Frédéric Herman

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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96 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
Sustained deformation across the Sub-Himalayas since 200 ka
Bouscary Chloé, King Georgina E., Grujic Djordje, Lavé Jérôme, Almeida Rafael, Hetényi György, Herman Frédéric, 2024/01/01. Geology, 52 (1) pp. 72-76.
Tracking coarse sediment in an Alpine subglacial channel using radio-tagged particles
Jenkin Matt, Hofmann Margaux, Hubbard Bryn, Mancini Davide, Miesen Floreana M., Herman Frédéric, Lane Stuart N., 2023/10/09. Journal of Glaciology pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling the spatially distributed nature of subglacial sediment transport and erosion
Delaney Ian, Anderson Leif, Herman Frédéric, 2023/07/21. Earth Surface Dynamics, 11 (4) pp. 663-680. Peer-reviewed.
Bedload transport from a glacially-fed river in Greenland
Delaney Ian, Mancini Davide, Anderson Leif S., Belloti Bruno, Bauder Andreas, Lane Stuart N., Herman Frédéric, 2022/03/28. dans EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8754.
The effects of (supra-, en-, and sub-glacial) sediment on mountain glaciers
Anderson Leif S., Delaney Ian, Scherler Dirk, Herman Frédéric, 2022/03/28. dans EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10920.
Determining the evolution of an alpine glacier drainage system by solving inverse problems
Irarrazaval Inigo, Werder Mauro A., Huss Matthias, Herman Frederic, Mariethoz Gregoire, 2021/06. Journal of Glaciology, 67 (263) pp. 421-434. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of glaciers on mountain erosion
Herman Frédéric, De Doncker Fien, Delaney Ian, Prasicek Günther, Koppes Michèle, 2021/06. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2 (6) pp. 422-435. Peer-reviewed.
The imaginary carrot: no correlation between raising funds and research productivity in geosciences
Mariethoz Gregoire, Herman Frédéric, Dreiss Amelie, 2021/03. Scientometrics, 126 (3) pp. 2401-2407. Peer-reviewed.
Inversion of provenance data and sediment load into spatially varying erosion rates
De Doncker Fien, Herman Frédéric, Fox Matthew, 2020/12. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (15) pp. 3879-3901. Peer-reviewed.
The relationships between tectonics, climate and exhumation in the Central Andes (18–36°S): Evidence from low-temperature thermochronology
Stalder Nadja F., Herman Frédéric, Fellin Maria Giuditta, Coutand Isabelle, Aguilar Germán, Reiners Peter W., Fox Matthew, 2020/11. Earth-Science Reviews, 210 p. 103276. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating post-glacial bedrock erosion and surface exposure duration by coupling in situ optically stimulated luminescence and 10Be dating
Lehmann Benjamin, Herman Frédéric, Valla Pierre G., King Georgina E., Biswas Rabiul H., 2019/07/11. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7 (3) pp. 633-662. Peer-reviewed.
Holocene Sedimentary Record and Coastal Evolution in the Makran Subduction Zone (Iran)
Normand Raphaël, Simpson Guy, Herman Frédéric, Biswas Rabiul Haque, Bahroudi Abbas, 2019/06/12. Quaternary, 2 (2) p. 21. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian Inference of Subglacial Channel Structures From Water Pressure and Tracer‐Transit Time Data: A Numerical Study Based on a 2‐D Geostatistical Modeling Approach
Irarrazaval Inigo, Werder Mauro A., Linde Niklas, Irving James, Herman Frederic, Mariethoz Gregoire, 2019/06. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124 (6) pp. 1625-1644. Peer-reviewed.
A high-resolution image time series of the Gorner Glacier – Swiss Alps – derived from repeated unmanned aerial vehicle surveys
Benoit Lionel, Gourdon Aurelie, Vallat Raphaël, Irarrazaval Inigo, Gravey Mathieu, Lehmann Benjamin, Prasicek Günther, Gräff Dominik, Herman Frederic, Mariethoz Gregoire, 2019/04/30. Earth System Science Data, 11 (2) pp. 579-588. Peer-reviewed.
