations of action in Parkinson's disease: a fMRI study.
Péran P., Nemmi F., Méligne D., Cardebat D., Peppe A., Rascol O., Caltagirone C., Demonet J.F., Sabatini U., 2013. Brain and Language, 125 (3) pp. 324-329. Peer-reviewed.
Epilepsie de la personne agée : quelles stratégies
Ghika J., Demonet J.F., 2013. Info@gériatrie, 2 pp. 6-7.
Maladie d'Alzheimer : Connaître son risque individuel grâce à la médecine nucléaire et l'imagerie moléculaire en 2013 ?
Allenbach G., Démonet J.F., Prior J.O., 2013. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 13 (3) pp. 43-44.
Maladie de Parkinson : une entité en pleine discussion
Demonet J.F., Gika J., 2013. Info@gériatrie, 2 pp. 9-11.
MR, (18)F-FDG, and (18)F-AV45 PET correlate with AD PSEN1 original phenotype.
Saint-Aubert L., Payoux P., Hannequin D., Barbeau E.J., Campion D., Delisle M.B., Tafani M., Viallard G., Péran P., Puel M. et al., 2013. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 27 (1) pp. 91-94. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [2012: news in neurology].
Alvarez V., Rossetti A.O., Michel P., Kuntzer T., Nater B., Démonet J.F., Schluep M., Du Pasquier R., Vingerhoets F., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (368) pp. 62-65. Peer-reviewed.
Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity.
Landerl K., Ramus F., Moll K., Lyytinen H., Leppänen P.H., Lohvansuu K., O'Donovan M., Williams J., Bartling J., Bruder J. et al., 2013. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 54 (6) pp. 686-694. Peer-reviewed.
Role of the superior parietal lobules in letter-identity processing within strings: FMRI evidence from skilled and dyslexic readers.
Reilhac C., Peyrin C., Démonet J.F., Valdois S., 2013. Neuropsychologia, 51 (4) pp. 601-612. Peer-reviewed.
Separating mismatch negativity (MMN) response from auditory obligatory brain responses in school-aged children.
Lohvansuu K., Hämäläinen J.A., Tanskanen A., Bartling J., Bruder J., Honbolygó F., Schulte-Körne G., Démonet J.F., Csépe V., Leppänen P.H., 2013. Psychophysiology, 50 (7) pp. 640-652. Peer-reviewed.
Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington's disease population.
Hubers A.A., van Duijn E., Roos R.A., Craufurd D., Rickards H., Bernhard Landwehrmeyer G., van der Mast R.C., Giltay E.J., REGISTRY investigators of the European Huntington's Disease Network, 2013. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151 (1) pp. 248-258.
The "handwriting brain": a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of motor versus orthographic processes.
Planton S., Jucla M., Roux F.E., Démonet J.F., 2013. Cortex, 49 (10) pp. 2772-2787. Peer-reviewed.
The clinical neuroscience of the ageing brain cognitive diseases: a marching revolution.
Démonet J.F., 2013. Current Opinion in Neurology, 26 (6) pp. 632-633. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles de la mémoire chez la personne agée: que faire au cabinet [Cognitive impairment in elderly patients: what to do in primary care?].
Gremaud F.B., Decrey H., Démonet J.F., von Gunten A., Büla C., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (405) pp. 2029-2033. Peer-reviewed.
Ventral and dorsal pathways of speech perception: An intracerebral ERP study.
Trébuchon A., Démonet J.F., Chauvel P., Liégeois-Chauvel C., 2013. Brain and Language, 127 (2) pp. 273-283.
Visual activity predicts auditory recovery from deafness after adult cochlear implantation.
Strelnikov K., Rouger J., Demonet J.F., Lagleyre S., Fraysse B., Deguine O., Barone P., 2013. Brain, 136 (Pt 12) pp. 3682-3695.
Effect of orthographic processes on letter identity and letter-position encoding in dyslexic children.
Reilhac C., Jucla M., Iannuzzi S., Valdois S., Démonet J.F., 2012. Frontiers in Psychology, 3 p. 154. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of crossmodal reorganization of the voice area in cochlear-implanted deaf patients.
Rouger J., Lagleyre S., Démonet J.F., Fraysse B., Deguine O., Barone P., 2012. Human Brain Mapping, 33 (8) pp. 1929-1940.
