Céline Fischer Fumeaux

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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73 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2002 | 2000 |
Neonatal Linear Immunoglobulin A Bullous Dermatosis: A Critical Case Recovering after Prompt Recognition, Intensive Management, and Breastfeeding Interruption - A Case Report.
Papasavva D., Dosso L., Morren M.A., Fontao L., Bruschi L., Gorostidi F., Ferry T., Guenova E., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Joye S. Neonatology. Peer-reviewed.
A population pharmacokinetic model for sertraline in women during the perinatal period-A contribution from the ConcePTION project.
Monfort A., Cardoso E., Eap C.B., Ansermot N., Crettol S., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Graz M.B., Harari M.M., Weisskopf E., Gandia P. et al., 2024/11. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 90 (11) pp. 2849-2860. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of premature birth on auditory-visual processes in very preterm schoolchildren.
Décaillet M., Denervaud S., Huguenin-Virchaux C., Besuchet L., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Murray M.M., Schneider J., 2024/07/06. NPJ science of learning, 9 (1) p. 42. Peer-reviewed.
Executive functions assessment in very preterm children at school age: A pilot study about a clinical and experimental approach.
Décaillet M., Denervaud S., Huguenin-Virchaux C., Besuchet L., Bickle-Graz M., Fischer-Fumeaux C.J., Schneider J., 2023/11/28. Applied neuropsychology. Child pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation des risques liés aux médicaments pendant l’allaitement [Risk assessment of drugs during breastfeeding]
Cardoso E., Monfort A., Ferreira E., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Henriot I., Winterfeld U., Gandia P., Guidi M., Panchaud A., 2023/10/18. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (846) pp. 1940-1947. Peer-reviewed.
Recommendations for use of adhesives on hospitalized newborns: A systematic review of the literature.
Allen A., Zana-Taïeb E., Group of Reflection and Evaluation of the Environment of Newborns (GREEN) of the French Neonatology Society, 2023/10. Archives de pediatrie, 30 (7) pp. 486-492. Peer-reviewed.
Alimentation du nouveau-né sain (révision des « recommandations pour l’alimentation des nouveau-nés sains durant les premiers jours de vie » du 04.01.2011)
Societe Suisse de Neonatologie, Société Suisse de Pédiatrie, Fischer Fumeaux Céline J., 2023/09/12. Paediatrica.
French Neonatal Society issues recommendations on preventing nasal injuries in preterm newborn infants during non-invasive respiratory support.
Zores C., Zana-Taïeb E., Caeymaex L., Fischer-Fumeaux C., Kuhn P., Group of Reflection and Evaluation of the Environment of Newborns study group of the French Neonatology Society, 2023/09. Acta paediatrica, 112 (9) pp. 1849-1859. Peer-reviewed.
Datamama, bringing pregnancy research into the future: design, development, and evaluation of a citizen science pregnancy mobile application
Gerbier Eva, Vial Yvan, Puder Jardena, Le Dizès Olivier, Andrey Magali, Arhab Amar, Horsch Antje, Avignon Valérie, Fort Déborah, Deforges Camille et al., 2023/05/04. Frontiers in Drug Safety and Regulation, 3. Peer-reviewed.
Infant exposure to Fluvoxamine through placenta and human milk: a case series - A contribution from the ConcePTION project.
Monfort A., Cardoso E., Eap C.B., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Graz M.B., Morisod Harari M., Weisskopf E., Gandia P., Allegaert K., Nordeng H. et al., 2023. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14 p. 1167870. Peer-reviewed.
Factors That Influence the Sustainability of Human Milk Donation to Milk Banks: A Systematic Review.
Kaech C., Kilgour C., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., de Labrusse C., Humphrey T., 2022/12/09. Nutrients, 14 (24) p. 5253. Peer-reviewed.
Association of growth with neurodevelopment in extremely low gestational age infants: a population-based analysis.
Gerull R., Huber E., Rousson V., Ahrens O., Fischer-Fumeaux CJ, Adams M., Tolsa C.B., Neumann R.P., Bickle-Graz M., Natalucci G. et al., 2022/10. European journal of pediatrics, 181 (10) pp. 3673-3681. Peer-reviewed.
Practical recommendations on room sizes for hospitalised newborn infants and their families based on a systematic review of the literature
Zana-Taïeb Elodie, Sizun Jacques, Kuhn Pierre, Reynaud Audrey, 2022/06. Acta Paediatrica, 111 (6) pp. 1109-1114.
Sex-dependent influence of maternal predictors on fetal anthropometry in pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Antoniou M.C., Gilbert L., Gross J., Rossel J.B., Fischer-Fumeaux CJ, Vial Y., Puder J.J., 2022/06/01. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 22 (1) p. 460. Peer-reviewed.