Slab flattening and the rise of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia
Siravo Gaia, Faccenna Claudio, Gérault Mélanie, Becker Thorsten W., Fellin Maria Giuditta, Herman Frédéric, Molin Paola, 2019/04. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 512 pp. 100-110. Peer-reviewed.
Dating and morpho-stratigraphy of uplifted marine terraces in the Makran subduction zone (Iran)
Normand Raphaël, Simpson Guy, Herman Frédéric, Biswas Rabiul Haque, Bahroudi Abbas, Schneider Bastian, 2019/03/26. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7 (1) pp. 321-344. Peer-reviewed.
OSL dating of a carbonate island in the Chobe Enclave, NW Botswana
Diaz N., Armitage S.J., Verrecchia E.P., Herman F., 2019/02. Quaternary Geochronology, 49 pp. 172-176. Peer-reviewed.
Pleistocene terrace formation, Quaternary rock uplift rates and geodynamics of the Hellenic Subduction Zone revealed from dating of paleoshorelines on Crete, Greece
Ott Richard F, Gallen Sean F, Wegmann Karl W, Biswas Rabiul H, Herman Frederic, Willett Sean D, 2019. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 525 p. 115757. Peer-reviewed.
Thermoluminescence analysis for particle temperature sensing and thermochronometry: Principles and fundamental challenges
Yukihara E.G., Coleman A.C., Biswas R.H., Lambert R., Herman F., King G.E., 2018/12. Radiation Measurements, 120 pp. 274-280. Peer-reviewed.
Thermoluminescence of feldspar as a multi-thermochronometer to constrain the temporal variation of rock exhumation in the recent past
Biswas R.H., Herman F., King G.E., Braun J., 2018/08. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 495 pp. 56-68. Peer-reviewed.
Pedo-sedimentary constituents as paleoenvironmental proxies in the Sudano-Sahelian belt during the Late Quaternary (southwestern Chad Basin)
Diaz Nathalie, Dietrich Fabienne, Sebag David, King Georgina E., Valla Pierre G., Durand Alain, Garcin Yannick, de Saulieu Geoffroy, Deschamps Pierre, Herman Frédéric et al., 2018/07. Quaternary Science Reviews, 191 pp. 348-362. Peer-reviewed.
Arsenic Speciation in Mekong Delta Sediments Depends on Their Depositional Environment
Wang Yuheng, Le Pape Pierre, Morin Guillaume, Asta Maria P., King Georgina, Bártová Barbora, Suvorova Elena, Frutschi Manon, Ikogou Maya, Pham Vu Hoai Cong et al., 2018/03/20. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (6) pp. 3431-3439. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of OSL surface exposure dating to reconstruct post-LIA glacier fluctuations in the French Alps (Mer de Glace, Mont Blanc massif)
Lehmann Benjamin, Valla Pierre G., King Georgina E., Herman Frédéric, 2018/03. Quaternary Geochronology, 44 pp. 63-74. Peer-reviewed.
Luminescence Thermochronometry: Investigating the Link between Mountain Erosion, Tectonics and Climate
Herman Frédéric, King Georgina E., 2018/02/01. Elements, 14 (1) pp. 33-38. Peer-reviewed.
Erosion of the Southern Alps of New Zealand during the last deglaciation
Jiao Ruohong, Herman Frédéric, Beyssac Olivier, Adatte Thierry, Cox Simon C., Nelson Faye E., Neil Helen L., 2018. Geology ttps://
Exhumation and topographic evolution of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis, eastern Himalaya
Yang Rong, Herman Frédéric, Fellin Maria Giuditta, Maden Colin, 2018. Tectonophysics, 722 pp. 43-52.
Geological and climatic influences on mountain biodiversity
Antonelli Alexandre, Kissling W Daniel, Flantua Suzette GA, Bermúdez Mauricio A, Mulch Andreas, Muellner-Riehl Alexandra N, Kreft Holger, Linder H Peter, Badgley Catherine, Fjeldså Jon et al., 2018. Nature Geoscience, 11 (10) p. 718.