Langage et cerveau : vingt ans d'imagerie fonctionnelle [Language and the brain: 20 years of functional imagery]
Demonet J.F., Planton S., 2012. Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquée, 17 (2) pp. 9-18.
Language-specific effects on auditory brain responses in children with dyslexia in four European countries
Leppanen P.H.T., Lohvansuu K., Bartling J., Bruder J., Honbolygo F., Hamalainen J.A., Iannuzzi S., Nenert R., Demonet J.F., Schulte-Koerne G. et al., 2012. p. 322 dans IOP 2012, 16th World Congress of Psychophysiology of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Neural dissociation of phonological and visual attention span disorders in developmental dyslexia: FMRI evidence from two case reports.
Peyrin C., Lallier M., Démonet J.F., Pernet C., Baciu M., Le Bas J.F., Valdois S., 2012. Brain and Language, 120 (3) pp. 381-394. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology].
Chabwine J.N., Rossetti A.R., Hirt L., Kuntzer T., Schluep M., Michel P., Démonet J.F., du Pasquier R.A., Vingerhoets F.G., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (323) pp. 46-50. Peer-reviewed.
Neuropsychological outcome after a first symptomatic ischaemic stroke with 'good recovery'.
Planton M., Peiffer S., Albucher J.F., Barbeau E.J., Tardy J., Pastor J., Januel A.C., Bezy C., Lemesle B., Puel M. et al., 2012. European Journal of Neurology, 19 (2) pp. 212-219.
Segregation of lexical and sub-lexical reading processes in the left perisylvian cortex.
Roux F.E., Durand J.B., Jucla M., Réhault E., Reddy M., Démonet J.F., 2012. PLoS One, 7 (11) pp. e50665. Peer-reviewed.
Observing Huntington's disease: the European Huntington's Disease Network's REGISTRY.
Orth M., European Huntington's Disease Network, Handley O.J., Schwenke C., Dunnett S., Wild E.J., Tabrizi S.J., Landwehrmeyer G.B., 2011/12. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 82 (12) pp. 1409-1412. Peer-reviewed.
An investigation of prototypical and atypical within-category vowels and non-speech analogues on cortical auditory evoked related potentials (AERPs) in 9 year old children.
Bruder J., Leppänen P.H., Bartling J., Csépe V., Démonet J.F., Schulte-Körne G., 2011. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 79 (2) pp. 106-117. Peer-reviewed.
Binaural stimulation through cochlear implants in postlingual deafness: a positron emission tomographic study of word recognition.
Strelnikov K., Rouger J., Eter E., Lagleyre S., Fraysse B., Demonet J.F., Barone P., Deguine O., 2011. Otology and Neurotology, 32 (8) pp. 1210-1217.
Children with dyslexia reveal abnormal native language representations: evidence from a study of mismatch negativity.
Bruder J., Leppänen P.H., Bartling J., Csépe V., Démonet J.F., Schulte-Körne G., 2011. Psychophysiology, 48 (8) pp. 1107-1118. Peer-reviewed.
Electrostimulation mapping of spatial neglect.
Roux F.E., Dufor O., Lauwers-Cances V., Boukhatem L., Brauge D., Draper L., Lotterie J.A., Démonet J.F., 2011. Neurosurgery, 69 (6) pp. 1218-1231.
Impaired visual hand recognition in preoperative patients during brachial plexus anesthesia: importance of peripheral neural input for mental representation of the hand.
Silva S., Loubinoux I., Olivier M., Bataille B., Fourcade O., Samii K., Jeannerod M., Démonet J.F., 2011. Anesthesiology, 114 (1) pp. 126-134. Peer-reviewed.
Anxious and depressive symptoms in Parkinson's disease: the French cross-sectionnal DoPaMiP study.
Nègre-Pagès L., Grandjean H., Lapeyre-Mestre M., Montastruc J.L., Fourrier A., Lépine J.P., Rascol O., DoPaMiP Study Group, 2010. Movement Disorders, 25 (2) pp. 157-166. Peer-reviewed.
Does brain activity at rest reflect adaptive strategies? Evidence from speech processing after cochlear implantation.
Strelnikov K., Rouger J., Demonet J.F., Lagleyre S., Fraysse B., Deguine O., Barone P., 2010. Cerebral Cortex, 20 (5) pp. 1217-1222. Peer-reviewed.
