Education and work experience
PhD in Molecular Genetics
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI
- 2002
Myco-exposome and human respiratory health
H. Niculita-Hirzel is an expert in the monitoring of toxic and pathogenic fungi in the environment. One goal of her research is to identify the factors that increase the risk of exposure to microorganisms and affect the respiratory health. Over the years, H. Niculita Hirzel has acquired an extensive experience in microbiology, particularly in respect of fungal communities by studying their ecology and functioning in different ecosystems as well as the presence of fungal particles in indoor, outdoor and occupational air. H Niculita Hirzel has intensively used different methods of fungal communities characterization (microscopy and metagenomics) and quantification of its members. She is addressing questions on the fungal community composition, which influences respiratory health of adult populations using epidemiological tools or in vitro exposure of lung cells to aerosols in the lab.