Glacial steady state topography controlled by the coupled influence of tectonics and climate
Prasicek Günther, Herman Frédéric, Robl Jörg, Braun Jean, 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface.
Reconstructing spatially variable mass balances from past ice extents by inverse modeling
Višnjevic Vjeran, Herman Frédéric, Podlachikov Yury, 2018. Journal of Glaciology.
The response time of glacial erosion
Herman Frédéric, Braun Jean, Deal Eric, Prasicek Günther, 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface
U–Th and 10Be constraints on sediment recycling in proglacial settings, Lago Buenos Aires, Patagonia
Cogez Antoine, Herman Frédéric, Pelt Éric, Reuschlé Thierry, Morvan Gilles, Darvill Christopher M., Norton Kevin P., Christl Marcus, Märki Lena, Chabaux Francois, 2018. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6 p. 1210140.
Constraining provenance, thickness and erosion of nappes using low-temperature thermochronology: the Northland Allochthon, New Zealand
Jiao Ruohong, Seward Diane, Little Timothy A, Herman Frédéric, Kohn Barry P, 2017. Basin Research, 29 (1) pp. 81-95.
Exhumation mechanisms of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps) inferred from apatite and zircon fission track thermochronology
Bertrand Audrey, Rosenberg Claudio, Rabaute Alain, Herman Frédéric, Fügenschuh Bernhard, 2017. Tectonics, 36 (2) pp. 207-228.
Late Cenozoic exhumation model of New Zealand: Impacts from tectonics and climate
Jiao Ruohong, Herman Frederic, Seward Diane, 2017. Earth-science reviews, 166 pp. 286-298.
Regional mid-Pleistocene glaciation in central Patagonia
Hein Andrew S, Cogez Antoine, Darvill Christopher M, Mendelova Monika, Kaplan Michael R, Herman Frédéric, Dunai Tibor J, Norton Kevin, Xu Sheng, Christl Marcus, 2017. Quaternary Science Reviews, 164 pp. 77-94.
Trapped-charge thermochronometry and thermometry: A status review
King Georgina E., Guralnik Benny, Valla Pierre G., Herman Frédéric, 2016/12. Chemical Geology, 446 pp. 3-17. Peer-reviewed.
Pedogenic carbonate nodules as soil time archives: Challenges and investigations related to OSL dating
Diaz Nathalie, King Georgina E., Valla Pierre G., Herman Frédéric, Verrecchia Eric P., 2016/09. Quaternary Geochronology, 36 pp. 120-133. Peer-reviewed.
Northward migration of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis revealed by OSL thermochronometry
King G. E., Herman F., Guralnik B., 2016/08/19. Science, 353 (6301) pp. 800-804. Peer-reviewed.
Time and mode of exhumation of the Cordillera Blanca batholith (Peruvian Andes)
Margirier Audrey, Audin Laurence, Robert Xavier, Herman Frédéric, Ganne Jérôme, Schwartz Stéphane, 2016/08. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121 (8) pp. 6235-6249. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar
King G.E., Herman F., Lambert R., Valla P.G., Guralnik B., 2016/06. Quaternary Geochronology, 33 pp. 76-87. Peer-reviewed.
Constraining provenance, thickness and erosion of the nappes using low-temperature thermochronology: Northland Allochton, New Zealand
Ruohong J., Seward D., Little T.A., Herman F., Kohn B.P., 2016. Basin Research. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring IRSL 50 fading variability in bedrock feldspars and implications for OSL thermochronometry
Valla Pierre G, Lowick Sally E, Herman Frédéric, Champagnac Jean-Daniel, Steer Philippe, Guralnik Benny, 2016. Quaternary Geochronology, 36 pp. 55-66.
Peak metamorphic temperature and thermal history of the Southern Alps (New Zealand)
Beyssac O., Cox S.C., Vry J., Herman F., 2016. Tectonophysics. Peer-reviewed.
Plio-Pleistocene Increase in Erosion Rates in Mountain Belts in response to Climate Change
Herman F., Champagnac J.-D., 2016. Terra Nova. Peer-reviewed.