ERP characterization of sustained attention effects in visual lexical categorization.
Martin C.D., Thierry G., Démonet J.F., 2010. Plos One, 5 (3) pp. e9892. Peer-reviewed.
Magnetic resonance imaging markers of Parkinson's disease nigrostriatal signature.
Péran P., Cherubini A., Assogna F., Piras F., Quattrocchi C., Peppe A., Celsis P., Rascol O., Démonet J.F., Stefani A. et al., 2010. Brain, 133 (11) pp. 3423-3433. Peer-reviewed.
Mental representations of action: the neural correlates of the verbal and motor components.
Péran P., Démonet J.F., Cherubini A., Carbebat D., Caltagirone C., Sabatini U., 2010. Brain Research, 1328 pp. 89-103. Peer-reviewed.
Monitoring cognitive and emotional processes through pupil and cardiac response during dynamic versus logical task.
Causse M., Sénard J.M., Démonet J.F., Pastor J., 2010. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 35 (2) pp. 115-123. Peer-reviewed.
Remediation effects on N170 and P300 in children with developmental dyslexia.
Jucla M., Nenert R., Chaix Y., Demonet J.F., 2010. Behavioural Neurology, 22 (3-4) pp. 121-129. Peer-reviewed.
Superior voice recognition in a patient with acquired prosopagnosia and object agnosia.
Hoover A.E., Démonet J.F., Steeves J.K., 2010. Neuropsychologia, 48 (13) pp. 3725-3732. Peer-reviewed.
Temporal analysis of regional anaesthesia-induced sensorimotor dysfunction: a model for understanding phantom limb.
Silva S., Bataille B., Jucla M., Minville V., Samii K., Fourcade O., Démonet J.F., Loubinoux I., 2010. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 105 (2) pp. 208-213. Peer-reviewed.
The application of rules in morphology, syntax and number processing: a case of selective deficit of procedural or executive mechanisms?
Macoir J., Fossard M., Nespoulous J.L., Demonet J.F., Bachoud-Lévi A.C., 2010. Neurocase, 16 (4) pp. 358-376. Peer-reviewed.
Who actually read Exner? Returning to the source of the frontal "writing centre" hypothesis.
Roux F.E., Draper L., Köpke B., Démonet J.F., 2010. Cortex, 46 (9) pp. 1204-1210. Peer-reviewed.
"The mute who can sing": a cortical stimulation study on singing.
Roux F.E., Borsa S., Démonet J.F., 2009. Journal of Neurosurgery, 110 (2) pp. 282-288. Peer-reviewed.
A PET study of word generation in Huntington's disease: effects of lexical competition and verb/noun category.
Lepron E., Péran P., Cardebat D., Démonet J.F., 2009. Brain and Language, 110 (2) pp. 49-60. Peer-reviewed.
Brain classification reveals the right cerebellum as the best biomarker of dyslexia.
Pernet C.R., Poline J.B., Demonet J.F., Rousselet G.A., 2009. BMC Neuroscience, 10 (67) pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Cortical calculation localization using electrostimulation.
Roux F.E., Boukhatem L., Draper L., Sacko O., Démonet J.F., 2009. Journal of Neurosurgery, 110 (6) pp. 1291-1299. Peer-reviewed.
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using cortical thickness: impact of cognitive reserve.
Querbes O., Aubry F., Pariente J., Lotterie J.A., Démonet J.F., Duret V., Puel M., Berry I., Fort J.C., Celsis P. et al., 2009. Brain, 132 (Pt 8) pp. 2036-2047. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological study of the basal temporal language area: a convergence zone between language perception and production networks.
Trébuchon-Da Fonseca A., Bénar C.G., Bartoloméi F., Régis J., Démonet J.F., Chauvel P., Liégeois-Chauvel C., 2009. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120 (3) pp. 539-550. Peer-reviewed.
Good recovery from aphasia is also supported by right basal ganglia: a longitudinal controlled PET study. EJPRM-ESPRM 2008 award winner.
De Boissezon X., Marie N., Castel-Lacanal E., Marque P., Bezy C., Gros H., Lotterie J.A., Cardebat D., Puel M., Demonet J.F., 2009. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 45 (4) pp. 547-558. Peer-reviewed.
Left premotor cortex and allophonic speech perception in dyslexia: a PET study.