A Positive Impact of an Observational Study on Breastfeeding Rates in Two Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
Laborie S., Abadie G., Denis A., Touzet S., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., 2022/03/08. Nutrients, 14 (6) p. 1145. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie - Accès au lait de donneuses en Suisse et création de la première banque de lait maternel romande au CHUV : enjeux et perspectives [Access to donor human milk in Switzerland and CHUV's first human milk bank in Romandy : issues and perspectives]
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Barin J., Prudent M., Richard C., Martin A., Henriot I., Legardeur H., Kaech C., May H., Vuignier J. et al., 2022/01/19. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (764-5) pp. 59-63. Peer-reviewed.
Adverse Events and Associated Factors During Intrahospital Transport of Newborn Infants.
Delacrétaz R., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Stadelmann C., Rodriguez Trejo A., Destaillats A., Giannoni E., 2022/01. The Journal of pediatrics, 240 pp. 44-50. Peer-reviewed.
Intra-hospital transport of newborn infants dataset.
Delacrétaz R., Fumeaux CJF, Stadelmann C., Rodriguez Trejo A., Destaillats A., Giannoni E., 2021/12. Data in brief, 39 p. 107510. Peer-reviewed.
Emotional responses of parents participating for the first time in caregiving for their baby in a neonatal unit.
Dicky O., Kuhn P., Akrich M., Reynaud A., Caeymaex L., Tscherning C., GREEN Committee (Groupe de Réflexion et d'Evaluation de l'Environnement du Nouveau-né de la Société Française de Néonatologie), 2021/03. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 35 (2) pp. 227-235. Peer-reviewed.
Parenteral Nutrition Process Management for Newborn and Preterm Infants - A Preliminary Risk Analysis.
Sommer I., Palmero D., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Bonnabry P., Bouchoud L., Sadeghipour F., 2021. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 17 pp. 497-506. Peer-reviewed.
Vitamins and carotenoids in human milk delivering preterm and term infants: Implications for preterm nutrient requirements and human milk fortification strategies.
Redeuil K., Lévêques A., Oberson J.M., Bénet S., Tissot E., Longet K., de Castro A., Romagny C., Beauport L., Fischer Fumeaux C.J. et al., 2021/01. Clinical nutrition, 40 (1) pp. 222-228. Peer-reviewed.
Accès et rôle des parents en néonatalogie en période d'épidémie COVID-19 — Propositions du GREEN de la SFN
Kuhn P., Sizun J., Tscherning C., Allen A., Audeoud F., Bouvard C., Brandicourt A., Caeymaex L., Duboz M.A., Evrard A. et al., 2020/09. Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie, 3 (3) pp. 236-241.
A population pharmacokinetic model for escitalopram and its major metabolite in depressive patients during the perinatal period: Prediction of infant drug exposure through breast milk.
Weisskopf E., Guidi M., Fischer C.J., Bickle Graz M., Beaufils E., Nguyen K.A., Morisod Harari M., Rouiller S., Rothenburger S., Gaucherand P. et al., 2020/08. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 86 (8) pp. 1642-1653. Peer-reviewed.
Main Fetal Predictors of Adverse Neonatal Outcomes in Pregnancies with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
Antoniou M.C., Gilbert L., Gross J., Rossel J.B., Fumeaux CJF, Vial Y., Puder J.J., 2020/07/28. Journal of clinical medicine, 9 (8). Peer-reviewed.
French neonatal society position paper stresses the importance of an early family‐centred approach to discharging preterm infants from hospital
Pladys Patrick, Zaoui Catherine, Girard Laurence, Mons Fabienne, Reynaud Audrey, Casper Charlotte, Kuhn P, Souet G, Fichtner C, Laprugne-garcia E et al., 2020/07. Acta Paediatrica, 109 (7) pp. 1302-1309.
Recommendations on neonatal light environment from the French Neonatal Society
Zores-Koenig Claire, Kuhn Pierre, Caeymaex Laurence, Allen Aurore, Berne-Audeoud Frédérique, Bouvard Charlotte, Brandicourt Anne, Casper Charlotte, Denoual Hélène, Duboz Marie Agnès et al., 2020/07. Acta Paediatrica, 109 (7) pp. 1292-1301.
Le Syndrome foeto-alcoolique
Maître Guillaume, Fischer Fumeaux Céline, Truttmann Anita, 2020/01/13. Pédiatrie Suisse.