Plio-Pleistocene increase of erosion rates in mountain belts in response to climate change
Herman Frédéric, Champagnac Jean-Daniel, 2016. Terra Nova pp. 10-1111.
Spatial and temporal pattern of erosion in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet
Rong Y., Fellin M.G., Herman F., Willett S.D., Wang W., Maden C., 2016/01. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Peer-reviewed.
The Exhumation history of the European Alps inferred from linear inversion of thermochronometric data
Fox M., Herman F., Willett S.D., Schmidt S., 2016. American Journal of Science. Peer-reviewed.
Thermochronological evidence of a low-angle, mid-crustal detachment plane beneath the central South Island, New Zealand
Warren-Smith E., Lamb S., Smith E., Seward D., Stern T., Herman F., 2016. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Peer-reviewed.
OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar from the KTB borehole, Germany
Guralnik Benny, Jain Mayank, Herman Frédéric, Ankjærgaard Christina, Murray Andrew S., Valla Pierre G., Preusser Frank, King Georgina E., Chen Reuven, Lowick Sally E. et al., 2015/08. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 423 pp. 232-243. Peer-reviewed.
Constraints on the role of tectonic and climate on erosion revealed by two time series analysis of marine cores around
Cogez A., Meynadier L., Allègre C.G., Limmois D., Herman F., Gaillardet J., 2015. Earth and Planetary Science Letters p. 10.
Constraints on the role of tectonic and climate on erosion revealed by two time series analysis of marine cores around New Zealand
Cogez Antoine, Meynadier Laure, Allègre Claude, Limmois Delphine, Herman Frédéric, Gaillardet Jérome, 2015. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 410 pp. 174-185.
Erosion by an Alpine glacier
Herman Frederic, Beyssac Olivier, Brughelli Mattia, Lane Stuart N., Leprince Sebastien, Adatte Thierry, Lin Jiao Y. Y., Avouac Jean-Philippe, Cox Simon C., 2015. SCIENCE, 350 (6257) pp. 193-195.
Estimating rock cooling rates by using multiple luminescence thermochronometers
Qin J., Chen J., Valla P. G., Herman F., Li K., 2015. Radiation Measurements, 79 pp. 13-18.
Focused mid-latitude glacial erosion due to equatorial shifts in southern Westerlies
Herman F., Brandon M., 2015. Geology. Peer-reviewed.
Mid-latitude glacial erosion hotspot related to equatorial shifts in southern Westerlies
Herman Frédéric, Brandon Mark, 2015. Geology, 43 (11) pp. 987-990.
OSL-thermochronometry using bedrock quartz: a note of caution
Guralnik B., Ankjærgaard C., Jain M., Murray A.S., Müller A., Wälle M., Lowick S.E., Preusser F., Rhodes E.J., Wu T.-S. Mathew G. Herman F. , 2015. Quaternary Geochronology p. 10. Peer-reviewed.
Provenance analysis using Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material: A case study in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Nibourel Lukas, Herman Frédéric, Cox Simon C, Beyssac Olivier, Lavé Jérome, 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120 (10) pp. 2056-2079.
Provenance analysis using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material: a case study in the SouthernAlps of New Zealand
Nibourel L., Herman F., Cox S.C., Beyssac O., Lavé J., 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface. Peer-reviewed.
Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of feldspar IRSL
B. Guralnik , B. Li , M. Jain , R. Chen , R.B. Paris , A.S. Murray , S.-H. Li , V. Pagonis , P.G. Valla , F. Herman , 2015. Radiation Measurements p. 10. Peer-reviewed.
Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspar
Guralnik B., Li B., Jain M., Chen R., Paris R. B., Murray A. S., Li S.-H., Pagonis V., Valla P. G., Herman F., 2015. Radiation Measurements, 81 pp. 224-231.
Rapid exhumation in the Western Alps driven by Slab Detachment and Glacial Erosion
Fox M., Herman F., Kissling E., Willett S.D., 2015. Geology p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Rock uplift and erosion rate history of the Bergell intrusion from the inversion of low temperature thermochronometric data
Fox Matthew, Reverman Rebecca, Herman Frédéric, Fellin Maria G., Sternai Pietro, Willett Sean D., 2014/04. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (4) pp. 1235-1257.