Dufor O., Serniclaes W., Sprenger-Charolles L., Démonet J.F., 2009. Neuroimage, 46 (1) pp. 241-248. Peer-reviewed.
Object naming and action-verb generation in Parkinson's disease: a fMRI study.
Péran P., Cardebat D., Cherubini A., Piras F., Luccichenti G., Peppe A., Caltagirone C., Rascol O., Démonet J.F., Sabatini U., 2009. Cortex, 45 (8) pp. 960-971. Peer-reviewed.
Preserved striate cortex is not sufficient to support the McCollough effect: evidence from two patients with cerebral achromatopsia.
Mullin C.R., Démonet J.F., Kentridge R.W., Heywood C.A., Goodale M.A., Steeves J.K., 2009. Perception, 38 (12) pp. 1741-1748. Peer-reviewed.
Testing for the dual-route cascade reading model in the brain: an fMRI effective connectivity account of an efficient reading style.
Levy J., Pernet C., Treserras S., Boulanouar K., Aubry F., Démonet J.F., Celsis P., 2009. Plos One, 4 (8) pp. e6675. Peer-reviewed.
The graphemic/motor frontal area Exner's area revisited.
Roux F.E., Dufor O., Giussani C., Wamain Y., Draper L., Longcamp M., Démonet J.F., 2009. Annals of Neurology, 66 (4) pp. 537-545. Peer-reviewed.
Volume and iron content in basal ganglia and thalamus.
Péran P., Cherubini A., Luccichenti G., Hagberg G., Démonet J.F., Rascol O., Celsis P., Caltagirone C., Spalletta G., Sabatini U., 2009. Human Brain Mapping, 30 (8) pp. 2667-2675. Peer-reviewed.
When all hypotheses are right: a multifocal account of dyslexia.
Pernet C., Andersson J., Paulesu E., Demonet J.F., 2009. Human Brain Mapping, 30 (7) pp. 2278-2292. Peer-reviewed.
Who is who: areas of the brain associated with recognizing and naming famous faces.
Giussani C., Roux F.E., Bello L., Lauwers-Cances V., Papagno C., Gaini S.M., Puel M., Démonet J.F., 2009. Journal of Neurosurgery, 110 (2) pp. 289-299. Peer-reviewed.
A hand in blindsight: hand placement near target improves size perception in the blind visual field.
Brown L.E., Kroliczak G., Demonet J.F., Goodale M.A., 2008. Neuropsychologia, 46 (3) pp. 786-802. Peer-reviewed.
Asymmetry of voice onset time-processing in adult developmental dyslexics.
Giraud K., Trébuchon-DaFonseca A., Démonet J.F., Habib M., Liégeois-Chauvel C., 2008. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119 (7) pp. 1652-1663. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic pain in Parkinson's disease: the cross-sectional French DoPaMiP survey.
Nègre-Pagès L., Regragui W., Bouhassira D., Grandjean H., Rascol O., DoPaMiP Study Group, 2008. Movement Disorders, 23 (10) pp. 1361-1369. Peer-reviewed.
Cortical areas involved in Arabic number reading.
Roux F.E., Lubrano V., Lauwers-Cances V., Giussani C., Démonet J.F., 2008. Neurology, 70 (3) pp. 210-217. Peer-reviewed.
Imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale et prise en charge thérapeutique de l'aphasie : orthophonie et stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétitive [Functional neuroimaging and the treatment of aphasia: speech therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation].
de Boissezon X., Raboyeau G., Simonetta-Moreau M., Puel M., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2008. Revue Neurologique, 164 Suppl 3 pp. S45-S48.
Language processing within the striatum: evidence from a PET correlation study in Huntington's disease.
Teichmann M., Gaura V., Démonet J.F., Supiot F., Delliaux M., Verny C., Renou P., Remy P., Bachoud-Lévi A.C., 2008. Brain, 131 (Pt 4) pp. 1046-1056. Peer-reviewed.
Paroxetine-induced modulation of cortical activity supporting language representations of action.
Péran P., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2008. Psychopharmacology, 195 (4) pp. 487-496. Peer-reviewed.
Piecemeal recruitment of left-lateralized brain areas during reading: a spatio-functional account.