Breastfeeding peer counselling for mothers of preterm neonates: protocol of a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial
Laborie Sophie, Denis Angelique, Horsch Antje, Occelli Pauline, Margier Jennifer, Morisod Harari Mathilde, Claris Olivier, Touzet Sandrine, Fischer Fumeaux Celine Julie, 2020/01. BMJ Open, 10 (1) pp. e032910. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with postmenstrual age at full oral feeding in very preterm infants.
Brun G., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Giannoni E., Bickle Graz M., 2020. PloS one, 15 (11) pp. e0241769. Peer-reviewed.
Phthalates in the NICU: a survey.
Bickle-Graz M., Tolsa J.F., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., 2020/01. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition, 105 (1) pp. 110-111. Peer-reviewed.
Potentially modifiable predictors of adverse neonatal and maternal outcomes in pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus: can they help for future risk stratification and risk-adapted patient care?
Antoniou M.C., Gilbert L., Gross J., Rossel J.B., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Vial Y., Puder J.J., 2019/12/04. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 19 (1) p. 469. Peer-reviewed.
Recommendation for hygiene and topical in neonatology from the French Neonatal Society.
Renesme L., Allen A., Audeoud F., Bouvard C., Brandicourt A., Casper C., Cayemaex L., Denoual H., Duboz M.A., Evrard A. et al., 2019/10. European journal of pediatrics, 178 (10) pp. 1545-1558. Peer-reviewed.
Risk-benefit balance assessment of SSRI antidepressant use during pregnancy and lactation based on best available evidence - an update.
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Morisod Harari M., Weisskopf E., Eap C.B., Epiney M., Vial Y., Csajka C., Bickle Graz M., Panchaud A., 2019/10. Expert opinion on drug safety, 18 (10) pp. 949-963. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal Changes of Mineral Concentrations in Preterm and Term Human Milk from Lactating Swiss Women.
Sabatier M., Garcia-Rodenas C.L., Castro C.A., Kastenmayer P., Vigo M., Dubascoux S., Andrey D., Nicolas M., Payot J.R., Bordier V. et al., 2019/08/09. Nutrients, 11 (8) p. 1855. Peer-reviewed.
Temporal changes of major protein concentrations in preterm and term human milk. A prospective cohort study.
Garcia-Rodenas C.L., De Castro C.A., Jenni R., Thakkar S.K., Beauport L., Tolsa J.F., Fischer-Fumeaux C.J., Affolter M., 2019/08. Clinical nutrition, 38 (4) pp. 1844-1852. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal Analysis of Macronutrient Composition in Preterm and Term Human Milk: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Garcia-Rodenas C.L., De Castro C.A., Courtet-Compondu M.C., Thakkar S.K., Beauport L., Tolsa J.F., Affolter M., 2019/07/04. Nutrients, 11 (7) p. 1525. Peer-reviewed.
Human Milk Oligosaccharides in the Milk of Mothers Delivering Term versus Preterm Infants.
Austin S., De Castro C.A., Sprenger N., Binia A., Affolter M., Garcia-Rodenas C.L., Beauport L., Tolsa J.F., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., 2019/06/05. Nutrients, 11 (6). Peer-reviewed.
Temporal Progression of Fatty Acids in Preterm and Term Human Milk of Mothers from Switzerland.
Thakkar S.K., De Castro C.A., Beauport L., Tolsa J.F., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Affolter M., Giuffrida F., 2019/01/08. Nutrients, 11 (1) p. 112. Peer-reviewed.
Recommendations on the environment for hospitalised newborn infants from the French neonatal society: rationale, methods and first recommendation on neonatal intensive care unit design
Kuhn Pierre, Sizun Jacques, Casper Charlotte, fischer céline, 2018/11. Acta Paediatrica, 107 (11) pp. 1860-1866.
Le portage des nouveau-nés en peau à peau
Zaoui-Grattepanche C., Kuhn P., Pierrat V., Allen A., Audeoud F., Bouvard C., Brandicourt A., Casper C., Cayemaex L., Denoual H. et al., 2018/06. Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie, 1 (2) pp. 100-107.
Nutrient Intake in the First Two Weeks of Life and Brain Growth in Preterm Neonates.
Schneider J., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Duerden E.G., Guo T., Foong J., Bickle Graz M., Hagmann P., Chakravarty M.M., Hüppi P.S., Beauport L. et al., 2018/03. Pediatrics, 141 (3) p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
Early Use of Mother's Own Raw Milk, Maternal Satisfaction, and Breastfeeding Continuation in Hospitalised Neonates: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Denis A., Prudon M.B., Plaisant F., Essomo Megnier-Mbo C.M., Fernandes L., Touzet S., Claris O., Laborie S., 2018. Neonatology, 113 (2) pp. 131-139. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations pour l'alimentation des nourrissons (2017)
Commission de nutrition de la Société Suisse de Pédiatrie, Belli D., Braegger C., Lauener R., Fischer Fumeaux C., Laimbacher J., Spalinger J., 2017/07/21. Paediatrica.