A linear inversion method to infer exhumation rates in space and time from thermochronometric data
Fox M., Herman F., Willett S.D., May D.A., 2014. Earth Surface Dynamics.
Controls of initial topography on temporal and spatial patterns of glacial erosion
Pedersen V., Huismans R., Herman F., Egholm D., 2014. Geomorphology, 223 pp. 96-116. Peer-reviewed.
Coupled numerical-analytical approach to landscape evolution modeling
Goren L., Willett S.D., Herman F., Braun J., 2014. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms p. 15.
Late-Cenozoic relief evolution under an evolving climate: a review
Champagnac J.-D., Valla P.G., Herman F., 2014. Tectonophysics, 614 pp. 44-65.
Effective closure temperature in leaky and/or saturating thermochronometers
Guralnik B., Jain M., Herman F., Paris R.B., Harrison T.M., Murray A.S., Valla P.G., Rhodes E.J., 2013. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 384 pp. 209-218.
Shear heating not a cause of inverted metamorphism
Kidder S.B., Herman F., Saleeby J., Avouac J.-P., Ducea M.N., Chapman A., 2013. Geology pp. 899-902.
Spatial and temporal variations of glacial erosion in the Rhone valley (Swiss Alps): insights from numerical modeling
Sternai P., Herman F., Valla P.G., Champagnac J.-D., 2013. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 368 pp. 119-131. Peer-reviewed.
Worldwide acceleration of mountain erosion under a cooling climate
Herman F., Seward D., Valla P.G, Carter A., Kohn B., Willett S.D., Ehlers T.A, 2013. Nature, 504 pp. 423-426. Peer-reviewed.
Bimodal Plio-Quaternary glacial erosion of fjords and low-relief surfaces in Scandinavia
Steer P., Huismans R.S., Valla P.G., Gac S., Herman F., 2012. Nature Geoscience, 5 pp. 635-639. Peer-reviewed.
Climatically versus tectonically forced erosion in the Alps: Thermochronometric constraints from the Adamello Complex, Southern Alps, Italy
Reverman R.L., Fellin M.G., Herman F., Willett S.D., Fitoussi C., 2012. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 339 pp. 127-138. Peer-reviewed.
Late Neogene exhumation and relief development of the Aar and Aiguilles Rouges massifs (Swiss Alps) from low-temperature thermochronology modeling and 4He/3He thermochronometry
Valla P.G., Van der Beek P.A., Shuster D.L., Braun J., Herman F., Tassan-Got L., Gautheron C., 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 117 pp. F01004. Peer-reviewed.
Potentially active faults in the rapidly eroding landscape adjacent to the Alpine Fault, central Southern Alps, New Zealand
Cox S.C., Stirling M.W., Herman F., Gerstenberger M., Ristau J., 2012. Tectonics, 31 pp. TC2011. Peer-reviewed.
Pre-glacial topography of the European Alps
Sternai P., Herman F., Champagnac J.D., Fox M., Salcher B., Willett S.D., 2012. Geology, 40 pp. 1067-1070. Peer-reviewed.
Quantifying rates of landscape evolution and tectonic processes by thermochronology and numerical modeling of crustal heat transport using PECUBE
Braun J., Van der Beek P., Valla P., Robert X., Herman F., Glotzbach C., Pedersen V., Perry C., Simon-Labric T., Prigent C., 2012. Tectonophysics, 524 pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
River drainage patterns in the New Zealand Alps primarily controlled by plate tectonic strain
Castelltort S., Goren L., Willett S.D., Champagnac J.D., Herman F., Braun J., 2012. Nature Geoscience, 5 pp. 744-748. Peer-reviewed.
Tectonics, climate, and mountain topography
Champagnac J.D., Molnar P., Sue C., Herman F., 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117 pp. B02403. Peer-reviewed.