Levy J., Pernet C., Treserras S., Boulanouar K., Berry I., Aubry F., Demonet J.F., Celsis P., 2008. Neuroimage, 43 (3) pp. 581-591. Peer-reviewed.
Right hemisphere activation in recovery from aphasia: lesion effect or function recruitment?
Raboyeau G., De Boissezon X., Marie N., Balduyck S., Puel M., Bézy C., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2008. Neurology, 70 (4) pp. 290-298. Peer-reviewed.
Social relevance boosts context processing in Williams syndrome.
Santos A., Rondan C., Milne D., Démonet J.F., Deruelle C., 2008. Developmental Neuropsychology, 33 (4) pp. 553-564. Peer-reviewed.
Weight loss in Huntington disease increases with higher CAG repeat number.
Aziz N.A., van der Burg J.M., Landwehrmeyer G.B., Brundin P., Stijnen T., EHDI Study Group, Roos R.A., Roos R.A., 2008. Neurology, 71 (19) pp. 1506-1513.
Clinical and imaging evidence of zolpidem effect in hypoxic encephalopathy.
Brefel-Courbon C., Payoux P., Ory F., Sommet A., Slaoui T., Raboyeau G., Lemesle B., Puel M., Montastruc J.L., Demonet J.F. et al., 2007. Annals of Neurology, 62 (1) pp. 102-105. Peer-reviewed.
Delayed Medullar Syndrome after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. A Case report of Cystic Arachnoiditis!
Silva N., Januel A.C., Sabatier J., Demonet J.F., Tall P., Cognard C., 2007. Interventional Neuroradiology, 13 (2) pp. 201-204. Peer-reviewed.
ERP evidence for the split fovea theory.
Martin C.D., Thierry G., Démonet J.F., Roberts M., Nazir T., 2007. Brain Research, 1185 pp. 212-220. Peer-reviewed.
Motor impairment in dyslexia: the influence of attention disorders.
Chaix Y., Albaret J.M., Brassard C., Cheuret E., de Castelnau P., Benesteau J., Karsenty C., Démonet J.F., 2007. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 11 (6) pp. 368-374. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacotherapy of aphasia: myth or reality?
de Boissezon X., Peran P., de Boysson C., Démonet J.F., 2007. Brain and Language, 102 (1) pp. 114-125. Peer-reviewed.
Specific, selective or preferential: comments on category specificity in neuroimaging.
Pernet C., Schyns P.G., Demonet J.F., 2007. Neuroimage, 35 (3) pp. 991-997. Peer-reviewed.
Top-down processes during auditory phoneme categorization in dyslexia: a PET study.
Dufor O., Serniclaes W., Sprenger-Charolles L., Démonet J.F., 2007. Neuroimage, 34 (4) pp. 1692-1707. Peer-reviewed.
When "abegg" is read and ("A, B, E, G, G") is not: a cortical stimulation study of musical score reading.
Roux F.E., Lubrano V., Lotterie J.A., Giussani C., Pierroux C., Démonet J.F., 2007. Journal of Neurosurgery, 106 (6) pp. 1017-1027. Peer-reviewed.
Lateral masking, levels of processing and stimulus category: a comparative study between normal and dyslexic readers.
Pernet C., Valdois S., Celsis P., Démonet J.F., 2006/12. Neuropsychologia, 44 (12) pp. 2374-2385. Peer-reviewed.
Reading abilities and cognitive functions of children with epilepsy: influence of epileptic syndrome.
Chaix Y., Laguitton V., Lauwers-Cancès V., Daquin G., Cancès C., Démonet J.F., Villeneuve N., 2006/03. Brain and Development, 28 (2) pp. 122-130. Peer-reviewed.
Working memory and semantic involvement in sentence processing: a case of pure progressive amnesia.
Fossard M., Rigalleau F., Puel M., Nespoulous J.L., Viallard G., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2006/03. Neuropsychologia, 44 (3) pp. 335-338. Peer-reviewed.
Category-specific cortical mapping: color-naming areas.
Roux F.E., Lubrano V., Lauwers-Cances V., Mascott C.R., Démonet J.F., 2006. Journal of Neurosurgery, 104 (1) pp. 27-37. Peer-reviewed.
Intact automatic avoidance of obstacles in patients with visual form agnosia.
Rice N.J., McIntosh R.D., Schindler I., Mon-Williams M., Démonet J.F., Milner A.D., 2006. Experimental Brain Research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation Cérébrale, 174 (1) pp. 176-188. Peer-reviewed.