Exposition aux produits chimiques dans les unités de soins néonatals — Exemple des phtalates
Fischer Fumeaux C. J., Bickle Graz M., Stadelmann Diaw C., Palmero D., Tolsa J. -F., 2017/06. Revue de médecine périnatale, 9 (2) pp. 87-92.
Impact of Early Nutritional Intake on Preterm Brain: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.
Beauport L., Schneider J., Faouzi M., Hagmann P., Hüppi P.S., Tolsa J.F., Truttmann A.C., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., 2017/02. The Journal of pediatrics, 181 pp. 29-36.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie [Novelties 2016 in pediatrics]
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Fletgen Richard C., Goncalves Pereira Pinto D., Stadelmann C., Avignon V., Vial Y., Tolsa J.F., Ambresin A.E., Armengaud J.B., Castaneda M. et al., 2017/01/11. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (544-545) pp. 92-95.
Mieux soutenir l'allaitement maternel des nouveau-nés hospitalisés pour plus d'égalité
Fischer Fumeaux Céline, Fletgen Richard Carole, Goncalves Pereira Pinto Diana, Stadelmann Corinne, Avignon Valérie, Vial Yvan, Tolsa Jean-François, 2017. Revue Médicale Suisse 13 pp. 92-95.
Low phosphatemia in extremely low birth weight neonates: A risk factor for hyperglycemia?
Dreyfus L., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Remontet L., Essomo Megnier Mbo Owono M.C., Laborie S., Maucort-Boulch D., Claris O., 2016/10. Clinical nutrition, 35 (5) pp. 1059-1065. Peer-reviewed.
Perception des parents de leur participation aux soins de leur enfant dans les unités de néonatologie en France
Casper C., Caeymaex L., Dicky O., Akrich M., Reynaud A., Bouvard C., Evrard A., Kuhn P., Allen A., Brandicourt A. et al., 2016/09. Archives de Pédiatrie, 23 (9) pp. 974-982.
« Top five » des articles de néonatalogie en 2015 [Top five neonatal articles 2015]
Flamant C., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., pour les membres de la Commission scientifique de la Société française de néonatalogie, 2016/09. Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie, 23 (9) pp. 996-1001. Peer-reviewed.
Bon usage des antidépresseurs ISRS durant la grossesse--le défi de l'évaluation de la balance bénéfice-risque [SSRI antidepressant use during pregnancy and the assessment of the risk-benefit ratio].
Weisskopf E., Fumeaux C.J., Bickle Graz M., Harari M.M., Epiney M., Tolsa C.B., Rouiller S., Tolsa J.F., Eap C.B., Vial Y. et al., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (510) pp. 561-566. Peer-reviewed.
Contatto precoce pelle a pelle alla nascita: semplice ed efficace.
Joye Sébastien, Flatz A, Tolsa Jean-Francois, Fischer Fumeaux Céline, 2016/01/01. Tribuna Medica Ticinese .
Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon and prenatal counseling: a case series.
Beissel A., Riou S., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Cassart M., Blanc S., Claris O., Guibaud L., 2016. Clinical Case Reports, 4 (7) pp. 692-695. Peer-reviewed.
Being Small for Gestational Age: Does it Matter for the Neurodevelopment of Premature Infants? A Cohort Study.
Bickle Graz M., Tolsa J.F., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., 2015. Plos One, 10 (5) pp. e0125769. Peer-reviewed.
Bifidobacterium longum Bacteremia in Preterm Infants Receiving Probiotics.
Bertelli C., Pillonel T., Torregrossa A., Prod'hom G., Fischer C.J., Greub G., Giannoni E., 2015. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 60 (6) pp. 924-927. Peer-reviewed.
Risk-benefit balance assessment of SSRI antidepressant use during pregnancy and lactation based on best available evidence.
Weisskopf E., Fischer C.J., Bickle Graz M., Morisod Harari M., Tolsa J.F., Claris O., Vial Y., Eap C.B., Csajka C., Panchaud A., 2015. Expert Opinion On Drug Safety, 14 (3) pp. 413-427. Peer-reviewed.
Sources d'exposition aux phtalates dans une unité de soins néonatals [Phthalate exposure in the neonatal intensive care unit].
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Stadelmann Diaw C., Palmero D., M'Madi F., Tolsa J.F., 2015. Archives de Pédiatrie, 22 (2) pp. 203-210. Peer-reviewed.