Glacial hydrology and erosion patterns: A mechanism for carving glacial valleys
Herman F., Beaud F., Champagnac J.D., Lemieux J.M., Sternai P., 2011. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 310 pp. 498-508. Peer-reviewed.
Hypsometric analysis to identify spatially variable glacial erosion
Sternai P., Herman F., Fox M.R., Castelltort S., 2011. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 116 pp. F03001. Peer-reviewed.
Mountain glacier velocity variation during a retreat/advance cycle quantified using sub-pixel analysis of ASTER images
Herman F., Anderson B., Leprince S., 2011. Journal of Glaciology, 57 pp. 197-207. Peer-reviewed.
Exhumation, crustal deformation, and thermal structure of the Nepal Himalaya derived from the inversion of thermochronological and thermobarometric data and modeling of the topography
Herman F., Copeland P., Avouac J.P., Bollinger L., Maheo G., Le Fort P., Rai S., Foster D., Pecher A., Stuewe K. et al., 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115 pp. B06407. Peer-reviewed.
Inversion of thermochronological age--elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history—II: Application to the French Western {A}lps
Beek Peter A, Valla Pierre G, Herman Frédéric, Braun Jean, Persano Cristina, Dobson Katherine J, Labrin Erika, 2010. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 296 (1-2) pp. 9-22.
Inversion of thermochronological age-elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history - I: Theory and conceptual model
Valla P.G., Herman F., Van der Beek P.A., Braun J., 2010. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 295 pp. 511-522. Peer-reviewed.
Inversion of thermochronological age-elevation profiles to extract independent estimates of denudation and relief history - II: Application to the French Western Alps
Van der Beek P.A., Valla P.G., Herman F., Braun J., Persano C., Dobson K.J., Labrin E., 2010. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 296 pp. 9-22. Peer-reviewed.
Kinematic strain localization
Braun J., Herman F., Batt G., 2010. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300 pp. 197-204. Peer-reviewed.
Two- and three-dimensional thermal modeling of a low-angle detachment: Exhumation history of the Simplon Fault Zone, central Alps
Campani M., Herman F., Mancktelow N., 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115 pp. B010420. Peer-reviewed.
Uniform erosion rates and relief amplitude during glacial cycles in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, as revealed from OSL-thermochronology
Herman F., Rhodes E.J., Braun J., Heiniger L., 2010. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297 pp. 183-189. Peer-reviewed.
Low-temperature thermochronology and thermokinematic modeling of deformation, exhumation, and development of topography in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand
Herman F., Cox S.C., Kamp P.J.J., 2009. Tectonics, 28 pp. TC5011. Peer-reviewed.
The Kumaun and Garwhal Lesser Himalaya, India: Part 2. Thermal and deformation histories
Célérier J., Harrison T.M., Beyssac O., Herman F., Dunlap W.J., Webb A.A.G., 2009. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 121 pp. 1281-1297. Peer-reviewed.
The Kumaun and Garwhal Lesser Himalaya, India: Part 2. Thermal and deformation historiesKumaun and Garwhal Lesser Himalaya: Thermal and deformation histories
Célérier Julien, Harrison T Mark, Beyssac Olivier, Herman Frédéric, Dunlap William J, Webb A Alexander G, 2009. GSA Bulletin, 121 (9-10) pp. 1281-1297.
Evolution of the glacial landscape of the Southern Alps of New Zealand: Insights from a glacial erosion model
Herman F., Braun J., 2008. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 113 pp. F02009. Peer-reviewed.
(U-Th)/He thermochronometry: Mapping 3D geometry using micro-X-ray tomography and solving the associated production-diffusion equation
Herman F., Braun J., Senden T.J., Dunlap W.J., 2007. Chemical Geology, 242 pp. 126-136. Peer-reviewed.
Tectonomorphic scenarios in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Herman F., Braun J., Dunlap W.J., 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 112 pp. B04201. Peer-reviewed.
A parametric study of soil transport mechanisms
Herman F., Braun J., 2006. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 398 p. 191. Peer-reviewed.
Fluvial response to horizontal shortening and glaciations: A study in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Herman F., Braun J., 2006. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 111 pp. F01008. Peer-reviewed.
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