Perceptual and lexical effects in letter identification: an event-related potential study of the word superiority effect.
Martin C.D., Nazir T., Thierry G., Paulignan Y., Démonet J.F., 2006. Brain Research, 1098 (1) pp. 153-160. Peer-reviewed.
Brain abnormalities underlying altered activation in dyslexia: a voxel based morphometry study.
Silani G., Frith U., Demonet J.F., Fazio F., Perani D., Price C., Frith C.D., Paulesu E., 2005/10. Brain, 128 (Pt 10) pp. 2453-2461. Peer-reviewed.
Alzheimer's patients engage an alternative network during a memory task.
Pariente J., Cole S., Henson R., Clare L., Kennedy A., Rossor M., Cipoloti L., Puel M., Demonet J.F., Chollet F. et al., 2005. Annals of Neurology, 58 (6) pp. 870-879.
Auditory evoked potential patterns to voiced and voiceless speech sounds in adult developmental dyslexics with persistent deficits.
Giraud K., Démonet J.F., Habib M., Marquis P., Chauvel P., Liégeois-Chauvel C., 2005. Cerebral Cortex, 15 (10) pp. 1524-1534. Peer-reviewed.
Renewal of the neurophysiology of language: functional neuroimaging.
Démonet J.F., Thierry G., Cardebat D., 2005. Physiological Reviews, 85 (1) pp. 49-95. Peer-reviewed.
Selective response to letter categorization within the left fusiform gyrus.
Pernet C., Celsis P., Démonet J.F., 2005. Neuroimage, 28 (3) pp. 738-744. Peer-reviewed.
Subcortical aphasia: a longitudinal PET study.
de Boissezon X., Démonet J.F., Puel M., Marie N., Raboyeau G., Albucher J.F., Chollet F., Cardebat D., 2005. Stroke, 36 (7) pp. 1467-1473. Peer-reviewed.
The dynamics of language-related brain images.
Démonet J.F., Pernet C., Kouider S., Musso M., 2005. Neurocase, 11 (2) pp. 148-150.
Cerebral modeling and dynamic Bayesian networks.
Labatut V., Pastor J., Ruff S., Démonet J.F., Celsis P., 2004/02. Artificial Intelligence In Medicine, 30 (2) pp. 119-139. Peer-reviewed.
Anatomy and time course of discrimination and categorization processes in vision: an fMRI study.
Pernet C., Franceries X., Basan S., Cassol E., Démonet J.F., Celsis P., 2004. Neuroimage, 22 (4) pp. 1563-1577. Peer-reviewed.
Developmental dyslexia.
Démonet J.F., Taylor M.J., Chaix Y., 2004. Lancet, 363 (9419) pp. 1451-1460. Peer-reviewed.
Functional MRI follow-up study of language processes in healthy subjects and during recovery in a case of aphasia.
Fernandez B., Cardebat D., Demonet J.F., Joseph P.A., Mazaux J.M., Barat M., Allard M., 2004. Stroke, 35 (9) pp. 2171-2176. Peer-reviewed.
Intra-operative mapping of cortical areas involved in reading in mono- and bilingual patients.
Roux F.E., Lubrano V., Lauwers-Cances V., Trémoulet M., Mascott C.R., Démonet J.F., 2004. Brain, 127 (Pt 8) pp. 1796-1810. Peer-reviewed.
Lexical learning of the English language: a PET study in healthy French subjects.
Raboyeau G., Marie N., Balduyck S., Gros H., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2004. Neuroimage, 22 (4) pp. 1808-1818. Peer-reviewed.
Verb and noun generation tasks in Huntington's disease.
Péran P., Démonet J.F., Pernet C., Cardebat D., 2004. Movement Disorders, 19 (5) pp. 565-571. Peer-reviewed.
Visuomotor performance in a patient with visual agnosia due to an early lesion.
Dijkerman H.C., Lê S., Démonet J.F., Milner A.D., 2004. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research, 20 (1) pp. 12-25. Peer-reviewed.
Writing-specific sites in frontal areas: a cortical stimulation study.
Lubrano V., Roux F.E., Démonet J.F., 2004. Journal of Neurosurgery, 101 (5) pp. 787-798. Peer-reviewed.