Contact peau-à-peau précoce à la naissance : simple et efficace
Joye Sébastien, Fischer Fumeaux Céline, 2014/12/01. Médecine&Hygiène.
Early parenteral lipids and growth velocity in extremely-low-birth-weight infants.
Fischer C.J., Maucort-Boulch D., Essomo Megnier-Mbo C.M., Remontet L., Claris O., 2014. Clinical Nutrition, 33 (3) pp. 502-508. Peer-reviewed.
Exposition aux phtalates dans les services de néonatologie
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Bickle Graz M., Muehlethaler V., Palmero D, Stadelmann Diaw C., M'Madi F, Tolsa JF, 2014. Paediatrica, 25 (1) pp. 18-20.
Reduction in the use of diagnostic tests in infants with risk factors for early-onset neonatal sepsis does not delay antibiotic treatment.
Duvoisin G., Fischer C., Maucort-Boulch D., Giannoni E., 2014. Swiss medical weekly, 144 pp. w13981. Peer-reviewed.
A quel moment clamper le cordon ombilical lors d’une naissance prématurée: immédiatement ou en différé?
Blaise Benjamin, Fischer Fumeaux Céline, Claris Olivier, 2013/01/01. Médecine&Enfance.
Antidépresseurs, grossesse et allaitement : une étude multicentrique
Weisskopf E., Lepigeon K., Fischer C., Morisod M., Bickle M., Eap C.B., Tolsa J-F., Vial Y., Csajka C., Panchaud A., 2013. Forum Gynécologie Suisse, 13 (2) pp. 4-6.
Etude multicentrique: antidépresseurs, grossesse et allaitement.
Weisskopf E., Lepigeon K., Fischer C., Morisod M., Bickle M., Eap C.B., Tolsa J.F., Vial Y., Csajka C., Panchaud A., 2013. Forum Gynécologie Suisse, 13 (2) pp. 4-6.
Phthalates in the NICU: Is it safe?
Fischer C.J., Bickle Graz M., Muehlethaler V., Palmero D., Tolsa J.F., 2013. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49 (9) pp. E413-E419.
Pédiatrie. 1. Comment favoriser le développement de l'oralité en néonatologie [Pediatrics. How can we improve oral feeding in the neonatal intensive care unit?].
Fischer C.J., Beissel A., Tolsa J.F., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (369) pp. 132-133.
Pédiatrie [Pediatrics].
Fischer C.J., Giannoni E., Truttmann A.C., Tolsa J.F., Chevallay M., El Ezzi O., Seneggen E., Hohlfeld J., de Buys Roessingh A., Pauchard J.Y. et al., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (323) pp. 51-56. Peer-reviewed.
Nasal trauma due to continuous positive airway pressure in neonates.
Fischer C., Bertelle V., Hohlfeld J., Forcada-Guex M., Stadelmann-Diaw C., Tolsa J.F., 2010. Archives of Disease In Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 95 (6) pp. F447-F451.
Severe Postnatally Acquired Cytomegalovirus Infection Presenting with Colitis, Pneumonitis and Sepsis-Like Syndrome in an Extremely Low Birthweight Infant
Fischer C., Meylan P., Bickle Graz M., Gudinchet F., Vaudaux B., Berger C., Roth-Kleiner M., 2009/11. Neonatology, 97 (4) pp. 339-345. Peer-reviewed.
Médicaments et allaitement: quelques éléments à considérer avant de les juger incompatibles [Drugs and breastfeeding: some facts to consider before deciding they are incompatible]
Panchaud A., Fischer C., Rothuizen L., Buclin T., 2008. Revue Médicale suisse, 4 (146) pp. 540-545.
Reflux vésico-urétéral chez l'enfant: connaissances actuelles et recommandations [Vesico-ureteral reflux in children: current aspects and recommendations]
Martini S., Fischer C., Guignard J.P., 2002/04. Archives de pediatrie, 9 (4) pp. 346-349. Peer-reviewed.
Reflux vésico-urétéral chez l'enfant: connaissances actuelles et prise en charge [Vesico-ureteral reflux in children: current knowledge and management]
Fischer C., Guignard J.P., 2000/03. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande, 120 (3) pp. 233-244. Peer-reviewed.
Case complexity and clinical outcome in diabetes mellitus. A prospective study using the INTERMED.
Fischer C.J., Stiefel F.C., De Jonge P., Guex P., Troendle A., Bulliard C., Huyse F.J., Gaillard R., Ruiz J., 2000. Diabetes & metabolism, 26 (4) pp. 295-302. Peer-reviewed.
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