Behavioral and neurofunctional changes over time in healthy and aphasic subjects: a PET Language Activation Study.
Cardebat D., Démonet J.F., De Boissezon X., Marie N., Marié R.M., Lambert J., Baron J.C., Puel M., PET Language Activation Study, 2003. Stroke, 34 (12) pp. 2900-2906. Peer-reviewed.
Deficit of verb generation in nondemented patients with Parkinson's disease.
Péran P., Rascol O., Démonet J.F., Celsis P., Nespoulous J.L., Dubois B., Cardebat D., 2003. Movement Disorders, 18 (2) pp. 150-156. Peer-reviewed.
Demand on verbal working memory delays haemodynamic response in the inferior prefrontal cortex.
Thierry G., Ibarrola D., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2003. Human Brain Mapping, 19 (1) pp. 37-46. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological comparison of grammatical processing and semantic processing of single spoken nouns.
Thierry G., Cardebat D., Démonet J.F., 2003. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (3) pp. 535-547. Peer-reviewed.
Implicit face perception in a patient with visual agnosia? Evidence from behavioural and eye-tracking analyses.
Lê S., Raufaste E., Roussel S., Puel M., Démonet J.F., 2003. Neuropsychologia, 41 (6) pp. 702-712. Peer-reviewed.
Neural substrates of impaired categorical perception of phonemes in adult dyslexics: an fMRI study.
Ruff S., Marie N., Celsis P., Cardebat D., Démonet J.F., 2003. Brain and Cognition, 53 (2) pp. 331-334. Peer-reviewed.
Neural timing of visual implicit categorization.
Pernet C., Basan S., Doyon B., Cardebat D., Démonet J.F., Celsis P., 2003. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (2) pp. 327-338. Peer-reviewed.
Processing of normal, inverted, and scrambled faces in a patient with prosopagnosia: behavioural and eye tracking data.
Lê S., Raufaste E., Démonet J.F., 2003. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (1) pp. 26-35. Peer-reviewed.
Dyslexies développementales: apports de la neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle [Developmental dyslexias: use of functional neuroimaging].
Demonet J.F., 2002. pp. 268s-270s dans Congrès National de la Société Française de Pédiatrie et Journées Nationales d'Etudes de l'Association Nationale des Puéricultrices Diplômées d'Etat et des Etudiantes, Archives de Pédiatrie.
Enhanced response of the left frontal cortex to slowed down speech in dyslexia: an fMRI study.
Ruff S., Cardebat D., Marie N., Démonet J.F., 2002. Neuroreport, 13 (10) pp. 1285-1289. Peer-reviewed.
Lexical therapy and episodic word learning in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Ousset P.J., Viallard G., Puel M., Celsis P., Démonet J.F., Cardebat D., 2002. Brain and Language, 80 (1) pp. 14-20. Peer-reviewed.
Neural substrates of spoken language rehabilitation in an aphasic patient: an fMRI study.
Léger A., Démonet J.F., Ruff S., Aithamon B., Touyeras B., Puel M., Boulanouar K., Cardebat D., 2002. Neuroimage, 17 (1) pp. 174-183. Peer-reviewed.
Phonological training in children with dyslexia using temporally modified speech: a three-step pilot investigation.
Habib M., Rey V., Daffaure V., Camps R., Espesser R., Joly-Pottuz B., Démonet J.F., 2002. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 37 (3) pp. 289-308. Peer-reviewed.
Seeing, since childhood, without ventral stream: a behavioural study.
Lê S., Cardebat D., Boulanouar K., Hénaff M.A., Michel F., Milner D., Dijkerman C., Puel M., Démonet J.F., 2002. Brain, 125 (Pt 1) pp. 58-74. Peer-reviewed.
Abnormal activation in the visual cortex after corneal refractive surgery for myopia: demonstration by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Malecaze F.J., Boulanouar K.A., Demonet J.F., Guell J.L., Imbert M.A., 2001. Ophthalmology, 108 (12) pp. 2213-2218. Peer-reviewed.
Dyslexia: cultural diversity and biological unity.
Paulesu E., Démonet J.F., Fazio F., McCrory E., Chanoine V., Brunswick N., Cappa S.F., Cossu G., Habib M., Frith C.D. et al., 2001. Science, 291 (5511) pp. 2165-2167. Peer-reviewed.
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